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Topics - fingerpaints

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Off Topic / I found a little budgee and looking for his owner....
« on: March 20, 2012, 10:58:06 PM »
It's quiet sad, I have rang the council and a couple of vets, and there is no real easy way of finding him his owner. I am taking him into one of the local vets in the morning and they will try their best to find him his home, I can't really keep him myself with the three kitties, such a sweet little fella though.
Just hope he is microchipped or something so it will be easier to find his owner. It is dissapointing there isn't some sort of place online for lost birds, plenty of places for lost kitties & dogs, just not for birds.
Cross your fingers ponies that this cutie will find his original owner - he is very friendly and looks in good health, just hope he finds his way home quickly :)

Pony Brag Arena / Official Oz / NZ Easter swap Brag thread! PIC HEAVY!
« on: March 19, 2012, 11:46:42 PM »
Hi ponies!
I was the swap host, and lucky first off to recieve their swap parcel from the lovely megt19 and her two gorgeous daughters.
I just want to say, I loved every last part of this box, everything was amazing!
Here is what I recieved in the mail (covered up address with my purse) and showing off all the adorable artwork on the box too :D
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When I opened the box (and removed the mountain of packing penuts lol) this is what I saw - brightly coloured parcels in rainbows & all my favourite colours!
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Jack my baby boy coming up to give me some help unpacking
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All the loot out of the box
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"I wonder what's in this one mum"
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I LOVE this - it is a special piece of artwork that megt19's children painted for me, its a rainbow with colourful stars & a blue pony ^^ I nearly cried when I saw this, it is so adorable!
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Colouring in & a note
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Parcel #1 contained this gorgeous green scarf / sarong / wrap, whatever you wish to call it, unfortunately it doesn't photograph too well, it has lovely little beads on it and is embroidered with flowers, I love it, I have a heap of pretty scarves & stuff, and get alot of use out of them, so this will be put to good use too :D
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Cutlery kit - complete with chopsticks - this will be perfect to toss in my school bag for tafe, I have a hard time eating certain things with a fork / spoon, like rice and stuff, so portable chopsitcks are awesome :D
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This lovely little doll on a cupcake, this is so tiny & cute!
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This is a puzzle that doubles as an eraser, I am thinking its too cute to actually use! lol
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Body glitter! This would have come in handy last night after my bottle of wine, I had a drunken dance in the lounge room for an undisclosed amount of time (nobody else was home, so nobody got any permanent scars from it lol)
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OMG! Unicorn beanie kid :D I actually have a little red "year of the dragon" one of these, they will be the cutest pair, and anyone's argument is invalid ^^
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A gorgeous pink glittery pencil case with a heap of stationary in my favourite colours XD
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Fingerpaints treat box - this looks interesting .....
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I spy pineapple lumps ....
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cream eggs, white buttons with a penguin on the packet, skittles, rainbow mentos and a big block of pineapple flavoured choccie! yum!
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I am missing something though, where did it go - thats right ponies! L&P XD I LOVE this stuff (and it has already been consumed with half of the pineapple lumps)
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Next package was a lovely minature buddah statue - I swear you stalked so well lol, I have a love of all things asian, and have alot of cute buddah's & other artifacts in my room & through our home, I think we literally have a buddah in every room including toilets & bathrooms lol.
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Jack came back to help some more lol
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This is awesome, its a little squishy, spikey ball that lights up when hit, Jack thought it tasted nice and started licking it, thank god he is not a chewer lol - too lazy to chew, and no, he will not be left alone with it ;)
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Next parcel was these cute little smiley star stickers
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This floored me - I had talked about how I had loaned this book to a friend, and they returned another book of the same author that I already had :/ I was pretty bummed because I actually had all her novels, and lent this one in good faith without even having finished it myself. I am a huge fan of this particular author, and was very emotional to have it back again :hug:
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Princess-Sparkles sent this over as an extra to include in my swap parcel, another butt ugly fakie to add to my creepy heard :D
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OMG Cupcake :D I LOVE this girl, and she is going to be my new "go everywhere" pony
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I actually only thought I was recieving one pony, so this was a bit of a shock when I pulled out this blank girl! How cool is she?
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Sticky notes - in the shape of STARS! How cool are these?
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 :D rainbow knee high socks! I am going to be wearing these puppies to tafe tomorrow!
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And somehow I managed to save this one till last, I had no clue what it was, it did look pony shaped, but I didn't think it was as I had already recieved two ponies ......
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What an awesome box! And here are some shots of it all together
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And lastly, my new star bracelet with my old green & pink one (I think they look like they are supposed to go together)
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Off Topic / Anyone here have an account on waja's?
« on: March 16, 2012, 03:21:13 AM »
It's similar to PI but with wolves, and very cute & addictive ^^
If anyone is interested in joining, the address is -
Feel free to pm me on there & let me know who you are on the arena, I have a heap of pups coming and would love to give some away to fellow arena members :) please be aware that these will be limited and most are from my own customs, so will be 2nd Gen's, so I would appreciate you sending it back to my account if you no longer want it.
Here is my cave -

Pony Corral / What the???
« on: March 12, 2012, 11:29:32 PM »
Seriously who thought this add was a good idea? Please watch it right through, there is a pony reference in there (believe it or not) that dodo made me laugh too hard, must be tired - what is wrong with you mcdonalds?

I just had a transaction with mursulandia that I am pretty upset over. I actually messaged her letting ehr know her items were on the way, and to please leave nothing less than 5 star positive unless she had contacted me to resolve the issue first.
No contact, and she left me lower star ratings for postage, which I charged ACTUAL COST, nothing more. I really don't see what the problem is with reading the bloody stamp at the top corner of your parcel to check costs before leaving feedback. It's not my fault that you a) purchased an item from overseas b) didn't ask for a postage quote first and c) didn't give me any chance to explain this to you because you are obviously not intelligent enough to put two and two together.
Anyone purchasing from overseas should understand its not overcharging, simply what the post office is charging for the parcel to reach you >.<

Pony Corral / G3 Styling sized fakie spotted at kmart in Oz
« on: March 07, 2012, 01:12:51 AM »
I unfortunately couldn't get a photo, because security was literally straight on me when I pulled my phone out and wouldn't leave me alone until I wiped photos off my phone, I think they thought I may have been the competition or something. These were in the Easter section and came with an egg, there were two colours, blue and pink, with 3 colours in their mane. Quiet cute but strange looking, thought id give fakie lovers a hint on where to find them :)
If I can snag a photo next time im in there I will, security was so quick today, he must have been standing next to me lol.
EDIT: to add photo that I found on an ebay autcion, only blue unicorn, no pink, hut its the one on the left for those that aren't farmiliar with G3 :)
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Pony Corral / Princess pristina's accessories
« on: February 29, 2012, 08:45:18 PM »
Is anyone able to show me photo's of what accessories she came with? I am not normally an accessory type of person, but I would really like her original wand & crown at the least, as she is so pretty, and I feel she needs them (eventually)
Any help greatly appreciated :)

Pony Brag Arena / Brag of epic proportions
« on: February 16, 2012, 11:44:56 PM »
Please note that most of this isn't actual ponies, but fakies, I LOVE fakies, often more than the real deal, and I have been searching high & low for these for literally years. I wish I did like normal ponies more, it'd be much easier collecting them lol.
Now firstly, non pony - I was out shopping at Chadstone today (Vic, Australia) and couldn't help but pop my head into the build a bear store, I love build a bear and was interested to see what they had, wasn't really expecting to walk out with anything, just more wanted to sticky beek. Anyhow, being the year of the dragon, they had the most stunning green & gold dragon, I just had to take one home:
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I have also been getting together a small collection of the G4 animal friends, I am not overly interested in the G4's themself, but really like the pets (although I do own 3 small & one styling G4) so I wanted to purchase some of the pets without the ponies (thanks everyone that sold me pets, I can't remember everyone that did so I am going to leave it out) - here is what I have so far:
(I also have the peacock from flutter wings ploomette, but she didn't make it into the picture)
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Another non pony thing, I had koosh as a kiddie, and couldn't resist this when I seen it pop up on ebay XD its a unicorn koosh:
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Ooh a pony :D finally lol - Styling Dash, I have always had a soft spot since G3 dash was released, and love the re design of the G4 dash, I think she is the cutest thing :)
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Wow more pony lol - Edgar :D purchased on here from the lovely Suni moon. He is such a sweet boy, only has a couple of tiny flaws, and I only need Oakly to complete them all now, he seems to elude me at a reasonable price.
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Purchased from the lovely Isabella Klein - Wooly & Leafy fakies, Leafy glows in the dark, and woolie was a childhood replacement, I have been searching for both of these for probably over 4 years now, was lucky to score them both at once off a lovely seller in great shape :)
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And I had a parcel arrive from NZ today containing a little friend for one of my lonely fakies, possibly the fugliest plastic pony in existance, if you can find uglier, you are a champion and I want it lol! The one on the left I got in the mail today, the right hand one has been living with me for some time:
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And she had some little friends to keep her company on the long journey - the large cream coloured one on the left I also purchased, the little pink fella & little key chain voodoo doll thingies were extras thrown in by the lovely wind_wistler who sold them to me :) thanks hun! I am stoked with it all, and the little voodoo's will be attached to a set of keys or something for sure XD they are so cute!
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And one of the voodoo's hitching a ride XD
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Trader & Shipping Support / ebay rant
« on: February 10, 2012, 03:22:36 AM »
I half expect a few non paying bidders, some customers stuffing me around all over an item that I have sold for $2 or under, and all the rest of the stuff that comes with selling on ebay. What annoys me the most is ebay's unwillingness to help out honest sellers.
I keep messaging all my customers explaining the star rating thing, and asking to leave 5 stars unless they wish to contact me first to work any problems out and at least give me a chance to make any of what they consider wrongs right. However, the last two feedbacks I have recieved have both marked me down on my postage cost. I have not charged an extra cent for postage, nothing for packaging or handling, simply MY postage cost. Even after explaining this to customers, they still feel compelled to leave me less than 5 stars. I don't know what else I can do to please them, maybe flying to their location and hand delivering it for free would surfice?
I am also a bit ticked off I tried talking to an ebay rep online tonight, when I brought up that their feedback systen sucks they decided to cancel our little chat session. I was being polite about it, just up front. I am pretty cranky about my account being tarnished because of some moron customers that don't understand that they are starting to stuff with my account by leaving feedback that was uncalled for, just because its positive and you left a nice comment does not mean it is warranted.
If you need to click a few times to leave a negative, I think there should be a warning for leaving anything less than 5 star all round too. We can't leave a negative if someone doesn't pay or is rude to us, I know we need customers, but I am generally blocking 2 - 3 people per ebay round now because I don't want them causing me any more trouble.
I just needed to get that off my chest more than anything, most people are diecent, just alot of would have been good customers turn into idiots because they know you can't do anything to them. It's just a real shame there is no mutual respect - just "what else can you do for me?" type of attitude.

I just recieved the most bizzare message from this member, I have currently listed a few things (mainly non pony items) and they sent me a rauther poorly written half caps lock message asking for me to send them free stuff. I reported them to ebay & put them on my block list immediately.
I am not too sure if this was some sort of a joke, a troll or just an idiot. However, I would like to warn you all about this member. Here is a copy of the message I recieved on ebay -
Dear fingerpaints08,


- bella4gj
I found it more amusing than anything, just wanted to warn others. If it is a troll, its very friendly anyhow lol.

Pony Corral / The Aus / NZ Easter Swap
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:16:40 AM »
You asked for it ponies! Due to the inflated price of international postage, it is getting really hard for us "nirvana" ponies to join in the normal swaps, so I am going to host an easter swap just for our Aussie & New Zealand pony pals. Please have a read through my rules.   
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Shipping dates are -
March 23rd (within same country)
March 16th (if posting across the ditch)
This will be quiet a long swap, please start looking & shopping straight away however, the reason I have such a long deadline is to help everyone be able to find nice ponies & items for their swap partner. Do not get to a week before & then start shopping.

Rules -

Level does not include the cost of postage, postage costs are an extra that you will have to pay extra for. Please take this into account when signing up. Postage for items purchased online for your swap partner are not to be included in the final price either.

The only generation that I will allow a "must be MIB" on is G4 as these are easily obtained in their packaging at this point in time. If you wish to join, you must be willing to accept all other gens loose, but in good condition. If your partner is happy to receive G4’s loose, that is fine too.

All ponies sent must be in great overall condition, if your partner is ok with certain flaws (like haircuts, cancer ect) I will allow that, but I would prefer everyone to try to send ponies in great condition unless that is nearly impossible (eg. party time almost always has regrind, chief is very rarely perfectly white with no cancer, most G4's have a head / body colour mismatch which can't be helped ect.)

You can't pull out of the swap once I have sent out the wish lists as this is really unfair to your partner, they may have already purchased ponies for you.

Extras are essential in this swap. Extra's value should make up what you have not spent on ponies (for example, on a $40 box, you spend $20 on ponies, you should spend the remaining $20 on extra goodies)

You may go a little over your swap budget, but please do not to too far over, as this will make others feel bad that may not be able to afford a heap of extras. I would prefer if we all stayed within an extra $10 of your swap limit, this is not necessary, I just know how easy it is to go over budget. Please do not scrimp and go under budget however, this is poor trading practice.

Customs are fine as long as your partner is happy to receive customs, these are included as extras however, not as a pony, and I will cap ALL customs at $5 in trade value, I know customs are worth much more than this but I really want you all to concentrate on spoiling your partner.

Do not send anything that is wet in your parcel, if you wish to send anything like bath gel ect. please make sure it is concealed well in 2 zip lock bags in case of accidental leakage.

All swap participants are required to post a brag after they have received their parcel so we are aware it has arrived.

Please wrap all gifts (except for candies & the like) in wrapping paper. You can purchase a roll for a couple of dollars from a cheap shop like the warehouse, reject shop ect. You may also wrap candy if you wish, but I will allow it to be sent unwrapped if it is contained (in a bag or similar)

All packages must be sent in a cardboard box, please use padding material like bubble wrap, tissue paper or packing peanuts.

Please start looking & purchasing for your partner as soon as you receive their wish list. Time has a way of getting away on us, do not start shopping a week before shipping deadline.

Please PM me if you are having any problems, I am more than willing to help you and give advice.

If you are unsure about something, please PM me and ask! That’s what a swap host is there for
New / Updated rules: these are in addition / slight changes of original rules, please read carefully

These must be followed and I will ban you from this swap if you are caught breaking the rules for no good reason.

·         You HAVE to check in either through the swap thread or via pm to me once a week. If I have not heard from you within a week and you do not have a good excuse as to why, I may ask you to leave the swap. This is unfair on your partner, so please just follow this rule for me. As it is such a long swap, I need to know you are all still around and that you are all still shopping / making things / thinking of what to put into your partners box. I will not take most excuses as you can jump on the forum even via mobile phone, so please just check in for me.
·         Make sure your box is equal to the swap limit. You do not have to go over the limit, it is not expected, but if you do go over, please keep it close to the limit.
·         Your partner should feel spoilt once their box arrives, not disappointed, please wrap everything (candy if bagged is allowed to be sent without being wrapped up) and make sure there is plenty of padding in the box if there are gaps.
·         Please be aware of any allergies or intolerances your partner may have, if they have a reaction to smoke, please do not send them incense, if they have an allergy to peanuts, please do not send them a snickers bar :)
·         If you are a smoker or if you burn incense inside the house, please try to keep all swap items in a separate part of the house away from any smoke smells. Even if you are sending your box to a smoker, I do not care, your items should all be in nice condition and not reeking of smoky smells.
·         Everyone is required to leave feedback for their partner at the end of the swap. I will leave feedback from a host perspective that reflects how you interacted in the swap as well, feedback should show an honest reflection of how you interacted in the swap and if your parcel was up to scratch.
·         Please be aware that postage is NOT included in the swap limit, any postage to your partner or for items that you have purchased for them should not be factored in to the limit.
·         Please do not overpay for ponies, if you are unsure if a price is ok or not, please pm me, I am happy to help or at the very least figure out if it is a reasonable price or if you are being ripped off. On average, most ponies on your partners list should be around the $10ish mark, some may be a little lower and others a bit higher. G4’s should be considered what price they are on the shelves (around $7 - $9AU for regulars) and the G4 blind bags should all be priced at about $4AU each, as this is what they were new. I refuse to let you all go off ebay’s crazy pricing (for example, I have seen a single blind bag fluttershy go for over $100, we all know she was available for just $4ish new)
·         If you have any questions, please contact me straight away. I am happy to help where possible, and don’t think you are bothering me, I prefer questions over mistakes :)
·         If there are problems between you & your partner, please pm me immediately.
·         Have fun & do not stress :) this is supposed to be an enjoyable experience for all those involved, please do not stress about this swap. If we all start looking & shopping straight away, by the time we are ready to ship you should have pulled a lovely box together.

* When trading, communication is key! If for some reason you aren't in regular contact over the next few months with myself and / or your partner, I will be leaving appropriate feedback for you stating so.

* Feedback is a MUST. I am guilty of not leaving it myself as I am forgetful, but I will prod you all to leave feedback for your partners, I will also leave you all my own feedback at the end of the swap, if you do not leave your partner feedback, I will also reflect this in feedback left by myself.

* If you are going to skimp and just pull through this swap without spoiling your partner and reaching the limit (possibly a tad over) please do not join this swap. If you have already pm'd me with your form, please message me back & let me know that you no longer wish to participate. I know most people in swaps tend to go overboard & spoil their partner rotten, I would be very dissapointed if you slap some last minute thoughts into a box, tape it up & send it off to your partner. It will reflect in your box, and I will also leave feedback according to this, and if required I may pass details on to a mod as well.

* Packing is VERY important. I do not want to see items damaged due to poor packaging. Please make sure we use plenty of protective items such as bubble wrap or packing peanuts to make sure the contents of your parcel have a safe journey to your partner. I know Australia Post has a habbit of using parcels as footballs and possibly a small seat for the elephants at the zoo, I assume NZ post office isn't much better. Please make sure you pack your swap box well, do not have loose items flapping around in the box, and try to make it as sturdy as possible. I know too sometimes no matter how well packaged, things do get damaged, but if you have taken care in packaging, there isn't really much else you could have done to avoid this, so I will not hold it against you.

I can not stress strongly enough that these things are very important. For anyone new to this sort of thing, please message me if you are having any dbouts, need answers to questions, or are unsure on something. If in dbout, PM me immediately. I will help you through it, and I will do my best to give you the best possible advice.   
Participants & partners -
dollhands -Princess-Sparkles
foalpatrol - Endocat
kerry483 - Sea_Breeze
Megt19 - spinky69er - fingerpaints
Shipped / Recieved
dollhands - SHIPPED (RECIEVED by Princess-Sparkles)
Princess-Sparkles - SHIPPED (RECIEVED by dollhands)
foalpatrol - SHIPPED (RECIEVED by Endocat)
Endocat - SHIPPED (RECIEVED by foalpatrol)
kerry483- SHIPPED
Sea_Breeze - SHIPPED (RECIEVED by kerry483)
Megt19 - SHIPPED (RECIEVED by fingerpaints)
spinky69er - SHIPPED (RECIEVED by Megt19)
fingerpaints - SHIPPED (RECIEVED by spinky69er)

I have hosted a swap before, and know how much fun they can be, however, I know postage to the other side of the globe is getting ridiculous, in saying that, I am happy if requested to try to put people with partners from the same country if requested, but also undestand some of you may wish to actually swap with someone from the opposite country in hopes of recieving something from another country.
Why am I asking about this now? Well, I know alot of us are financially struggling a bit with the way the economy is everywhere, if we dragged a sswap out it would be easier to get a lovely box together for your partner.
This swap would not be a sure thing, I would have to run it past mods and see if enough people would be interested first (if I can get 8+ people, I would be willing to host).
Would you like to be involved in an Aussie / Kiwi easter swap? Or even just a swap really, for the fun of it, with a long end date so you have plenty of time on hand to get goodies together?
Anyone willing to join if I do get this off the ground, could you please answer the following questions for me -
What would be a good limit on the box for you? Should I have a set limit, or have a couple of levels to choose from?
Would you like to be involved in an easter swap or just a general swap with a possible theme?
Would you prefer to send / recieve a box from overseas or within the same country?
Is a little under 3 months enough time for you to get a really nice box together for your partner?

Trader & Shipping Support / Does paints owe you any feedback?
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:46:16 PM »
I do like to leave feedback for all transactions, however I tend to forget, so please give me a prod if I do owe you any feedback and I will gladly go leave it for you. Any feedback you owe me in return would be greatly appreciated as well :)

Pony Corral / Pony critters / compainion animals / pets PC?
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:06:06 PM »
I am looking at what would be a fair price to offer on one commonish pet, just so I know a ballpark figure at what would be fair to offer on small lots of animals. I am not a huge G4 fan but really like the little critters that come with them, a rough idea on what would be a reasonable offering price would be great :)

Wanted! / Your spare G4 companion animals / pets (x posted)
« on: January 16, 2012, 02:45:22 AM »
Cross posted in the customs forum, as I figured customizers are probably going to have an abundance of them.
I am after some G4 pets, prefer to purchase a few at a time, most are welcome at this stage, so do feel free to PM me with what you have up for offer & how much you would like for them :) I live in Oz too for those wondering.
I have no intention of buying any more G4's myself, but love the pets, any help would be appreciated, also looking at possibly customizing some :)

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