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Topics - Tilas

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Pony Corral / Bronies, they really are everywhere!
« on: August 01, 2012, 09:07:35 AM »
My brother is a Chrysler Mechanic up in Whitehorse, Yukon, and this morning a vehicle came into his shop, and he just had to send this picture to me of what he saw.  Bronies truly are everywhere!
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I wonder where they got that decal...

Off Topic / Soft meals?
« on: July 25, 2012, 11:58:37 PM »
Hi everyone,
I just had major dental work done and teeth ripped out, so I don't really have anything to chew with on my right side of my mouth so I was wondering if anyone has any recipes for soft meals... Even sandwiches is a problem right now... Any good soups, or pastas? I love soft pasta.... my hubby is an amazing cook, he just doesn't have any ideas for "soft" stuff other then extremely fatty things like lasagna and fettichini alfredo. (so good, but sooo bad for me LOL!) ^_^;  If you could share your recipes for nice and soft foods that'd be wonderful! Just no seafood or shellfish please, I'm highly allergic. ^_^;

Off Topic / Squinkies?
« on: July 25, 2012, 11:40:45 PM »
Does anyone have any of these they wanna show off? I bought 2 packs on sale (Minnie at the beach and Beauty and the Beast), and while I think they're silly, I also think they're adorable. I love the capsule idea, being a total capsule/crane game fanatic, I want to use these and fill up my mini crane machine!

I'm not a huge fan of the plain animals and people, but I LOVE the Disney sets. I really want Aladdin and the Princess collection! So cute! So share pics if you got em please, I'd love to see what others there are.

The Dollhouse / Are Pullips unpopular now?
« on: May 22, 2012, 07:51:27 PM »
I remember awhile back, this whole board was loaded with Pullip talk. Now it's all MH! There's even a MH sale board! Have Pullips gotten unpopular? Did you use to collect them but move on to MH? If so, why? I miss seeing all the Pullip stuff, even if I didn't post much. ^_^;

Pony Corral / Hasbro is going after a pony plushie maker on DA
« on: May 22, 2012, 02:40:08 PM »
(Sorry if this is a repeat, I did a few searches and didn't find anything)  I just read this on DeviantArt, that a pony plushie maker who is fantastic as making plushies just got a cease and desist letter from DA staff, after they were approached by Habros legal eagles. I've copied their journal post below, and I'm curious, what do you think? I mean on one hand, I side with the artist. On the other.... I have to kind side with Hasbro on this one. I mean, yes, it's fan work and so many of us do sell cutoms and things, but I know this artist has been selling their work in the thousands of dollars, and it's all out using hasbro's property, not parody, not alteration or custom. So... where to draw the line? What do you think? Fair play or infringement?

This is not a troll doing this. It is from the DA administation.  They have a complaint from Hasbro.

Someone turned me in. 

This note came from

"I'm contacting you today as a courtesy concerning a complaint which we have received.

We have received a claim of infringement from one Carin G. Reynolds, Esq. of Golenbock, Eiseman, Assor, Bell & Peskoe law firm representing Hasbro Inc.

The claim targets your use of your deviantART account to produce, advertise and sell plushies of the My Little Pony characters.

Hasbro is demanding that we close your account due to your infringement on their MLP property.

We obviously do not wish to close your account so I have spoken with Hasbro's representative and they would be willing to accept a solution which involves you removing all advertising and offers to sell My Little Pony related creations through your deviantART account.

If you are willing to voluntarily remove all My Little Pony related journals and deviations mentioning that you will or have sold plushies of these characters and thereby infringed on Hasbro's copyright and trademark then we can consider the matter to be resolved providing that you do not resume offering these characters for sale through your deviantART account.

I do hope that you are willing to remove this content from your deviantART account as our only other option to satisfy the claim of infringement filed with us by Hasbro's representative is to actually close your account and remove everything."


They are asking me to remove any post concerning commissions and prices, but maybe I will get to keep
my pics as long as they do not infringe copyright. In order to prevent any additional problems, I'm also removing all MLP related names and replacing them with generic substitutes like Purple Pony.

I am removing any names that are Hasbros

If you have any question, my email is listed. Please note me there.           

Customs / Doctor Whooves
« on: May 04, 2012, 08:36:41 PM »
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It's been aaaaaggggeeeeessss since I've made a pony! Almost forgot HOW! XD;

Had a space Applejack lying around and I felt like playing with clay, so here's the good Doctor! I need a lot more practice with hair lol. I like his little tie though.

For Trade / Customs needing new homes
« on: April 14, 2012, 01:57:24 PM »
Looking to rehome these ponies, since I don't have space and I'm trying to focus only on certain things right now!

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I'm willing to trade these for Pinkie Pie's on my want list:
or if you want to buy them, PM me with an offer. :)

Off Topic / Time and Relative Dimension in Space
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:08:03 AM »
Or, for all you Doctor Who fans, TARDIS!  :P

My best friend got me HOOKED onto this show a few weeks back, when she brought me the entire reboot series (from Doctors 9 to 11). I'm surprised I never got into this show before! It's just so much fun! I'm only about halfway through season 3 (Doctor 10's series), so I haven't seen anything with the new Doctor yet, but I dunno if he can top Tennant. I Love, love, LOVE that actor. He goes form so crazy to so serious in a drop of a hat. I also love how campy-yet serious the show can be. One moment it's pure cornball, the next it's sci-fi, the next drama..... it's got everything.

I love the idea of the Tardis now that I understand what the importance of a big blue police box is XD; My friend and I want to make a life size picture of the front of the Tardis, and hide it in the Sign Post Forest. XD Also, (Shh, don't tell!) I'm going to be making her a nearly 3 foot tall Tardis picture out of perler beads as a random present. Like the Tardis, it's just going to appear on her doorstep one day!

So tell me who you're favorite Doctor is!

The Dollhouse / Destroyed dollies
« on: January 28, 2012, 08:36:18 PM »
Small rant here, and I thought maybe this should be in WYP but it's more about dolls so I put it here but move it if need be. ^_^; ....anyways, last night my family and I were upstairs playing monopoly, and when I came back down to my room, I found my dog Nona had destroyed THREE of my mini pullips! My Little Pink Alice, Moon, and Aggonya! And of course, she couldn't go after their bodies, noooo she ate their heads. -_-; Alice was on an Obitsu, and she was the least one harmed so I can repair her... but Aggy and Moon are a total loss *SIGHS*. Their costumes are ok, but the pullip heads are chewed to bits. I was so upset I wanted to cry..... now I'm just a little annoyed. My fault I guess, I shouldn't have left the door to my room open.  But I didn't think she'd take them right out of the dollhouse. >.>; I'm just glad that she didn't eat the BIG pullips... then I WOULD have been in tears. Tomorrow I'm moving all of my dollhouses n things to my new art room though, so she won't be able to get to them again... unless I'm an idiot and leave the door open again. -_-;

*sighs* Has anyone else ever lost a doll to a pet? Please tell me I'm not alone here. >.>

Off Topic / Craziest Cover Letter I have EVER received at my job.
« on: January 26, 2012, 03:35:14 PM »
So as some of you may or may not know, I work in an employment office. We get resumes & cover letter’s constantly to forward off to companies for people. Well, today I was checking my email and printing off resumes, when I came across this one, and I HAD to share. I’ve deleted anything “identifiable”, so I hope this makes you laugh as much as it made us. And yes, this person was completely serious in their application, and had an actually quite well done resume! Good luck to you applicant!


Beautiful Whitehorse YUKON

Cover Letter

Top of the morning to you:

         I guess you would like to know a bit about me. Are you sure? OK. I just want a steady job where I’m not running all over the country, job to job. That doesn’t look good on a resume now does it? It’s been said that I work and play well with others. Well that’s what my kindergarten teacher put on my Report card this year anyway. I like to work hard. I don’t see a point in sitting around doing nothing when there is work to be done. I’ve been told that I work too hard. BLA! I’ve also been told that I have a good sense of humor… But what do they know? Maybe you would like to find out??? I’m good looking. SSSH! Don’t tell the secretary that. Just keep reading, I’m almost done. I am always early. Never late. If I happen to call in sick, then I am most definitely much too sick. Not hungover or any other type of self inflicted “illness”. If I am not too sick why stay home and not make money when I can be sick and make money. I would be sick regardless. My typing skills are horrible. So it took me some time to get this done for you. I just hope you take some time to read it. I did. 10 times. Just to make sure I didn’t mess up too bad.

      Thanks for taking the time to read this and look at my resume. If you need a  worker, I’m here any time. If you have already got all your staff… Oh well at least you have just read the weirdest cover letter ever.

Have a great day. Regretfully not yours yet:  *******************

Customs / Are these your customs? Would you like them back?
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:21:01 PM »
In my previous topic I was asking about what to do with customs I would like to either trade off, or return to their original owners (if they want them) Before I open them for trade, I would like to offer the original artists the chance to have them back. If you see one that's yours and you want it, please PM me. All I ask if you pay the shipping cost, and I'll happily mail them home!

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(huge version)

 Please be aware, I'm not getting rid of these because they're ugly or anything of the sort! I love all of these customs, but I need to free up space in my collections, and these have been moved form box to box for years. I would like to see them to go homes where they're loved and displayed, not neglected.  I'm looking in the archives, and if I find the artists names, I'll add them here, and will probably be PMing the artists myself.

Uhura - heftysmurf76 And going home! :)

Rapunzel - lunaroak

Kairi - Zero_Dream

Dot from Animaniacs - Unicornucopia

Glory - Kazzellin

Raichu - impirius

Faerie with corset "I.K" and "10" on hooves.

Pony with starfish - Nibbles, maybe?

The rest really have no info. Please note too, that as they've all been bounced from box to box, house to house, that they ALL need a little TLC and attention to clean them up a little... but, I hope that maybe they can all find new happy homes!

Customs / What do you do with customs from others?
« on: January 18, 2012, 10:38:00 AM »
What I mean is, I have a lot of customs from swaps and things, and there's a some of them I don't want to display anymore due to lack of space, or I'm just not that interested in them. I'm not nearly the pony fan I was, and I'm really trying to conserve space for other collections, not just ponies. I stopped customizing long ago and while all of them are very beautiful and I'm grateful for them, I'm just not attached to them anymore.
I have most of them boxed up right now, I wouldn't feel right about throwing them away, and I would definitely never sell them. But what about trading them? Would that be okay, knowing they'd go to another loving home?  I thought about maybe trying to find their original maker and seeing if they want them back, but I couldn't afford to mail them back so it'd be at the original artists expense to get them back, I suppose. Or I could simply give them away, but again, I'd have to ask the person who wants them to pay shipping. Many of them I have no idea who originally made them either. I could *try* to search the archives, but that's a *long* time ago...

I don't want to leave them boxed forever, as I really need the space, and some have gotten a little damaged over the years of constant moving/repacking. What do you think? What would you do?

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