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Topics - Shaiyeh

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Pony Corral / Pony Collection Instagrams?
« on: August 05, 2016, 12:04:53 PM »
Who has a pony instagram? (or other cute collections)
I just started one for my own collection, since ponies don't fit very well with my regular IG's theme XD I'd love to follow more pony IGs though, so  post yours!
mine is shaiyehsponyland, just like the blog in my sig :) (and my regular IG is shai.bats)

bombard me with all the awesome pony pages :D

I don't know if anyone remembers my Snöfall customs that I used to do a few years ago, but I just finished another one!

Funny story, actually. I started this one probably before moving in with David... 4½ years? ago, and got so far as to rooting the first few plugs. Since, she's been in storage. I had completely forgotten about her, until two days ago when we were cleaning out our storage room, and I found her.
Needless to say, I finished her straight away. I've been itching to do custom ponies again, so it was nice with a smooth start finishing a rehair x) (now I'm in dire need of bait ponies, however. Got white G3s in bad condition? Hit me up!)

But here she is.
She's rehaired with Starlight, Pacific Ocean, Bobby Blue and Water Nixie, and she's painted with pearly acrylics. Her body is slightly shimmery, too, so she's all-over a bit sparkly ^-^

I hope you like her!

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(On DeviantART )

She's for sale at $50 shipping worldwide included :lovey:

So, since we moved here 2.5 years ago, my ponies have been super disorganized. I tried numerous times to get back into the spirit of collecting, and to even have the energy to make the shelves prettier, but nope.
(I think I may make a thread explaining my situation these past years in WYP at some point, but long story short: I suffer from crippling anxiety, depression and panic attacks, so energy levels are indeed very low)

This past week-end, tho, was spent with some good friends of mine, who are all also collectors, and EH ME GHERDESS have I been bitten by the pony bug. So, I finally got my rear end in gear and started on the shelves yesterday. I thought my fiance would be against me claiming a couple more shelves for the ponies, but surprisingly enough, he was like 'go for it'. I also though he would be against temporarily packing up the nendoroid collection (because ponies), but that was fine, too xD

so this is what the shelves looked like before.
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(dat pile of ponies ;_; it's been bugging me to no end)

the nendos got packed up, the cats helped. And then I found the motherlode of cat toys (David has been hoarding them, apparently. He was as surprised as I was XD ).
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I left it around there somewhere yesterday night. Had put two more shelves full of ponies, with the intention to re-organize it a bit in the morning.
At 6:30 I wake up to a loud thud and the sound of many a pony falling to the floor.
Fat Cat Cheddaaaar >-<
So naturally I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up, went to MIL's house to feed their cats, came back here at like 8, and have been at it since.

The shelf Cheddar demolished looks like this now.
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And then below that shelf we have TEs and Rainbow Curls.
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Living room shelves all in all.
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And then the bedroom shelf.
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I didn't think I had that many sets half done. I know what to collect now x'D

And then here's the MOCs, and CP + Lemon Drop collection. (+ bonus NES/N64 games, :muffin: pony and baby Murloc pony xD )
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I have a couple flutters incoming, and I have a big bunch of G2s at my parents', so I'm not done yet, but this is as far as we'll get with the ponies that are at home :)
Next project is re-styling most of their manes xD Some of them are absolutely horrid. :O

But yeah. This was great fun ^w^ Annnd now I want more ponies XD
hope you enjoyed!

Hiya guys!

I've been searching the webs for ages trying to find out if these things are indeed vegan (no dairy, eggs, gelatine etc), and I found one list that said they would be, but I just want to be sure.
Also if it contains any wheat. I don't read/speak Japanese, myself, but hopefully someone here does and can help. I'd really appreciate it!

I've taken pictures of what I have guessed would be the contents. If there is no content list, then I guess I'll have to trust the list I found xD
(I already have the things bought, I just want to know if I can eat them or not. I got them for my YouTube channel, so I'll probably film it anyway - at least the popin' cookin'. but yeah. Question is will I get sick or not XD)

Popin' cookin' Bento Box
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Popin' Cookin' painting jelly (or something along those lines)
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aaand Nerunerunerune soda flavour
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thank you :heart:

(edited because Nerunerunerune turned out upside down xD Ooops!)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Shai's Art | *UPDATE 25/7* Pokémon!
« on: June 29, 2016, 11:04:50 AM »
I thought I'd start an art thread that I can update when I have new stuff instead of making new threads every time like I used to do way back in time xD (I guess it was more OK since I literally got 3 pieces done in a day, as opposed to now where it takes me forever to even do one xD)


Update 25/7 '16!

Since PokémonGO launched here in Sweden, I've been absolutely HOOKED. David and I started re-watching Indigo league, even. xD So naturally, I have to draw some pokémon, too.

So far, I've done Pikachu and Bulbasaur :) Here they are ^^
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( +fav on DeviantART )

Bulbasaaaur <3
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Starting with this picture of Milky Way that I just finished. :)
on dA:
on Redbubble!
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UPDATE 12/07 '16

Was inspired by another thread here to start up my old pony ask blog again, Neko Does Not Approve, and I just thought I'd post a couple pictures from it :)
Trying to find a new, but more elaborate but still doodle-friendly style for the blog art, and I thiiink I'm starting to get the hang of it. :frolic:
(feel free to go pop Neko an ask! )
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UPDATE 07/14!

Cool Breeze for the Draw Together monthly theme!
on DeviantART
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Get her on T-shirts, mugs and more:

Off Topic / Any nail polish junkies? possible PC on Enchanted Polish
« on: June 28, 2016, 01:23:56 PM »
Like the title says.
I have a bottle of december 2013 polish  swatched once, with box, and a bottle of Hello New York (used 2ce) also with box.
Both are still a nice consistency.
Both are by Enchanted Polish.

Are these still going for anything? I hope someone has a clue, I've tried checking eBay but prices are a bit all over the place.
We're in a bit of a tight spot atm so I'm hoping these babes can bring at least something in.
Any PC help is much appreciated! (also my inbox is open if you're interested :heart: )


(also sorry if this is in the wrond part of the boards or not an ok thread)
sorry for such a short and snappy thread, I'm just really stressed out atm.
Thanks guys :lovey:

Pony Corral / Hair matches for Fizzy and Whizzer!
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:44:35 AM »

I need some help confirming these would indeed be the correct colours for Fizzy

Poison Ivy
Heartthrob (Strawberry Mousse?)
Virgin Snow (sold out, good replacements?)
Tea Rose

And then I need complete help with Whizzer. I am confused XD (I don't need to know the purple)

Thanks ponies!

Wanted! / (semi-urgent) WTB! Whizzer with bad hair
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:32:20 AM »
I'm looking to buy Whizzer (TE poy) with body in good condition, but hair in bad, for rehair :)

Please message me if you her for sale!


Pony Corral / Quick Help - Cherry Treat's Forelock!
« on: September 14, 2015, 05:03:24 AM »
Hi ponies!
I just finished rehairing my poor Cherry Treats who had a bad haircut. I know her mane is10cm long, but how about the forelock?

I've been able to count (from pictures) that it should be 6-7 (6½?) plugs' worth of hair, but how long it? I don't want to cut it too short or long.


Pony Corral / Pony Blog!
« on: September 13, 2015, 10:26:20 AM »
If there's already a thread about pony blogs, I apologize, otherwise, here goes:

Pony blogs!
Does anyone else have a pony blog?
Let's share links, I want to follow other people's blogs, and maybe someone would like to check mine ^^

I started one just a couple days ago. In fact, I made myself a website with commission info, pony wantlist and art/pony blog, but I'm just going to talk about the blog part now.
I try to do this as a kind of 'get your mind off of bad things' thing, and it'll challenge me to actually pick up my camera, and to do stuff. And hopefully do more art, as well.

here's a link to mine: :frolic:
(and it's linked in my siggie as well)

Share yours please :D :lovey:

Pony Corral / Thoughts about sunfading... using a nail lamp?
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:23:24 AM »
Inspired by another thread about g1 restoration, I started thinking about sunfading, and if the process could be sped up slightly...
Do you guys reckon an UV lamp for gel nails would work?
(I'm not talking these small ones for home use witH LED lamps that cure gel polish, I'm talking nail tech UV lamps).

I am a nail tech, though out of work at the moment, and my UV lamp is just sitting in the cellar right now waiting for better days. It has real UV lightbulbs. That should work to "sun"fade a pony, right?
Or do you think it could damage the plastic? or would the sun actually work better? Has anyone tried it?
Maybe I should grab a bait and try it later.

Pony Corral / eBay prices are craaazy!
« on: September 01, 2015, 08:31:17 AM »
So, I've been browsing the pre-1990s pony category a lot since I got back into collecting to get a grasp on who I want and where the prices are at.

So crazy! Re-release Butterscotch (2006 Re-release) for £26 almost, that's more than I think I paid for the set of 3 new! Is she really worth that much now? :o
That's just an example. And then we have ponies with normal prices ofc, which is nice to see. But I reacted on nss truly and cuppie as well, I remember I sold my Cupcake a couple years back (mint condition) for around £90, now they're close to £200! Did their value increase that much?
And I've seen crazy prices on Mimic as well.

Help me, did prices generally go up like crazy much, or is it just eBay being eBay? I feel sooo out of the loop :frolic:

Pony Corral / Haircolour match for baby sea ponies please!
« on: August 31, 2015, 07:54:20 AM »
I need help with haircolour identification for two of my seaponies please! (and also, is Dollyhair still the place to buy hair? if not, please direct me to a better site :) )
One is baby Sunshower (intl. pretty n' pearly baby sea ponies) and the other is Sea Star (non-pearly).

Thankful for any help!

I just did this one for the Draw Together for this week, but I decided to make an adoptable out of it.
I haven't done any in so long, and I've actually quite missed it.

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*Request one pony at a time, please. One pony per slot!
*These are for use on the MLPArena ONLY.
*Please credit me in your siggie if you're using the adoptie!
*Hasbro ponies are for anyone to use, while persona ponies are ONLY for the owner of the pony.
*I can and will not alter the lineart to include accessories, sorry.
*I will take 5 slots at a time, close while working and open up for more requests once I'm done!

These are the bases I have:

   Earth/Pegasus                               Unicorn
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Please answer these questions to get your adoptie, and don't forget to include the keyword mango somewhere in your post, so I know you've read the rules :frolic:
*What pony: (if a persona/OC, please give me a ref)
*What colour of the roses, leaves and border?
*Facing left or right?

Here are some Hasbro ponies to begin with! More will be added as we go along :)
   Mimic                           Twilight                                  Medley
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   Snuzzle                          Galaxy                                  Lemon Drop
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    Bowtie                                Twilight Pink                             Powder
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    Majesty                               Gusty                        Trickles
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Citrus Sweetheart
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  Bekuno                                    Mikeysgrrrl                                  Moonbreeze
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  SDS                                     Ivaness                                   Nence
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   Skelletonimp                                  Dashesndots                              Babyblueduckie
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   Slyons                            Nightbow                          Kenly
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SabertoothedCrow            Buckinghamalice        Roxanne
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   Jwalraven                          MoonbeamStar                  Taxel
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   Rosierjay                         PinkCow
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 Bekuno                      Jennifer2004                  Nence
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   Kenly                        Gemini Pony                 AutistiscandproudLuna
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   Wild Raspberry                  PrincessStarlily
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1: Bekuno
2: Jennifer2004

Pony Corral / Retro pony clothes at Undiz!
« on: August 12, 2015, 11:40:03 PM »
While on vacation in Belgium about a week ago, I walzed into the local Undiz store (it's an European store that sells underwear and pyjamas) to see that it was FULL of retro MLP underwear!
it was a tad pricey, but I came out of there with 2 pairs of pants. If I'd have had more money, I'd have bought everything (and if they'd ahve had smaller bras than 85A .__. ) xD
I think you can order from their website as well,
here's a link!
I think you can also buy from them via ASOS? Though I couldn't find the pony clothes there.

The pants are super comfy, and sooo cute :lovey:

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