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Topics - katrine2309

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Pony Corral / Question about original babies - Play & Care
« on: June 24, 2013, 06:40:40 AM »
I am wondering if the original babies were ever released only on cards? Not in the play & care boxes? I am asking because I remember getting baby Glory when I was around five and I distinctly *think* I remember finding her on a card in the toy store... :blush: She would have come only with a brush or a bottle?

I *think* I got baby Firefly on a card as well, as I don't have any baby accessories from either of these two girls. I know that many of us lost pony accessories over the years, but I was a very peculiar girl and took excellent care of my pony stuff. I have all of baby Blossoms accessories, all of baby North Star, baby Splashes and my newborn twins as well and that is a lot of small stuff in there. But I have no memory of either baby Firefly or baby Glory....? Both baby Glory and baby Firefly has glittery symbols, so they are not the German non-glittery versions either... :huh:

Anyway, I am pretty sure myself that I got these girls on cards, but over the years I have found that childhood memories are not necessarily the most trustworthy source of information... and I haven't really found any information on this on the major pony-information sites (Wiki and Dream Valley is where I mainly look for info like this...). If it helps, they are all bought in Norway?

Thanks for any info on this!!

Pony Corral / Question about backcards
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:18:19 AM »
Hi everyone!
I'm a backcard enthusiast and was wondering about some later released G1s and how their backcards looked, and if they had stories on them like the earlier releases...

 - Fancy Pants babies

- Brush N' Grow (I think I remember that the box they came in was not artwork but photos instead? And no stories about the ponies? But I really can be wrong about that!)

- Windy Wing ( I know the Summer Wing's came with stories and lovely artwork, but not if this was the case for Windy Wing's as well?)

Hoping that the pony communtiy and all the pony knowledge combined can help out! Thanks in advance everyone! :)

Pony Corral / "I wish Hasbro made this pony..."- game!
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:10:24 AM »
When I was a kid there were some ponies that I really wanted - the only problem was that they didn't excist!  :P So, what pony did you really wish Hasbro did make? From any generation, and it could be a baby, a mommy, something totally new or big brothers! The only rule is that you have to describe (or show!) the pony to us!

I for one ALWAYS wanted to have a baby Majesty... - I wanted her to be in baby Glory's pose and have glittery symbols - just like her mommy!

Pony Corral / Sets you really, really want?
« on: June 17, 2013, 12:31:25 PM »
So I was a little inspired by the "sets you don't want" thread - and thought it would be fun to see which sets that you all really, really want? I know that a lot of you don't collect sets - so for all of you (me included), just choose the sets you like the most ponies from?

Soo - if space and money were not an issue - these are the sets I really, really would like:

- Play and care original baby sets (love the original babies and have most of them!)

- NBBE Play and care sets (love all of these except baby Hearthrob..)

- Alternate Birthflowers

- German baby ponies (baby Honeycomb, baby Buttons, baby Hopscotch, baby Cherries Jubilee etc.)

- and first release of flutters  ^.^

Pony Brag Arena / Puffies for my collection! Oh my oh my!
« on: June 17, 2013, 11:37:04 AM »
I have been so lucky to win these puffy stickers! Two of them I've been looking for for over 6 years! And now I have them in my collection - could not be happier!! :dance2:

It's like Christmas and my birthday in one day :party:

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Gypsy by KatWoods, on Flickr

Finally! Six years of looking is coming to an end!
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Gypsy by KatWoods, on Flickr

Baby Gusty is for my sister - NBBE Gusty was her fav MLP as a kid, and she lost the sticker early on. I'm so happy to be able to give it back to her  :woot:
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Gypsy by KatWoods, on Flickr

[stickied 18/6/13 - kiwimlp :) ]
(unstickied by Tiella 06-21-2013)

Pony Brag Arena / Gypsy! Yippeee! EDIT: With pictures!
« on: June 09, 2013, 03:16:06 PM »
So I haven't bought a pony in YEARS and today I saw a poor tail-less Gypsy on ebay (she has always been one of the ponies I dreamed off but never got around to actually buy - she is a childhood fav!) and I bid on her - and won! :yippee:

I paid  4,50$ for her which I thought was pretty good, even though she has no tail and is in "played with" condition. I'm super excited and hoping she will clean-up good as it didn't look like the seller had tried to do so at all...  :shrug:

Soo anyone know where I can buy some Gypsy look-a-like tail hair?

EDIT: She is HOME!! And she is really really pretty! I am amazed - after a clean-up she is so to speak flawless :yippee:

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Gypsy by KatWoods, on Flickr

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Gypsy by KatWoods, on Flickr

So I am selling off everyone bit of clothing I have for pullip/dal, and lots of blythe clothes as well (that fit dal/pullip 3 bodies). Would anyone be interested in trading clothes like this for MLP items? I am interested in puffy stickers (on original backing only), backcards and some Megan and Sundance ponywear. If people might be interested in a trade - I'll upload pictures :)

Puffy stickers - mostly interested in:
Baby Blossom
Peach Blossom
Cuddles (Baby Buggy)
Tuggles and Toddles

Morning Glory
Peach Blossom
Tuggles and Toddles

Megan and Sundance:
Flower Darlings - Megan's shoes and headband, flat sticker
Picnic in the Park - everything incl. flat sticker
Sweet Dreams - Megan's purple shoes and flat sticker
By the Sea - Megan's sunglasses and flat sticker
Ice Princesses - everything incl. flat sticker

MLP Nirvana / Question and PC regarding the german/Euro babies
« on: June 07, 2013, 02:22:38 AM »
So I'm trying to find out which ponies were released together and so far I think I got it right, but not entirely sure... :lookround: If someone can help out with their prices as well that would make me super happy!

So the Play and Care varients released in Germany and Scandinavia (UK as well?) included:

Baby Gusty
Baby Ribbon
Baby Hearth throb
Baby Lickety Split

The baby ponies released in Germany (not sure if they were released anywhere else? But I'm sure someone in here knows!  ^.^)
Baby Lofty
Baby Hopscotch
Baby Lemon Drop (was this the Lemon Drop in Blossom's pose? Or in baby Bowtie's pose?)
Baby Cherries Jubilee
Baby Buttons'
EDIT: I forgot about baby Honeycomb!

And I know there was a 7th baby pony released in this set as well? But I'm not sure who it was?

I know that the Play and Care sets came with puffy stickers, but did the other set of German baby ponies also come with puffies? I've only seen a puffy sticker for Baby Lemon Drop but that might have been the other release of her? Anyone knows?

Thank you so much for all your help!

Pony Corral / Question on puffy stickers
« on: June 02, 2013, 02:29:38 AM »
Anyone knows if baby Bowtie and baby Applejack came with puffy stickers? Or any sticker at all?

I've never seen any stickers for them, but I just wanted to be sure... A baby Bowtie puffy would be adorable ^.^


Pony Corral / Who would you keep and why?
« on: May 01, 2013, 01:01:08 PM »
So, this surely have been asked many times before - but I am in the process of cleaning up and reducing my pony collection and was wondering about the following: if you only where to keep 10 ponies - who would it be and more importantly WHY would you choose to keep those over any others?

Here is mine:

1) NBBE Baby Ribbon - because I wanted her ever since I first saw her as a kid and it was a little bit of a dream come true when I was able to finally get her (even though I was all grown-up at the time...)

2,3,4) Baby Glory, Baby Blossom, Baby Firefly because they are all childhood ponies of mine and I loved them so much as a kid and they are so much played with it makes me smile every time I look at them

5) Bowtie - my very first pony. Ever. Need I say more?

6) Majesty - because Dream Castle was a present from my grandfather and he died shortly after. It was the best present I ever got as a kid!

7) Glory - because she is the perfect unicorn! And she was a present from my sister.

8) Macau Jenny - because I would need to keep a Nirvana and Jenny is the most awesome pony ever made!

9) Firefly - because of the pose. She looks like she is about to take off, and that makes her the most happy-looking pegasus

10) Barnacle - because he is too awesome to give up, and all my girls would need a boy pony. And also - he is a pirate;)

The Dollhouse / Show me some Lati dolls!
« on: March 11, 2013, 02:21:15 PM »
Thought it would be fun seeing all the lati kids here at the Arena :)

I'll start with my girl - Lati Lea, limited edition pirate lea now with a custom face-up.

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Best outfit Buys by KatWoods, on Flickr

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The Look by KatWoods, on Flickr

Arts & Crafts Corral / Kat Photography
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:31:03 PM »
Some photo art from me to all of you  :)

I love taking pictures, and I have a soft spot for ponies. It is a perfect combo!

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Always and Forever by KatWoods, on Flickr

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Jingle Jangle by KatWoods, on Flickr

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Be Glorious - Always by KatWoods, on Flickr

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Baby Blue by KatWoods, on Flickr

Arts & Crafts Corral / Kat Photography
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:36:48 AM »
Hi everyone,
I never thought of posting my pictures in the Pony Art section, but then I saw pukunui's wonderful photography and got inspired  :blush:

I can't draw anything at all - I am terrible at it, but I always enjoyed photography and expressing myself through my photos rather than through drawing. I mostly take pictures of G1s, but I have some G3s as well, and I am thinking of getting some G4s for photography too.

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Some nostalgic moments to start off the summer by KatWoods, on Flickr

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Pretty hearts by KatWoods, on Flickr

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Look into my eyes and I will tell you your secrets by KatWoods, on Flickr

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Autumn Skye by KatWoods, on Flickr

Pony Corral / How we collect
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:33:32 AM »
I have always thought I was not a completionist. I never felt the need to have all ponies, or even all the ponies in one set. Simply because I only wanted the ponies I really, really liked or the ponies that fitted in my collection. I have been away from the pony-community for some years now, and when I got my self back into it a couple of weeks ago it really hit me. I might not be a set-completer or a generation- completer, but none-the-less I AM a completer.

Already when I bought my first pony as a grown-up I was a completer. The first ponies I bought was Firefly, Glory, Blossom and baby Bowtie. To complete my childhood collection - as I already had Baby Firefly, Baby Glory, Baby Blossom and Bowtie. The second thing I made sure off was that all my ponies had all their accessories - down to their backcards and stickers (which is still an on-going process...). The same thing happened with my pony wear - even though I don't particularly LIKE pony shoes I just had to have those too, because they completed the outfit. My ponies NEVER wear any pony shoes, but I still need to have them.

So from thinking I wasn't a collector that worried about completing, I might be the "worst" (or maybe best!) kind of completer of all. It is not just about buying the pony, but getting everything that is associated with that pony too. So even though I only have around 35 ponies in my collection I have a TON of stuff for them all. Even the stuff I don't like, just because it belongs to the pony ( it sounds so wrong when I write it like that, but I hope you guys understand what I mean).

So how about it? Maybe, on some strange level, all collectors are completionists? I thought it would be interesting to hear all your thoughts on how you collect? Is it only ponies, or are you like me, collecting accessories and pony wear, puffy stickers and backcards as well? What is important to you in your collection? What motivates you to buy the MLP things you decide to buy?

Wanted! / Wanted: G1 Pony Wear, Backcards and Puffy & Flat Stickers
« on: August 05, 2012, 10:12:47 AM »
My wantlist ( I have highlighted my most wanted):


Baby Glory - Card version (in really good condition only)
Baby Ribbon -Play and Care version (Box)
Ripple - US card
Bowtie - UK version, with the CP Bowtie
Morning Glory
Peach Blossom
Cool Breeze
Starry Wings
Tuggles and Toddles (UK backcard for Sticky and Sniffles)
Fancy pants baby Splashes - UK backcard
Brush n' Grow Ringlets
Gusty - Movie Star backcard/Scandinavian backcard
Ponywear - UK Rainy Day backcard

Puffy Stickers on original backing:
Ripple - original backing
Gusty - original backing
Gypsy - original backing
Buttons- original backing
Hopscotch- original backing

Pony Wear:
Megan and Sundance - Flower Darlings (missing white shoes for Megan and flower headband for Megan)
Megan and Sundance - Picnic in the park (missing Megans dress, red shoes and the red ribbons)
Megan and Sundance- By the Sea (missing Megan’s sunglasses)

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