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Topics - StarSwirl05

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Pony Corral / Where's She From?
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:41:01 AM »
I seem to recall she was a giant custom pony for an event like San Diego Comic on or the Pony Project but that's about it. Does anyone have other photos are info?

Off Topic / Bye Bye, College
« on: July 13, 2016, 02:19:25 PM »
Finally graduating from college.  :biggrin:
I think I feel kinda like this:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Pony Art: Memorizing Lines
« on: June 23, 2016, 05:33:17 PM »
Pinkie may just be making it up as she goes when it comes to the play then.

Off Topic / Nickelodeon Hey Arnold Fans Rejoice!
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:16:47 PM »
The long-lost Jungle Movie is being made in 2017!
For the rest scratching their heads or unfamiliar, this was a movie that was originally in production set to take place after the original TV series. However, in 2002 another Hey Arnold movie called Arnold Saves the Neighborhood ended up going to theaters instead and didn't do well. Consequently, that ended up in this new movie being cancelled until now. Apparently they're working to see if maybe the original voice actors can return with the original voices of each character.

Off Topic / Don't Eat Here
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:02:47 PM »

Pony Corral / G3 Skywishes and G1 Twilight Related????
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:55:37 PM »

G1 Twilight:
At around 18:52 into the 2nd video, Twilight sounds and acts like G3 Skywishes. They don't seem to be the same voice actor from what I've found but they sure act like it.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Battlebots 2015 Toys
« on: February 16, 2016, 11:37:49 AM »
Dunno if any of you saw the original show when it was on Comedy Central in the early 2000s but they're at it again to follow the revival of the show on ABC.  :freak:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Pony Art: Ms. Peachbottom
« on: November 25, 2015, 08:40:16 AM »

As you may or may not know, not all singers in "A Very Minty Christmas" were credited at the end so I decided to do a google search to see if anything came up regarding the singer for this song:
I found that according to imdb, Lenore Zann, voice actor for Star Catcher also sings:
The singing voices for the songs sound similar and I feel they might even be the same but sound different because of the different pacing the songs have. Thoughts?

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