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Topics - WaterDraw

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Off Topic / Summer Vacations and Computer Retractions
« on: April 30, 2018, 08:24:32 PM »
Hello everyone! I don't know if a lot of you know me, and if you do it's most likely because I ask a lot of questions here ^^; , but I just wanted to inform everyone that my school year ends May 11th. Once it ends, my school computer will be taken back and I will most likely not be able to post until the next school year. I might make the occasional trip to the library to post, and I could possibly beg for my tablet back.
So if I don't reply to your questions or responses to my posts, please don't take it personally. I'll be back around the end of August, at least!
That's all for now,

Pony Corral / Very Serious Question
« on: April 23, 2018, 09:45:00 PM »
I read somewhere that at one point some users (not going to name who because I have no idea who it was) purposely cut off hair of rare ponies just to spite everyone. Is that true? And if so, does anyone know if the ponies turned out okay in the end? I don't need information on the people who did it, I don't care about that, I just want to make sure that this terrible event didn't actually happen and if it did, were the ponies involved okay...

Pony Brag Arena / Target Haul!
« on: April 22, 2018, 09:01:05 PM »
I just went to Target with my mom and my friend and I found all six of the 35th anniversary ponies. Unfortunately,  I couldn't get all six, but I did get three. I got the three that I thought looked the best. I will be going with them from the one I am most happy with to the one I am the most disappointed with.

To start us off, let's go with Snuzzle!

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yes that's me in the background, hello!
So to start us off, let's go with the one I wasn't planning on getting. I didn't really intend on getting Snuzzle as I originally wanted to get Butterscotch in her place, but as it turns out I didn't like Butterscotch's coloring so I went with my second choice...only to find out that  I wasn't a fan of Cotton Candy's coloring. I heard a lot of people liked Snuzzle so I thought "Eh, why not?" and decided to get her. I'm very very very happy with her! Her hair came out nice and poofy and its such a lovely pink color. I'm not sure if it's the fading pink color though so I'm going to be weary of that...Her tail also worked out the best out of everyone else, so yay! Also that is the glare from my camera screen affecting her color, no she is not blue!

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Next off we have Blue Belle. Not much to say about her. She's very nice and I'm happy with her. The reason she's not the one I'm most happy with is because I'm not too keen on her color pallet, but that's just me.

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So sadly Blossom is the one I'm most disappointed with, which is pretty bad since she is the one I knew I wanted the most out of everyone. First off, her hair was very dry and the forelock feels like it had gel put in it. Upon closer inspection of her tail, I found out her tail had been snipped at which is weird because I bought her new from the store.  :huh: What worries me most is how easily her head almost popped off when I took her out of the package...scary. I also wish her coloring was closer to the original, but she is still pretty. Funny she looks more like Cotton Candy in that pic due to the lighting.  :P

So my thoughts on these ponies:
These ponies overall seem to be of high quality, however I wouldn't price them at $9.99. I would think $5 or even $7.99 would be a more appropriate price for these, given how easy their heads almost pop off and how often they have weird chunks of tangledness at the end. Their paint for the most part is good, except their eyepaint looks like it was put on a bit too far to the left. However, the originals could've had it like that as I don't own the originals.
Their plastic is different, a much more smoother and possibly thicker plastic. It also seems maybe a bit harder than normal. The hair seems to be slightly dry on all of my ponies and it doesn't want to stick together on Blue Belle's tail, but it's better than the hair that's been on the newer G4.5 ponies. It's not the hair from the 80's though.
I like their packaging and it's cool that you get a poster, comb, and ribbon. I wish that the ribbon was untied like the ones in the 80's were, but at least these one's won't get lost easily. I don't think it's the same material as the one's from the 80's though...

These are overall very nice figures and I'd suggest buying them if you can. Just don't buy them for over $9.99 as I feel they are not worth it. Super happy to own these guys though, especially the Snuzzle, and I hope they make more of these soon. Maybe they could have a "favorites" line and release rarer ponies like Mimic or Night Glider. That'd be super cool and help collectors get ponies they want, even if they aren't the original ones.

Pony Corral / Least Favorite Gimmick
« on: April 22, 2018, 01:10:49 AM »
G1 was home to a lot of gimmicks. Some of them ended up being personal favorites of mine (twinkle eyed ponies, flutter ponies, big brother ponies), and others, well, let's just say I don't care for them much.

My personal least favorites would have to be the Sea Ponies, Baby Sea Ponies, Drink n' Wet ponies, and any other pony associated or that revolved around water. I love water, but as some of you might know I am absolutely terrified of rust and mold. I know, I know, it seems like a petty reason, but because of that I'm not sure if I will ever be able to own any of these ponies.

I also don't like So Soft ponies but for a different reason. I like their gimmick, it's cute, but I wish they also sold separate, de-flocked versions of each pony (in America). Ponies I love such as Wind Whistler, North Star, and Paradise are so hard to find in good condition because just the slightest rub of the flocking could make them look bad. I prefer de-flocked over flocked ponies. Oh well.  :P

Well, what's your least favorite gimmick(s) and why? There are no wrong answers here!  :lol:
(If this idea has already been done recently, please let me know and I will refer to the other topic.

Trader & Shipping Support / Possible Scammer
« on: April 21, 2018, 03:00:42 PM »
Hey, I'm not exactly sure how to go about this since I've never really written something about another eBay seller, so if I do something wrong please pardon me.
Basically, I have found this seller who's two listings just seemed too good to be true. They only had one picture on one listing (professional and everything) and two pictures on the other listing (again, very professional). I looked closer and there are little watermarks in the corners of the pictures. I tried reverse image searching for these pictures but I have had no luck. The descriptions are VERY vague for these listings too.
Should I post the link to their profile here or what? Like I said, I'm not really sure how to go about this because I've never really done this before...

The Dollhouse / Made To Move Barbies at a Reasonable Price?
« on: April 18, 2018, 03:45:53 PM »
Hello! I am currently trying to make custom dolls for Heathers: The Musical (these will also be my first custom dolls ever), but I am having a bit of trouble. Since these dolls are most likely going to be going through a lot of photo shoots, I decided to go with the Made To Move line of Barbies with the extra pose-ability. I just have one problem; I cannot find any of these dolls at a reasonable price for the life of me. Even my local Toys "R" Us which was closing down only had the dolls off at 15%, meaning I could only manage to get one since the dolls were priced weirdly high (I think at like, $25 or something which is weird because the last Walmart I went to had them for $15). Of course all the listings on eBay were $40+...I love Heathers, but I am not willing to shell out $40+ on a doll that I could usually find for only $15.
So I hand the question to all of you, do you know of a place were I can find Made to Move Barbies at a reasonable price? Of course I would normally just go to Walmart but the Walmarts I have been to seem to be all sold out of them...I live in America if that helps. Any advice is appreciated, thank you all!!

Pony Corral / Fat Head Flutterpony
« on: April 16, 2018, 07:41:11 PM »
I've seen this term used a couple times, mostly of people saying they don't want a fat headed flutterpony. Can someone explain what they are and maybe post a picture comparison between a fat head flutterpony and a not fat headed flutterpony? Thank you!

Pony Corral / Pony Stories!
« on: April 16, 2018, 03:04:18 PM »
I always love to hear stories about people's ponies. Whether it's how they got them, how a certain pony ended up with something special about them, or if it's just childhood memories people have about their ponies. So here's a place where we can all share our pony stories!  :biggrin:
Here are some of mine:
One of my ponies has a pen line on her because I thought she'd be a great thing to test a pen on. Although I can't get it off, I just say it's a battle scar.  ;)
When I was little, I absolutely HATED tinsel in pony hair. I did the very despicable act of picking out the tinsel one by one...or at least trying to...
If you are a fan of MLP videos, I'm sure you've seen the MLP Pool videos. I for some reason thought that because those people were doing it, it'd be fine for my ponies. So I had a pool party and...well...let's just hope I dried them off well enough  ^^;
I used to stick my g3 ponies on the fridge since they had the magnets.

Anyway, those were just some of mine. I'd love to hear your guy's stories!!

Pony Corral / Why though???
« on: April 15, 2018, 11:07:29 PM »
Do you ever just look at a pony with tail rust and wonder "why though???"
Like why would you ever feel the need to wash a certain kind of pony? I know sometimes I come across a pony with a glitter cutie mark and tail rust and I just wonder "don't you know water washes off glitter?"
I guess I could take into consideration that some were most likely owned by young children or might've been accidentally dropped in water.
Anyway, do you guys ever feel like that or is it just me? Is there a type of pony you look at with tail rust and wonder "Why though??"

Pony Corral / G2 Ponies Head Moving?
« on: April 12, 2018, 03:52:43 PM »
I just got my lovely Clever Clover in the mail today, but his head moves? I thought the head moving ability (besides the gimmick with the peek-a-boo babies in g1) was introduced later in the g3 line, though? So my question is, do regular G2 ponies without some special mechanism have the ability to move their heads? If not this will be the second pony I've gotten that someone has taken apart and it hadn't been listed on the selling...

Pony Corral / Suggested Price for Mail Order Spike
« on: April 06, 2018, 07:18:08 PM »
My favorite of all the Spikes released has to be the mail order one with the cartoon eyes. Apparently, this version of Spike is rare (?) and I have my eye on one. Before I buy it, what would be the suggested price for him? I want to make sure I'm not being overcharged. I live in America by the way if that helps with the currency. Thank you all for any information you can give me! :)

Pony Corral / Daddy Sweet Celebrations Fade?
« on: April 06, 2018, 10:45:23 AM »
I remember a while ago I saw a listing on eBay for a Daddy Sweet Celebrations, but he was white instead of the light blueish green color. Can he (and I guess the rest of the Sweet Celebrations family) fade to white? I took a screenshot of it a while ago (like last year) so if you guys need the picture I can try my hardest to find it.

Pony Corral / Tips For G2 Ponies Please!
« on: April 05, 2018, 11:06:53 PM »
Hello everyone! G2 ponies are my favorite of all of the ponies, but sadly I don't own any due to the fact that I don't know a lot about them. To me, it seems really hard to find information about them online. I don't know if that's because they weren't too popular over here in America or what.
Basically, could you all help me out a bit with some of the most important information I need to know about them? I'm sort of a picky collector which is why I like to learn about these things upfront. Here are some questions I have:
1. Do they get tail rust like G1 ponies?
2. Do they get age spots, plasticizer leakage, or regrind?
3. Does their hair fade? I.E. The pink used on G1s that so often fade to white.
4. Is there any special damage that I need to know about them? Like how secondhand seaponies often have rust in them or how flutterponies wings easily break?
5. What is the recommended price for them and are there any rare ponies?
               5 1/2. What's the recommended price for the Secret Suprise Clever Clover? He's my absolute favorite G2 pony.  :biggrin:

Any other information I should know about them is appreciated also! I know a lot about G1 ponies and some about G4 ponies if you have to refer to any terms for them or if you would like to compare an issue with a previous pony released or a pony released after them. Also, if you have any interesting facts those are always appreciated!

Thank you all for your time.  ^.^  :heart:

Pony Corral / Pony Bride With Different Cutie Mark Rarity?
« on: April 04, 2018, 09:27:40 PM »
I have a pony bride who doesn't have the typical two doves cutie mark (I could try to post a picture if you need a pic of it). I don't really hear much about her and I mostly, if not always, hear about the pony bride with the two doves cutie mark. My pony's cutie mark is a heart with a bouquet over the heart and I believe I heard somewhere that this was the later release but I'm not sure. Is one rarer than the other, or can someone just give me any information about these two ponies? Thank you!

Pony Corral / Weirdest or Funniest Pony Defects?
« on: April 02, 2018, 04:02:12 PM »
Pony defects have always been something I love to see although I'm not sure why. I guess they just interest me!  :P So I'm here to ask, what's the weirdest or funniest pony defects you've ever seen or owned? I haven't really seen too many pony defects in the wild, so maybe you guys can fill me up with some good stories.  :thumb:

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