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Topics - systemcat

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Horsey Trivia?
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:07:09 AM »
I watch a group on DeviantART that sadly is regularly abused by submissions not related to it. As the result of seeing the latest insult to another fandom I enjoy, I've started making some new fan art for it that does show two fantasy horses. Now I remember as a kid I believed for the longest time a plushie I had, I thought belonged to this other fandom, but in fact I learned later was a My Little Pony.

It's with my childhood mistake over the toys I'm wondering if I could post this art meant for the other fandom here, and see how many of you recognize what in pop culture it belongs to. May I?

Arts & Crafts Corral / My Little Pony: United
« on: October 11, 2013, 02:15:31 PM »
There's already been question on if I could post fan fiction here and apparently you guys are cool with it  :). Do note I'm told there are minor grammar errors in this. Such as the wrong word being used because my spell checker corrected and in the afterwards I didn't see what happened.

Please leave your reviews here so I know who has read it  :).

Wanted! / Systemcat's MLP WishList
« on: October 09, 2013, 11:53:29 AM »
The ponies I want simply fall under categories and not really to certain ones. I would also like it noted to people I have very little money and have never won a bidding war with eBay. Also when I shop for them, I normally spring for shipping being paid for. ...I hope you realize now what I mean by being poor now. My ponies are I guess a comfort, and some thing that makes me feel good in bad times since they've always been around (why I collect).

Now for the current list:
-G2 ponies, any pony but "Ivy" since that's the only one I own.
-The Rockin' Beat Ponies, any but "Half Note" since I already have that one.
-Any of the Dutch Ponies from the mid-90's
-Baby Ember (I know there is more than one kind of Baby Ember).
-Any So Soft pony in good shape
-Any Twinkle Eye ponies
-Any Adventure Boy ponies, Big Brother ponies, or Mountain Boy ponies
-Princess ponies except "Princess Ruby" since I have that one
-Any Bushwoolie
-Any Brush n' Grow pony but "Braided Beauty" since I have that one
-Any Sparkle pony
-Schooltime ponies (although I don't know the name, I do have one in mind I believe comes from this line. It's cutie mark puts it as an artist.)
-Any G3 that lights it's body up

Pony Brag Arena / My Herd Minus A New Comer
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:43:41 PM »
The result of collecting since '82 ...I don't remember when I was two, but owning My Little Ponies does date back that far :blush:. Some have been restored in a custom artsy way because of lack of knowledge, while a couple are purely customed because they have doubles in the collection. The only ones not shown is Creamsicle Giraffe which hasn't come in the mail yet, and a Bushwoolie long lost. I do have a wish list for any one interested.

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Sigs & Site Support / Two General Forum Usage Questions
« on: October 03, 2013, 11:09:09 PM »
First question: Are topics deleted after a period of time? I mean this forum has been around for a while right, but I only see posts going back to '12 in one part of the forum.

Second: What is with the comments when logged in? Examples: "Sshh I'm sleeping", and "I didn't know you were a night owl, systemcat". They're cute, I just want to know what's their deal is.

Pony Corral / Dirty Ponies And Broken Parts
« on: September 27, 2013, 08:46:44 PM »
I've read advice around the net for cleaning dirty ponies and I really don't have the guts to dip one of the little buggers in nail polish cleaner, given what that does to cutie marks & eyes.

Another piece of advice has me using pore cleanser on them, but that doesn't do any thing.

Chemical advice please  :blush:?

Also I have a Brush 'N' Grow that ceased to work a very long time ago. As an adult I've tried to remove the head to see what is wrong to fix it, but I just don't seem strong enough to do the job. Advice on this too would be welcomed  :huh:.

Introductions / Old School & New School Kitty
« on: September 27, 2013, 07:03:41 PM »
Awhile back I think the web master to the My Little Pony Scrapbook site asked me if I was a member here and I said no. I didn't join here back then since I was hoping I would get the answers I needed from another MLP forum, but despite welcoming older generation topics. Older stuff in talk really doesn't get replies. This site looks more open minded towards stuff not solely done in recent years.

I've been into My Little Pony since before I can remember. My parents started buying me the toys back in '82 and I've been hooked ever since. Unknowing this fact in the early 90's, I still even looked for the toys for sale for a while before giving up. It wasn't until the burst in popularly of G4 that it was brought to my attention MLP had returned. Some how G2 and G3 pasted me by without my knowledge.

When my parents started buying me My Little Pony toys when I was little it was as gifts to make me feel better after surgeries. This year alone I've undergone six surgeries because of numerous health problems. I must say I love eBay when it comes to grabbing ponies I either lost when I was a kid, or getting ones new for me owning. So far this year I've nearly doubled my collection and have added in one G2 pony, a few G3 ponies, and a few G4 ponies. Of course I've also been adding in more G1s.

I'm hope this forum can give me advice on cleaning & repairing my G1 ponies. Also hopefully feedback on fan art & fan fiction no one else where seems to care for.

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