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Topics - ponyqueen

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:heart: Who is your number one Valentine? :heart: My guess is somepony special!  :lovey: This week we have selected the purple Valentine Twin and a lovely G2 pony named Tenderheart to inspire your creative hearts and minds.

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 :lovey: Ready, set, create! :art:

 :happy: I received the neatest private swap box ever from pandabear_chan!

She invited me to participate in a private new year’s swap.  She was going on vacation to Japan with her husband and offered to buy fun Japanese items for the swap.  My husband and I travelled to Japan in spring of 2013 to see the cherry blossoms and to experience the culture.  So – I had a short wish list of items and pandabear_chan did a great job finding interesting and unique extras. 

The package came postmarked from Germany via Deutsche Post.   :mail:
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Inside was a lovely card, and a wrapped package.  :tellme:
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The card is soooo beautiful!  The paper has iridescent sakura and beautiful soft pinks.  It really reminds me of all the beautiful merchandise we found when we were in Japan.  We particularly liked the instruction on the front of the card.
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Inside was a heartwarming and uplifting personal message.
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Next up - The main package!
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Carefully unwrapping it yields a bundle of goodies!  :green:
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First – oh my gosh!  “Yotsuba &” toys!   :dropjaw: This was my number one wish list item!  Pandabear_chan teased me that she didn’t find any of these toys!  So I was super-surprised to find not one, not two, but three of these gachapon capsule toys!   :iconclap: It looks like they were found at one of the shops dedicated to re-selling gachapan and other Japanese toys. This took some serious toy hunting skills!  :ninja:
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Next up a face mask thingy!  An interesting note – the last time I was in Germany the housekeeper at our hostel threw away my sleep mask (and one sock!?)  so it’s very coincidental that I should receive a replacement sleep mask from my German friend pandabear_chan.  ^.^

My husband will translate some of it:  hot & mask.  :P
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Next up:  Cream colon? Oh, collon... The Japanese text says “Fresh Cream” these look delicious!  I can’t wait to not share them with my husband! (by the way I'm dictating and my husband is actually typing this.)
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And then – what do we have here?  My husband’s number one wish list item – a vintage Japanese video game!  :dribble: If I can remember his exact words – they were “No way…  No way… that is awesome!  That is so awesome!”  (Stares at game) “Awesome…”  :drool: And then he started drooling.  Luckily the game is wrapped in plastic. Again, it took skills to track this item down.  :ninja:
The game is for the MSX - a video game system that was very popular in Japan - and the game is for the movie “King Kong 2”.  That is what it says on the top – King Kong 2, Revived Legend.  Don’t look for a Konami video game titled King Kong 1 – you won’t find it because it doesn’t exist. 
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And then – Candy!  Two hazelnut KitKats.  One for me to have now, and one for my husband to give to me later.  And Glamatic…  I can only imagine – bubble gum?  With a partial baby moondancer symbol on it.
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The next item is a washcloth.  Featuring a character called Gunma-chan!  Not sure if he is a member of the green beret, or if he spilled a bowl of chocolate pudding on his head…  We love this item because it reminds us of a slice of Japanese culture that our Japanese daughter told us about – which is that all the children in Japan always carry washcloths everywhere they go to dry their hands every time they wash them.  She told us about how teachers will check to make sure they have their wash cloths every day at school.
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Finally – what looks like rose scented potpourri – or perhaps, bath salts.  The English text on the package says:  “Makes you comfortable with scent of rose”.  But upon closer inspection, my husband with his Japanese familiarity elaborates –
The top right circle lists, Collagen, Healthy Oils, and Vitamin C.
Below the black bar (pink font) says: Beauty rose flavor.
Below the black bar (black font) says:  Soft candy
And to confirm it is candy and not potpourri – there is nutrition information on the back of the packaging.  Calories and such. Lol! Glad I didn't dump them in my bath! :tub:
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There you have it, folks!  Our wonderful Japanese swappy swap stuff from our amazing friend pandabear_chan!
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As a bonus – here are some closeup pictures of our Yotsuba toys!
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This was my expression opening all the things in the package, especially the Yotsubas.
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Thanks for checking this out, and thanks to pandabear_chan! :heart:

:heart: pq

[nudging this over to off topic for you - kiwimlp :) ]

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / What is BreyerFest? ♥
« on: January 30, 2016, 02:11:51 PM »
Is it like the pony fair? Does it cost admission? What is there to do?

I'm thinking of attending this year with a girlfriend who collects Breyers. We both ride horses together, and it sounds like BreyerFest might be a fun weekend!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Draw Together Jan 27 - Feb 2 ~ Mystery Character ~
« on: January 27, 2016, 07:23:33 PM »

I thought it would be fun to do something a little different this week. Inspired by a thread in the main corral about an FiM/G4 spoiler, I thought we'd turn up the creativity a notch...

Spoiler about anticipated new G4 character:
It has been rumored that the offspring of Shining Armor and Cadence is a little unicorn filly named "Flurry Heart"! We don't know what colors, or even if she might also have wings.

Draw what you think this character will look like! Any style is welcome! 

Ready, set, create! :art:

:glitter: Who doesn't need more sparkle in their lives? I'm curious to see what all of the artists here will do to show a transparent body with glitter- so let's get creative, and show us what you can do!

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Ready, set, create! :art:

Baby, it's still cold outside! Been about 35 degrees below FREEZING this last week here in Minnesota, so I feel like it's time for a tropical getaway! Let's see these gals catching some rays!

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Ready, set, create! :art:

We're halfway through winter, so let's celebrate with these snow ponies! I love the snow, and I'm celebrating because we finally got a good layer of white over Christmas, and it was snowing today!

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Ready, set. create! :art:

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Minnesota ~I Heart Ponies~ Valentine’s Day Pony Party

 :lovey: My Little Pony, will you be my Valentine?

Wouldn’t it be nice to get together with your pony friends for an afternoon? Let’s do! Please join us for a little party to celebrate love for all things My Little Pony!  The holidays are winding down and the pony fair is months away, but we love ponies so what do you say? ;)

What: Valentine-themed Pony Party
When: Valentine’s Day, Sunday February 14th
Time: 1-4
Where: ponyqueen’s house in the Twin Cities

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

:hearts: Rough outline of the party :hearts:
:heart: Valentine exchange! :sendmail:
:heart: [Buy/sell/trade/raffle]
:heart: Group photo (wear something with red, white, or pinks!)
:heart: Trivia game & G1 Dice Game
:heart: [Cakes and chocolate dipped strawberries]
:heart: Pony room tour/Show and tell
:heart: Painting demo and "draw together" (art and coloring for adults!)
:heart: Raffle winner and door prizes!

What to bring
:heart: One Valentine for each attending guest (can be simple or ornate, homemade or store bought)
:heart: One or two G1 items for dice game (gifts should be $1-$3 value G1 items, wrapped. They can be ponies, accessories, merch, plush, backcards, paper ephemera, art, or G1 retro items. I will probably add an item or two of higher value as well, because FUN!)
:heart: Item for show and tell if participating
:heart: Art supplies for "draw together" if participating (I'll have crayons and some pony coloring sheets for all)
:heart: Ponies/items for selling
:heart: Cash for buying

 :-* For everyone familiar with our Minnesota pony meets, I’m envisioning something similar but simplified and scaled down, since space will be limited to just indoors. I’ll have some tables set up along the wall for selling/trading, but mostly I’m hoping to get to know you all better and play some pony games! So don’t overthink it- just search your heart, check your calendar, and come on by!

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                               Host Pony Heart Throb!

Think you can make it? Let me know! I’ll update this post with details about who’s coming and what to bring!

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Count me in! (Please prepare a Valentine for each named guest below)
ponyqueen +1 (ponyqueen's husband)
Sapphire rain +1 (Mommy Rain)
Aquatic Neon
Baby Gusty
Silver Glade
Nimrodel +1 (Mr. Nimrodel)


Sorry, can't make it.

:lovey: Heart Throb painting and Italian Peachy raffle!
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:lovey: Trivia prizes!
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:heart: pq

Let's get the party started! It's 2016 and we're ready to celebrate! Show us these two gals ringing in the New Year!

US G1 Confetti
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[image from strawberry reef]

G3 January Joy
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[image from ponytopia]

Ready, set, create! :art:

:holiday: Merry Christmas, everyone! Welcome to Christmas Eve at the Norwood Family Mouse House. It's little more than a hole in the wall, but it's cozy and filled with cheer. Let Little Brother show you some of the elements that bring it all together to make this home a Christmas treasure!

Here the whole family gathers in the great room.
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Mom has on her finest trimmings and plays with Baby Sister on the sofa.
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Sister plays her favorite Christmas songs on her awesome guitar, a present from last year!
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Baby Brother plays with their greyhound, Gigi.
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Sky wants some cake and cocoa!
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Here's where the family writes Christmas cards for dear family and friends, near and far.
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We've displayed received cards on the stairs.
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The family loves giving gifts to each other, and here is where we wrap them up!
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Upstairs is a new dollhouse for Sister!
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This beautiful doily was bobbin laced by hand- a delicate souvenir from Belgium.
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And these decorations round out the upstairs gallery.
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The downstairs entry has some little treasures- vintage decorations and fragile angel statues...
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And cookies for Santa!
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Oh, here's our little kitty, Snowflake!
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And the beautiful tree we found and decorated this year. Do you remember when Mom, Sister and I brought it home?
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Lights, candy canes, and snowflakes decorate our tree!
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There's plenty of sweets for the feast!
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And for our honored guests, Santa Claus and Rudolf!
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Merry Christmas, boys and girls!
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Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
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Thanks for looking! Be safe and be merry this holiday season!

:heart: pq

:holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday: :holiday:

:snowing: :read: 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Paradise Estate,
not a creature was stirring, though the foals couldn't wait.

Minty had hung the stockings with care,
For Merry Treats and Felicidades soon would be there.

Baby Snowflake and Baby Stocking were nestled in tight,
Dreaming of sugar cubes, presents, and a snowfall of white...

...Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!

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[images from strawberry reef]

Ready, set, create! :art:

:holiday: Merry Christmas! We are getting close, so we've selected some solid holiday-themed ponies for this week and next week. :xmas: Up first- G1 Merry Treats or G1 Felicidades from Argentina, and their G3 friend, Candy Cane! (Shout out to sourdoughstomper for bringing these gals to my attention here:,375207.0.html )

:xtree: I was going to save Merry Treats for next week, but she's BASICALLY the same pony as Felicidades, lol. So paint one or the other, or both! Hope your palettes have plenty of red and green this week!

[okay, photobucket is really fighting me, so until further notice please see links for pony images]

(image from my little wiki)

Merry Treats
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(image from strawberry reef)

Candy Cane
(image from strawberry reef)

Ready, set, create! :art:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Draw Together Dec 9-Dec 15 ~White Cap and Rarity~
« on: December 09, 2015, 10:56:04 AM »
It's winter in the arctic seas, where White Cap splashes among the glimmering ice bergs. Are those gems dazzling in that berg, or just ice? Rarity wants to take a closer look! Wouldn't they make lovely ornaments for the Christmas tree!

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Ready, set, create! :art:

:snowing: This week we are paying homage to winter's treasure- the beautiful and delicate snowflake! I love snow, I love winter, I love cold! And I love when all three go together!!! I've known Flurry since childhood- she's part of our original herd. Butterflies and snow don't usually go together, making this pony even more precious.

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[image from]

Her companion for this Draw Together is G3 Marshmellow Coco. This gal mixes some of my favorite colors- Pink, light blue, white. So make a mug of hot cocoa, sketch and color, and enjoy winter's blessings! Oh, and check out my Hot Cocoa Storytime thread in Off Topic, featuring this week's ponies!

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[image from]

Ready, set, create! :art:

Off Topic / ~Hot Cocoa Storytime thread!~
« on: November 29, 2015, 04:27:48 PM »
:snowing: :read: "We heated some whole milk on the stove top. The powdered cocoa mix rested in our mugs, waiting. Slowly the milk warmed, then became hot. Stirring gently, we poured the creamy liquid into the mugs. With marshmallows floating like 'bergs in the sea, we sipped. The mugs warmed our hands, the cocoa warmed our tummies, and love warmed our hearts." :coffee:

What is your favorite cocoa recipe? Do you use milk or water? Powder mix or liquid chocolate? I'm interested in exploring the world of cocoa this winter season!

Share your recipes and BONUS for sharing pictures of ponies with cocoa, or similarly themed ponies!

In between, tune in tomorrow for the continuing story of "Hot Cocoa, Warm Hearts"!

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