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Topics - Haruna

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Pony Corral / Is this lot worth it? A conundrum!
« on: September 18, 2016, 12:37:27 PM »
Advice, please? I'm in touch with a lady who's selling her daughter's childhood pony collection (with her daughter's permission! would feel bad if not) for $400 with a little wiggle room on the price.

Here's my problem: I haven't seen the collection yet or even photos, because it's all boxed up in their garage and they're remodeling the kitchen and it's difficult to get the boxes out because of space constraints (and, I gather, general busyness). I would just drop by, but she lives two hours away, and in the worst case I don't want to drive two hours there, find out that the lot is not worth $400, and then drive back two hours . . . (She said she wants to sell it all together.) Obviously, on the flip side, it could be a really good deal, with ponies that are totally worth the price and drive, etc.  ^^;

All I really have to go on is her verbal description (the following are her words from our conversations): it's three large cardboard boxes, with the castle [not sure which version], ice cream shop, perfume parlor [she might have meant the Perm Shoppe], booklet identifying the ponies [probably a collector's guide; she said they identified some of what they had using it], the ponies' paperwork [not sure if she means pamphlets or backcards or something else], and 40 ponies, including teeny tiny ballerina ponies [not sure what this means . . . teeny tiny babies? ballerinas? petites?] and some pegasi. She says they're in good condition, which means different things to non-collectors sometimes . . . I think after our first conversation she asked her daughter more, because in our second she said her daughter said her first pony was Morning Glory. She said her daughter collected pretty much all the ponies, but it probably would seem like that to a non-collector, and after all she only said there were 40 ^.^

Anyway! Since it's such a time commitment and I'm short on time, I just can't decide if it's worth it, without pictures! What do you guys think??

Pony Corral / Is there ever a time to throw a pony away? :/
« on: August 21, 2016, 07:12:21 PM »
So I got these two ponies in a lot and have them quarantined right now. They have some really bad vinyl-embedded mold going on. (Pretty sure it's mold and not cancer or age spots . . .) Normally I would clean up extras like these and sell them, but I don't think there's any way to get rid of this mold, and I doubt anyone would buy them (?). But what to do? I don't like to throw away ponies :cry: Is it their time to go?

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Pony Brag Arena / Thundercloud, Tornado, concerned fakie, and more!
« on: August 21, 2016, 07:00:59 PM »
In the past few months I've purchased some long-time grails, all from Ebay or from members here. I meant to take pictures with my camera, but it died and all I had was my phone . . . sorry for the picture quality . . .  ^^;

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I finally have a concerned fakie. :biggrin: The look on her face is hilarious; I just love it. She's next to another new acquisition, Rosette (who still needs a cleaning but is already so cute!)

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Of course, when you own a concerned fakie the thing to do is pose her next to silly things. Here she is, terrified of Ekans from Pokémon Go . . . poor thing . . .

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Thundercloud! I'm inordinately proud of the fact that 1) his head is still the same color as his body and 2) I was able to purchase him for less than the going price. Why, you ask? Well . . .

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He has quite a few marks on his non-display side! But I think these are awesome. I imagine he was in some sort of fight defending someone and got all battle-scarred. :biggrin: I just love him this way.

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I've wanted Tornado for so long! I love white and blue, so the fact that his hair is nearly white is a huge plus. He looks shy and wise, with his pose and his hair.

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Music Time! I love ponies in her pose and she is lovely. :heart:

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Thundercloud is helping Whitecap stand. She was a lucky buy-it-now. ^.^ She's a pretty nice shade of white all over! I wasn't sure if I'd ever actually own her, and now she's mine, all mine. :P

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Lovely custom Greek Baby Moondancer by Pinkkittywinks! Her symbol and eyes are so perfectly painted. She's so beautiful! I knew I'd never own the real Greek one and this custom is so pretty.

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Since I love Eevee, I looked on Ebay and finally settled on this damaged plush from the 90s (the seam in her back had ripped). My sister helped me repair her. I'm really not acting my age, because I bring her with me, hidden in my purse, so many places it's embarrassing, ha ha.

[stickied 23/8/16 - kiwimlp :) ]
unstickied 25/8/16

Pony Corral / How to run a contest here?
« on: July 10, 2016, 10:06:54 PM »
I've been thinking about starting a contest when I have time (not right now, lol, as I just went full-time at work!) and was wondering if there are any guidelines or tips in general. (I looked at the rules and didn't see any specific Arena guidelines.) I was thinking something where people submitted some sort of photo or picture, though I haven't decided, and having at least one physical pony prize. Anyone have any contest-running tips for me, or ideas of what kind of contest they would jump at the chance to participate in? I know this is a very broad question, so all comments/opinions encouraged as they're all helpful :)

Pony Corral / How much do you know about ponies? *Trivia Game*
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:50:00 PM »
Otherwise known as, are you scarily knowledgeable of all things pony? ^.^ In this game, answer the question and then post a new question for the next person. The questions can range through all pony generations; they can be easy or hard, but if they're hard you might want to provide hints. Try to be specific (e.g., if more than one pony goes by a name, specify which one). You can use informational websites (such as Dream Valley, My Little Wiki, etc.), but it's probably more fun if you don't. See how much you know!

First question:

How many of the 12 Beddy-Bye Eye babies were never released in any country with regular (that is, painted) eyes?

Customs / How do you clean a custom?
« on: May 18, 2016, 08:08:37 AM »
So a while ago I found a cute custom Baby Posey at a flea market. She's pretty dirty and seems to have mildew issues along her hairline, so I expect it's in her body, too. I'm worried about using my usual cleaning methods -- or, actually, any water at all -- because I'm not sure what the customizer used to paint her eyes and symbol. Is there any way I can protect those areas? Do I just have to be super careful? I'm worried about this process. What is the usual paint used on ponies? (You can tell I know next to nothing about customizing; I've been assuming what was used on her is acrylic, but I can't tell. :blush:) She has a shiny layer on her symbol, I think, like someone sealed it, but not her eyes. I really want to make her clean and pretty again. Thanks, guys, for your help!

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Pony Brag Arena / Custom at a flea market
« on: April 19, 2016, 09:47:30 PM »
The other day I was at a flea market (after which this happy event occurred:,378061.0.html). In the glass cabinet in one booth, there were a few vintage ponies, but all ones I had (Banana Surprise, Baby Cuddles, Yum Yum, and some others) and they were priced at Ebay prices or higher. I couldn't see one of the ponies, a little yellow newborn very well, and I asked to handle her. To my surprise she wasn't a Toppy or Milkweed (well, not really); she was a custom Baby Posey.

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She was dirty, but clearly someone had painted her symbols and eyes with a steady hand. At this point in my collecting, it's pretty unusual to find a pony I don't have. Clearly she fit the bill  ^.^

Now I just have to clean her. I'm probably going to post about that in the customs forum soon; I think she has mildew problems? and some surface dirt, but I'm not sure what kind of paint was used on her and I don't want to rub it. Also, I might repink her hair, although she does look pretty cute with white hair. Anyway, so there's my little brag! 

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Pearl is looking for a new home! I don't know much about Bubble Belles, but apparently they were made in the same mold as Rose Petal Palace dolls. She no longer has her original swimsuit but is wearing a dress from another toyline and looks very cute. She has one of her original hairties, with worn elastic. I'm asking $10 for her.

Check out my sales thread for her and other 80s and 90s toys, and MLP accessories:,376797.0.html

Price Check Archives / Would you pay $100 for a Paradise Estate?
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:30:27 PM »
$100 seems like too much (at least based on Ebay prices) . . . It's on Craigslist. It seems to have a nice pink roof, but apparently the pool is chipped and some stickers are gone. It has lots of its original accessories, even some of the small ones (perfume bottle, milk cartons, one plate -- no silverware or cups or the other plate), but not all. The accessories in some cases have water staining on the stickers. It's pretty good-looking overall, but $100 seems like too much. I would buy it for resale, as I don't have room for such a huge playset.

Anyone have a good idea for a fair price for that playset? (It could be gone already for all I know, lol.)

Off Topic / Guy I like just asked me out :)
« on: April 09, 2016, 07:00:48 PM »
I just wanted to share my happy news :blush: I've been friends with this guy for a year or more now and today, totally out of the blue, he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I had been wanting this so much and had actually thought he wouldn't ask. But he has. He likes me so much more than I knew. :blush: Agh, this is so embarrassing but so good at the same time! It was kind of random but it was just how the situation flowed. We were at a restaurant and I was getting super nervous sitting across from him. I could hardly concentrate or eat my food. I was thinking about how lately, especially, it had seemed like he had shown signs that he liked me a lot, but not romantically (so I thought), and I was getting anxious about what to do and it was hard to keep up a conversation. Hard to explain, but it's been stressful hiding something like that and dealing with the feelings that he didn't like me romantically. Finally I was just like, "Can I sit next to you?" (It's so much easier for me to talk to people when I'm not facing them in a one-on-one interrogation scene! I thought it would be better if we were side by side; I didn't have any ulterior motives). Then he steered the conversation toward a guy friend of mine who lately had been avoiding me. I didn't exactly want to tell him it was because that guy had liked me and I had shown him (nicely as possible, I hope) I didn't like him that way). Then he asked if I was still on Eharmony; and then what kind of guy I was looking for. A Christian, I said, who I could talk to and get along with and who understood my nerdiness (I was very eloquent, lol). He said, well, we get along, don't we? Why don't we date? I was so surprised, in a good way. I nodded yes in amazement, and things just went from there. We sat there like two lovey dovey idiots for a while, talking and holding hands, and the waitress wisely left us alone. Then we went to a park. I'm so very happy. He's put us up on Facebook and our friends are liking the post or whatever, and I'm so happy they're supportive. My best friend knew about our get together today and I told her first. Anyway, this is really happy for me; I didn't think this would happen. It's such a surprise. Thanks so much for reading; just sharing my happiness. :blush:

Check out my main sales thread (,376797.0.html) to see all sorts of 80s and 90s toys for sale!

Pony Brag Arena / Ponies from a thrift store!
« on: March 25, 2016, 06:21:35 PM »
On Wednesday I decided to drop by one of the few thrift stores in my area that still carries toys, just for the heck of it. They have a few bins of toys in the back of the store, so I figured it would at least be fun to dig through. Little did I know I wouldn't have to dig . . .




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Five ponies were just sitting there, almost as if they had been waiting for me! It was a really cool experience. I picked them up happily and saw that they were in very nice condition; they just need a little cleaning. Posey's wearing an original hair ribbon, and obviously Sundance is in the parade outfit.

I did look through the other bins just to be thorough, but I didn't find anything else. The ponies had probably just been set out that morning. There was this funky green seapony lookalike, though :)
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Here they are at home! I love their curls and they look like they'll clean up really well.
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Happy day! I don't find G1s that often, so this was pretty cool. :) Thanks for reading!

Pony Corral / Ponies you didn't like then saw in person and loved?
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:49:03 PM »
Do you guys ever see a pony online and think "meh, I don't want her," and maybe even get her in a lot of ponies intending to sell her along, but then you start to really like her? That's happened with me many, many times. :lol: Examples (pictures from My Little Wiki):

Cutesaurus! I got her in a lot with other ponies and wasn't going to keep her. But then she just kept looking up at me with those adorable blue eyes . . . and chunky little feet . . . and I remembered how much I loved dinosaurs as a kid . . . and I was a goner.
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DJ. I got one in a group of TLC ponies; she'd lost the knob on her chest so she has a gaping hole (I need to make some sort of Iron Man-like fix). I don't like gimmicky ponies in general and was going to sell her. But then I just mysteriously fell for her. Probably because she's blue and a unicorn; it also helps that the knob is gone, since I feel it gets in the way, ha ha.
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Braided Beauty. In pictures she just never looks that great. But when you find a good one in person, she just looks really nice. Her color scheme works together really well, for one. 
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Baby Sweet Steps. As I said before, I don't really like gimmicky ponies (I usually like the classic poses more). I had Sweet Steps and planned to sell her. But I kept putting it off and putting it off . . . she was so cute, looking up at me. Her colors are pretty and remind me of Heart Throb. So this ballerina baby joined my collection. ^.^
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What about you guys? Are there ponies you didn't think you wanted but that worked their way into your collection?

I was just wondering how you guys think I should deal with this. A buyer opened a case yesterday; they had purchased a pony from me on Ebay on Feb. 14 and it was shipped on the 16th. I shipped through USPS and bought the postage through Ebay and so, of course, both Ebay and I have the tracking number. In the tracking the item is showing as delivered. The story gets a little unusual because the buyer opened the case not to blame me, necessarily, but to get a refund through Ebay. They sent a polite message:

"This and another package were stolen off my porch on feb 19! Ebay has to do an investigation. I am sorry for the inconvenience, I know it had nothing to do with you! Thanks!"

So I know they don't mean to be any trouble. It's just a little tricky; I have to figure out how to respond. As I see it, there's nothing I can do, right? It really stinks that it was stolen. But I don't think there's any action I can take . . . ? How would you respond?

Looking for a home this week is UK Mountain Boy Tornado! His auction ends today, 3/18. Follow the link below and take a look (username 7682thomas):

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