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Topics - Artemesia's Garden

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Pony Corral / Accessory Disambigution Thread
« on: June 04, 2021, 08:55:18 AM »
Hi all, bet you can guess why I spent all afternoon studying colour theory... it's time to make an inventory of my accessories! I've bought or swapped some without really knowing who they belong to.

Could anyone  kindly tell me whether Magic Message Windy's ribbon is the same green as Sugarberry/Strawberry Fair please? Internet photos are making this one very difficult.

Pony Corral / Colour theory!
« on: June 04, 2021, 08:07:07 AM »
I wrote myself a tutorial - what do you think?

Describing Colour

Hue and temperature   
Hue is the easiest colour scale to grasp – it tells us where we are on the rainbow:

Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Purple

I have noticed that on a computer we tend to be given a scale that looks more like:

Red - Magenta - Purple - Blue - Cyan - Green - Yellow - Orange

This is more useful for My Little Pony because a lot of magenta (i.e. pink) and cyan (i.e. turquoise) are used. Because I don’t want to be the ‘the witch who banished pink’ I propose:

Pink - Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Cyan - Blue - Purple

Colours pink, red, orange and yellow are considered warm colours and green, cyan, blue and purple are considered cool colours. This can be described as the temperature of the colour. Red can therefore be either a cool red (with more purple) or a warm red (with more orange). Similarly, green can be a warm or a cool green.

How the eye recognizes color temperature can change according to the source of light, so for comparison between two objects they need to be placed in the same photograph. Saturation and value can also appear differently according to the source of light…

The colour wheel and opposite colours
Opposite colours are found on each side of a colour wheel. For example, purple and yellow, red and green, orange and blue.
This colour wheel has 12 colours and can be divided up using the 6 colours from the original rainbow. I’ve added the extra colour-words we added too:

Red - Red-orange - Orange - Orange-yellow - Yellow - Yellow-green - Green - Cyan (Green-blue) - Blue - Blue-purple - Purple - Pink (purple-red or Magenta)

These words now divide the rainbow into in equal portions.

My only reservation for this system is that in the picture above, blue-purple looks more like a purple shade of blue than a blue shade of purple. Why that colour doesn’t quite work for me I’m not sure. Apparently we all see colour differently.


Saturation is also known as the degree of intensity or purity of a hue. Imagine mixing paints; adding grey reduces the intensity of a colour. Adding white creates tints and adding black creates shades. Saturation is also known as the chroma, which you can imagine as the proportion of colour pigment left in the mixture.

The saturation of colours can be described from vivid i.e. very strong to dull i.e. very weak. For example:

Very vivid - Vivid - Medium - Dull - Very dull

To add to this story, in the 1980s, new dyes were marketed that produce very distinctive fluorescent colours, known in the UK as ‘luminous’ or in the USA as ‘neon’. Neon is shorter!

The value is the relative lightness or darkness of a colour. Imagine a monochrome photograph in black or sepia; the amount of light reflecting off a surface creates the value in the photograph. The value of a colour is also known as the tone when describing colours.

Here are some words to make a scale for the value of colour:

Very light - Light - Medium - Dark - Very dark

Combining terms

A dull, light red-orange could be what we often think of as 'coral'. What we think of as ‘hot pink’ could be described as medium, very vivid pink, or luminous pink could be medium neon pink. ‘Fuchsia’ could be described as vivid, very dark pink… I know, I know ‘fuchsia’ is much shorter and easier to remember! What can I say? Practice makes perfect.

Using the colour picker in Microsoft Office applications
This is a good way to understand hue, saturation and value. First, you pick the hue or rainbow colour using the sliding scale. Pink and cyan are helpfully included in this scale. Then, you can see in the box to the left there are colour options for the saturation (low or grey at left and high at the right hand side) and the value (light at the top to dark at the bottom).

Women have far less impact on the availability of healthcare than men so if you are or know a woman who has recieved NHS healthcare in England then here's a chance to have your say...

Pony Corral / My Little Pony Cafe
« on: May 17, 2021, 03:03:05 AM »
Well, I have a week off so I'm just researching my Little Pony Land locations. I've definitely never been to enough ice cream parlours, bakeries and sweet shops that's for sure. I found this: I enjoyed reading the detailed descriptions of these very colourful and complicated desserts!

He showed me a couple of photos he found randomly, and one has deeper features and taller ears and the other has less pronounced features and shorter ears. Can anyone confirm or deny this? I think the one I just got is the cutest thing ever and will be posting a brag soon. But he and I are both curious to know if he's right or whether it's just the photos he found.

Pony Corral / Uk Waterfall and sprinkles
« on: May 12, 2021, 05:37:05 AM »
So I was lucky enough to have the UK waterfall with Cascade as a girl, but unfortunately both have been lost in time. I swapped a UK waterfall from Taffeta (thank you Taffeta) for some de-flocking from.

This time, I got Sprinkle's waterfall. I really like the paler yellow sun of this page combined with the green base. Taffeta's page on this subject is fascinating:

I do have Sprinkles to go with this waterfall, however I bought her from someone in the USA. So my question is, does anyone know whether there are any differences between the USA version of Sprinkles and the UK version of Sprinkles? Taffeta's theory about the Sprinkles version of the UK waterfall being prompted by overstock of Sprinkles from the USA would suggest there is no difference. Many thanks in advance.

Pony Corral / Restoring Magic Message Ponies
« on: May 10, 2021, 04:17:07 AM »
So many MMs have lost their symbols, they seem to be very easily damaged especially as they have aged. That aside, I love the poses, the hair streak and the slightly unusual colours in this set. I assume we have have never found any method to restore MM symbols to anything close to the original? If so has anyone considered 'soft' customising i.e. cleaning the tattered remains off and trying to re-paint with iether the usual or the hidden design? If so, which would you choose? Or would you come up with something else?

Off Topic / Rakuten Kobo
« on: October 13, 2020, 06:57:57 AM »
I just bought one! Lucky me. I feel like since my husband doesn't read, books shouldn't dominate our house as much as they did in my flat, so I'm only keeping certain books and not buying normal paperbacks any more.

Has anyone else been down this road before iether with Kobo or Kindle etc? How did you get on?

Pony Corral / Perfume Puff Palace Net Scarves and Setups
« on: April 27, 2020, 06:12:25 AM »
Hi all, I'm really into my Perfume Puffs right now and decided to set up my Palace and take some photos.  I bought some Perfume Puff Palace net scarves on Ebay once but now I'm looking at them again I'm suspicious that they weren't original and it would be good to get a clearer idea. I'd really like to know the dimensions of a scarf in mm and see a picture of the fabric next to a ruler so I can see the size of the holes in it.

If anyone has any photos of the scarves or a Perfume Puff Palace please post!


Off Topic / Dental Treatment
« on: April 05, 2020, 06:22:09 PM »
I think I might have to go have emergency dental treatment for a cavity. Dentists are only doing emergency treatment at the moment so I hope everyone is looking after thier teeth... having to go out to the dentist in this situation is a completely different story to how I usually feel about it!

Off Topic / Here we post smileys doing social things
« on: March 24, 2020, 01:07:48 PM »
I'll start... :hug:

Off Topic / Working from Home Thread
« on: March 16, 2020, 12:31:15 AM »
Hi all :waves: is anyone else already fully set up to work from home? I am and therefore still on full duties during lockdown... :sweat:

Although we're not on lockdown here as a country I'm  12 weeks pregnant and if I get a fever it may harm the baby.

Update: I decided to tell people at work that I'm pregnant and arrange cover for the watering at work so I don't have to go in. But I'm still feeling pressure to go in rather than lose experiments. In the meantime I'm sat at home and struggling to concentrate...

Update: Now on lockdown

Pony Corral / Placeholder acessories
« on: March 08, 2020, 04:37:24 AM »
I just found an ebay listing that sells small samples of lace in different colours. I have tried for ages to find the lace ribbons for the UK Sweetheart Sisters but I realise that's probably going to be a long wait! What kinds of things have you found to use as placeholder accessories?

Pony Corral / Lemondrop's Forelock Game
« on: March 02, 2020, 02:05:45 PM »
I have a really nice two stamp HK Lemondrop with the pale lilac symbols and no blush. She has a forelock but to me it seems like it's a bit short and cut at an odd angle. I'd like to know if she's original, can anyone help?

I've trie a simple image search but there are so many Lemondrops out there with abused forelocks, I'm guessing because of the issue of fitting the bridle on to the pony. If they aren't buzz cut they are bent in a strange direction. The thing is I don't even remember my childhood pony having a forelock. The front was the same length as the rest of the hair. Maybe my childhood one was made in China?  :huh:

Pony Corral / Daft question...
« on: February 22, 2020, 02:25:27 AM »
I sprayed my new repro clam shell and proudle put it together. Now I can't work out how to separate the two pieces again so I can put it away  >_<

I tried everything, then broke the tip off a best kitchen knife and decided to stop!

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