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Topics - Sunshine

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Pony Brag Arena / Oh yeah! She's finally here! *squee!* :D
« on: February 09, 2014, 11:16:23 PM »
A while ago I posted in Nirvana which I never do because my wallet starts screaming at me immediately :lol: - but, I wanted to add a Piggy Pony to my herd. After learning about them, I absolutely fell in love, which I know is a costly thing, so I had to be careful since I'm not really flush with disposable pony income!

I was able to purchase this lovely gal and add her to my herd, I know she has some flaws but her hair is so amazingly silky and her eyes are perfect! :newpony:

Meet my Piggy Blossom! I'm so in love! :inlove: I never realized how small they are relative to other ponies, such adorable little legs! :hearts:

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I just want to cuddle her all day!

Thanks for sharing in my joy! :biggrin:


Off Topic / She-Ra Horse collectors - accessories question?
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:02:14 PM »
So I love She-Ra horses, I've only really started collecting them... but, I was able to obtain Ms. Swift Wind (original) with her mask and wings/saddle. GREAT, right? Well then I realized she's misisng her reigns. So, I bought a second Swift Wind who had only her mask and reigns (no wings/saddle). Got her in, went to switch out the masks, and I notice this:
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Are there two releases of Swift Wind with different colored gold? The mask and wings of my lighter one completely match one another, and the bodies between the two, and hair colors between the two horses, are the same. Also the hoof paint matches the color of the mask, so lighter on the lighter one, darker on the dark one.

So, should I be looking for a saddle/wings in dark gold to match to this darker gold girl?


Pony Corral / My Little Pony Ribbons - ID question?
« on: February 07, 2014, 11:47:25 AM »
Hey accessories gurus. I know how difficult identifying ribbons via photograph can be...  but this one might be simpler than I think.

I got a lot with a whole bunch of original MLP ribbons in them and also, a random assortment of "other" ribbons. Now... most of them I just assumed are not MLP, but before I start using them on my sale ponies for decorations in their hair, I wanted to double check as I know some ponies have... different types of ribbons.

Specifically I was thinking about My Pretty Pony and also the Brush 'n Grow ponies - they have larger, thicker ribbons than normal right?

Still, I believe these are just, random ribbons... but, please take a look:

The yellow ribbon the bottom is a known, confirmed original MLP ribbon from a pony I got with all their original accessories. It matches all other pony ribbons I have in texture and approx. length.
Now the other ribbons are bigger, as you can see. Some are shinier. Some are matte.
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And a close up for texture comparison:
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Do any of these ribbons above the yellow scream MLP to any of you?


Pony Corral / My Little Pony - Minecraft Style
« on: February 01, 2014, 11:11:31 PM »
Okay, so, I want to preface this by saying, I just started playing Minecraft on our PS3 and I have no idea how to take a screenshot, so I had to go all old school and take a pic of my TV screen, lol...

But I wanted to share my My Little Pony Playset World - Minecraft Style! :biggrin:

First, Paradise Estate!!
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Then, Show Stable with Rainbow Bridge (ohhhh yeah!  :P)
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Okay onto the Baby Bonnet School of Dance
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And right now, my last current finished is Cascade's Waterfall!!
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Okay I'm sure more people play this and have made even more grandeous and amazing playset structures, so share if you have any pics, I'd love to see!! :biggrin:
Thanks for lookin'!


Pony Corral / Accessories ID - probably mostly NonMLP?
« on: January 31, 2014, 04:34:35 PM »
Okay, mods if these turn out to be like ALL nonMLP (which is kind of my hunch) - can you bump this to OT for me? :biggrin:

But I got a random lot of accessories - YAY! So fun. But, came with a lot of stuff that I am about 99.9% sure is nonMLP, but I was wondering if anyone saw anything that is MLP?

I am not good with anything but G1 accessories - so, the one thing I was questioning most was the teal heart barrette? It reminds me of something I feel like I've seen with like FS style G4s, but could just be a random thing. ;)
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Also I feel as if I've seen these combs before, and hoped someone would be able to help me ID this stuff potentially! Most are skirts, look like for dolls, but maybe someone can spot something they recognize... ;)


Pony Corral / Interesting hair patterns...
« on: January 24, 2014, 11:16:22 AM »
So, I'm not a really active G3 collector, though I will buy them when I find them 2nd hand or if they're cheap or on my short list of ones I actually know that I'm missing... but, I was looking at some of my G3s I recently got, and I realized that Sweetberry has a very interesting hair pattern!

It's unlike most others I've noticed...

I think this is the best pic I can find on Google Images - but, she has smaller white stripes surrounding the middle aqua stripe. I haven't noticed this on many other ponies, and just thought it was kinda neat! I wonder why Hasbro went kinda... outside the box with her?
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What are some other ponies you know of that have unique factory hair patterns? Please share pics, I am very interested in seeing more ponies with patterns "outside the box" of normal pony patterns!

Pony Corral / Show me Gusty! I need some eye candy... ;)
« on: January 17, 2014, 02:48:56 AM »
I am in the mood for some photos of Gusty...

As, well... #1, it's GUSTY as heck outside right now! The wind hasn't stopped for days!
#2 - My sorceress character on Diablo III is named Gusty
and #3... well I LOVE GUSTY! :heart:

So, can you show me your armies? Variants? Customs? I am dying for some eye candy!! :biggrin:


Off Topic / Anyone play Diablo 3 on PS3?
« on: January 13, 2014, 03:24:25 AM »
Hey all, sorry if there was a topic already when this game came out like forevs ago, but I just got a PS3 and have been so in love with playing Diablo 3 (I was huge into D2X), I just was wondering if anyone had PS3 and played and might want to mess around on a team play online?

I believe my PSN ID is SunnySparklePony

But I don't really know how to search or add people or anything :blush:

Pony Brag Arena / Pony hunting score!
« on: January 11, 2014, 06:28:41 PM »
So, my fiance and I went pony hunting this weekend - and started out on a really rough note! We had a list of thrift stores and resales shops in some nearby towns, and when we started out, 5 of them (basically our whole list) were either out of business, or closed! I mean, side rant - but what kind of thrift store is closed on the weekends? Seems like that's PRIME time for people to be out spending money. Anyway!

So, we saw a sign for an "antique mall" with "acres of stuff" over in the next state, only about a 30 min drive from where we were.

We're looking around (this place has like 77,000 sq. ft of booths - so we were looking for a LONG TIME) - and the first thing we saw was four G1 ponies inside a locked case. Moondancer, Majesty, Bluebelle and... one other I can't remember who. Each one was priced at $15+ and I wasn't enthused enough to have the person come open the case... so I was a bit sad, and almost was feeling like, "Well if I want pony score today, I'm going to have to pay above retail just to "rescue" one"...

Then my fiance (he always is like 3 booths ahead of me, he always finds the scores!) picks up this:
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And is like "Hey babe, what is this pony thing?"
So of course from a distance I'm like, "It's a fakie carry case" - and as I start to walk over to it he goes, "It's full of stuff!"

He was sweet enough to let me open it to see what was inside, as the tag just said "Carry case with 10 ponies"
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Oh my gosh! G1 faces poking out at me!

I couldn't even believe it. So, we look around some more and then go to the register. Another surprise! "Oh, that booth is having a 60% off sale, so that pony case is 60% off" - we had asked if we could call the booth owner and haggle, they offered us 10% off without calling them, but I guess once the code was in the computer, their own sale came up, so major score on the price!

When I got them home and really got a chance to look at them... I realized they are all in really really nice shape! Sure they need their hair tamed, but both the SHS have intact earrings and beautiful glitter... the pink hair ponies still have pink hair (even Sunspot's mane is still LIGHT pink, not totally white), and the Sweetberry pony smells SO amazingly that ALL the other ponies have taken on the scent... and look at how PERFECT the ringlets are on Stripes? Ponies that had curly hair still have curly hair (like Sparkle Firefly and Romper)... I think they were maybe played with lightly and then thrown in this case and stored away for a long while...
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I can't wait to get them cleaned up but I am totally excited to have been able to bring these gals home! ;)

Pony Corral / Ponies "changed" by time - Thoughts? G1 discussion
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:42:05 AM »
Can I shorten this and just say - We've all seen ponies that have been changed over time - faded symbols to new colors, changed eyes, things NOT from factory, but things that make them a little different, even though they're not ruined or "bait" condition.

What do you guys think of these "changed" ponies? Do you keep them? Do you have any in your collection?

Some examples I have off the top of my head are a Majesty with blue eyes who's not Italian, faded blue from the factory purple... a Sand Digger who has all purple accents (more lavender) instead of the factory dark pink. In my Peachy Army I have a variety of weird faded colors of her hearts - including a nice white/light blue.

I won't erase the old post, but this hopefully will focus any further discussion instead of focusing on terminology or semantics.

Okay, I really don't want to get my head bitten off here by purist collectors :blush: but, many friends and I talk about what I'm about to describe all the time, and I finally decided, hey, I want to hear the communities opinions on it.

So... my question is:
Can time create pony variations? "changed ponies"/Time Pieces/Unique ponies?

EDIT: Many people can't distinguish Variant from Variation. My bad. I was trying to describe these are TWO DIFFERENT things, but, many people are stuck on VARIANT/VARIATION. So, let's change this... Can time create "changed" ponies and unique time pieces? And also, Do you keep/like those kinds of "changed ponies"?
** This was not intended to be a discussion on what to CALL these ponies. Not a terminology discussion. I just picked a word (a confusing word - "variation") - and that made this whole thing spiral to a terminology debate, which is NOT what I wanted to talk about.**

Obviously the answer is yes in the purest form of that question. Variation happens over time and so, it's unavoidable. But I hesitate to use the word "Variant" because that does carry some more specific meaning within our pony community, and a true Variant I'm not thinking as being the same thing as what I'm trying to describe. So I'm wondering if - in the pony world - time related issues can cause what would be considered "variations" "changed ponies" "unique time pieces" "something different than normal"... - and whether you keep those kinds of ponies yourself.

Okay, example time:

You have a Winger Skydancer or Flutter Cloud Puff. Original factory body color is a pinky-darker purple. They are totally prone to regrind and can turn a bright hot pink color. Sometimes there are some of these ponies where regrind has taken over their whole body, uniformly, and caused them to turn completely hot pink. They don't look bad, they're just now a new color.
Is this a "changed pony" you'd keep? Some people like the hot pink version, or have both a pink and purple version, just because.

Fading Symbols or Eye Color or Body Color
There are many instances where certain colors fade out over time into new colors. Many examples of ponies with purple eyes showing up with blue eyes because the red/pink pigments have leached our or faded out - call it what you will - but TIME has altered this so that now the eyes look perfectly blue. I have a Sand Digger who has bright pink eyes and one who has pure lavender eyes. In my mind, I keep these - they are variations. Obviously this isn't happening to every single Sand Digger out there (I know, I asked on a thread what color eyes peoples SD's had, and most had pink) - so, it's not like you're going to always find one with lavender eyes just because they do leach/fade out...

Another good example are the Watercolor Baby Sea Ponies - as sometimes they seem to "get stuck" in one body color or the other, so, you may actually have two unique colors of the exact same pony out there in the world... "unique time piece?" "changed pony?" Would you keep two of the same?

And of course, everyone's favorite to boo:
Fading Hair and Hair Color
Now because this is SO common with Pussycat/Fading Pink hair ponies turning white, I am kind of ignoring them, though there are some ponies I prefer to have faded hair (Very few, only 2 I can think of: Tornado and Argie Baby Ribbs) to the pink hair, but what about OTHER hair colors that aren't as prone to fading, like greens, blues, etc. I remember a while ago a thread someone posted about putting a TAF Sugarberry into an Oxyclean bath and all her berries and all her hair turned the same shade of neon orange instead of neon red. Honestly... if I found a Sugarberry like that, all uniformly faded or changed into another color, I might keep her.
Now I know for the pink-white hair issue, time is maybe... degrading the pony instead of just simply changing it. I like factory pink haired ponies if they have that color, not usually a fan of white and I don't keep whited haired ponies as variations normally. But what if you found a pony with lavender hair and somehow, over time, it had uniformly faded into blue? Not a common thing to happen, and now you have a blue haired pony that was never released with blue hair, even if it IS faded... - so... variation?

I know there are factory variations with some ponies hair colors - like, Baby Starbow having dark purple or dark blue hair, same with the Rockin' Beat, and sometimes Water Nixie ponies got Mermaid or something like that - and those I would almost call "variants" because the factory did that... not time.

Are all variations worth keeping? Probably not... but obviously that's up to the owner of the ponies. I myself find it very hard to get rid of any two ponies who are not identical, which seems silly because really - I'm sure no two ponies are ACTUALLY identical... but I have my fair share of Pink Eyed Sand Diggers go through my hands and I've never handled another lavender eyed one yet. Or... all the Majesty's I have except one have Water Nixie hair, I haven't had another Mermaid Majesty go through my hands...

So I just thought I'd like to hear what others think about this. Would you keep a Gusty if she had bright blue eyes and wasn't an Italian version? Would you keep a Star Glow who's pink stripes had somehow faded into an orange color? Would you keep a Daddy Bright Bouquet if all his blue symbols had faded out to purple?

Throw me your thoughts! :biggrin:

Edited this to try and change the word "variation" and get this thread on the true topic I wanted to have people talk about - Do you keep these or like these, do you even notice these? Any special ponies in your herds who are specifically off-factory but you like them for that reason?

This is NOT about money! This is NOT about value or selling them. It's not even about creating a word for them. It's just about - Do you see these changes over time, and do you consider them different enough that you'd keep two of the same pony in your collection?

Pony Corral / My Pretty Pony - Questions
« on: December 16, 2013, 05:22:29 PM »
I was wondering if anyone had some genuine My Pretty Pony ribbons, and perhaps a comparison photo between them and the original G1 MLP Ribbons?

I know they are supposed to be larger and thicker, but are they the same texture? How long are they?

Wiki has very little info, and greatponies just says:

The brown My Pretty Pony came with 5 ribbons (according to her box). Since almost all the
MPP ribbons I have ever received have been in bad condition, I'm not sure what most of
them were supposed to look like originally. The above are my best guesses.
A pink and (possibly) a yellow My Pretty Pony were also released, but I have never owned
either of these ponies so I have no reliable knowledge about their ribbons.

So, I was just hoping to see how much bigger the MPP ribbons were and if they had the same texture/finish as the original MLP ribbons?

Also, is it confirmed that both a pink and yellow "Peachy" MPP were released? Or is the yellow/white/cream one just a "faded" version of the peach/pink version?

Customs / My Little Bison?! A custom for my fiance ;)
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:27:58 AM »
So, my fiance wanted me to make a custom for him, and he came up with the idea of making some sort of "other animal" out of a pony...

Anyway, long story made super short... I finished this up for him tonight:

Introducing: My Little Bison!
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:heart: It was fun, I might try and make others in the future... get better at sculpting of course... :blush:

MLP Nirvana / Potentially WTB: Italians and a Piggy (? *dreaming*)
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:41:04 AM »
Okay, I know Piggies are super expensive, but I had been looking at a few in kinda sad shape (mostly missing manes, which I can fix) and they were falling in the $130-170 range... I don't know if anyone here is looking to sell a sadder condition Piggy (I would really like to avoid eye issues since that's unique to them and I know nothing about them or fixing them) - for around that price - Lemon Drop is my grail piggy but honestly I'd adopt any of them...

**I would have to make payments but, anyway, if you were thinking about selling one and want to make sure it's in a great new herd... shoot me a PM!**

More on the affordable side, I'm looking for some "more common" Italian ponies:
-AB Eyes (-I have no idea how much these run?-) - I don't have any Italian AB ponies
-Original 6 Stamped Eyes - All but Minty
-Sunbeam, Medley, Glory, Moondancer, Firefly
-Tootsie, Cherries Jubilee, Posey
-Gusty, Sparkler
-Powder, Skyflier
-Surprise, Heart Throb
-Any Year 2 Rainbow Ponies *Except Walking pose Windy and Moonstone*
-Year 3 Rainbow Confetti, Trickles and Starflower

Pony Corral / Princess Wands - color clarification?
« on: December 08, 2013, 03:09:31 AM »
Hey all, I was just hoping someone could help me out with a comparison picture... I know there are plenty of individual pictures on the wiki and greatponies, etc... but I need a picture with these wands next to each other, side by side...

I need clarification on the purple and pink princess wands...

So, purple:
Primrose, Serena, Royal Blue, **UK Variation from Princess Amber?**

Starburst, Moondust

I have a purple wand but, different MOC pics make the wands look different colors, plus fading, plus age, plus whatever else could slightly affect color. All I'm trying to figure out is if I have an extra wand or one I need, lol! :lol:


Pony Brag Arena / Wonderful surprise from madhatterda!
« on: December 06, 2013, 06:29:40 AM »
So, last night I got this wonderful package in the mail that I had to pry out of my iced over frozen mailbox :lol: - and I wasn't expecting this...

Inside was a handmade scarf from the most wonderful madhatterda with a sunshine on it that looks like my Ponysona's! :inlove: Oh my gosh it's so warm and so beautiful! And was such a surprise! We've been in some swaps together and I've been a complain-y butt lately about some things going on in my life and maddie sent me such a lovely, thoughtful gift to cheer me up! And it certainly did!

I snapped some photos as I was wearing it outside today, it arrived just at the same time our foot+ of snow arrived, so it's PERFECT!!

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*Ignore my stupid face, of course I was talking because my fiance thinks that snapping photos at every random moment is how you take pictures...*
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It even has pockets where the sunshines are! :dribble:

Maddie I love love love it! :hearts: You are so so thoughtful, I can't even say thank you enough! I am so lucky to have friends like you! :hug:

And just a couple more photos of my silly animals in the snow, for fun:
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*Annie was NOT coming out in the snow! :lol:*

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