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Topics - Luxrayx

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Introductions / Um... Hi...
« on: June 30, 2012, 02:42:16 AM »
Hi there. This is my introduction post. Um, yea.
I am a girl. I am still in school, but hopefully i don't get too busy with it.
I live in Norway. Please forgive my spelling errors, i don't really speak English  :blush:
Well, i wouldn't really call myself a 'Collector'. My only actual ponies are Lady Cupcake and a few G4s, with my others being fakies, (I didn't care when i was younger :P) but i am planning to get more G4s soon. My goal is to get my hands on a comic con Ditzy Doo, then i may go higher  ^.^
I haven't collected for long. When i was younger i used to buy an occasional pony (Or fakie) because i loved them, however most have been lost through the years. I just started collecting G4s, and i was so excited when i found Lady Cupcake in my basement!

Yeah. Was that enough? Was it?
Am i allowed to be here even if i don't have many ponies?

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