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Topics - NovelNerd

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Off Topic / American Horror Story 6
« on: September 14, 2016, 07:47:47 PM »
We'll have to admit I skipped watching last season after the loss of Lange. I've been so interested in finding the main story here couldn't help watching it tonight. Anyonebhave any ideas? Seems like a creepy start so far.

Trader & Shipping Support / What would be my options here?
« on: August 28, 2016, 09:40:07 AM »
It's not pony related but I purchased some DVDs off eBay that were supposed to be legit. They are not and of course came out of country. I could probably live with it except they keep messing up, and I cannot really watch them at all. I haven't heard back from the seller yet, but I'm sure to get a refund or replacement I'll have to send them back. The DVDs weren't cheap but buyer pays return shipping right? Won't that be super high on my end? I cannot think of a single service I could send them with that wouldn't be pricey. I paid like $50 but worry I'll spend $30 shipping them back. Is there anything I can do about it?  I know eBay has their global shipping stuff do they let you return stuff to them and they can process it to the seller? I've never had to send somethings back so new experience for me. I just hate to lose $50 but then spend close to that sending them back.

Off Topic / Sailor moon question
« on: August 26, 2016, 10:25:10 PM »
I know there is an entire sailor moon thread somewhere but to avoid dealing with that since it's quick I'll just post it here. I've had an urge to rewatch them and then watch Crystal. I'm having a hard time finding the uncut DVDs in English to watch.

I know Hulu has them but my my net is too awful to stream properly. I was kind of hoping to find one with the original stuff that was translated. Any ideas?

Trader & Shipping Support / Delivery on demand shipping servicd?
« on: August 24, 2016, 08:08:07 PM »
I got a notice through this servicd I would have a package that needed signing for delivered on Friday by this company. I've never heard of it? The package is international but I mean does it eventually end up with usps or what? I'm trying to avoid having it sent Friday since I won't be home and unable to sign for it.

Off Topic / Pet stair recommendations?
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:55:54 AM »
Those that don't know last week my Yorki was playing rough with my older poodle and made him cry and bite the crap out of her. After all of this he couldn't seem to walk and was very wobbly. I took him to the vet and they said he has arthritis and the little incident has made him sore, since is all in his back that causes the walking issues.

They did x rays and gave him some
Shots and then meds. He was feeling better till the shots wore off, but he hurts today. I've been carrying him up stairs and putting him in couches and beds ect that require jumping. The vet said to try two weeks on the meds and see if he feels better.

I'm curious about pet stairs. I thought about getting him some for the bed and couch to encourage less jumping. My question is has someone used these? Is there a brand better than others? He weighs about 20  pounds so not for like a tiny tea cup sizes dog. Thanks!

Would he do better with a ramp? But wouldn't that be hard to climb?

Customs / What do you use for tinsel?
« on: July 16, 2016, 08:50:32 AM »
If you're adding hair to self what do you use and where do you get it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Pony Corral / The more expensive G1 U.S. Ponies?
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:35:58 PM »
Hmmm, I've decided to have a collect them all attitude since I just them all.  :lol: I used to mostly get Nirvanas but at the moment gonna focus on the U.S. Release ponies. I know of course Mimic and Rapunzel fall into the more pricey girls. Those of you collecting these guys which have you found to be the most expensive of the U.S. Releases or even just the harder to find ones that are also pricey? Thanks!

I have a few terms on my page that you'll need to look through.

Here is my page with the ponies
 link above for pics and prices

These guys are going on eBay the fillies and some PE pieces are up. The rest will go soon. I'm open to selling off eBay as long as an item has no bids and negotiate a little in price due to the not having to pay eBay fees.

Let me know if these is something you want
Fantasy fillies on eBay

PE pieces on eBay

Pony Corral / Washing so softs and flocked critters
« on: July 02, 2016, 06:00:16 PM »
I thought I would wash the little litters from the lot I got and some of the flocked ponies I have that the flocking is nice but they are dirty. I've never really washed a flocked creature. I usually buy them in bad shape and then rip their flocking out. I tend to scrub them up with Oxiclean and get off what I can and then later acetone if that doesn't get it.

It's an odd question but how do you clean a so soft when trying to clean it, clear up spots on it but not destroy the flocking? What do you use and such?

Pony Brag Arena / OMG I had some luck! Update: petites
« on: June 30, 2016, 05:54:43 PM »
I had to run errands in town today and decided to stop through some flea markets. They never have much and usually I find overpriced G1 ponies and mostly G3 and G4 in bad shape. I stopped at one place though and found a large G3 Rarity and chalked today up to being a success since I found a pony at all. I stopped at the booth at the register and started talking with some of the ladies. They were kind enough to put me on a list for ponies and small accessories.  One lady mentioned seeing rug a big tub of ponies at a yard sale recently but leaving them because they were dirty. I was so sad! Still hopeful others would help me find ponies I went home stopping here and there.

My last stop there was a sign in a booth that said MLP and my heart stopped. My hands were shaking as I found baby beach ball, baby palm tree, a glow n show, the SHS ponies that change hair color with soft non frizzy hair. There were so many and even a bag full of petite ponies for $3!

I took them all! I had to take some fakies and noticed some other pony related company critters and accessories in one bag. I have to clean and catalog everyone so for right now the pictures are just group shots. See if you can spot the cool ones?

Also anyone know what the odd merry go round animals are? They are pretty detailed
Bag of petite ponies. There are so many!
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Big group of ponies. Can you spot the neat ones in the groups?
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Some accessories and other critters from the bags along with fakies
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I spent $60 and so far I'm happy with my purchase

I realize the bag picture doesn't show just how many petite ponies there are like I have basically all the glittery one and several flow in he dark and tons of the others

Ok slowly going through the bag and started with petite ponies. Some have marks but for $3 I'm super happy. I have almost all the sparkle ones!

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I found a lot of MLP items mixed in with other stuff and found some old items from the childhood times as well. I've uploaded them on my Weebly as it's easier for me to update things. There are some pony items I'm going to post in the corral and udate to ask for price checks as well, but if you scroll down you can see the other stuff.

There is a big fantasy filly with two smaller ones, and a couple grand champions

There are some LPS, two horses, one unicorn that was a McDonalds one and then two hamsters

There are tons of other creatures that I'm unsure of what they are, like I do know there are Cabbage patch horses in there but lots of the groups I have no clue what the things are like the dogs, the fairy doll and even those micro merry go round animals with such neat details. I would appreciate any help someone could give me. The link is


Things will be for sale as I find out prices and such for them. Thanks!

I'm taking inventory of what I have and also going through the new stuff I got from the Flea Market lot. I've only gone through petite ponies at this point and will be updating and doing price checks as I go through them.  Some will be for sale and some for trade. Please just hang in there with me for the moment, and as always I appreciate the help!

I've added them to my website here since it's easier to upload through my phone. There should be galleries for each one, and I'll edit as I update with more of the larger ponies. Also, if you know anything about the other non pony items I have a topic for them or can post it here as I don't mind. Price checking everything would be so helpful to me. Thank you!

I'm debating cleaning the little litters if it's in my best interest to do so?

Thanks everyone and website is


Pony Corral / Your partner shopping for pony gifts.
« on: June 21, 2016, 10:36:04 AM »
My birthday is the end of the summer, and my girlfriend wants to get me some ponies but to do it as a surprise to which ones they are. I only collect G1, so it's not like she can go to a store and buy them. I don't want her to overpay or get ripped off, but I cannot help her either since they are supposed to be a surprise. What do you guys do when this comes up?

Since I'm off during the summer and during the middle of the day it's too hot for me to be outside I like to craft! I thought I would share stuff here.

The first one up I'm not so proud of. I did blue variety Posey as a plush with the old 80's pattern. I tried a new fabric from Walmart that feels soft like minky but is more light weight. It wasn't worth the cheaper price! Reviews said people had issues with the fabric breaking and I did too. She is not perfect by any means or my usual, but she was a good one to start with for practice. Lol I won't be making anymore with this material. I even had trouble drawing on the eyes and mouth since fibers kept pulling away.
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Im happy with her symbols though.
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Lemme see who else I can finish today!

I've been busy but finished a few more

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Since Hancocks is going out of business and they had some grey material left I just had to try and make her.

Then this guy is going to the Texas meet. I wanted to change things up a bit and made feathers for him to make him a real Clyde. Lol those were interesting to do since I used yarn and brushed it out. I might try making a hat for him if I have time.  Also looking at different patterns to try if someone has suggestions?
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I debated trimming the feathers but have learned with Nevada that's pretty accurate. Sometimes the hooves vanish. :lol:

I did trim his hooves up a bit after the pictures.

Ok more ponies! I had leftover evil fabric and did Bow tie. I cheated and used pre made bows

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Minty with and without accessories
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Nightlight with glitter symbols.
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Off Topic / I always said I would never have cats
« on: June 10, 2016, 10:41:26 PM »
I realized while I comment on everyone's cat stuff I never post about my own except on Facebook! I've never been a cat person. I don't hate them, but I just have always preferred the loyalty and attitude of dogs. I will say I do still prefer dogs, but I've had some crazy felines sneak their way in.

In August when school was starting back and I was prepping I was nervous. It was the first year of me teaching being single and alone, not having someone to talk either about stuff ect. On my birthday mom mentioned some of the orphan kittens in the barn. My family owns a huge farm and lives in an area with no animal shelters. People dump strays all the time and cats randomly show up that have been abandoned and most of them are feral. They stay in the barns because of the mice and he warmth ect and my mom tends to break down and leave food for them because she felt sorry for them.

Anyway a mother cat was trying to raise her baby kittens and some babies another mother cat left and was having trouble. She started being them out near my mother and letting her handle them. I have to admit the calico caught my eye as I've always been partial to them and somehow I ended up taking home a little calico girl and tabby boy and trying to raise them and help them. They were covered in fleas, had runny eyes and had issues eating. I took them to the vet and went to work trying to raise them. Unfortunately the little tabby Simba didn't make it, but the calico Nala grew and became a wild ball of fuzz that terrorized the dogs by chasing and pouncing and then sleeping on my pillow at night. I adored her and still do. She has the biggest saddest eyes of any animal I've ever had and still has those eyes even when she claws the crap out of me.

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About two months later I was outside taking care of my horse when I noticed a little grey kitten spread out on the ground not moving. I thought surely she was dead but when I touch her she mewed. The cat didn't act right and I felt she was dying. At the time I had recently lost Simba and asked my mother if she would be kind enough to let the kitten in her house to stay on the back porch to have a comfy place to basically pass away. I wasn't going to ask my mother to take it to be put down and I had so much money tied up in my own animals but being out of the heat in a nice place to rest at least seemed right. Three days later she called me telling me to come get the little grey kitten because se was up, moving, meowing and wanting to be held constantly. She was very much not dead and she didn't want s cat.

I didn't take pictures of little Grey at first because I kept being paranoid she would die. She was in worse shape than Nala had been, but she got better and after having her for months and just calling her Grey to avoid being overly attached it became clear she intended to stay. She has been the sweetest cat and the most like a dog I've ever seen. I didn't take luxuries of little Christina Grey much because I always feared she would die on me.

Lastly, two more made their way into the house around Christmas. My mom called me saying one mother cat had brought out her older kittens and because of the snow and cold she worried about them. More than that though one looked like my old cat mister Diana. When I was a kid I had two cats I liked one a calico and one a fluffy white cat with Siamese like markings that I named Diana.  Diana ended up being s boy though and just became w mister.

Well I felt I just had to have this one, but he also had s very small grey tabby sister with an overbite that was very much a runt. I couldn't seem to leave her and somehow by January I had four cats. I had added Mr. Diana and his sister Krampus( they were both wild and hissed, clawed and bit me a lot that first week especially Krampus so Christmas demon name sounded right). They grew out of it though and now I have four evil house panthers. Lmao they tear up more things than my dogs ever could and always seem to be into everything, but they amuse me and I do love them...but I don't want more cats! Lol four is so enough. :lol:
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Nala, she kinda got fat after getting fixed

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Little Grey

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Mr. Diana

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Krampus and her cute overbite. She was the hardest one to socialize and has ended up being one of the most affectionate ones and always demands love. Yep, that's how I went from no cats to four.

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