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Topics - InkyMilk

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Pony Corral / MY pony collection is the best!
« on: May 19, 2013, 07:22:20 PM »
Okay guys, the title was meant in good humor, please let's not turn it into anything negative. I'm feeling pretty down today so thought I'd try to make a happier thread to lighten things up.

Anyway, it makes me really happy to see the pride other people take in their collections. We all love our ponies, and out collections all differ SO vastly from one another! So tell me, what makes YOUR collection the absolute best? What makes it special or unique? Do you have an army that makes you smile? Or a complete set that took you years to build? Or just that one special childhood pony you built your collection around?

Share stories or share pictures or share whatever you like! Just tell me why your collection sparkles :)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Critique on my OC pony designs please? :)
« on: May 16, 2013, 12:18:10 PM »
So yes, these were all created on Pony Creator by GeneralZoi on DA as it's much easier and faster to play around with different designs on the creator to come up with my final design than drawing them (for me anyway, I'm very slow!). These ponies are all based after my OC's I've been writing for a very long time and I'd really like to pony-fy them and maybe write a pony story on them-I've already got some ideas!

Problem is, when it comes to colors and designs, I'm not very good at it. I much prefer to think of personalities than looks and with ponies it's even harder to ensure all the colors mesh well. I notice a lot of my ponies tend to be rather monochromatic and I worry they start to look a little boring after awhile (I rather like matching colors and I don't tend to gravitate to bright colors so that probably doesn't help). So I'd just like an critique or opinions on their designs!

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These two are meant to be twins which hopefully excuses some of their similarities. Unfortunately neither have names as of yet. Once a powerful alicorn working in the guard of Princess Celestia, a dark curse has separated them into two, leaving the unicorn bitter and hurt, traveling the land as he seeks out a way to restore himself to his former glory while the pegasus, found by the Princess, has lived comfortably in the castle, unaware of his other half.

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This is Dusty Shadowbox...I'm probably most iffy about his design. He's supposed to be the epitome of EARTH PONY, a bit of a bully but still kind-hearted when it comes down to it.

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This is Pan's Labyrinth, a unicorn who sold his soul for dark magic and wings. A self proclaimed King of the Grim Ponies.

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This is Off Chance, a plucky, happy-go-lucky pegasus with big dreams of someday flying for princess Celestia.

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This is Only Coal, a twinkle-eyed earth pony lost in the big world and still struggling to understand himself.

Pony Corral / I wish I knew why ponies made me so happy...
« on: May 10, 2013, 10:58:45 PM »
I really do. Sometimes I'll look over at my growing collection and just smile at them, pick one up, brush her hair a little and just grin. Or I'll listen to MLP:FIM songs on youtube and just sing to myself and feel all happy and cheerful. Or I'll doodle a pony and it just makes me happy to see her looking back at me.

But then sometimes, other times, I'll look at my collection and just think...why? And I suddenly feel really stupid. And it usually strikes me when I'm all excited to buy a new pony I've been searching for. I don't know if it's buyers remorse or sheer embarrassment or what, but I have this moment where I don't understand my own logic. Why do I need another plastic toy that looks just like all my other ones but different colors? Or I'll shut the music off, berating myself for listening to children's music. Or I'll stop drawing because I need to draw more mature things.

Haha, and then I feel bad because I DO love my ponies and then the whole cycle repeats.

Pony Corral / OMG I ruined her :(
« on: May 05, 2013, 06:11:24 PM »
So just yesterday I brought home Baby Romperooni and I was super excited to get her all cleaned up to join my G3 baby herd. She was a little banged up but nothing a good spa day wouldn't fix. However, she had some marks on her face that just would NOT come off so...I pulled out the Goof Off. I have used this before without any problems since I'm always really careful about not getting it on my hands/eyes/etc. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Baby Romperooni :(

I took too big of a swipe with the Q-tip and half her eye now looks like it's melted off. I FEEL AWFUL  :sad: Seriously, I can't even take a picture of her to show because I just feel so bad. I shoved her in the back of the bin and I can't bear to look at her. I know, it's not like she's my childhood pony or even that I've had her for too long or that she'd be super hard to replace. But I just feel SO bad, like I can't replace her. I'm terrible at painting so I have no idea if I can fix it or even know how-do I wipe the whole rest of the eye off?

I saw the other thread with the other poor little baby pony that was suffering from some bad spots and the suggestions of dressing her up were super cute, but I don't know how I could cover her eye without some sort of eye patch. I don't really want to do that though since it just feels super obvious >_<

I know, I shouldn't be this upset but I've always tried to be really careful around my ponies and I can't believe I was so stupid to make such a mistake. She hasn't even been here 24 hours!  :cloud:

Pony Corral / Taking the head off a G3?
« on: May 05, 2013, 04:53:27 PM »
Hi pony peeps! So, I've finally gotten around to cleaning up alot the entire lot of G3's I found a week ago, but last and waiting is the beautiful Merriweather. I thought something was odd with her when I picked her up...and I realize that when I shake her, it sounds like she has WATER inside of her O_o A lot of water. Since I bought her at a flea market I have absolutely no idea how she got that way...and I'm a little hesitant that there will be major grossness once I open her up, but alas, she can't stay that way!

Problem is, I'm having a lot of difficulty in popping her head off even though I've tried all the usual methods I use with my G1's. So, when it comes to G3's, is the only option just to have to actually cut their necks at the seam? there some other way I'm just missing? The more I look at her the more I'm grossed out that she has water inside her, and I'm really hoping she won't be ruined because of it.

So I've been wanting to go to our local flea market for a LONG time but just never had the time to. Well this weekend my sister and I finally decided to make the trip, woke up super early on Saturday to drive on over...and found out it was closed@  :cry: So much disappointment, but since we were already out and had made the trip we didn't just want to head home. So we drove around for a little bit since there was a cute town nearby and my sister spotted a tiny little shop that looked like a cute second hand boutique so we stopped inside. Who did my sister find?

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Applejack and Medley! I already have an AJ, but she's in my favorite pose and just so sweet looking I couldn't leave her behind! And now that she's home and I'm able to compare her to my other one, I'm surprised to find that they each have their mane flipped a different way. I wonder why that is, but I like that they're each unique! The little mirror was only $2 and super adorable too.

Then, as I kept browsing the store I came across a MLP thermos, super adorable but sadly a bit out of my price range. But when I picked up the thermos, look who was hiding behind!

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So sweet! I think her name is Little Flitter? I don't normally collect these types of ponies, but she's just so pretty and her wings are completely intact that I think this beautiful girl may just have to stick around <3

Now today we decided to try our luck at the flea market again, and huzzah! It was open! The luck started off slow, one lone little yellow pony ( the one with the umbrella cutie mark) stashed away in a basket. Then a little better, found 6 at a table, including my little G3 baby! So excited about her! Traveled on a little further, found a table with a few and man putting a few more out. As he saw me picking out the ponies, he went back, and came out with a tub halfway filled with them!!  :shocked: I was SO EXCITED!!! I found not only G3s, but a G4 Cupcake, the little yellow G1 baby and 2 G2's! My first G2's ever! Unfortunately I had to leave some behind but I was able to snag my favorites. Then on our way out, picked up the cute little Breezie for a quarter XD

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Unfortunately I only know the name of like five of these ponies and I'd love some help identifying them! I hope to clean them all up since they all actually seem to be in fairly good condition, nothing a bath and some good conditioner cant help, and I'm sure at least half of them will be up for sale sometime down the road.

Pony Corral / Favorite hair clips? Share your pics!
« on: April 03, 2013, 01:54:35 PM »
(So I hope it's alright that I've been creating so many new threads lately)

I really, really love decorating pony hair with clips and ribbons and barrettes <3 I have a few that came with my G4 ponies from sets and the like, but I'd love to find a few more. Unfortunately official MLP accessories are difficult/expensive to come by, so I've been looking into other options I can use on my herd that will still look in scale. I know children's hair barrettes are on option, but sometimes even they look too big. So what do you use?

And please share any pictures! I would LOVE to see them! <3

Off Topic / Any pony Island players here? Anyone can help me out?
« on: April 01, 2013, 05:45:55 PM »
So, I tried asking this on their Help forums...but apparently trial users aren't allowed to ask questions. UGH.

And I know this is like, a really stupid question. But I've read every manual and typed in everything I could think of on Google, but for the life of my I can not figure out how to actually GET to my pony's profile in order to feed and vet him. Everything I've read either tells me how to understand the profile or to use it , but I can't seem to find it in the first place! I've clicked everywhere but I've yet to find it and I would really like to take care of him. Can someone please help me out?

Pony Corral / Soooo...straw curls?
« on: April 01, 2013, 05:04:36 PM »
Okay, I've searched around and read some really fabulous tutorials and I know straw curls are really not THAT difficult to do. But I'm finding some conflicting information and I can't seem to find a straight answer. I really love the method that uses paper towels and tiny hairbands since it seems so simple. However, I then read that this method won't keep the curls in place for long, and that dunking the pony in boiling water (the entire pony? Will that harm the plastic? Or just carefully dip their hair?) after to set it in place is the way to go. But then, wouldn't the water ruin the paper towels? And then some tutorials say to dip them again in cold water and some don't.

I know, it's not rocket science, but I'm not sure what to do! I'm not very good at hair styling and I don't want it to fall out a day later. I only have one pony with absolutely gorgeous straw curls that I bought from another user and they have never once started to unravel and I would love to achieve the same look with some of my other ponies!

Pony Corral / The appeal of armies?
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:50:44 PM »
So I know this has been discussed a few times, but I'd really like to drudge up this old topic just one more time since I'd like to get your guys' thoughts from those of you who collect armies? I never really 'got' armies, though of course I don't belittle anyone who has one, we all collect differently of course :) But more and more lately, I find myself wanting to buy every single G3 baby I happen to come across, even if I already have her! I don't know why, I'll stop and remind myself I already HAVE one and don't need doubles, but it got me to thinking about armies.

So I'd like to hear your thoughts on them. What, to you, is the appeal of owning an army? Or is your army made up of different poses and variations so you don't actually have the same pony over and over again? I don't want to start buying up all these babies only to later feel like I've wasted my money, but at the same time, something about those G3 babies...they all tug at my heartstrings in the best possible way! I feel so sad leaving one behind! If I knew how to do customs I'd use my extras to make customs from my other favorite ponies >_<

Pony Brag Arena / Look who my sister found while out thrifting!
« on: March 11, 2013, 09:26:16 PM »
So, this is actually very amusing timing. Literally about 3 days ago I was lamenting to my older sister how I never ever find ponies while out thrifting and how jealous I get of everyone here who does xD I told her if I ever did find a pony in a thrift store I would purchase her no matter who she was or how her condition. The next day we were supposed to hit up Goodwill for some things she needed for work but never got the chance.  Well wouldn't you know it, today she comes home and told me, yup, she stopped by Goodwill...and WHO did she find? (yes yes, blurry pics focusing on the wrong thing)

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OMG @__@ I can't believe it!! I kept trying to guess who it was and when she finally revealed him she said it was so funny I kept assuming it was a she XD And look!

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She also found him a new little girlfriend while she was shopping too X3 A pretty darling fakie if I do say so myself!

Not bad, $3 for two ponies! <3 I'm SO excited! My first ever thrift store ponies and I didn't even find them! Does that count?  :P

Pony Corral / A quick question about the G4 comics
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:12:39 PM »
So, I'm still pretty new to collecting comics, but I know that sometimes multiple issues of a comic will be combined into one volume. I'm wondering if its been confirmed or mentioned anywhere at all if the MLP comics will also be sold later in this way? I know I can buy the individual issues right now, but if say 4 of them will be released later in 1 volume then I'm fine waiting till then since I like having less clutter and I think they tend to look nicer that way.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Pink Ribbon Pony-new art by me
« on: March 08, 2013, 09:09:03 PM »
So, I started drawing this pony a very long time ago in tribute to my aunt who passed away from breast cancer. I was still really getting the hang of using my program to color with and having a lot of issues and so I stopped coloring her halfway through because I didn't want to ruin her. Well, tonight I decided to go back and finally finish her. She's the first pony I've worked on for a very long time and I'm very happy with the way she had at last turned out <3

I present to you, Pink Ribbon.

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Pony Corral / Best way to give away free ponies?
« on: February 13, 2013, 10:22:39 PM »
So, I have a few G1's here, most in fair to bait condition that are in need of a new home. Because they were a gift to me their previous owner has asked that I don't sell them, but is okay if I either trade them or just give them away. Since they're not exactly rare ponies or worth a whole lot I haven't had much luck trading them, and I don't mind just giving them away for the cost of postage. Problem is, I feel like I want to do this in a way that's fair, so someone doesn't come along and take the lot of them just because they can. I really want to be absolutely sure these ponies will be taken cared of (maybe I'm thinking too much about it) since they were so generously given to me for free and I feel like I have to do right by them.

Any suggestions for how I might go about this?

Off Topic / Does anyone here know about writing spec. scripts?
« on: February 01, 2013, 01:53:53 PM »
So, I'm trying to challenge myself by writing a spec. script for FiM. Even though I write a ton, I've never actually written in this style before so it's all totally new to me. I've been looking up examples and I want to try a free demo for the program Final Draft which hopefully will help me format it a bit, but I'm still wary as all my examples seem to vary just a little bit from one to the next.

So I'm curious if there's anyone here who maybe has a lot of experience writing spec. scripts? Perhaps you have some pointers or might be willing to help me out a bit?

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