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Topics - Loona

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Hello everyone,

I would love to find some LIV dolls or bodies. I would like to use the bodies for some of my Moxie Girlz, so if there are no heads, or the heads are in bad condition, that's OK for me.

I am also looking for two 25 cm obitsu bodies, or natural-skin Pullip bodies for my two Kurhn/Flow girls.

I would like to buy, but would also be happy to trade. Dollywise I have the following for trade:
- Monster High sig. Toralei (almost complete: no pet, diary is multi-language and has drawings on front)
- Monster High Dead Tired I Lagoona (missing slippers; just the doll: no stand, no accessories)
- Monster High fashion packs: Ghoulia, Abbey, Clawdeen
- Sailor Moon, Slayers*, Ojamajo Doremi anime dolls - please see them in this thread:,349293.0.html

*Slayers dolls are sold.

My non-dolly trades (Care Bears plushies, Lady Lovely Locks dragon and Silky Pup, Snugglebumms) can be found here:,320057.0.html

I can pay with PayPal.
Please note that I am an international buyer, so the higher shipping costs might unfortunately give me max. limits pricewise.

Dear eBay sellers,

I would like to request your help regarding a recent (non-pony) purchase I have made. I was interested in an auction, but the postage was pretty high, so (having read several times that eBay sometimes calculates strangely high shipping costs) I contacted the seller and asked if the price is correct. The seller was happy to take the box to the post office and they gave her a much cheaper shipping quote. That price was OK for me, so I have bid and won. However, the price wasn't adjusted before the auction has ended, and now the seller says she is unable to change/lower it, because she gets the message that the item can only be ivoiced and shipped using the Global Shipping Program :( I would love to help her out (I feel she's not trying to cancel the auction because she doesn't like the final price, but she really doesn't know how this should be done), but I have never tried selling on eBay, and thus I don't know if/how it can be done. I have tried to do a search via Google, but I only found old discussions. I do know this was possible to modify/send a new invoice earlier, but things could have changed. Could you please help us out with this issue?

Thank you for your help in advance! :hug:

Hello everyone,

it seems after all the years a ponysona has finally popped out of my head, and I was so happy about finally having a pony in mind I can relate to ponysona-wise. My happiness was short-lived though, because I realised the name is already taken by an actual G1 pony. My would-be ponysona doesn't resemble the G1 one in any way, it's just the name (which I figured out because it matches the ponysona's colour and features perfectly).
Now I'm really not sure if I should use the name, although I'd really love to. It seems to have so much relation and small nice additions in it that all relate to me, as well as to the looks of the ponysona. But still, someone else also has it. I know names are usually "owned" by not only one person, but... well, it's different. Or isn't it?

What would you do in such a case? Thank you for your opinions and suggestions in advance!  :grouphug:

(mods, if this isn't the right place to ask something like this, could you please move my topic over to the correct section?)

Price Check Archives / ID and PC on a blue MLP brush
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:48:28 AM »
Hi everyone,

I am by far not an expert in MLP brushes, so I would like to request your help in the ID and possible selling price of this brush:

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Does the hole indicate that it belonged to a plush? That's basically the only thing I was able to find out about it :P

Thank you for your help in advance!

I would like to find a new home to these dolls - would anyone be interested in them?

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Chibiusa is a double - I would never let go of mine <3

Sailor Jupiter is about regular Barbie-sized. Chibiusa is roughly 20 cms tall, Momoko is around 26 cms.

more info to come soon, if someone might be interested I am open to offers in the meanwhile ^^

I'd love to trade as well :) I am looking for two 25 cm obitsu bodies, or natural-skin Pullip bodies for my two Kurhn girls. I adore their faces but hate their posability, or the lack thereof.

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Pony Brag Arena / A thrifty pony reward for my hard work :)
« on: February 11, 2014, 12:51:35 PM »
January was horror at work.
one of our team members left us in December, and we weren't getting a new team member until February. a colleague started the year with a sick leave for 1.5 weeks, and when she came back, the third girl got sick. I was basically the only one who spent the full month in the office, backing others up.
after hours of overtime, exhausted from work, I still wasn't able to go home and take a rest, as we had to empty my parents' flat, as it is now being rented. I spent my evenings (sometimes even late nights - on some occasions arriving at home at 3 AM, with a workday to follow) and weekends packing our things and moving heavy boxes around until the renters moved in, and I am still not finished with packing away the things that we brought over to our flat.
by the last week of January I was so exhausted that it had serious effects on my work. I made some silly, and some serious mistakes, and I literally fell asleep during a listen-only conference call. yet I was not allowed to take even a day off because of the shortage in the team. I was not even allowed to take the "half a Friday off-reward" which we received for our hard work in December.

on the last Wednesday of January I had enough, thought I deserve some kind of reward (at least a little time off both my work and personal life duties), so I requested to be able to leave half an hour earlier, and went to check two thrift stores I love, but haven't had the chance to visit recently.

...sorry for the rant, and now: on to what I found in the stores! I was quite happy with my "reward" ^^

in the first store I found 3 G1 ponies, neither of which I owned yet! :shocked:

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Baby Brother Apple Delight came with his bow tie! :3 he is my first baby boy, and I absolutely love him! my Mommy and Sister Apple Delight were also very happy to see another family member <3
Posey has super pink hair and is made in Italy! she has a bad lipstick do though  >_< I think I prefer her normal, green-eyed version, so I might trade her for a regular release.
I will try to gather some courage to straighten and recurl Sugar Sweet's hair - I haven't yet done something like this. by the time I arrived home her scent made my whole shopping bag scenty :P

in the second shop I found G2 ponies - 8 of them! :shocked:

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I do have 3 of these already, so some of them might be up for trade in the future.

I think most of them will clean up nicely, although some of them have nasty stuff in their hair (Royal Lady Cupcake has gunks of stuff in it that looks like blue tack - yuk!). I am looking forward to find some spa time for them - hopefully this weekend ^^ I will try to take some after-spa pics :)

here is my haul together, with some additional, non-pony stuff I came home with (including a big plush Dalek - a pajama keeper I guess -, a Moxie Girl head - I don't have this girl yet, so she was also a very happy find! - and Furby Mc figures - these were never available around here, so I was super happy about them too!):

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[EDITed to correct the links, first I inserted them incorrectly ^^;]

Off Topic / Could you recommend a free website hosting place?
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:07:46 AM »
Hi everyone,

I have collected some information which I find might also be useful for other people, so I would love to set up a small website for it. I have thought about a blog, but I think a website would be better for the structure.
I wouldn't want to pay for it though... so I decided to ask for some advice: could you recommend a good free website hosting page which I could use, and which I don't have to fear will disappear very soon?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Off Topic / Teeny Weeny Families - does anyone remember them?
« on: November 25, 2013, 06:52:27 AM »
do you remember this toy line? I believe they were available in shops in the mid-late 1990s, and, even though I was already more a teen than a child those years, I loved these playsets! the one that first hooked me was the wedding playset - this was also the one I first obtained. I was always a huge frog-fan and collector, and I always loved tiny things, so offering 2-3 cm small frog figures in a playset is an easy win on emptying my (or, well, at those times my parents') wallet XD
I also had the school playset with owls in it, and some extra figures (frogs, of course  :lol: ) that were sold separately.
my sister and me used to play with these playsets for countless hours. we both loved how tiny, but still so beautifully detailed the figures were, and the creative idea of the houses being made of objects originally used by humans.

I'm not a collector of these playsets, but I love them, still have the ones I had when I was a teen, and I am definite about that I'd pick up any of them if I found them in a thrift store. you want to know the reason why these toys came to my mind just now? earlier this month I found a vintage Polly Pocket-lookalike shell in a thrift store with some not belonging figurines in it - they were Teeny Weenies, and two of them were tiny frogs! I bought the set, but until yesterday I never had the time to clean them. now as I was cleaning them, I started to wonder about whether I already have these two or not. it was a long time ago when I last played with my playsets, so I didn't have clear pictures in my mind, but these two just seemed so small - too small. and right after this I remembered something: on the boxes and cards of the playsets I owned there were mail order offers via which you could get 3 baby frogs. sadly it was only available for UK and Ireland citizens, so I could only dream about getting them, but never had the possibility to :(
I looked up some info on the toy line and the mail orders, and it turned out I was right: I never had these small froggies as a child/teen, because they are indeed 2 of the 3 mail order froggies!
after 15 years I can finally call them mine! :happy:

and it looks like they are enjoying themselves in my froggy-friendly home - they have already made a friend too:

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so, is anyone else familiar with this toy line? did you have them as a child, and did you like them? do you still have or collect them? If you do, please share some pictures! ^^

The Dollhouse / Could anyone ID and PC this old Mattel doll?
« on: November 10, 2013, 03:48:13 AM »
I have this doll who is marked as Mattel, but I couldn't find any info on her online :/

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she has the following text on her bum:

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and she has a soft upper torso. she comes without any clothes, and her left arm seems to be sticking out a little. her hair is nice, not dry or frizzy, but it seems the glue which was applied inside her head made her head rock hard (and also somewhat discoloured) at places (it is visible in the closer pic, on the right side of her face, just where the first row of hair is).

does anyone know who she is, and what she might be worth?
thank you in advance for any help! ^^

Off Topic / PC please on a Lady Lovely Locks dragon
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:22:51 AM »
I have a Lady Lovely Locks dragon (she's supposed to be Bouncycurl) whom I'd like to sell or trade, but I don't know how much she is worth... I have tried to search around, but I'm not so familiar with these toys, so I decided to ask for help here - maybe we have some collectors around  ^.^

unfortunately I don't have any pics of her, but I'll make some as soon as I have a chance to take pics in natural light.

most of her accessories are missing, but she does have her purple ribbon. her hair is quite messy, but there is no frizz or cut, I'm sure it can be restored very well - I didn't dare touch it, as it still has many of its original curls.
her right foot says Mexico, if that makes any difference.
unfortunately she has a huge yellow paint spot on her left blush - seems to be a factory flaw, but I'm not sure.

does anyone know how much she might be worth?

thank you in advance for your help!

yesterday night we finally booked the hotel, the plain the night before, so for now it seems official: we'll leave on Monday, and depart the next Monday ^^
(my wish for our honeymoons was Norway*, but we decided that is too expensive for us now :( maybe someday  ^.^ )
though I'm interested in the city and the sea, being the girl I am, I definitely plan on visiting flea markets, thrift stores and shops. I have already started to browse the web, but I thought I should give it a try and ask here - maybe someone lives there or has been there and has better, more personal advices :)

would you please recommend any places to visit if I would like to find ponies (G1, G2), Furbys (the older ones, not the ones available in shops now), Tamagotchis, Moxie Teenz, MH Sig Rochelle or black and white SS Frankie?
would you recommend a beach with sea life to watch and shells to collect?

*my second wish. my ultimate honeymoon destination was Pripyat, but the husband objected, saying I should go there for a honeymoon with someone else. I didn't give it up, now my plan is to go there next year, as a 30th birthday present for myself. if he doesn't come, he doesn't come :P

Off Topic / My special birthday present
« on: June 16, 2013, 01:51:50 PM »
...once upon a time about five years ago, there was a boy and a girl in love, who shared the same birthday (not the year though). they joked around this funny coincidence, and decided that if they will still be together by that time, they will get married the next time their birthday falls on a Saturday.

I wanted to share with you my special birthday present my boyf husband pulled on my ring finger yesterday, on our birthday:
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and that was my wedding bouquet. sunflowers were my mother's favourite flowers. unfortunately she couldn't live to see us marry, but I know she knows, and is very happy, wherever she is now... :heart:

[Wedding Sticky - 6/16 - Evie :heart:]

Hello all,

since eBay recently made some changes regarding international auction settings I'm bumping into more and more items I'd love to have but can't bid on. I usually ask sellers if they are willing to ship outside the UK, and I often get a positive answer, and then comes the nasty part: once I try to bid I get an error message, saying I can't bid, becuse the item can't be sent to Hungary. If I go back to the seller and they add postage to Hungary, still the error message stays. Once a seller really wanted to help me get an item, and she even told our issue to her friends (I don't think I have met such a kind and helpful seller before :hug: ) and one of her friends told her she's been there too, and she phoned eBay, where she was told that if the original auction settings are like that not even an added exact postage helps, and the only solution in this case is to put the buyer on the buyer exception list (and if the auction is in its last 24 hours, you can't even do this anymore either). So I go back to the seller and ask if they can do this, and at this point I often get a negative answer: they either don't know how to do it (and if I tell them I already look too pushy and too fishy), or they don't want to. And in a way I can understand them. Still, I'm an honest buyer who'd love to be able to bid on things she can't find where she lives, and because of the above described changes often can only watch those lovely items go :sad:

Where on one hand I do understand that eBay wants to help sellers in avoiding unwanted international bidders if they aren't willing to ship internationally (I have heard the horror stories of international bidders not asking for shipping costs and after winning finding them too much and cancelling, or bidders who don't read the "UK only" descriptions), at the same time they are also putting sellers who would be willing to do it in a worse position. I have encountered several auctions on which I couldn't bid, and I know I would have happily paid much more than the final price if I had the chance. I might not have won, but still it'd have been better for the seller, who this way'd surely have got more for the item, either from me or from anyone else who would have won. The worst part of the issue is that this whole situation is preventing me from buying not only "fun stuff" like collectables, but also, for instance, the brand of shoes I'm wearing, which is not really available in my country anymore :/ I can understand it's especially more tempting for sellers not to send shoes internationally because they are heavy, but I'd often happily pay those costs, as most of the times they are still much more reasonable than any other ways of getting those shoes where I live.

Long story short: I wold like to ask for help from someone who could help me out and bid on a UK only auction (or maybe two, but one of them is the above described error message situation which I'm still trying to negotiate with the seller, with less and less hope) and send the item to me if we win. Could someone help me out with this? I know I'm not an old member here and I don't have much feedback, but I can send you my eBay feedback profile (or my profile on a local auction site, but that not being English may not be of much help) as a proof of me being a serious bidder and buyer.

If you can't help me out, but you also are in my shoes regarding the above described situation, or you are a seller who experienced something similar, please feel free to leave a reply - I'd love to see what others think of these changes.

Have a nice day, everyone!

Hi there,

I am about to sell most of my small Care Bears collection, mostly plushies from the '80s, and I posted them here, but unfortunately they don't seem to gain much interest. I would love to find a community for Care Bears collectors where they could show themselves to a more interested audience, but so far I couldn't find any that seems to be still active. I know there are some Care Bears collectors among us, so I decided to ask here. Do you know a site or community I could turn to?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Loona ^^

The Dollhouse / Pink sugar dolly brag ^^
« on: April 21, 2013, 12:51:44 PM »
on Friday morning, before work I made a trip to have a fast look at one of my favourite used toy shops (which luckily opens at 8 AM), and among some little things I found baby Glider, who made my day ^^ by that time I didn't yet know there will be someone else who will make me even more happy...

do you recognise this little girl?

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yes, it's Chibiusa! she also came with me that morning. I almost left her there, because even though I love Sailor Moon I'm not too keen on collecting dolls from the line (especially incomplete), firstly because I didn't really see any yet that were appealing to me dolly-wise, and secondly, I can't really do much with them. but she had so cute eyes, and in the end she came with me. when I took her to the bathroom in the evening for a spa and took off her sailor suit and headband (that's all she came with, no shoes unfortunately) I had a different look at her and realised how cute little girl she is behind the usual sailor suit, and how cute she'd look in 'normal' clothes. needless to say once her hair dried and she was all clean my first thing to do was try some clothes on her. too bad everything is way too big on her (which is partly visible in the pic, but these ones are not that bad), but she looks awfully cute in pink :lovey:
I must try to find and/or sew some clothes for her, she seems to be so much fun to dress!

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