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Topics - TexasGal

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Hey all!  I was cleaning up my Barbie stuff and stumbled upon all these lovelies I'd forgotten I'd had!  I know the first one is a Strawberry Shortcake of some sort, but I don't know anything else about her.  The second is part of the Quints set, but again, I don't know much else.  The other two I don't know anything about, so any help would be greatly appreciated! 

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The Dollhouse / Show me your Pullips! Also looking for prop ideas
« on: February 22, 2014, 07:54:37 PM »
Hey all!  I am in the process of buying my first two Pullips, Kiyomi and Naomi...I couldn't resist having just one, since one doll would be lonely (you always have to have a buddy, you know!).  I'm getting ready for my new babies to get here (and trying not to keep shopping for more dollies while I'm paying for these...I already know which ones I'm buying after these are paid off...sad huh?) and I am trying to keep myself distracted. 

So, show me your Pullips, what their favorite outfits are, their personalities, how you display them, what props you use (I'm making quite a few for myself, but I'd love to see what y'all have/have made!) and whatnot.  My MH dolls are going to be benefiting from all the new props as well, as most of these are all double duty props!  My current one I'm working on is a cake display so that I can fill up my bakery (has anyone done the binder rooms?  that's what I'm attempting to make it for)

Customs / Show me how you store your hair!
« on: February 22, 2014, 03:41:36 PM »
I just got to where I am storing my hair on cork boards (love it so much more now...I can see everything!!), but I want to see how y'all store it! 

I had mine in plastic tubs for a while, but I got tired of having to dump it all out and dig through everything.  >.< 

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Oh dear lord, this girl spoiled me rotten!  We have been doing this swap for a while, and finally got around to shipping!  I feel bad my box was so small now...   :blush:  Anyway, she knew I loved Fluttershy and I have a small army of her currently, so she was working on that for me!  Here is what all I got! 

First up, the REALLY large box!

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Then, I open it to see this:

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

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Ooh, fun stickers!

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Nail polish and the cutest Arigumi Fluttershy her friend made.

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

I knew these two were coming in the box, but still, SO handsome, and the first boys in my g4 Brushables collection!

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Then, there was this delicious smelling coffee!  I can't wait to have some!

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

And here are the packages, in Fluttershy's pretty colors.

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

My lovely customs, from g1-g3, all of them drool worthy!

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Then, something SUPER gorgeous:

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

And a set that I couldn't ever find here in town, so I was thrilled to get it!

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Remember that pretty pink butterfly covered item from the second picture?  Here it is spread open, with my goofy hubby modeling behind it, a lovely quilt that is so cozy and comfy:

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

And everything all together, ponies and goodies.

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Customs / Army Swap ponies for Pixieponies
« on: February 12, 2014, 07:07:26 PM »
So...Pixieponies has been AWOL from the Arena and the Army Swap since Jan. 9, and I haven't received any confirmation that she received her ponies, but I am confident they got there ok.  I got permission from Rosierjay to go ahead and post the customs I made for her so that I could at least show off what I did.  I hope that Pixie enjoys them!

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were her only two armies, so I focused on Rainbow Dash, but added a male Fluttershy as well, just because.

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Wanted! / Baity g1 babies and DG fakie babies
« on: February 12, 2014, 06:11:48 AM »
I'm needing quite a few DG babies and regular g1 babies of any size and condition for customizing purposes. I'd even take bbe or chewed/mangled ponies! Pm me or reply here!

Customs / Custom Army box for Salli
« on: February 11, 2014, 05:21:08 PM »
So, since she got her box, I can finally share all the glorious ponies!  We had been planning this for a while, but life got in the way, and couldn't ship til just this last week.  So, here they are! 

She loves Ice Crystal, and I figured she needed an Ice Crystal Mommy and Baby.  I also made her a bb and Brushable Greek Ladybird, as well as a brushable Roseluck.  Some of Salli's favorite colors are purple and black, so I figured that she ought to have a Roseluck in those colors as well!  Also, she just loved one of my rehairs, so I added that as well.  =]  And one more bonus was a Harry Potter mug that I made up for her.  =]  There was also a bracelet in purples and Victorian charms, but I didn't get a picture of it.  =[

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Customs / Hair match for Ringlets (yellow peg) and Fizzy?
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:31:34 PM »
I'm trying to finish up some customs for myself, but needed to know what would be the best hair colors as a match for Fizzy and Ringlets (the pegasus).  Thoughts and pictures? 

Customs / Show me custom g1 babies
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:30:27 PM »
I'm working on a few, and wanting to make more, but I need to see some good examples, plus I just love drooling over everyone else's work.  So many beautiful babies out there!  So, show me some g1 baby customs!  (I'd especially love to see DG fakie baby customs or Teeny Tiny ones, but I'm excited to see them all!)

I will post pictures tomorrow with the ones I have.  I'll have to go drag them all out.  =] 

[moving to Customs ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Customs / 3 customs for 3 little girls
« on: February 03, 2014, 05:17:29 PM »
I was commissioned via FB for 3 customs for 3 sweet little girls that loved MLP.  THey all have their own style and likes, so I modeled the ponies after that. I am hoping to hear back from the friend who ordered them, hope the girls love them as much as I do!

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Untitled by Caetikins, on Flickr

Customs / Diamond Tiara...what should I do with her?
« on: January 26, 2014, 04:15:04 PM »
I was hoping to make a g1 to g4 baby with her, or even a g2 to g4, but I can't decide if she is purple, or pink!  Thoughts?  I can always give up and just customize her into a totally different pony, which doesn't bother me at all, but I would love to expand my g4 collection by including more g1s. 

Here is a pic, courtesy of strawberry reef:

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MLP Nirvana / Bowtie and Applejack variants?
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:50:30 AM »
So, I would love to see Bowtie and Applejack nirvanas and variants, please!   :biggrin:

I'm sick again, and I need some pick me ups as I'm doodling and painting, and I'd love to see some ponies that are inspired by birds.  I'm in the Things and Wings swap, and have some great ideas, but I'd love to see some other beautiful ponies as well, just to see what other bird inspired ponies there are out there!  It'd make me feel better, LOL!

Off Topic / Customizing Barbie horses?
« on: January 12, 2014, 01:03:35 PM »
Has anyone ever done that on here?  I acquired an Angus from Brave at Goodwill the other day, and he is missing his tail and he needs a new mane, so I thought I might make a lovely custom out of him, but I wasn't sure where to start.  Ideas?

Pony Corral / Question about Flutter pony mechanisms
« on: January 06, 2014, 09:16:56 AM »
So, I have several flutter ponies that are missing their mechanisms to 1) hold the wings, and 2) make them move.  I am left with the square in the back with a hole in the middle where the little part should go, but no mechanism.  Is there somewhere I could purchase one, someone who makes them, or some other way to make it ok?  I am tempted to just put in some of the butterfly wings that some of the customers make and just use those to truss it up a bit.  I'm just afraid it won't look right.  >.< 

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