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Topics - StrawberryMeadow

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Pony Corral / Pictures of G2 accessories please?
« on: May 07, 2012, 05:31:51 AM »
Afternoon everypony!

I really really need some pics of G2 accessories: in particular the G2 Magician/magic ponies. I have good enough pics of the thingy with the 5 lights on (amulet?) but I need the wand, the crown, the hat, ring and wings if possible?

It's for a custom and they seem so rare I just can't find pics anywhere!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you

~Ella x

Customs / Look who arrived at my house today!
« on: May 05, 2012, 06:01:15 AM »
Yey! Today I came home to a lovely little box full of spring-themed joy! My wonderful swap partner jwalraven sent me the following: (posted from my phone,.please excuse errors!)

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She looks much darker from my phone pics. She's a beautiful pastel lime in reality. She had wonderful gold accents and three most beautiful hairdo.she's such a clever design! She's going straight upstairs to meet all my other girls!

Thank you so much jwalraven, you have spoiled me!

Post Merge: May 05, 2012, 06:02:25 AM

Oh, and we totally had to google what a peep was!  :biggrin:

He's adorable!!! Xxx

Wanted! / WTB TE's.
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:55:57 AM »
Hi guys. Mods, please feel free to let me know if I'm out of line posting this, I'm still a newbie, but I'd like to buy some TE's and it can be hard work trawling through photobucket albums on lots of posts.

I have the following ponies, and would like the remainder for my collection. I own: Masquerade, Whizzer, Galaxy, Gingerbread. I also have 2 Party Times with lots of regrind splotches so I'm looking for an upgrade for her.

I like well-made g3 TE customs too so feel free to suggest any you might have for sale at a good price.

I am also interested in sparkle ponies, I currently own Twinkler, Starhopper, Stardancer and baby Starflower.

I look forward to receiving links and PM's.
Many thanks.

[Moving to Wanted ~ Kiwi]

Customs / Oh no massive disaster, help!
« on: April 19, 2012, 05:17:43 AM »
So I'm really stressed now. I was on the final straight with my custom for the spring/easter swap. All finished only re-hairing to be done. So I thought I'd play clever buggers and use triple thick plugs for extra luscious-ness. Well this its the first g1 I've used and I have split her skull open through about 5 plugs. I'm totally devastated and don't have time to start from scratch. I can't post pics for obvious reasons but does anyone have any advice for me? Can she be saved? Am really really upset!  :cry:

Customs / Her bloomin' head won't go on!
« on: March 27, 2012, 01:04:39 PM »
So people may vaguely remember I tried to make a poison Ivy pony as my first custom a month or so ago. I got to the point where I wanted her head back on so I could add finishing touches.

Well, I had preserved her full neck ring. WHAT A MISTAKE.

I heated her up with the hair dryer, body, neck, head, all. Lovely and soft. *squish* I pushed and pushed and pushed. Nothing.

She started to cool. I heated her up again. This time I thought "well my hands already hurt, I'm going to have to assume she's stronger than I'm behaving like she is and push harder" so, I pushed harder.

Then I cracked her sculpting in 3 places. AND HER BLOODY HEAD STILL WASN'T IN.

At that point I started to cry and gave up. So she still has no head. And now she's broken. I'm pretty upset. Also, it kinda destroyed my will to customise (don't tell Mr Meadow, I have about £100 worth of ponies and hair downstairs...), so many hours, and I can't get a simple thing like putting a head on right.

I don't know what to do. Do I just cut her neck off? Super glue it on and stick a ribbon over it? Do I need to use some secret method I missed? I'm so lost.... custom gurus, please lend me your wisdom :( :cry:

Customs / V Pic Heavy: Finally finished! First Custom: Poison Ivy Pony
« on: February 26, 2012, 01:16:51 PM »

She is finished! Thanks to sooooo many tips from lovely arena members, and very skilled and kind customisers, my first custom is finished!  :frolic:
BEHOLD! :blink:   Poison Ivy Pony. I quit with you!!!! :silly:

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She is flawed. And when I say flawed, I mean very, very, VERY flawed. :blush:   Not even including the cracks in 3 places (including straight across the bridge of her mask), the paint is a crazy mish-mash or brushing, airbrushing, sponging and everything in between. Her sculpting has fingerprints in (ugh!) and I broke off 4 of the strings on her corset! Her head wouldn't go on and ended up being glued in for security. Her "moss-covered corset" ended up looking like a green wooly cardi, and her hair looks like she spent all month licking a plug socket. But still...

G3 base, I think it was a Wisteria, or something along those lines.

Rehaired in katsilk saran which was curled 2 different ways using twists and straws. Then her curls were pulled out with my fingers and fluffed up, her ends were feathered and I gave her a little finger back-combing for extra wildness. She has a string of tiny plastic see-through leaves on embroidery wire which is wrapped into her mane, and can be removed/restyled as you wish.

Sculpting of corset, vines and mask in Milliput. Tiny Ivy leaves are Fimo. The tiny flowers on her neck and in her corset are fimo which has been hand painted in acrylics and the lillies have irridescent glitter underneath. She has a pretty green ribbon which is stuck on above her tail. Her corset and base "moss" is fake grass stuff from model railway making. Her base also has some bits of dried twisty stuff I had in my pot pourri and some bendy wires coated in brown glitter I had in a bunch of fake twigs in my fireplace! There are also some little blue sparkly mushrooms made from fimo and a bit of spongy lichen, which is real.

FBR was started off with a sponge, then hand painted, and finished in splattery airbrushing. My mantra was "keep her organic! Does she look organic?" The paints are artist grade acrylics, the green shimmer is a mixing metallic you can add to any colour to make it pearlescent.

She is sealed in matt varnish, triple coated, and glossed on the eyes, mask and anywhere she has green shimmer.

I actually quite like this girl, she has character!

Please let me know what you think, as I am hungry for critique!


So re-hairing is done, glue is drying, but I want her hair to be wavy. It's kat silk saran and I don't want it to be a tight perm, just gentle waves. Any tips to do this without ruining her? I don't think I can submerge her in her current state. Updated post: WIP pics below. So the base is covered in moss and stuff, the brown poking up bits are bendy wire with brown glitter so they will wrap around her legs when she's done.
She's had a FBR with about 2196318723569812356layers of all different greens, hand painted, sponged, airbrushed, the works! She's been my learning curve tbh.
I don't know why I sculpted her a mask, but I did. Poison Ivy has no mask ever, so I'm a bit of a fool there but never mind.
She has a corset which is covered in "moss" which is coarse turf (think you can just about see it in the background) from model railway stuff. Her vines and mask and eyelids are sculpted from Milliput, her leaves are fimo.
The vines, mask and corset accents are painted in shimmering green and coated in gloss varnish. The rest of her is triple coated matte glaze.
She is rehaired in katsilk saran in Torch Auburn from
She will have leaves in her hair, waves and blush and some minor accents to come.
For my first custom I'm reasonably happy, just a shame she looks like a TMNT in a wooly vest!

Pony Corral / Addicted to Precious Pockets...
« on: February 22, 2012, 04:35:58 AM »
Oh My help me... I'm more into arts so I'm here mostly as a newbie customiser whose dream it was to save battered old ponies and make them stunningly beautiful... only problem is I keep buying precious pockets like some kind of Gollum! (I blame them having the word "precious" in their title...  :P ) Every time I see them on feeBay I find myself inadvertently drawn to the "Place Bid" button... goodness help me when the OH finds out I'm now buying with no intention of trying to make money back on them he's going to murder me! :stressed:   :silly:  I saw someone had a collection of all 4 in a "show me your..." thread a while back but I'm guessing they're common as muck so no-one is that bothered about collecting them..... I'm on the verge of having a beginner army.... SAVE ME!

(Not only this, I've already started my first G3 custom version of a Precious Pocket....  :yikes: )

Pony Corral / Pizza hut + Rainbow Dash
« on: February 15, 2012, 04:21:42 AM »

(Apologies if you've already seen this)Having a really really bad day, miserable at work, and then one of my colleagues shows me this:

I laughed really really loud and feel a bit better now. totally awesome pony-ness <3 GG Pizza Hut.

 :frolic: :biggrin:

Customs / MOAR questions!
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:33:08 AM »
So I have been trolling and totally seen everypony talking about Rit dying ponies. Now I Googled rit dye and seems it's a brand. I have some really lush-looking Dylon indigo fabric dye at home, a different brand, and was wondering if anyone knew how I should use it (or not) on a pony? I'm dying a white G1 purple (obviously purple sheesh I'm a ditz) and need advices! It's the powder stuff you mix with salt?  (Edit: I have read the rit dye guide, just wondering if it works with other brands!)

I also bought a cheapy-cheap airbrushing thingy last night to see if I like it/can actually do it. Once I dye a pony (assuming it's even possible with the stuff I have) can I then airbrush in gradients?

Thirdly (omgosh does she ever stop asking things?!) can I scuplt on top of a paint job (Milliput) or should I always sculpt first? Totally started off scuplting first and then painted, and now I;m thinking I might want to add more and don't wanna have to sand off 7 layers of paint!

Thanks in advance for your pony knowledge goodness <3  :what:

Customs / Free custom (but do you want it?)
« on: February 03, 2012, 07:48:47 AM »
Hi everypony!

I'm making my first ever customs right now. Problem is I'm so full of ideas I don't know where to start! So I thought I'd throw this out to the community.

I want someone to request a custom. The offer is for one customised pony. Bear in mind this is my first ever, so whilst I have some remotely small artistic skills, it's gonna be (in all likeliness) pretty awful! That in mind, does anyone want to suggest something they desire? I'd quite like to involve some scuplting, so 3d cutie marks, smaller wings, lusty eyelids, maybe even small items of clothing are all possibilities. I'm happy to chat about what you fancy, just make it pretty!  :art:

I've bought a few hanks of hair in different colours, and can't afford more atm, so bearing this in mind I might not be able to meet your dream custom exactly. I have :Nylon Sour Grapes, Envy, Sugarberry, Pussycat, Blizzard and Butterfly and Saran Sapphire and Torch Auban.

The body will be a G3 earth pony, undecided which pose.

Whole pony will be FoC, including postage, if I think it's worthy of being sent out! :yikes:

Background info on me: I'm 29, from NW England, mother of one, long-term pony lover, artistic tendencies since I was old enough to hold a mark-making object, I dabble in all crafts from crochet to painting to sculpture and beyond. I have a crazy imagination and love fantasy artwork.

I am also a big World of Warcraft player, though only casual these days.

I would prefer to make an original character rather than a re-make of someone else's idea, but I'll take what I can get.

Please don't be offended if I don't think my skills are up to a request anypony might make. I'm adventurous, but I don't want to disappoint!

ready?  :shocked:

......................................GO!  :frolic:

Customs / Custom newbie Q's
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:53:56 AM »
Harro everypony!

Just a newbie here starting my first customs. A couple of simple questions I haven't been able to find answers for (probably because I'm useless at looking...)

Firstly: How on earth do I get the last few plugs out of a g3 Head? The ones at the base of the neck. I can just about rip them from the outside but with my forceps I simply can't get in close enough... do I need to chop off the neck ring?

Second Q - how do you re-hair a tail? With the G3's do I re-use the plastic bits I took out, or is it best to just glue it in? And with G1's? (Had a baity tootsie with tail rust which got removed...)

Thirdly, does anyone use Milliput for sculpting? I have used it on other makes and was wondering if anyone uses it on pony customs? Everyone seems to use apoxie, and I was wondering if I am doing the wrong thing with Milliput.

Lastly, do I need to seal my paint (acrylic), and if so can I use Scupley glaze?

Thanks for your time!

Introductions / About 20% more Newbie!
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:28:57 AM »

I'm Ella, 29 from Manchester, NW England. I am a mummy, I have 1 daughter who is 3 who is the current keeper of my small mixed-gen herd. Thankfully she LOVES ponies so I can totally buy as many as I want and not have to make any excuses to my boyfriend!

My only remaining original G1 pony (as in I bought new and not second hand) is Twinkler, as my mum gave them all away to a church fair when I was at Guide camp when I was younger! (This weekend at lunch I TOLD her this was evil, that I'll hold it against her for ever, and if she dies first the pony is going in her coffin with her! She thought that was funny. lolz.)

We have a few others, some G3s I bought when I was a student, and some little G4's from Tesco. I'm currently a bit obsessed with drawing MLP FiM chars and humanBronies, and I even made a G4 Bucking AJ from Sculpey and Milliput last week (not painted yet).

I'ma make that the end of my intro for now as I'm *supposed* to be working!

Hugs n Bro-Hooves!


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