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Topics - Tulips

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Hi, I was hoping someone might be able to advise me on whether a washing machine would clean my Tennie Tums Iron Man, or destroy it?

The tush tag says "Spot clean with wet cloth only" and it's made of Polyester fabric/stuffing and Polypropylene beads in the bottom. He also has glass/plastic eyes.

He had a cup of coffee spilt on him, which I believe soaked into him quite significantly because he stinks and has a slightly darker stain over half his head. I tried spot cleaning but the water soaks into him so fast I worry about him drying out or going mouldy. He wasn't cleaned immediately after the incident because the coffee spiller didn't realise he (and a couple other toys) had been hit and I wasn't told they were in the splash zone (I noticed the staining days later)...

So do you think I could toss him in a pillow case and into the machine then hang him out on a sunny day without causing more damage? Thanks.  ^.^

This is what he looks like (stock image)
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Trader & Shipping Support / Is eBay's GSP getting worse?
« on: June 01, 2017, 09:32:34 PM »
I was wondering if we could get a little discussion going about eBay's Global Shipping Program and it's future... the thought of it taking over is scary. I had kind of hoped that sellers would have turned their back on it by now.

I've all but given up buying internationally on eBay because of how insane postage prices have become. Sellers who have changed over to the GSP for their own ease, are they experiencing a loss of sales or do they think it's worth it? I certainly don't.

I browse eBay a few times a week, and I see so many listings that have astronomical postage prices that I cannot even fathom how! I saw one of 5 blind bags with a postage price over $100AUD, how is that possible?! The last time I bought something through the GSP it arrived no sooner than normal, the tracking was in fact more difficult to navigate, and it arrived damaged but I couldn't lodge a claim because I couldn't find anywhere to do so without dragging the seller into the confusion because it honestly wasn't their fault.

Sorry for ranting but I honestly wish there was a way to end the GSP, put them out of business so they never repackage a MOC into a too small box ever again. Is this the beginning of a dystopian online shopping future?

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Puppy in my Pocket - Wanted (modern)
« on: May 31, 2017, 04:57:39 PM »
On a hiatus from collecting Puppy in my Pocket, not currently seeking any.


I've started collecting modern Puppy in my Pocket and was wondering if anyone had a some they wanted to sell? There's a few in particular I'm hunting for and I'm having trouble feeling for them in the blind bags, but I'm keen to buy any that I don't have. So please, if you have any that you'd be interested in parting with (and posting to Australia), please contact me!

Thanks  :biggrin:

Customs / Custom Puppy in my Pocket
« on: May 24, 2017, 09:45:18 PM »
I've started collecting Puppy in my Pocket blind bags and I've already got a couple of doubles. I was wondering if I could dye the flocking to customise them? I used watered down acrylic paint, it was a learning experience on a tiny scale but I'm pleased with them.

Here are my results, the two sets of twins: original/custom

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Thanks for looking!  ^.^

Note: This thread was modified from one asking advice on dyeing flocked toys like So Soft Ponies. Since it's no longer about ponies if moving it to the Toy Box Board is more apporpriate I understand.  :)

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Anyone else like Little Live Pets?
« on: April 04, 2017, 11:18:20 PM »
I bought a Little Live Pets Turtle out of curiosity, I was interested in the mechanics. I thought it was charming and cute, fun to put in the pool but I mostly just use it for display in front of my computer because it's so loud. I did try to show my partner's nephew but the poor little guy kept getting upset and rescuing it from the water, I think he thought I was trying to kill it haha! I'm tempted to get more designs, but not in any rush.

The Hedgehogs looked fascinating so I bought one, I loved it but thought it would be more interactive if it had another to run around with and bump into... so I bought the rest when they went on sale (I'm such a sucker for 'collect them all' when they're so cute!). It's mayhem when I set them all off together, I love it rofl!

Then the other day I saw someone local selling two mice and a house 2nd hand for cheap. I jumped on the chance even though I had decided the mice didn't interest me much, it was a very good price.. Well, after I had cleaned them up and turned them on they were a laugh, the cat stared at them but didn't bother attacking. My partner begs me to turn them off because wow they make the weirdest noises... I want more mice!

I've not got any of the birds, I'm more interested in the Little Live Pets that move (except the frog and butterfly) but the birds are still cute. I hopefully won't amass too big of a collection, but I'd like to see more waves of the Hedgehogs and I might get some more mice and turtles at some point. (I really just need a small pet of my own. I'm keen to get dogs and cats when we have our own place, but I think I'm desperate to bring rats back into my life asap!)

So, does anyone else have any Little Live Pets? Please share, especially if you've got opinions on the birds that might make me cave and buy one lol.  :biggrin:

Off Topic / I got my license!
« on: April 02, 2017, 06:12:24 PM »
I'm so excited I might burst and I just have to share with everyone, I passed my drivers license test this morning! :lol:

I was so jittery but I had an hour lesson beforehand to calm down. I made a few silly mistakes (thank god my test instructor was so nice) but the main thing is that I passed! I couldn't have done it without my driving instructor and my boyfriend, I'm so thankful to them for teaching me all that I know. My boyfriend is looking forward to not having to pick me up from my midnight shifts and is keen to see me off to work alone. :P

Celebration time!  :frolic: :yippee: :banana:

Pony Corral / Show me G3 Waterfire pose NDS with turned head...?
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:20:30 AM »
Bit of an odd request. I'd like to see a photo of a G3 pony in Waterfire's pose (doesn't have to be Waterfire, just any pony sharing her pose) from her non-display side... specifically with a loose neck and head twisted around so you can see her face from her NDS.

I want to see if it's possible to display a pony of this pose from that angle or if her head just looks too weird lol. I'd check my own Waterfire but she's in storage.

Thanks in advance! If you like, we can make this thread into a funny pose picture thread after I've seen what I need, just for fun.  ^.^

Arts & Crafts Corral / I finally designed a ponysona I love...
« on: March 26, 2017, 03:09:54 AM »
For an artist I'm pretty rubbish at drawing, so I'm guilty of using a free online character creator to make the reference for my ponysona Tulips.
I wanted to finally have an icon of what I imagined in my head, and it was a lot of fun. Because of certain details I did have to go over her in Pixelmator to bring everything together, but gosh I love her... so I wanted to share.

I also did one for my partner, he says it's nice but I know it's not his cup of tea lol. :blush:

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I'm hoping to some day get more art of them, I'll want all the trendy adoptables so that's why I mocked up these refs. 

Thanks for looking! ^.^

Pony Corral / Hopes for the future of MLP?...
« on: March 24, 2017, 07:07:32 AM »
I just wanted to share my personal hopes for the future of the My Little Pony show/toy line and thought it would be a fun topic to start a discussion about. Not what you expect Hasbro to do, but what you wish they'll do. It's been a while since G5 was mentioned, since G4 is still going strong.

First off, I hope My Little Pony continues into a Fifth Generation... in fact, I hope it never ends. I hope children and adults alike never tire of colourful little ponies and they always have a place in our world.

Secondly, perhaps a return of slightly more realistic features and structure. I enjoy new interpretations and styles, but there's only so much chibi I can take. If Hasbro repeats G3.5 with a TV series based on the style of the Playskool Friends Ponies I might just cry lol. When I imagine what I'd like G5 to look like I picture the Saddle Arabia delegates from FiM.

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Thirdly, more movies! If Hasbro doesn't mess the coming one up too badly, I want to see more quality MLP movies in future. It might even tie in with more adult merchandise, high quality art sculptures of the characters would be awesome.

And the farfetched, an anime would be cool. Something edgy and more adult but still appropriate to the brand.

Anyone got some hopes and dreams for the brand they'd like to share? I bet G1 characters released as G4 toys is still a popular wish, count me in on that one too lol.  ^.^

I just thought today that I'd like to get a Hatchimal for Easter, but they were a Christmas toy and I'm a bit stumped about where to find one without paying crazy eBay prices.

I'd really love the green Draggle. I had actually kind of hoped that some kids had already own bored and parents might be selling them loose on eBay. I don't mind not having the egg hatching experience if I can gurentee I get the colour I want, but no luck finding that either.

Sigh, anyone know what silly little me could do to get my hands on a green Draggle?  :P

Pony Brag Arena / NEW Reboot Ponies! *squeals*
« on: March 16, 2017, 11:13:51 PM »
I popped in Kmart today and nearly freaked out in the toy aisle when I saw all four of these new girls. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Cheerliee and dynamic reboot poses, so adorable! I am completely won over by the new designs, they're just so much fun.  ^.^

I was so excited to free them that I forgot to take photos of them in package before I opened them, and then before I treated them to a spa... so here's some photos of mangled packaging and ponies with wet styled hair (plus the first four in the background getting a freshen up).  :P

I gotta say, their hair so far has been very acceptable. The only one with noticeably dry/frizzy ends was Rainbow Dash. Not like the pearlescent ponies that basically all needed a condition right out of the packet.

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They also had the rereleased Fashion Styles of Photo Finish and Royal Ribbon... I would have been tempted to buy them but the original packaging has fun backgrounds and I don't need double MIB (*chants* I don't, I don't, I don't). I'm looking forward to the next Fashion Styles in the reboot designs that we saw at the Toy Fair, I'm more excited for new ponies than I have been in years lol.


I took better pictures to show off their poses  ^.^

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The Dollhouse / Soda Shop Barbie - BFC Exclusive?
« on: March 14, 2017, 04:22:26 PM »
I just found out the Soda Shop Barbie exists and got so excited. I don't collect Barbies, but I have one that I absolutely adore and that Poodle skirt is to die for. I would have loved to add her to my collect as the second Barbie I absolutely adore, but I have to be a BFC member to buy her.  :(

I don't have the budget to be buying her, but I was thinking maybe as a birthday treat in a few months, but buying a memebership first? It's not as expensive as eBay prices, but still...

I was curious if anyone here was a BFC member? If I caved and absolutely needed to add her to my collection, whether anyone was willing to buy her on my behalf?

Thanks for letting me vent.  :blush:

I just wanted to double check if this postage quote sounds correct? I've not bought from the UK in a while so I don't know if prices have increased.

The item is a single Sweetie Pup, which I'd guess is about Big Brother pony weight and size at most, and the quote is £11 Standard International.

I tried to use the Royal Mail online calculator and came up with about 5-6£, so about half what I've been quoted. But when I check eBay for similar items the postage was about what the seller has quoted me.

So does £11 sound fair and correct? (It really has been ages since I've bought something from the UK lol)

Cheers  ^.^

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Does anyone play Furry-Paws?
« on: January 14, 2017, 08:55:30 PM »
Furry-Paws, the online dog showing sim game. I used to love it as a kid but only recently got back into it. I've been bouncing between breeds tying to decide a few to specialise in. I don't know if I'll ever make a name for myself and become recognisable on the forums but I'm having fun so far. I'd love to meet some fellow players with similar interests so I can make some more friends online.

I've got a banner in my signature if anyone wants to join up and play. When you create your first dog/account my account number should auto-fill in the referral section. If everyone who joins reaches level 3 I'll start earning rewards, which I'd really appreciate. I'd love to get the 200 player reward lol.


[moving to Games Cupboard]

Off Topic / Anyone work in a Zoo / with captive animals?
« on: January 13, 2017, 05:55:13 PM »
Last year was full of big changes for me. I quit my job of five years Dog Grooming, moved, and ended up getting a simple job... but I'm thinking about a new career.

There was an ad on Facebook that kept catching my eye and I finally clicked on it, studying to qualify for zoo keeping etc...
I've worked in the pet care industry but why not live the childhood dream and work in a zoo?

Can anyone tell me stories or experiences that might inspire me to pursue this career path? I'm really lost at the moment and would appreciate any and all guidance/advice.

Thanks  :)

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