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Topics - michelle53

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Customs / Voice Your Choice!!
« on: November 06, 2012, 11:02:19 AM »
Calling all Arena citizens!!  I have a hairless Buzzer, and I need YOU to voice your choice!!

Please help me choose:).

Pony Brag Arena / Enormous RAOPK brag
« on: November 06, 2012, 06:20:27 AM »
I posted this over in the Make A Wish Brag Thread too. 

A few months back, we made the difficult decision to put my dog to sleep.  It was very hard on our family, but the right thing to do.  I found comfort in the kind words of support from all of you here.  The Arena really is filled with the most wonderful people in the world.

So imagine my surprise when I arrived home yesterday to find a rather large box sitting on my front step.  I know I hadn't ordered anything so large, but I wasn't sure who had sent me this mysterious package.  I opened it, and imagine my huge shock.  It was a collection of gifts from my Make A Wish Swap friends!  I was blown away.  I am still blown away. 

Magic Erasers!!  I needed more too!
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A fuzzy new friend!
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Stickers and treats!
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A striking hair bow!!  Peacock favorite:)
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A stunningly beautiful Mexican Fire Opal.  I collect gemstones;)
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Dollyhair!!!  Moonlight, Sunlight, Starlight, Tigermelon, Marmalade, Sea Nymph, Bourgainvillea, Bubblegum, After Midnight and Mermaid!!  Holy hair:)
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Look!  A winger backcard!!!  My first one:)
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Sky Dancer!!!  She has no hair.....yet!
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visitors can't see pics , please register or login this who I think it is???
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Holy mushrooms, it's Hollywood.  I am speachless.  Then I see these:
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Her original wings.  Are you kidding me?  Are you flipping kidding me??  All of these wonderful things are for me?  What on earth did I do to deserve such beautiful and wonderful treasures?  You guys are amazing!!!

So thank you to the following Arena members for their incredible generosity.

And a special thank you to Madhatterda for pulling this off for me!!!!

I have no words to say, except thank you so very much.  I am so incredibly lucky to know such wonderful people.  I love you guys!!

Pony Corral / Oh, where did you come from??
« on: November 03, 2012, 10:44:09 AM »
I work on Saturdays and always pack a few bottles of water and some snacks in my lunch bag.  Well today when I opened my lunch bag this morning to grab some water, there was Glow smiling up at me!  I was so surprised to see her!!
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Where did she come from?  Apparently I've got so many wingers, they're coming out of the woodwork:)

Anyone else find ponies in funny places?

Pony Corral / Curse you eBay snipers!!!
« on: November 01, 2012, 07:47:22 PM »
Oh poops!  I just got sniped in the last few seconds on a pony I wanted on eBay. 

Oh well, I guess I didn't really need that pony anyway:(.  But I do really hate to lose!! 

Anyone else get sniped lately?

Off Topic / Tinkerbell Secret of the Wings
« on: October 29, 2012, 07:52:52 AM »
Has anyone seen it?  Like it??  I'm waiting until the storm is over to buy it.

Pony Corral / Wanna play a game?? Quick name 5....
« on: October 09, 2012, 07:20:06 AM »
My hubby and I play this funny game called "Quick! Name 5".  It can be anything from name 5 Lionel Richie songs to name 5 things you put cream cheese on.  So here is how the game goes: I will throw out a "Quick! Name 5 ______ ponies" and the next poster will answer.  After, they will pose the question again for the next poster to answer.  Ready??

Quick!  Name 5 yellow ponies.  Go!

Trader & Shipping Support / Michelle53 has an emergency
« on: October 05, 2012, 06:25:14 PM »
Im sorry guys, but something bad has just popped up.  I don't want to get into right now.  Unfortunately, I need to suspend all pending sales for at least a few days.

I am fine and my family is fine.  I just need sometime right now.  I am so incredibly sorry to everyone who I have inconnvienced and please accept my sincerest apologies. I will make good on everything, I just need to get through this weekend:(

Wanted! / G3 Apple Spice!
« on: October 04, 2012, 06:19:36 AM »
Please if you have her, I would love her:)

Off Topic / Happy Birthday Relcestia!!!!!!!
« on: October 03, 2012, 02:17:23 PM »
Happy birthday to our beautiful Argie Queen!!!! 
 :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

[Birthday Sticky - 10/3 - Eviecorn :heart:]

For Trade / Anyone want Gusty?
« on: September 30, 2012, 05:10:31 PM »
I have a Gusty who has some issues.  She had some stains on her back legs, but her hair is lovely.  I can upload pictures if anyone is interested. 

Pony Corral / Gauging interest in Pegasus swap
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:32:28 PM »
Hey everyone!!  I'm going to be hosting a swap soon, a Wings and Things swap!  The general premise is sending out a big old box of Pegasus ponies:)   If there is enough interest, sign ups will begin in October and this swap will run to mid-January. 

Is this something that interests you??

Pony Brag Arena / I have my own huge brag and RAOPK!!!!!
« on: September 28, 2012, 08:44:42 AM »
This brag is overdue, but I was waiting for the right time to post this.  I have to seriously thank the amazing PYTHIA (yes, she is the hero of the day/month/year) for sending me a crazy amazing gift.
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TRIXIE!!!! (Who my daughters immediately confiscated, thats why no picture)

I was tickled with the 2 G4's, but there was something else in the in the box...
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Holy cannoli she is amazing!  I have been admiring her since she arrived, and I still can't believe my eyes:)  Thank you so much Pythia for sending me such a wonderful and special gift!!!!!!!

So I also got back into collecting wingers after I finished up a few swaps I was in.  Here is the auction photo:
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Oh, not only did I win them for a terrific price, but the seller is AWESOME!!!  We had a beautiful communication back and forth, and she used to post on the Arena!  Not to mention in the middle of selling a bunch of ponies, she had a baby:)   :biggrin:  It was so wonderful to meet such a lovely woman and get to share her joy!!!

I received the ponies last week, and while most of them were perfect, literally perfect, a few need some work.  Here are the perfect ones!
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Eeeeeeee curls!!
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A close up of Zenna's favorite:
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An absolutely perfect Cool Breeze.  The wings have a slight crease, but no marks, blemishes, rubs or anything!
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Here is a Moon Jumper I bought off eBay who had an unfortunate hair cut.  The seller said her wings were damaged, but I couldn't believe my eyes....they were perfect!!!!  Here she is after a quick rehair:
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She's been rehaired in DH Venom.  I can't even to describe how beautiful she is.  I have a lot of really gorgeous ponies, but she just might be one of my top stunners.  She is also the first MJ I have ever rehaired.  Because she is so hard for me to come by, I try to keep any Moon Jumper who comes into my home as authentic and original as possible.  But this girl was missing a lot of hair plugs and had a taped on tail  (you read that correctly.  Taped on.) 

I hope you enjoyed my pictures!

The Dollhouse / Who is your Most Wanted Monster right now?
« on: September 21, 2012, 06:38:21 PM »
I don't even collect these dolls!  But since I've been stalking Tuney's ANTM contest, I find myself cruising the MH aisles in stores!

So I have yet to see Venus in stores, but I *might* need to buy her.  Also Black and White Frankie has caught my eye;)

Who are you most after right now?

Off Topic / Activia yogurt
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:28:26 AM »
Ok, I'm not sure this is the right place for this, but here we go.

Has anyone eaten this?  I thought I'd try it, and it's day 5 and I feel like I'm dying!!  My insides are killing me:(  Seriously digestive system, why you no like me?

Jamie Lee Curis didn't say anything about bad stomach problems in the Activia yogurt commercials! 

Wanted! / Michelle wants sad looking wingers!
« on: September 19, 2012, 05:09:27 PM »
It's true, I am itching for more baity wingers!!  Any and all conditions are ok with me:)

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