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Topics - reanna-mator

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Pony Brag Arena / Squee! Great ebay BIN luck!
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:53:35 PM »
I posted in the Corral about this after I bought these looking for a PC on everything, but... now that they've actually arrived I've had the chance to inspect them closely and love them up close, and I'm more excited than ever!

A short while ago while looking at new pony listings on eBay I found this lot listed for only $25!
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They just arrived last night, and now-- they look so nice! Look at those sweet curls on Sticky and Sniffles, and Quarterback is in pretty good shape. He does show a couple of the usual age spots for Big Brothers, and the curls on Goldilocks are quite nice.

But the best of all...

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My phone's camera doesn't do justice how pretty she is. Her hair is so silky, and still such a beautiful pink. :) Even better, a few of these, including Yum Yum are duplicates so I should be able to make back what I paid for the lot. By far, this is my luckiest eBay snag ever. It helps a little bit to make up for the fact that my local Savers just closed today. :(

Pony Corral / Packing up my ponies... will this work?
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:15:00 AM »
So, I'm moving at the end of this month and I've been gradually packing up my ponies. I've saved my G1s for last so I can take my time doing it right. They're all going in clean and dry and I'm going to try to use clear totes... really I just feel better being able to see them in there.

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Each is going in a small plastic baggie. The bags don't have any seal on them and they're not even folded over, so hopefully no moisture will get trapped? I won't be putting the lid on the totes until just before the move. What I'm wondering is if the ponies will be okay like this until the end of the month. What do you think?

The tote I'm using is kind of deep, do you think they'll be okay layered like this? I don't really have anything flat. :(

Price Check Archives / PC on eBay BIN?-- how did I do?
« on: November 27, 2014, 08:58:07 AM »
Well, I think I certainly got a good deal on eBay to help me get through having to work Thanksgiving night-- a decently sized lot of G1s, many of which I don't have, at an awesome price. :D I think the pony gods are smiling on me today. Here they are!

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Thing is, I do already have a few of these, so based on the picture, I was wondering what a fair price would be for the ones I've already got. I think if I get decent prices for them I might break even on this, maybe even come out ahead by a little?
Sunspot (faded hair)
Yum Yum (faded hair)
Wild Flower

I can't wait to get these-- I'm especially happy about Dazzleglow. And Flicker-- I know she's not rare but I've been meaning to get her as she's so cute.

Edit: Forgot to mention how much I paid for these girls (and guy). XD It was 24.95, I'm quite positive I did well here.

Pony Brag Arena / UK brag!
« on: October 19, 2014, 03:49:29 PM »
So! I haven't been posting as much as usual because my husband and I have been busy in the UK (mostly Brighton) for the past few weeks and haven't had a ton of time to log on and post. But I have had time for collecting, of course! I came home with quite a haul. Most of this is from eBay, but I did find a couple things in the wild!

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Awesome retro stuff! The key covers were at a shop in Brighton, the mug from Forbidden Planet in London, but the shop in Brighton also had them, along with a coin purse which I believe featured Glory.

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I found these at WH Smith. I'd never seen them before and they were 3 for 2, so I got three of them. While I don't recommend the "sweets" in them, they do have cute little goodies in them, and for 89p, they're a fun little thing.
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Each one has a sticker (love the designs!) and a little extra surprise. There are ribbon necklaces, combs, tiny framed pictures, etc.

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Books! :D While most of these were purchased online, two of the annuals and the middle storybook were discovered in Cardiff! The annuals were at an arcade shop named Troutmark Books and I found the storybook at a street market the day we went back to Brighton.

Finally, the ponies!
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I did pretty well on price for all these, especially the sea pony; she was only 99p! The random Rainbow Dash in there was a charity shop find and I couldn't leave her behind. Looking forward to bringing these girls to the pony spa! <3

And there you have it! It was a fantastic trip overall and it was nice to come home with some nice new pony goodies.

Savers has been very generous to me lately. Here's my latest find: all this for $2! Accessory experts, how did I do?

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There are a few things here I'm not sure what they're to. Can anyone identify these?
(I've got that the cookies go with one of the outfits)
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I feel like I have to keep returning to Savers frequently for a while, in case the rest of the collection is in the back somewhere...  :devious:

Pony Corral / Cigarette smell in a softie! D:
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:40:55 PM »
This is the... worst... possible... thing!

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Hyperbole aside, I need some help. I won a Parasol softie on eBay for 99 cents-- great deal, even with her scuffed eyes. She's otherwise very clean and her hair should clean up nicely, but she reeks! :( I know there are methods for regular ponies that smell like smoke but it seems a lot of these won't really work for a softie, and I fear that since she's plush it'll be all the more difficult to get the smell out. Anyone know of anything I can do besides just airing her out? Will a cycle or two in the laundry help or hurt?

Pony Corral / Ponies turn up in the weirdest places.
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:55:13 PM »
Sometimes the pony sightings really come out of nowhere.

I'm doing some research on the effects of broken fluorescent bulbs for a story I'm writing, and I found an old news report on the subject. At one point it cuts to a family that tells their story with a broken light. The first thing I saw was a very conspicuous close up of a G3 board game. It then cuts to the mother speaking in her daughter's room, with a shelf full of G3 toys in the background! XD At about 1:15.

I know it's random, but it was such an amusing surprise that I thought I'd share.  :silly:

Pony Brag Arena / Five G1s at Savers! Plus Savers rescue group photo!
« on: August 19, 2014, 07:09:27 AM »
I've had pretty nice luck with ponies at Savers recently, and in general since I started collecting in 2011. The other day I snagged a bag of five G1s for $4, and while they were all ponies I had already, once they were cleaned up I decided that they could all be upgrades, so I'm still really happy with my find! Here they are, plus before and after pictures-- you can't tell from them but they were REALLY dirty. Baby Fifi got extra attention because she was easily the dirtiest pony I've ever possessed!

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Look how dirty she is! XD She looks like she went on quite a few adventures.
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Here's everyone after a good scrubbing and spa treatment!
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My favorite thing is: Sundance's curls! They look to be original and I'm in love with Sundance all over again! My previous Sundance has very unexciting, somewhat frizzy hair that is unflattering on her. This one looks great!

Lastly... I decided that the time had come to take a group photo of all the G1s I've found at Savers over these past few years. A sort of anniversary picture, if you will. The very first G1 I found at Savers was the Sweet Talkin' pony, who was there on my very first Savers trip looking for ponies! My favorite finds by far are Sweet Dreams, Taffy and Satin n Lace! I love this picture-- it looks like they're all mingling happily. :)

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Pony Corral / Glory's blue stripe! Dye or rehair?
« on: June 26, 2014, 10:01:41 AM »
Welp, my first attempt at hydrogen peroxide sunfading has ended in a bit of a disaster. My Glory's blue stripe has faded to white... I really didn't think that color would be a problem, and now I'm faced with a bit of a dilemma. I know it's ultimately my choice but I'd like some outside opinions.

I already have the correct color of Dollyhair, so I could rehair her and be certain that it's the right shade. But it would not be original locks of hair.

Or I could attempt to dye it back the right color. This is dodgy, getting the right shade, but at least the actual hair would be original.

I'm personally leaning toward rehairing the stripe as there's less risk involved. What do you think?

Also, how can I avoid this in the future? Are light colors in general just more prone to fading? Thank you, guys. :)

Pony Corral / I took my ponies camping! (pic heavy)
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:56:31 PM »
So, this weekend I went camping for my family reunion, and I decided to take a carrying case full of favorite girls along with me for a bit of fun! I was a bit cheeky in taking a couple more expensive girls, but I think that the pictures were well worth it! I even got a couple of the kids in on the fun!

And so, here you are! These are my favorites and I think some of them turned out really nice!

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This picture is in the cabin our family use!

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The girls hanging out with me, my sister and her husband.

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Inventing a pegasus story.

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"And Earth Ponies just... walk around."

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Don't worry, Carol was very gentle.

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Coloring fun! Last year I brought a bunch of Pony coloring books and left them with an aunt, and they came back this year. :)

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I got a little creative with Fluttershy's colors.

Then I went down by the waterfall and the dam to get some pictures of the girls in the "wild."
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"Oh, hello there..."
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"The hills are aliiiiive..."

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"Now come along."
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"Mommy, I'm big!"
"Come down from there."
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So shy!
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I managed to get one of Princess Sparkle without any people.
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"Mommy, can I..."
"No, dear."

Thanks for looking! :)

Pony Brag Arena / Epic Savers find!
« on: June 08, 2014, 01:37:27 PM »
After a long shift starting at 6 AM, I decided to head to Savers. I actually was looking for something else, but... there's no way I'm not going to check for ponies, and am I ever glad I did... sitting on the shelves reserved for larger toys, at the top was...

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I gasped with joy! And only $3! Here she is after a clean up. She's in really nice shape. Apart from the crimped tail there are only a few smaller marks that will be hard to get off. She cleaned up great!

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: don't give up on finding ponies at thrift stores! :) There are still wonderful ponies coming in that need loving homes.

Pony Corral / Hydrogen peroxide questions
« on: May 20, 2014, 09:13:47 AM »
So! I've got a few ponies I'm hoping to give a hydrogen peroxide/sunlight treatment soon and I've got a few questions for those who have done this before. I've been trying to whiten Glory and Moondancer but the lack of exposure where I live and the mild Wisconsin sun is making me want something a little more effective.

General question: If the stain is low on the pony's body, is it okay to just use a little and have her "wade" in it? For example, my Lemon Treats has stains on her hooves, maybe from wearing shoes too long. But she has gorgeous curls and I'm unsure about having her completely submerged. Should I worry about the peroxide slightly changing her overall body color where she's submerged, and coming out uneven if she's not in all the way?

Is it okay to "reuse" the same bath, rotating ponies in and out as their treatment finishes?

Here are the other ponies I'm thinking of treating, for now:

- Glory, Moondancer, Majesty - whitening

- Skydancer - pink spot on side
- Sea Winkle - brown stains on body
- Bow Tie - brown stain on one leg

Pony Corral / Sunfading: lost cause?
« on: April 14, 2014, 02:17:18 PM »
Hey guys. So admittedly I'm a little hazy on what sunfading can potentially fix.

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This is my FF Cotton Candy. She has some pink "highlighter" marks on her face as well as an inky blue looking dot. They're really hard to see here but they're darker in person.

Ugh, okay. This is my FF Butterscotch. She has what looks like saddle rub marks, but the marks are sort of a faded blackish color. (Hehe-- she needs a new tail too, that comes next) These marks are really prominent in person.

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I can try to get some better pictures shortly, but before I embark on using my precious windowsill space, I really would like some input. What do you think?

Pony Corral / Sunfading question
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:41:22 AM »
So, I finally completed the Rainbow Pony set! Before my question, here's a pic! :) They look great together.

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My question is this: Does anyone know if Trickles is safe to sunfade? Mine has pink marks all over one of her sides. I looked around and I couldn't find an answer. If no one is sure I will just give it a try and keep a close eye on her.

Confetti, it sounds like, is prone to burning. :( Shame.

The Dollhouse / Found Snugglebums Mama Brightly-- variation?
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:04:16 AM »

I found a cute vintage toy at Savers today and I knew it looked familiar but I couldn't place the name of the toy. Looking it up, it looks like I got my hands on the Snugglebums Mama Brightly, but most pictures I see of her have her pictured with a pink heart on her chest. Mine has a purple one, with hot pink hair instead of the softer pink.

Um, does anyone with knowledge of this series know what I've got here?

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