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Topics - Rachel-Eyes

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I went on a trip a few weeks ago and stopped at some thrift stores and yard sales on the way back.

You could say my stops were fruitful. :frolic:

Well I found this Shimmers doll at a yard sale and she was wearing this horse hair tie that I know I recognize from somewhere... I remember seeing it on the Arena as either a Dream Beauty, Enchanted Kingdom, or Fashion Star Filly accessory. Does anyone know what it is?

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Off Topic / Has anyone ever cleaned out a My Magic Kissing Dragon?
« on: April 22, 2013, 07:49:44 PM »
I got one from a yard sale about a year ago from a box of obvious bath toys and ewww she was gross... I don't even remember what I was thinking when I bought her. I guess I wanted a restore challenge... plus her hair looked alright, and I do think that these toys are really cute.

Well, she's turning out to be too much of a challenge, I fear. I finally got to her last night and as I was scrubbing her down with a Magic Eraser, I noticed some gunk coming out the holes on her feet. It was the dreaded black mold. The more the hot water got in her, the more it started to come out. Like, I just kept squeezing it out into the sink. Gag as I might, I got quite a bit of it out before setting her onto a paper towel and making a stopping point. I'm going to try for it again tonight.

I'm just wondering if there are any MMKD collectors here or if anyone has ever cleaned one up before that may have some tips. I keep thinking they are prone to this because I seem to remember having one myself as a kid, and it getting nasty even though I don't recall ever putting it in the water. I'm kind of afraid to take the head off because the rubber is so soft I'd be afraid of ruining the material. Is there anything I can do besides just keep cleaning the inside of the feet?

Anyone experienced with these toys at all?

Pony Brag Arena / Splurge! (A bit pic heavy)
« on: April 11, 2013, 07:59:40 PM »
I promised myself that I wouldn't buy any more Ponies before the Fair but... four months in and I'm already doing a good job with that, so I took a tiny splurge the past week and a half ago.

Then I'm off the Ponies until the Fair! I hope.

First up are these two gems that I bought from ponylady on eBay.

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"What? These aren't gems! These are fakies!" Well, I happen to love fakies, so yes, yes they are gems. Remco ponies are my favorite and I do have a thing for Hasbro-mold fakies like Crumpets. Just look at how sweet they are, especially together! They are so perfect. :frolic:

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I have a tradition of naming my Crumpets after friends, so this one is Beth. :frolic: And look! Ponylady was nice enough to go through the trouble of giving her some really cute curls! She just looks so sweet! :heart: I've already shown this picture to the real Beth and she was excited enough to put it on her Facebook!

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The Remco I've named Rheasilva. It just seems to fit her! I've seen these white Remcoes floating around and always wanted one, so I'm just a really happy camper right now!

The next one that came is probably the one that excites me the most...

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Powder! I was beginning to think I would never have her! I've never been able to find one that had nice symbols or one that I was able to catch. I just fell in love with her the first time I saw her and she's been in my top 5 wants for a long time. I'm so happy to finally own her.

Also, something about her upward gaze makes me think that she would watch a lot of tv. Since you can see a tape of The Lion King in the background, I guess that's what she's watching here. :p

I was also able to snatch up her UK cousin, Snowflake.

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Something about Snowflake reminds me of something that I once owned, but I can't think of what it was. Maybe a sweater? She's also my first Euro pony!

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I know not everyone is really that crazy about Frosting, but lately I've really fallen in love with her. I've never been a big fan of BBE, but I just really couldn't resist her when I saw her for 99 cents. I love her purple eyes!

So yeah, that's it. Thanks for taking a look at my spam. The Ponies love you!

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Off Topic / Let's talk about Hey Arnold
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:49:02 AM »
I don't really have a favorite tv show. In fact, I rarely watch much tv at all. But I do go through spells where I watch a lot of episodes of a series and become addicted, either for the millionth time or the first. (The last show I got really hooked on like this was Dexter.)

Though I do not have a top favorite show, by far one of my favorites would have to be Hey Arnold. It was a huge part of my childhood, and the beautiful thing about it is that there are a lot of subtle storylines in the show that make it enjoyable to both kids and adults. Even now I'm just getting some of the jokes for the first time (Susie and Miriam taking "free dance classes" with Carlos- WOW!)

But yeah, the writing and characterization is incredible, especially for a Nickelodeon show. The jokes are funny, the touching moments are truly touching and even tear jerking, and what kid didn't want to see Arnold and Helga eventually get together?

I just have so many feels for this show. It's truly a special thing and one of a kind.

So I thought... why not an OT discussion?  :biggrin: Because I know that it does still have a huge fanbase, and even a huge movement to make the Jungle Movie actually happen, though I personally doubt that it will. (I have reasons.) I'd still love to see it though!

What are your thoughts on it? Favorite character? Episode? Ship (besides Helga and Arnold)?

I just really love this show. :lovey:

(Sing in the tune of I Want Candy)

I know a horse that's awfully sweet.
Over a thousand you should meet.
There are so many I desire.
Pretty much set my budget on fire.


MLP Nirvana / Who is this pseudo-fakie? EDIT: Bobbie?
« on: April 02, 2013, 11:10:29 PM »
I remember reading a while ago a thread here about a yellow pegasus that was only sold in the UK. Like, she was some sort of factory reject, so there were a few of them, but these days they are quite rare (and expensive I'm sure) because they weren't mass produced.

Her name was a human name. Something like... Julie? Shelly? Nancy? I don't think she had a symbol and her hair was red and curly, I think. I also think she was in the Bouncy pose or maybe Firefly... perhaps Lofty? It was a while ago. I remember a poster saying that she thought her childhood one was a fakie because of it not having a symbol and also because it was made from some weird squishy plastic.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about or did I just dream this up?  :blink: No one ever seems to mention her often so I'm really intrigued.

[moving to Nirvana ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Off Topic / Goofy-looking monster toy from the '60s?
« on: February 24, 2013, 10:52:28 AM »
My mom had this little guy when she was young and she gave him to me when I was about 7. We both loved him. He was just too silly and cool. I unfortunately don't have any photos and I'm not sure if I even still have him anymore, but I do have this bad laptop-mouse drawing.

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He was a little monster and his body was like a big yellow stalk, and was ribbed kind of like a snake belly. The body itself was made of rubber and it had some wire running through it so you could bend him. He had no legs, but he did have two bird-like feet with claws, and I always sort of imagined him moving through a hopping motion.

His face is a little fuzzier in my memory but I do know that he had two eyes and a big round teal nose. His tongue was either pink or blue (left it white) and I do remember it being made of felt. I don't remember what the rest of his face looked like or how it was connected to his body. (So I didn't draw it.) But he also had red, fluffy "clown hair" on each side. I remember the hair being kind of an odd texture, but it was probably softer when it was new.

Any clues on this? It's just so weird and I love it.

Pony Corral / Not in the best of moods. Cheer me up with Sea Ponies?
« on: February 16, 2013, 01:19:23 AM »
It's sort of a long story and I don't really wanna go into it, but I'm a fool.  :cry: Sea Ponies always make me feel better though. Can I see yours?

I'll start off with Wavedancer enjoying the park.

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And also Celebrate with her fakie friend.
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Off Topic / Trying to place a song but I can't, and it's driving me nuts!
« on: February 07, 2013, 09:12:27 AM »
Last Sunday I was at K-Mart and this song came on the radio that I half-recognized. I know I have heard it before- I think it either came on the radio earlier that week or I just kind of absent-mindedly clicked on a related video on Youtube, or something like that.

I can't really give any lyrics or most of the content of the song, since I only really got a clear listening of the beginning. It sounds like a late-80s or 90s alt band, but it could have definitely still been newer than that. The band had a female lead, so I was thinking either the Cranberries or the Pretenders. I could definitely be wrong on both of those. (I consider myself a pretty big Cranberries fan, though there are still a lot of their songs that I haven't heard yet. As for the Pretenders, I used to be obsessed with Back on the Chain Gang and Brass in Pocket when I was in 5th grade but I'm not as familiar with their other stuff... I always said I would start listening to them again though. My dad used to play their music a lot when I was growing up, but I don't remember him playing this one at all.)

Anyway, it starts off kind of quiet, with a very long note or two kind of "whooshing" but still sounding really mellow and quiet. Then the female lead lets out a high pitched "YEEEAAHHHH" and then the guitars and drums start up. The "yeah" sounded like it might have been harmonized, so I don't know if this is an all-girl group or if that was just studio goodness.

I know that isn't really a whole lot to go on and you can see why I can't just Google the one lyric I know! I get the feeling that once I find it I'm going to feel dumb because it's a song that I probably am familiar with and should know.

I just can't place it though!

Any thoughts, ponies? I've been sitting on it all week and I'm still stumped!

The Dollhouse / Show me your Barbies!
« on: February 04, 2013, 10:50:50 PM »
I've been thinking lately how badly I sort of want to collect Barbie. I definitely can't afford to right now, especially with the Fair coming up, but I do love looking at pictures of other people's dolls and collections. Only problem is that I've found that it's difficult to browse Barbie like usual without finding some NSFW stuff and I don't want that!  :yikes:

Can I please see your Barbies, Arena? Because I know that at least some of you lovelies are bound to have a nice Barbie collection!

(I have a few thrift store dolls and in storage are my childhood Barbies, including some hand-me-downs from my mom. She had the original Skipper and TNT dolls!  :freak:)

The Dollhouse / Question about customizing Strawberry Shortcake dolls?
« on: January 03, 2013, 02:37:18 AM »
So back in the summer, I think August-ish, I bought a first-edition Strawberry Shortcake doll in rough shape for a nickel at a church sale. I've never been a SSC collector, but their faces are just SO CUTE and her head was marked 1979 so I just couldn't leave her behind.

I'm not kidding when I say rough shape either. She's missing most of her hair, has a mold spot near the back of her jawline, and her right arm has been chewed on. Her face paint does look to be intact though.

I've been holding onto her thinking she would make a nice restore project, but as of late I've been quite obsessed with Wreck-It Ralph and since Sugar Rush is quite SSC-esque, I've thought it would be really cute to customize it into Vanellope von Schweetz.

I just wanted to ask since this is a first edition of that was like... frowned upon? I'm not even sure what character it's supposed to be because it's so beat up. (The hair is much too light to be Strawberry herself.. I think?) I don't think I've heard of people customizing these dolls and I guess it's not like it matters, but I just don't want to ignorantly customize something that fans would rather see restored instead. Kind of like someone wanting to customize a pony and choosing Mimic without knowing how popular she is.  :whoa:

Does someone with more SSC knowledge think she's safe to work with?

Pics for reference:

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[moving to Dollhouse - kaoskat]

Pony Corral / Ponies in the Park [pic heavy]
« on: August 01, 2012, 09:33:35 PM »
(I'm not lying... this is quite pic heavy! I'll use spoilers though so it won't be so obnoxious.)

I figured this may be of some interest here. These pictures have been going straight to my blog... I can't believe I spaced and didn't even thing to post this on the Arena until now!

This summer, I've been trying to lose weight and I've been doing that with walks in the park. Of course, it's been really hot so I haven't had the chance to go in a long time, but it's cooling down so I've started going back. Just to keep myself from getting bored on my walks, I started taking some ponies with me so I can pose them with prettiness and snap some pictures of them.

I figured I would just update this as I go.  :biggrin: Feel free to post your own pictures as well of your ponies in your own park! I just love outdoorsy pics!

Day 1- Bonnie Bonnets
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Day 2- Love Melody
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Day 3- Whizzer
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Day 4- Twilight Sparkle and Applejack
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Day 5- Lovin' Kisses
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Day 6- Lemon Drop
Forgive me on this one. My camera died on me today, so I couldn't finish the photoshoot. But a cute little ducky came up to me and started posing, so my day was totally made. :frolic: I tried to get some cute pictures with my pony, but they ended up kind of blurry.

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Thanks if you looked through all of that.  :biggrin: Like I said, I'd love to see some of your pictures too!

Pony Corral / Can I please see your...
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:21:07 PM »
...Hasbro-mold fakies?

I know, I know, piracy is bad, but stolen-mold fakies are really fun and a lot of people love them!

I'll start this off with my pretty blue Crumpet fakie, Lauren. I named her after my best friend. :heart: I bought her at a gas station on the way over to Lauren's for lunch, so here she is hanging out and looking beautiful next to an apple cake.

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Another thing I love doing with my ponies, be they fakie or Hasbro, is making little families with them!

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The pink Crumpet is Cynthia and the purple one is her husband Tim. They have been married for a long time but it wasn't until I found my first newborn-pose baby fakie that they "had a baby," little Julia. Julia came from a thrift store a few days ago and I actually had a mini heart attack because I initially thought that she was Baby Dancing Butterflies, who I love. But that's okay, because I love DG babies too and I was excited to find one!  And in my favorite color, too! ;)

Can I please see yours? I know the Hasbro-mold fakies are quite popular and I know there are some really pretty ones out there!

Pony Corral / Hanging up a sleeping bag?
« on: July 28, 2012, 11:41:46 AM »
I know I've been posting a lot of question threads like this lately.  :blush: But I'm really excited because you don't really find a lot of G1s here and today I got my hands on a G1 sleeping bag at a thrift store! (Same place I got my Darlin' Dino. I love that store. :frolic:)

It doesn't look dirty to me save for a few tiny holes (moths?) and it doesn't stink aside from a musty smell. (I will probably fluff it up in the dryer first before doing anything else.) And since it's in such good shape, I really want to display it by finding a way to hang it up on the wall in my room. But has anyone done that before? I'd prefer to find a way without having to nail holes into the wall since I live with my grandma and we just got done a few months ago sealing up all of the old wall damage my uncle did when he was staying in that room.

Has anyone done this before? It's such a cute sleeping bag that I would hate to just put it away and in the dark where it will be not appreciated.

Off Topic / Trying to remember an old children's exercise tape...
« on: July 25, 2012, 12:02:44 PM »
It was from the early to mid-90's, possibly sooner, but that was when I got mine. My mom picked it up from somewhere... a grocery store maybe? I doubt it was second-hand.

The video was designed for parents and kids to do together, so the kids in the video had their parents with them. Each parent/child had a matching shirt and every "team" was a different color. The "leader" was a blond lady who wore either pink or red. I also remember an Asian mother/daughter, but I don't remember their color. Those are the only people I really remember. I want to say that they were all female, but there could have been some boys. Anyway, they were going on an adventure to... Africa I think? Or maybe somewhere in Asia, because they wanted to see an elephant. The backgrounds were animated and I want to say they had a "scribbled" effect. When they decided where they would go, they stood on an animated map.

There were lots of songs and basic jumping around. I remember at the end they actually do meet the elephant, but I don't remember much about it. I remember that because it was an adventure type of tape, they were constantly shifting to different backgrounds.

Unfortunately, there really is only one part that I remember well enough to recount. About halfway through, they get hungry and decide to sing the "peanuuuut peanut butter AND JELLY!" song. It may have been a different song now that I think about it, but it was definitely about peanut butter and jelly, and the verses were about how to cut the sandwich. The exercise was sitting on the ground with both legs spread, then throughout the song you would grasp your toes in different ways (signifying the way that they "cut" the sandwich.)

I know it sounds kind of vague and maybe a bit of a one shot, but I was reminded of it the other day and would love to find it again. I remembered because I had a working mother of the '90s who was always tired when she got off work, so we didn't really do it that often. But now, Mom and I do Zumba together so it sort of sparked that memory.

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