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The Dollhouse / I wrote a guest review for Toybox Philosopher!
« on: September 23, 2015, 03:57:03 AM »
If you're curious about Lalaloopsy check it out! :D

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It started out as a simple review of the Pet Pals but it ended up incorporating tons of various types of Lalaloopsies and even a mini Mooshka. Over the course of the review I went from a pretty casual Lalaloopsy fan to totally obsessed. I already picked up another of the Pet Pals, Leafy the koala, and I've spent far too much time in the Lalaloopsy aisle daydreaming, haha.

Way back in July 2011 I started to really collect MLPs. A few months later in September (well, practically October) my boyfriend's mom and I moved from California to Idaho with my small handful of ponies. We expected to live here for "just a little while" so I was never able to do anything nice with my ponies or my room. I've lived out of boxes since we got here.

My collection started out small and was displayed however I could manage, stacked on cardboard boxes and whatnot. Around this time my boyfriend's mom offered to buy me a big, beautiful brand new real wood and glass display case. I was too shy to say exactly how in love I was with it so she didn't buy it. I've regretted that ever since.
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It got a little better after I was bitten by the Liv bug.
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But there was a very clear problem: dust! For some reason we couldn't explain, our apartment was insanely dusty. Pulling all the ponies and dolls down every few months for a deep clean just became too much. We moved a big furniture thing I'm not even sure how to describe into the room and covered it in saran wrap. It doesn't look great (although its a lot better in real life than in photos) but it kept the dust away and that's what mattered. Most of my ponies had to move into dresser drawers.
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(Later we learned that the dust issue was caused by our air conditioner not having a filter in it at all for like 1-2 years, so no wonder it was so bad.)

For years that was all I had, aside from the few baity ponies I'd allow to stay out and just periodically dust off. As my collections grew and my boyfriend moved in space became a big issue. I did what I could but without places to put things there was nothing we could do. Its been a rough couple years trying to deal with the problem and work around it, with everyone getting super sick of it. I added the backcard for my OOAK Cutie Pop and my G2 Ivy backcard to liven up my ghetto display case but not much else really changed in those years.
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We've been scouring Craigslist for display cases for ages without any luck. A few months ago my boyfriend and I realized we could fit a bookshelf behind our giant bedroom door to replace the sad stack of boxes currently there. We checked out Craigslist a bit more but all we learned was that no one ever measures the bookshelves they're trying to sell. A few days after that boyfriend's mom and I decided to check out the furniture store and they were having a sale!

The next day we came home with a nice big bookshelf and this like, entertainment center thing? Its supposed to go under a TV I guess. Anyways, the first night all the G3s had to hang out on the bookshelf while the drawers aired out. I changed the G1s around a bit at least 5 times that day.
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The day after that I spent my time cleaning my big box of G3s... the big box that had been sitting behind the bedroom door since July 2013. Never cleaned, hair never combed... it was very sad. I took them out to look at and photograph of course, but they had no space to live so they got put back in the box immediately. I forgot how nuts it is to wash a huge box of ponies. I was sore for days! Anyways, after getting their combs ID'd and new photos taken the G3s fit perfectly into 4 of the drawers, with room for dolls in the rest!
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Two days ago boyfriend's mom and I decided "just to drive by" the furniture store to see if they had a tent sale going on. And then we decided "just to look" inside. And then I realized that the white sliding glass door little cabinet thing I fell in love with last month was still there. Its meant to be used for dishes in the dining room or something I guess, but we were totally sure it would fit perfectly into boyfriend and I's closet!

We were wrong. x.x
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Within like 15 minutes maintenance stopped by. They took off the closet doors, slid it inside, and put them back on. Thankfully it fit in perfectly once the doors were moved around! (Don't mind the giant Christmas bag of stuff I need to pack up and put in the garage.)
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Its not 100% finished yet since we still need to get a frame for the Joker art we have to replace the pony one (which will move to the other side of the room with the other pony art) and put posters on the closet door. But beyond that the pony corner is pretty much done! (The cardboard boxes behind the dolls are my lightbox and lightbox accessories.)
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This is the "final" display! My Sundance army, my favorites (plus my OOAK Cutie Pop), and my quarantine shelf. Every single one of my G1s is on display now! Our room has real, actual furniture! We can display things! Organize things! For the first time in around 5 1/2 years I have a bedroom filled with my own things, not a single one hidden away against my wishes. And for the first time in nearly 4 years I have a bedroom without a single cardboard box being used as furniture of any sort. I don't even know how to describe how I feel. Its just... so good!!! Its like this huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I'm happy every time I walk into our room! Its so nice to own furniture and have all of our possessions inside, instead of out in the garage in risk of being damaged. Its even better they have a place to live! We have drawer space for clothing! And I finally, finally, finally have beautiful, glass-covered displays for my ponies and dolls!
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(Don't mind the random clothing behind the ponies. I needed something to cover the giant cutout cord holes. And of course I need to get some nice dye-free cloth to go under the ponies but one step at a time!)

Bonus photos of non-pony furniture :D
Our bookshelf! Its not 100% finished yet, since I still need to find somewhere to store the Cotton Candy Cafe and fix up the top shelf, but the rest of the shelves are all beautiful and perfect! (The fuzzy Hello Kitty pajama pants are there to keep the door from hitting the bookshelf.)
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The sliding glass doors cabinet thing! One half is reserved for out-of-season clothing, blankets, etc and the other half is shared between boyfriend and I. The top currently just has plushies, but he'll probably add more there at some point. The bottom has the rest of my great aunt's childhood doll collection!!! She gave them to me when we went down to California in January and they've mostly been wrapped up in cloth to protect them ever since. It broke my heart to see the mound of blankets covering them for so many months but I don't have to be sad anymore! They finally have a nice, safe, dust-free home where they can be displayed and easily accessed when I want to photograph them!!!
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Pony Corral / Ideas for displaying pins?
« on: August 22, 2015, 02:34:41 PM »
I've been going through stuff and recently discovered a bunch of bags of little 1in pony pins (the round ones). I'd love to display them but I'm not really sure how to go about it. I haven't taken them out of the bags to count but I'd guess I have around 20.

I'm selling a character to someone, which is a 100% digital process, and they sent over the USD part of the payment earlier today. However they didn't mark it as not needing to be shipped. I'm not going to risk getting scammed so I refunded the money and linked them a tutorial for where the options are to change that. They just resent it and its exactly the same (except that they added a bit extra to cover the fee, which I didn't mention/ask for at all but is mentioned briefly in the tutorial so now I feel awkward)... I'm not sure if they just don't get it or if something else is going on?

I can't grab a screenshot right now but what it says on the "View details on classic site" is:
Seller Protection
Not Eligible
We have no shipping address on file.

If it matters at all, it does say that the buyer is Verified.

I've poked around but I can't find any way to edit the transaction, although I swear this at least used to be possible. Do I have to refund them again or can I edit the transaction and its just hard to find? I've never sent out an invoice but I assume there's a way to mark that its not something that will be shipping, is that correct?

Pony Corral / G1 & G3 Accessory/Playset IDs?
« on: August 19, 2015, 02:31:44 AM »
Excuse the bad photos! We're in the middle of moving stuff around so my normal setup isn't really accessible. I got all of the G3 stuff from a non-collector 2 years ago. I think they were her childhood collection but that's all I know.

I think the cash register goes with this and the helmets go with the bikes. The long purple piece with molded rope might go with the wishing well.
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Its pretty hard to see in the photos, but the white brushes are all subtly different. The first one is slightly creamish, the second one is more white and is slightly smaller (shorter in height), the third is slightly taller (height) and shorter (length) along with just seeming like... more lightly molded? The bows are really distinct on the other two but on the third they seem fully molded but lighter? Its hard to describe.
I think the blue star comb is Bratz.
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Off Topic / What to do with collections during a bug bomb?
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:08:42 AM »
The abandoned apartment next door is full of fleas and they've started running into our apartment ): Maintenance are going to bug bomb that apartment first and hopefully that takes care of it but if they run for cover in our apartment we'll have to get them both bug bombed at the same time. I don't know anything about the bomb except that you have to be out of the apartment for at least 4 hours and vacuum/wash all your clothes when you get back because of the film it leaves. Just in case we have to have our apartment bombed, what should I remove?

I'd take my antique dolls, BJDs, expensive dolls (Pullip/Tangkou), doll clothes, plushies, and laptop out for sure. But beyond that I really don't know. Maintenance told us that we don't have to take out anything, aside from all the paintings on the walls, but I really can't afford to take any risks. I've got tons of dolls (mostly playline) and lots of ponies (including customs). Everything is stored in my boyfriend and I's room, where we haven't had any fleas, so I don't know how bombed it would get but I'm really worried about that film being all over my stuff.

Trader & Shipping Support / Advice about holding a giveaway?
« on: June 22, 2015, 09:56:14 AM »
Long story short, I make OOAK little jointed dolls and right now I'm switching clay brands. I'm using up all of my old brand to get rid of it but the dolls aren't sellable quality as I'm experimenting with them. They're all perfectly fine, just some minor issues here and there, but I don't feel comfortable selling them. I decided I want to do some sort of free giveaway. When I'm done with all my old brand in a few months I'll have at least 50-60+ dolls that I need to find homes for.

So far I'm thinking of running it on Facebook so I can get exposure for my not-yet-open shop. I'll probably allow people to have as many as they want, but with one catch: they have to pay for shipping (and packing materials if they want a lot). We have absolutely NO money for this and cannot afford even a single person trying to scam us out of the shipping money. Even just one person making things up and filing a case could have a big impact, like keeping us from being able to pay a bill on time. So obviously I'm very worried about the possibility.

Basically what's the best way to go about this? I'm thinking I'd just do first-come-first-served, no holds, no raffles, just you pay and I mail once the money transfers out of Paypal. Would that be okay or would I be better off selling them for $1 each or something along those lines? Or is it too risky and I shouldn't do a giveaway at all? If I have to get rid of them another way I'm not sure what I'd do... they're a little creepy so I doubt they'd go over well donated to a nursing home/shelter/hospital/etc and I don't know if people around here would like their style.

Off Topic / ID on a tiny rooted hair horse?
« on: March 27, 2015, 11:37:55 PM »
I used to know what this type of horse toy was called, but I can't remember for the life of me! Its driving me nuts! I poked around a bit but I couldn't find anything. Does anyone know?

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Trader & Shipping Support / Does anyone have a Storenvy shop?
« on: March 18, 2015, 01:17:46 AM »
I'm slowly working towards opening an online store for my handmade clay dolls and figures so I'm trying to decide what site to use. Originally I planned to use Etsy but after changes to their feedback system I decided that I'd rather not. eBay is out of the question because I refuse to sell there. The only other option I could find that seems like it may work is Storenvy, although I have no experience with the site.

I'm going to make a few purchases from Storenvy this month to be sure I like it as a buyer, but I'd love to see opinions from people who use it for selling (or buying)! How do you like it? Is it easy to use?

So far I like it but I do have a few concerns. It seems like there's no feedback system? Am I right or is it just incredibly hard to find? And secondly, what is with Sold Out items not having any indication that they're gone until you click on the items? Is this a setting that has to be manually changed? Can these sold out listings be removed to keep them from crowding up your store and annoying potential customers?

I've always sent and received payment for digital goods (such as character designs) as a Gift to be polite to the seller, but I'm going to be selling a few things for quite a bit of money and I really can't risk someone filing a bogus Paypal claim against me over it. How should I ask them to be sent?

(Please don't say Gift because you're not allowed to ask for payments to be sent that way. I don't care if someone does it on their own but I won't ask for it.)

Sigs & Site Support / Did font sizes change?
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:50:29 AM »
Not all of them, but I swear the "smaller" ones (links above forum showing what section you're in, side links in the Profile editing, page numbers, reply info, etc) are now significantly smaller than they were before. Its driving me nuts. Was this an Arena change or some annoying side effect of some unnoticed browser update? I'm guessing Arena-based since no other sites have been affected, and if that's the case is there any way to change it back? (With Arena settings or Chrome-compatible extensions, either is fine) That text is just way too small for me now x.x

The Dollhouse / OOAK Jointed Clay Dolls & Accessories - Commissions Open!
« on: February 07, 2015, 12:43:25 AM »
Hello everyone :) I wasn't planning to open commissions yet but unfortunately things happen and we need money.

So far I've made about twenty five dolls total (if you're interested in MLP-themed dolls or accessories for your ponies check out my thread here). Many are a little unpolished because I was practicing or a bit rushed as I was doing them for personal use. Rest assured that commissioned dolls would be even nicer. :)

I use both Sculpey and Fimo clay, all conditioned and sculpted by hand, and Sculpey glaze. I can make props and accessories for all of my own dolls, and others as well! For types I have on-hand I can make sure things, like food or pets, match in scale! (I have quite a few dolls for sizing, and of course any doll I make for you qualifies if you order accessories when you order them!)

I cannot make clothing (sculpted or sewn) except for hats, tiaras, etc. I don't have any recent experience with humans but I don't mind making them as long as you're fine with my normal chibi style being used (I will not sculpt noses lol). I will not do feathery wings but I can do some other types, it all depends. I can send blank unglazed dolls/accessories if you want to get them painted, excluding Kodama Dogs.

Currently available colors are (note: I can mix many colors from what I have and can buy more as well):
Normal plain clay & Special clay
Top row: Translucent, stone, night sky ish glittery blue
2nd & 3rd row: Teeny tiny glitter colors
Bottom row: All glow in the dark

Payment varies based on the colors, complexity, size (if you want smaller or larger than normal), and if you want them blank or not. There will be discounts for large orders, return customers, etc! Prices start at $12 for a small, simple character! Kodama Dogs start at just $8!

Please keep in mind that these are handmade and therefore will have small flaws. These are fragile collector's items for adults, not toys for kids. They can of course be lightly played with, but do be careful with your new friend! Their posing is not perfect and they may need assistance to hold poses. None of my dolls can stand on their own legs, but they can all sit fine (unless you want something that severely imbalances them like massive hair).

I'll be accepting USD through Paypal (no e-checks). I may accept USD mailed to me under certain conditions, but I made no promises. I will ship outside of the US, but there will be some restrictions on the types of things you can order to help prevent damage during shipping & customs checks.

Because of the vast number of examples, please visit my very bare work-in-progress website here for lots of photos! Below is a small sample of photos so you can get a feel for my style and see if it fits what you're after!

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Newest examples are at the top! The chibi ponies ones don't reflect my current abilities, but they still reflect the general style those will be in.

Cakes - flavor and decoration possibilities are endless!
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Easel with removable canvas, palette, and paints - This one was a bit of a rush as it was for personal use
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German shepherd figure - Around the same size as a doll, but no joints. Figures are easier to make certain types of more complex accessories for.
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Chibi ponies - Most MLP can be made as chibis, but some will need to be simplified
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Hello everyone :) I wasn't planning to open commissions yet but unfortunately things happen and we need money.

So far I've made two ponies and about twenty five dolls total (if you're interested in non-pony dolls, check out my Dollhouse thread here). The two I've made are my own mash-up version of G3 Minty and an OC of mine! Both were a little rushed as I was doing them for personal use, so rest assured that commissioned dolls would be even nicer. :)

I use both Sculpey and Fimo clay, all conditioned and sculpted by hand, and Sculpey glaze. I can make props and accessories for all dolls and ponies as well! For types I have on-hand I can make sure things, like hats or pets, fit! (I have MLP G1/2/3/4, some G1/2/3/4 accessories, and of course any doll I make for you qualifies if you order accessories when you order them!)

I cannot make clothing (sculpted or sewn) except for hats, tiaras, etc. I will be attempting a pair of feathery pegasus wings, but no guarantees. I can do some other wing types, it all depends. I can send blank unglazed dolls/accessories if you want to get them painted.

Currently available colors are (note: I can mix many colors from what I have and can buy more as well):
Normal plain clay & Special clay
Top row: Translucent, stone, night sky ish glittery blue
2nd & 3rd row: Teeny tiny glitter colors
Bottom row: All glow in the dark

Payment varies based on the colors, complexity, size (if you want smaller or larger than normal), and if you want them blank or not. There will be discounts for large orders, return customers, etc! Prices start at $12 for a small, simple character!

Please keep in mind that these are handmade and therefore will have small flaws. These are fragile collector's items for adults, not toys for kids. They can of course be lightly played with, but do be careful with your new friend! Their posing is not perfect and they may need assistance to hold poses. None of my dolls can stand on their own legs, but they can all sit fine (unless you want something that severely imbalances them like massive hair).

I'll be accepting USD through Paypal (no e-checks). I may accept USD mailed to me under certain conditions, but I made no promises. I will ship outside of the US, but there will be some restrictions on the types of things you can order to help prevent damage during shipping & customs checks.

Minty was my first pony doll! I did a lot of experimenting with him, including my first time ever adding painting anything on something I've sculpted. He's just under 3 inches tall (a bit over 3 1/2 including legs) and features jointed arms, legs, and tail. His accessories include a removable witch hat, wand (can be held in either hand), bubbling cauldron, piles of candy, and a very poorly sewn dress I should toss out, haha.

Before Glaze
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After Glaze
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Pumpkin King
Pumpkin was my second pony doll, made while I was finishing up Minty and his accessories. He was my first experiment with glow in the dark clay. Pumpkin is absolutely massive at just about 4 1/2 inches tall (almost 5 1/2 including legs) and features jointed arms, legs, and tail. His nose is a bit long, but otherwise I'm pretty much completely happy with how he turned out!

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Newest examples are at the top! The chibi ponies ones don't reflect my current abilities, but they still reflect the general style those will be in.

Cake - Flavor and decoration possibilities are endless!
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Easel with removable canvas, palette, and paints - This one was a bit of a rush as it was for personal use
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Palette and paint brush charms - Again, a personal project. In the future I would not glaze the brush's tip
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Farmhouse accessories - Pets can be made to fit into G4 saddles/wagons
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Simple mushrooms - Watermark is my Neopets username
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Chibi ponies - Most MLP can be made as chibis, but some will need to be simplified
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The Dollhouse / Any interest in damaged Frozen dolls?
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:12:07 PM »
I have a damaged Anna & Elsa from the Ice Skating 2-pack. Both have complete outfits in pretty much perfect condition and have never been played with (they're brand new). Excellent candidates for body swapping or display-only collectors on a budget. I wouldn't mind selling just the outfits if you don't want to deal with the whole doll, especially for Anna.

- A few marks on face (glue/dirt, did my best to remove them after photos were taken)
- Hair a bit messy (tape on bangs/top of head area removed)
- Broken knee (can be bent obviously but I wouldn't do it much)
- As a note, Elsa was not in the same box as Anna so she was not crushed

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- Some super tiny marks on body
- Right thigh joint is "sticky" because her box was crushed, moves a little oddly and doesn't go very far forward (might be able to coax it more)
- Shoes have a few bits of stray paint here and there, but not much
- Has two small marks on face
- Blush is small and a little faint

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The Dollhouse / Can anyone help identify these antique dolls?
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:39:07 PM »
A few days ago while on vacation visiting relatives my great aunt gave me about half of her doll collection, which I think is all or most of her childhood dolls. I have no plans to ever let go of them, but I'd love to know exactly what they all are. I believe my aunt is in her early to mid 60's. The only information I have on these dolls is what she told me.
As a side note, if anyone knows of a good forum for antique dolls (specific brands or catch-all), please let me know! I didn't have any luck finding any.

Madame Alexander 1
She is about 15 1/2 inches tall with jointed neck, shoulders, thighs, knees, and ankles. Moving her knees makes it sound like she's jointed with wire, but it looks like dark string when I peeked in her neck. This is her original outfit and it has a tag reading:
Madame Alexander
New York, U.S.A.

Doll 1
She is about 10 inches tall and has a jointed neck, shoulders, and thighs. She has "high heeled" feet. This is her original outfit.

Madame Alexander 2
She is about 7 inches tall with jointed neck, shoulders, and thighs. This is her original outfit and it has a tag reading (the missing bits are obstructed by thread):
[] Madame Alexander
[  ] U.S. Patt. Off. N.Y., U.S.A.

Madame Alexander 3
This doll did not belong to my aunt so she isn't entirely sure about her. She thought the doll might have belonged to her mother or sister, but after inspecting her I think she belonged to her sister. She is about 7 inches tall with jointed neck, shoulders, thighs, and knees.The outfit seems original but could have come from another Madame Alexander doll.

I believe this is the one she was told was a Cathy doll (not sure which she meant), but she never really believed it. He is about 12 inches tall standing with jointed neck, shoulders, and thighs. I'm not positive if this was his original outfit or not (and I think 'he' might be a 'she'), but I was told this is what he was dressed in on Christmas. (I assume she meant a later Christmas based on the conversation, not when he first arrived.)

Baby Doll 1
I believe this is the one she called Cathy. She used to say "momma" if you tipped her. She's about 15 inches tall standing with jointed neck, shoulders, and thighs. This is her original outfit and its either tagless or the tag was removed.

Baby Doll 2
She is about 10 inches tall with jointed thighs. Her head and shoulders may be jointed, but she has plasticizer leak or something along those lines so they don't really move. I think her hat and shawl were handmade, but the dress may be original. I could not find any markings or tags, but didn't undress her because of the stickiness.

Toodles is the pride and joy of the collection and is in the best shape out of all the dolls. She's about 21 inches tall with jointed neck, shoulders, elbows, thighs, and knees. This is her original outfit but I couldn't find any tags.

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