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Topics - Ren-Ren

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Customs / HELP! Triple Thick Cataracts (Resolved, I Think. WHEW!)
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:59:02 PM »
HELP! Last weekend I used Triple Thick to glaze a pony's eyes for the first time. There were some indentations so today I applied another coat to try and smooth them out, which worked great at first, but now much of her eyes have become cloudy. Is it going to go away when it dries fully or is she stuck like that forever?  :cloud:

I'm wondering if trying to finish drying her eyes with a hair dryer or if that will just make it worse. She's a birthday gift that I was supposed to be giving tomorrow... *sigh* 

Customs / Should I Keep the Swirls?
« on: April 20, 2012, 12:53:32 AM »
I drew the rainbow swirls on this pony's head early on when I had a different design in mind for her. Now that I've gone with a butterfly theme I can't decide whether to keep them or not. What do you think?

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She's a gift for a girl's birthday this Monday, so I need to decide quickly!

I just left feedback for someone and forgot to change the status from buyer to seller (I was the seller).  >_<

Are the mods who approve it going to notice the discrepancy between the staus and what i said in my post before they approve it? Not sure who to message since several different people approve feedback, so I thought this place would be the best spot to bring it up.

Update: I was able to hit "back" on my browser enough times to get the feedback screen up again so I resubmitted with the correct label. Whoever approves them (if you see this), can you please cancel the one that says I was the buyer?

Customs / Tail Reached! (Customizing Cadence)
« on: March 29, 2012, 08:11:34 AM »
I'm customizing one of the new Princess Cadences into my ponysona. Because of how her wings are I suspected that it might not be as easy as taking out the neck plug to access her tail and it turned out just as I feared. Her front half, at least, is not hollow at all--her neck plug is just set into a crater in her neck. So, I'm looking for advice on how I can take out her tail and give her a new one. I know some of you have customized the fashion style Luna/Celestias where the wings were in the way. And some of you have given new tails to McPonies whose tails were not sculpted How did you guys handle that?

UPDATE (4/17)

After much toil I finally got her wings cut out. So here's what she looks like inside:

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Wanted! / New Luna in the Cadence Mold
« on: March 27, 2012, 09:26:13 AM »
If any of you scored one of the new Lunas off of TaoBao (see Scraleos' post today) I want one very badly. I am willing to pay or trade from my collection (some very cool stuff) or my customiziation abilities for one.

Customs / G1 --> G4 Customs (Ribbon, Buttons, Twilight & Galaxy)
« on: March 25, 2012, 07:45:50 PM »
Here are some G4 commissions that I just finished for someone :)

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G4 Ribbon made from Dewdrop Dazzle. I HAVE to make one of her for myself!!
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G4 Buttons made from Twinkleshine. Her symbol was the hardest for me, but I guess it turned out okay.
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G4 Twilight made from Lulu Luck.
My commissioner requested the stars be pink like in the animated version. I thought she'd look better with loosened straw curls rather than tight ones so I wet them slightly to open then up a bit.
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G4 Galaxy made from Twinkleshine
 Her eyes will be jeweled once she arrives at her new home; I was just charged with filling in her eyes with pink.
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Customs / Winter Vows for Eviecorn (Newbie Winter/Holiday Swap)
« on: March 13, 2012, 11:24:35 PM »
Now that spring is pretty much here I present you another winter/holiday swap pony! Heh heh.

Eviecorn had "winter weddings" listed on her form and I decided pretty quickly that that was the theme I wanted to use. Her tentative name is "Winter Vows," but Evie can call her whatever she'd like. Creativity in the naming department is not one of my strengths ^^;

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Her tail kind of reminds me of the train of a wedding dress. I didn't plan it that way, but I like it! :)

All the snowflakes are painted over with iridescent glitter, but as usual, my camera didn't pick it up very well. 

Eviecorn has had to wait a super long time for this pony, so I'm very glad she likes her!

Off Topic / The Waiting...
« on: March 13, 2012, 08:51:38 PM »
I sent someone here a package and according to DC it was delivered yesterday, but so far no word from the recipient. Hopefully it didn't get stolen off their porch or something...  >_<

I wanna ask, but also don't want to spoil the surprise. Plus, maybe they'd be happier never knowing they ever had a package than knowing they had one that got lost.

On another subject, where is the smiley-face emoticon that runs around all frantic (in an excited way)? Someone used that on the Arena, but I can't find it...  :bunny:

Customs / My Hairdryer is My New Best Friend!
« on: February 13, 2012, 07:53:37 PM »
I can't believe how much easier it is to get tails and G4 neck plugs back in after using a hairdryer to soften the plastic a bit. Those two steps used to be the BANE of my existence, now they're SO SO SO super simple that I can barely believe it. It takes, like, NO effort! Why did it take me so long to start using it?! (And thank you to whoever it was who tipped me off about it).

Haven't tried it on a pony with an FBR yet, but I'm guessing it can't do much more damage than all the poking and prodding and pulling I used to do.

Off Topic / Yay, I Feel Productive!
« on: February 12, 2012, 08:39:26 PM »
Did our taxes today.  :accomplished:

Glad to say we didn't give the government a tax free loan last year.  :silly:

But my bank account protests the decrease in funds...  :drunk: :cloud:


Trader & Shipping Support / Need Help Ordering from Dollyhair?
« on: February 07, 2012, 12:22:44 AM »
It turns out that the DollyHair website DOES now allow you to pay using paypal, though a bit indirectly--At first it will direct you to the "" thing, BUT from there you can apparently pay using paypal. If that doesn't work for you, you can go ahead and continue to my post below :)

*copied from old Arena post*

I know that the fact that Dollyhair no longer accepts Paypal (*apparently it does again, see above*) has made things difficult for some of you so I have an idea to try.
 I would be willing to place hair orders for people and have them pay me through paypal. All I would ask is that:
 1. You pay me in advance for the hair so I'm not stuck covering the cost out of pocket. Payment for shipping from me to you can be paid once the hair arrives and we know how much it will be (update: or I can probably have the order shipped directly to you--I might have to limit this option to USA people only, but I'm not sure yet).
 2. You cover the cost of one hank for me or pay me 50cents/hank, whichever ends up cheaper for you.  This is totally optional, but would be appreciated visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 I have a fair amount of seller/trader Arena feedback for you to check out, if you like. 
 If you're interested just send me a PM.  visitors can't see pics , please register or login


Customs / G4 Galaxy
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:16:32 PM »
Here are a couple Galaxy customs that I recently finished. The one on the left is mine and was made from a Rainbow Flash. The other was a commission made from a Twinkleshine, who turned out to be a pretty good base--I think I actually like her better than mine.

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If you like them and want one of your own, I have the materials available to make a couple more (Twinkleshine base only). The cost would be $20 + shipping.

Customs / Match for SS Buttons' Hair
« on: January 24, 2012, 01:19:50 PM »
I'm looking for a blue to use for a SS Buttons, preferably Dolly Hair. What would you say is a good match? Bobby Blue?

Customs / Should I Customize or Clean When I Get Home?
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:41:31 PM »
I have two customs currently in progress (1 commission and 1 swap) and about 10 more fully imagined and ready to go, but my apartment, especially the kitchen floor is starting to look fairly dirty...

Decisions Decisions...

Wanted! / Reverse Hair-Colored G4 Cupcake/Sugarcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:08:41 AM »
Apparently a few G4 Cupcakes/Sugarcakes with the prototype reverse colored hair (yellow stripe first) are cropping up. I really want one!! If you have one for sale please let me know. I'll pay OR trade you another HTF pony, such as Princess Rarity (Rarity body w/ Celestia head), or a Brazil light up McDonald's pony. 

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