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Topics - Leopard_Print_Unicorn

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MLP Nirvana / LOL Argie Rock Ponies on e-bay
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:04:40 PM »
Dear e-bay seller that is selling each Argie rock pony loose for $600,

You are trippin, really for real.


They have an OBO option, wonder how they would respond if I offered something realistic.

Ahh, upon further inspection this appears to be the same seller that was discussed over in the Corral last week selling a loose Applejack for $600. At least I hope there's not more than one of them!

Trader & Shipping Support / Vacation 9/17 through 9/22
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:56:12 PM »
Hi all,

I think I have told most of my sellers from whom I am still awaiting ponies, but I will be on vacation this week, returning Saturday.

As my cats are temporarily staying with my parents while my house is for sale, I will not have a pet sitter coming by to check mail, water plants, and take care of kitties.

So I thought it safest to hold my mail starting Monday and ending Saturday. That way if any ponies do come, they will be safe at the post office until I return. In theory, all the held mail will be delivered Saturday. Then I will let you all know that they have arrived and leave feedback.

And I guess the plants will just.... umm.... die.

Pony Corral / Symbols/Cutie Marks: Have you ever wondered?
« on: September 04, 2012, 06:52:42 PM »
Ok, I started out as a G1 only girl. Got my first Cotton Candy when I was in pre-school, and when I started collecting again, I was gonna stick to just G1's. We all know how that goes....

Then I started on G3's. I noticed that their symbol/cutie mark had gone from being on both sides to being on only one side. The same continues with G4.

Finally, almost running out of ponies to collect (at least those that are easy to find), I have become obsessed with G2. The ones that I have so far are the early 1997-98 ones that were released in the US and Europe. These, like G1's, have symbols on both flanks.

So when and why did Hasbro change it? Is it really that much cheaper to just put it on one side, or was there an aesthetic reason? Do you prefer one over the other? I personally like them on both sides, maybe because G1 was my first love, or maybe just because it makes them a little bit more ornate, and easier to identify from either side.

Trader & Shipping Support / Question about E-bay Seller?
« on: September 03, 2012, 11:36:31 PM »
I hope this is ok because this seller is listed by name in lovesbabysquirmy's bad trader list, but if not, mods please help me edit to comply.

I have seen several posts in topics lately, here and at the TP, about e-bay sellers who leave a lot of styling product in a pony's hair and how over time it can be bad for the pony's hair. I am getting the impression that they are all talking about the same seller without naming names.

I need to please know if it is lisa0994? She is listed on the Bad Trader List on "items not as described." I bought a lot of G3's from her when I was trying to collect the majority of them, because she started most of her auctions at realistic prices and let me combine on shipping for lots of like 15 ponies that I won individually and her ponies had been washed and cleaned and were nicely presented, unlike a lot of ponies on e-bay where the seller has not even attempted to brush the hair or get the major dirt/grime off, leaving it on the buyer to clean. So I appreciate that.

Let me also say that I NEVER had problems with her. I could tell sometimes the pony's hair was still a little damp and had conditioner in it, but no big deal, I'll just let it dry for a while before I put it away.

This becomes important because due to circumstances unforeseen at the time, all my G3's are in bins and I have not washed and styled them, because why do it if they are going to have to be in bins again anyway? So like I said, if she is the one who is known to leave potentially hair-damaging styling product in a pony's hair, I need to dig through my bins and at least rinse all their hair, even if they cannot be styled until much later when I settle wherever I'm going.

I feel bad bringing this here if she IS not this person, because I have not contacted her to ask about it, but several of the posts said that this person was asked if she left product in the hair, denied it, and then was obvious to more experienced pony restorers and stylists (of which I am not). So if it's not her, a simple "no" will be fine and I will not worry any more.

Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / I was bored (pic heavy)
« on: August 28, 2012, 08:06:08 PM »
For those of you who might not know, short version, I am out of a job and getting divorced so I am selling my house. Apparently, some potential buyers might not be as enthusiastic about pit bull slobber or as tolerant of a cat box as I am, so my parents agreed to take all 4 animals while my house is on the market. Also, a lot of my belongings are being stored there (including all my ponies).

So I am spending a lot of time there, as much as I can, to be with my animals and not place the burden of care on my mom. I was on the computer in the office the other day when I decided that what my conservative, ex-Navy officer dad should have, when he came from from a long hard day at work, was unicorns. Not just any unicorns, oh no. Pink unicorns.

Mind you, these are not all my pink unicorns, my other gens are stored in other bins. So I found the G4's and went to work with my plan. They have been stored, too, so they are in need of a trip to the hair stylist.

Starbeam Twinkle leads the charge and examines the quote to replace the broken air conditioner. She hopes it will get rid of the humidity, it's just so hard on her frizzy hair!
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Meanwhile, Star Dreams, Rainbow Flash, and Lulu Luck flank right. Lulu looks at some papers that I think I was using for a job application or something, Rainbow Flash wonders why an empty box that used to have a Rolodex in it is still taking up space, and Star Dreams climbs the treacherous old radio and wonders "Does this thing even still work?" I don't know, little filly, I don't know.
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Our left flank consists of Twinkleshine and Sweetie Swirl. Twinkleshine hangs back, looking at the ancient coaster and day stamp, while Sweetie Swirl gets some levity from reading the cards from Dad's recent birthday. The one with the poop and fart joke was from me. Nurses LOVE poop and fart jokes.
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Cherry Pie serves as lookout and climbs atop a box of... umm... I think it's empty.
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Then my dad got home from work and was like "Oh my." and my explanation was "Because it's Friday!!" I think I need a job.
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MLP Nirvana / My new Argie girl
« on: August 21, 2012, 03:38:39 PM »
She just came in the mail today and I am so happy! She is a rehair, but that is the only way I would be able to afford her any time soon, and it was done well by someone in the pony community (red_roses is who the seller said, I'm not sure if that's the same Red Roses that I am familiar with).

Since I have a Peachy and a Snuzzle, I've been calling her Cupid, even though I know Cupid is a Spanish variant, but I'll probably never own that one. Right now it is nice having a G1 around since the rest of my collection is at my parents' in storage while my house is on sale.

One day I would like to have her white and blue "sister." And I swore I was just gonna get the Argie babies because they made a Baby Posey...

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MLP Nirvana / Argie Sweet Stuff variant?
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:08:11 PM »
I just want to know, was her hair meant to be white or did it fade? It looks like it may have been "fading pink" but that could just be the light in the picture. Has this variant been seen before? There is a mint green variant listed on My Little Wiki but there's no picture and it doesn't mention hair color. I'm dying to know more about her!

[Title edited, as directly asking who won an auction is against Arena policy (,283471.0.html) --- Thanks, LadyG]

Pony Corral / G2 Ponies
« on: August 11, 2012, 10:20:33 AM »
For some reason today I decided that maybe I like G2 ponies. What do I need to know if I start collecting them?

Who are the "rare" ones? Which ones are super-expensive? What is the most I should pay for any of them?

MLP Nirvana / Greek Baby Peachy?
« on: August 06, 2012, 07:16:17 AM »
Does she exist with symbols that don't bleed? And if so, what would she go for? I've only ever seen ones with unrecognizable bled symbols, or MIB (and out of my budget!).

MLP Nirvana / Dutch Baby Dolphin? Lost an auction
« on: July 26, 2012, 03:33:06 PM »
I lost an e-bay auction for Dutch Baby Dolphin today. Anyone around here have one for sale? I think she would make a great baby for my Dutch Shell Pony. I have a nautical-themed family in mind :)

(Also I lost an auction for FSF Gina like, last month, that I'm still mad about so if anyone has one of those I'm looking for her too.)

Pony Corral / Packing and Moving Ponies?
« on: June 11, 2012, 04:35:33 PM »
Well, the time is almost here that I can put my house on the market and finally be free of it (hopefully quickly!!). I'm getting painting quotes tomorrow,  and my real estate agent is meeting with me Thursday to go over what else needs to be done.

Tonight I was talking to my mom laughing at all the shelves overflowing with ponies and I said "they're going to think a kid lives here!"

But she brought up an excellent point. She said "You need to have those away. That's the sort of thing someone could stash in their purse in an instant."

So yeah, I need to get the ponies packed and in the temporary safety of my parents' house before I start the showing. I had planned on getting plastic bins for them as opposed to just ordinary moving boxes, but beyond that, how do I pack them? Layer upon layer with a towel or white tissue paper in between? Wrapped up individually? (My collection is about 600 so I would need to start on that part like yesterday.)

I'd  appreciate advice from anyone who's done this before.

Off Topic / Fashion Star Fillies anyone? If so, PC on Devan please.
« on: May 17, 2012, 09:49:51 PM »
I've seen some old threads here so I know there are some others out there who also collect Fashion Star Fillies. Lately I've gotten quite the collection going but the one I really, really want right now and can't seem to find is Feelin' Fancy Devan.

Does anyone have her? Where did you find her, and how hard is she to find? What should i expect to pay for her, filly in good condition, accessories unimportant?

My Mexican pony finally arrived from Mexico and I just got back from picking her up at the post office, so she hasn't been cleaned up yet.

I love her because of the simplicity of her symbols and her color scheme. She reminds me of one of the early original ponies.

Peppermint Truly's "Mexican Pony Paradise" says that she came with the Perfume Puff Palace in Mexico, and casts doubt as to whether she is a Twilight variant, which I have seen her called, or a unique character. Does anyone know her "official" name?

Also, she's obviously had quite a snip so I'd love to know what color Dolly Hair to use to restore her to her former long-haired glory. It doesn't look quite the same shade as Blossom, Lemon Drop, Bluebell, etc. Maybe once I wash it that will change?

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MLP Nirvana / Hooray! My Argie Grail!!
« on: May 07, 2012, 01:35:22 PM »
Thanks to Templeflower, I finally got the Argie Baby that made me want to start collecting Argie Babies.

Here she is:
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And here are all my Argie Babies together!
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MLP Nirvana / No!!!! What an evil postman! Update 4/24 PICS page 2!!
« on: April 21, 2012, 01:36:56 PM »
I was out walking one of my dogs and walked right by the mail truck. My postman waved at me, and I waved back and kept walking. Since I am recovering from back surgery, we didn't go far at all, and when I got back, I checked the mail.

There, in my mailbox, was one of those pink "sorry we missed you" cards for my Argie Baby Sparkler. Now she is at the post office and I can't get her til Monday.

You didn't MISS ME! You DROVE RIGHT BY ME and waved!! Grrrr......  :enraged:

(And yes he knows who I am since he rings the doorbell with pony packages all the time)

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