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Topics - gabumon

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Pony Corral / Blind bag variety = only core 6 FiM brushables?
« on: March 15, 2012, 06:15:21 AM »
I'm worried that all these dozens of blind bag characters is Hasbros way of giving us non core 6 characters.  and that we'll only get  brushables of core 6 from here on out.  :(

are these fears unfounded?
has anyone heard of new character brushables coming out?

Arts & Crafts Corral / Intro to Vector Based Drawing
« on: March 14, 2012, 01:09:32 PM »
 I wrote this guide in the old arena to help budding new artists become familiar with this type of drawing.  Please feel free to post feedback ! Enjoy.
Introduction to Vector Based Drawing
Vector based drawing allows you to create scalable drawings that can be reproduced in any size, without loss of quality.  It does this by managing the drawings as lines and geometry, not pixels.  One other advantage is that it is easier to return to a finished vector graphic and make revisions to it.  Copy-paste new parts in, revise, re arrange, all without worrying about pixels.
The industry standard file format for vector images is SVG.  So the files you work with will usually by my-drawing.svg.  When you are ready to share your art, you should export your drawing to PNG or JPG which are much more common.   All vector software should have this menu option.  Remember that when you create a PNG or JPG this file becomes a COPY of the original SVG work.   You should continue to work in SVG if you want to keep working in vectors.
InkScape is a free Vector drawing windows and mac.  InkPad for iPad and it works really well; not to mention it can export to SVG! 
Adobe Illustrator is a high end vector drawing tool.  Photoshop and GimpShop also have some vector drawing features.  Look for "Paths" options.

High Level Process:
 1. Draw a doodle, scan it in (or take a pic with your phone).
 2. Import the picture it into InkScape or some other vector drawing software. Make a new layer.
 3. Use the Pen tool (the icon usually looks like an old fashioned ink pen, except in InkScape) to trace your outline in vectors.  This creates a "path" with points along it.  These points can be curve points or plain points that are just flat angled connections. (See Tip #1 below).
 4. Use the "Edit Paths" tool to fine tune the vector points.  When you select a curve point to edit you get these two handle glyphs.  These control the incoming and outgoing curves.  Experiment!
 5. Use the "Stroke" menu to change the thickness, color and fill of your shapes.
 #1 When using the Pen tool, a plain "single" mouse click creates a point WITHOUT curve-ability, it has no curve "grabbers".  To create a curve-able vector point click and drag a little when you place the point before releasing  the button. When you do this you can come back later and tweak the points curve.
 #2 Make one big continuous path for the main body shapes. (joining separate paths is messy)
 #3 If you can't get a line to match up your sketch, try deleting one of the draw points. I found that simplifying the line actually made it match better.
Working with vector Files and Formats:
Vectors are SVG files : drawing_name.SVG
SVG files are editable and changeable. They are your "live" working copies. These are similar to PSD files. PSD files in Photoshop are the working files, they have layers and all sorts of stuff in them, hidden things, special effect rules, etc. Most of the time you only open PSD files with Photoshop, you can't open them in Word or PowerPoint (not usually anyway).
You also don't use PSD files for web pages or email, right? No. You use "Save as" or "Save for Web" and create JPG or GIF or PNG files. Note that JPGs, GIFs and PNG are not working copies of your PSD files; they are simply the output copy of the PSD.
Vector files work in a similar way. You generally don't use SVGs in web pages or email. (Although most browsers can be used to preview SVG files.) You typically will only use the SVG file with your vector drawing software, like Inkscape, just like you only use PSD files with Photoshop. Like Photoshop, if you want to create an output file of an SVG you have to use a special menu option to create a JPG or PNG. In Inkscape this is "Export Bitmap". Remember that like Photoshop the JPG or PNG file you create is an output copy of the SVG file, not the working copy.

So, in summary: Work with SVG files; they are the real deal. When you want to share your vector drawing via email or the web, export it to JPG or PNG and remember this is just a copy of the original source SVG.
Once you have that concept down, you are ready for a twist on that idea. (Please make sure you've got it, because this next notion might confuse you.) SVG files can contain JPGs or PNGs. As suggested earlier you can import a sketch or some other art into a vector drawing to trace. Keep in mind that you can't (and shouldn't) edit the actual pixels of JPGs or PNGs once they are in a SVG. You can move them around, rotate or scale them, but not change the content.
When you save a SVG that contains a JPG or PNG the whole file is still a SVG, but it keeps the pixels of the imported JPG and PNG intact too. (FYI: The resulting SVG file is usually much bigger than normal SVG files in KB.) So a SVG file that contains JPG is a mix of vector line geometry and JPG/PNG pixels, but it is still a working SVG source file.
Hint: After you are done tracing the JPG/PNG image in vectors you can remove the imported JPG/PNG from the drawing, this will make your file size smaller!

Layers in SVG files:
Layers in SVG files work exactly the same as Layers in Photoshop. They are a way to group parts of the drawing together. Among other things, layers can be locked, hidden or made semitransparent.
(the Layers menu in Inkscape is under "Layer - Layers...")

Visual Examples:
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Arts & Crafts Corral / Pony Joe - Epic Donuts
« on: March 14, 2012, 01:03:14 PM »
I really like Pony Joe ( from the Galloping Gala episode)!

A tribute to his epicness!
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Pony Corral / MLP Toy Sighting Map
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:07:52 PM »
Please delete if this is inappropriate.

Found this yesterday:

A map to submit where you find MLP so others can see!.

Edit:  Try submitting a sighting using the top toolbar "Additions -> Add Marker Detailed" and you will see Pony related fields, Store, description. etc.
My submissions aren't showing up yet, but maybe they have to be approved? 

Pony Brag Arena / My Collection March 2012 "Fly By" Video!
« on: March 10, 2012, 05:15:13 PM »
I haven't done a "CollectIon" inventory yet, so here goes. 

Here's the "fly by" video!  I forgot to mention Lilly Blossom, sorry!!!

Here's the non video version! :)
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Pony Brag Arena / McDonalds Ponies 2012 - Updated
« on: March 08, 2012, 05:58:15 PM »
I got the McDonald's ponies today.  Here's Lil' B.

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Updated! Squeeeee!!!!

They seem to have made completely new molds! AJ's is quite different!  Haven't inspected the rest.

Pony Corral / Non-MLP Pony Stickers - but JUST SO CUTE
« on: March 02, 2012, 05:14:37 PM »
I found these today, and I have a weak spot for stickers....

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and they glitter!
aren't they adorable?

Pony Corral / Friendship Express DVD Sighted in Walmart BLANK FLANK
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:04:35 AM »
Got the new DVD today locally at Walmart.  Excited to watch it, but the box art is laughable AS USUAL.  Rainbow Dash has a BLANK FLANK! LOLOL  Alien eyes thing is also going on...  Huge dilated pupils without any white showing. 

Ah well, I am thankful that we at least HAVE the DVD.  :cool:

Pony Brag Arena / Unboxing Vid of Cherry Pie Pony!
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:21:23 PM »
Made this video tonight.  It's a little long, but I tried to make it entertaining! XD

Her box hair is "L" just "L".

Wanted! / gabumon's Wish List - G4 GEMS
« on: February 25, 2012, 07:15:33 AM »
- G4 Snap-in Decorating Gems
I want the gems that come with the various ponies that go in the holes of the bath tub, dresses, skirts, hair thingies.  These are the packages that say "Decorate ... with Gems".

- G4 Snap-On Skirts

I'd like a couple of the G4 snap-on skirts:
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I think one came with the Rarity Carousel Boutique, but maybe with other sets?

Pony Corral / Learning Find a Pet Song
« on: February 24, 2012, 07:00:00 AM »

my daughter and I are learning the Find a Pet Song to sing as a duet! :3
wish us luck! it's kinda hard!

anypony know where we can find the music without the voices? maybe midi ?

Pony Corral / Train cars at Smiths-Kroger-Fred Meyer
« on: February 23, 2012, 06:43:33 AM »
sorry if this is old news.

Fluttershys and Sweetie belles train cars are at Smiths/Krogers/Fred Meyer stores in UT

didn't pick either up yet.

Pony Corral / Plush G4 Twilight Sparkle.. or IS SHE?
« on: February 21, 2012, 07:20:36 PM »
We picked up one of those Plush Twilight Sparkles at Target (not the talking one) because she's just so delightfully goofy-looking cute!!!

However, NOTHING that came with her, the Canterlot tag, the cleaning instructions, nothing actually SAYS her NAME!  All the Canterlot tag says is "PILLOW" in Purple Letters.  (I'll post pics later)

So, forevermore, this is Pillow Sparkle.


Pony Corral / Flim Flam Bros Toys!
« on: February 18, 2012, 09:57:28 AM »
someone needs to photoshop the prince Shining Armor toy into the Flim Flam bros!!!

now there's a use for trolly hair!  mustaches!!! :P

Pony Brag Arena / Welcome Princess Celestia!
« on: February 15, 2012, 06:00:07 PM »
My wife got me Celestia for Valentines!  The other Little Ponies welcomed her!

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