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Topics - LightingElectricDream

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Off Topic / Show us your popples! Share Best Memories!
« on: March 08, 2013, 03:38:27 PM »
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Show me your popples!
How Many Do You Have?
Who Is your Favorite?
What Was Your Best Memory?

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I bought my first popple at the flea market for $2.00 PuffBall!  A dream told me to go there It was called the ToolRight Zone ... Na Na Na Na! It could only happen in the Twilight Zone.

Then my second popple, a really sweet trader have me a PC popple!

The Third One I got From a trader, she Offered a white puffling Popple To me. I got it in the mail I was so excited and then I went to my boyfriends house the same day.. and he had "Potato chip popple!" I got 2 Popples in one day! Whoooo!!! So "patato chip" was my Forth popple.

Thoese are my best memories as I didnt Have a popple growing up that I know of, Its possable I may have had one. However I do Recall watching the cartoon.

Potato Chip Popple Is my favorite!

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Off Topic / Who Collects Strawberry Shortcake?
« on: March 06, 2013, 03:13:04 PM »
Who Collects Strawberry Shortcake?
Have pictures?
What is your favorite item?
What was your favorite memory of strawberry shortcake?

I had strawberry shortcake bed sheets when I was 3 or 4. I watched strawberry shortcake when I was about 3 or 4 as well. I dident get interested in it until I was 10 I look it up online being year 2002 I think it was. I fell in love with it. I dident get anything vintage untill I was 21 Not counting the bed sheet that got used for a car engine  :rant: Dad...
Anyway I only have

My Favorite Item is The Duvet Bedding I have.

2 Bed sheets,
A Duvet
A second edition Doll,
3 Books,
Plush Doll,
A Bowl,
A record with picture on both sides,
A wrist watch.
Sleeping bag W Backpack.

Off Topic / Need To Find Care bear Cook Book recipe
« on: March 05, 2013, 08:14:24 PM »
Need To Find Care bear Cook Book recipe.
It was a vintage care bear book. It had a peanut butter cookie that you put in the freezer. and you add jelly to the center. Can anyone give this recipe to me please?

Pony Corral / Battle Of the Generations!
« on: March 05, 2013, 01:10:21 PM »
Battle Of the Generations!
It seems we have a lot of collectors from G1, G2, G3, G3.5 G4 Fight about what is better. I know its a topic often talked about on here. But it dose seem that people are in a constant battle with this. Brony hate anything but G4 FIM bashes G1 and G3 Blah Blah Blah. Here we go again. My point is that is this alwase going to be a argument with pony collectors? I mean the bored wasn't fighting about gen when I was on there years ago. Now its like a never ending some old argument about what is better.

I dident mean to offend anyone just wanted to hear peoples comments about it. I am not saying that all people fight about it, But it is a topic. and i bring it up because I am fairly new to the board. Its been years since Ive been here. A lot has changed and this is a ongoing topic.
But it seems I have offended a some of people by bringing up this is a topic.
That wasn't my entente.

Over all people are going to like and dislike, that is human nature. I dont blame anyone for disliking a gen because of this and that. we where make to be difrent and to see things difrent.

As Far as bronys go I have nothing agents that. My brother & Boyfriend and a few friends I know are bronies. I was a brony for a while myself. But I cling to the older gen. most guy Bronies do bash older gens but as I said before "people are going to like and dislike, that is human nature".
That is all that was meant. if you understood it.. Im sorry.. that was not my intent.

Pony Corral / How do you get rid of embedded dirt?
« on: March 02, 2013, 07:58:21 PM »
I just bought a TAF "Sugar Berry" She has imbeded blackish dirt in her legs and nose.
I have already put her in 3 oxy-clean baths and scrubbed. Used a magic eraser.
Is there anything more I can do?
Please help if you have the answer.


Off Topic / Show off Your Care bear Cousin Collection!
« on: February 24, 2013, 02:30:20 PM »
Show off Your Care bear Cousin Collection!
I only have 2 and they are in the mail.
I wanted to see everyones care bear cousin collections!

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Wanted! / Looking For Purple Hair To Re Hair A "Sea Pony"
« on: February 24, 2013, 01:45:11 PM »
Dose anyone have a hank of wisteria?
so I can re hair my Baby Sea Pony..

Please P.M me

Pony Corral / How Would You Play With Your Ponies?
« on: February 20, 2013, 04:28:51 PM »
I dont play with my ponies,
I tryed to the other day when I was alone..but it just dident feel the same as when i was a kid.
when i was 9 I had my G2 sundance was my favorite, Ivy was my second fave..tipsy tulip was My first pony ever. I had a lot of fakies a mom and 2 babies they where Tarra Purely Bootie and diper ponies, but I loved them so. my g2s where the big sisters. alwase watching the babies. I never much played with the mom.

When i got my G3s Id played a tone of difrent things with them, parties, strange adventures, spring, summer, fall and winter activities.

I stopped playing when I was around 14.
I fell into a deep depression..and that was that.

Picture is just For Laughs!
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The pony still smells like Cotton Candy, its so strong that is makes the whole shelf smell like her. I sneez a lot. My kitty prob dosent like the strong smell..thats why he looks the way he dose. Evil glare..

Off Topic / Make My Living Space Livable By NamineEveningLightTheTrue!
« on: February 18, 2013, 12:57:51 PM »
Hello All!
I am moving out next month, In a trailer. This is why I can't stress enough that I have to complete all my trades by march! I will not have internet the 11th of march!

So anyway I want to show you all my living space In the posses of the making.

So My huge thing was making 80's curtains out of vintage bed sheets.

Rainbow Brite, Popples, Strawberry Shortcake, Herself the Elf, Care Bears, My Little Pony!

Each Panel will be about " 1 Foot long" and they will be up to 6 different panels on each window.

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I will also be quilting the rest of my bed sheets I own a brighter rainbow brite sheet, and a Strawberry Shortcake Duvet, as well as another strawberry shortcake bed sheet.

So stick with me, the finished product will be so cute!

Pony Corral / Pony T-Shirt Reaction!
« on: February 16, 2013, 04:24:21 PM »
So i wore My G1 MLP T-Shirt With firefly on it today, and showed it to my Jewish rabbi..
He said "I have that pony"   :blink:
So My rabbi has been holding out on me? Hahahahahaha! :haha:

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Pony Corral / How do you display/keep your ponies?
« on: February 13, 2013, 12:43:02 PM »
How do you display/keep your ponies?
On a Shelf.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Littlest Pet Shop Monopoly Pets For TRADE/SELL
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:14:05 PM »
Littlest Pet Shop Monopoly Pets For TRADE/Sell,

Off Topic / Lets Play "Ghost Of The Doll" Game!
« on: February 09, 2013, 05:09:06 PM »
How To Play:
You have to have / had a toy from the list.
Post the link of the page here and tell us what yon you Have/had.
Make a comment about it.
However I think we can Skip "My little Pony" Since its in the off topic aria anyway.

Heres your list!


Nosy Bears!
I have the purple Easter Bunny! I rember trying to get the eggs in the basket when I was a kid.

 I bought my first popple at the flea market for $2.00 PuffBall!  A dream told me to go there It was called the ToolRight Zone ... Na Na Na Na! It could only happen in the Twilight Zone.

Rainbow Brite!
I have a squeekie Twink, a naked rainbow brite doll  :blink:
And a faded bed sheet!

care bears
My First care bear was "Brave heart Lion" his mane is matted because my friend wet the bed when she was little and well into the washer and dryer he went.
I wouldent replace him even if he has "Hobbit" Hair from "Lord Of The Rings Cartoon."

Strawberry shortcake
When I was younger I had bed sheets I remember staring at them when I woke up in the morning.
I have replaced them! I got them in the mail just the other day!

Pound Puppies
I was obsessed over them when I was little!

Star castles
I had:
Under The Sea,
In The Clouds,
Magical Teaparty Playset  PINK
By The Sea Coach Dragon! Still have it ^-^
In The Clouds Locket, Stlll have it.
However most of them got thrown away..not by me  :cry:

Littlest Pet Shop

Kitty Kitty Kitten

Polly Pocket

Sky Dancers

Off Topic / B.A.B.Y Baby Aliens Belonging To You By Hasbro, Who Remembers?
« on: February 08, 2013, 08:51:19 PM »
Wow I love these!
B.A.B.Y Baby Aliens Belonging To You By Hasbro, Who Remembers?

Pony Brag Arena / A Video Of My 80's Collection Before I Pack It Away.
« on: February 06, 2013, 11:55:31 AM »
 :accomplished: :good: :enthralled: :frolic: :lovey:
A Video Of My 80's Collection Before I Pack It Away.

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