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Topics - Saja

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Customs / Show me your G3.5 customs please!
« on: March 04, 2012, 09:01:14 PM »
Hey all, Just wondering how many people have customised these wierd but wonderful guys! Ive a few baits here and wanted to see what others have done with this gen! Please, and thankyou in advance!

Customs / Moltres variation
« on: March 03, 2012, 12:06:03 AM »
My kids think this is Moltres ( a fire bird pokemon), really its not, but figured its similar so is just a Moltres variation of sorts. This was to practise my rehairing skills, and I used keylime dollyhair, which was awesome, but the other 2 bags I used were in unmarked bags, from a parcel I had from yonks ago, so no idea what hair it is, but it was horrible to deal with, very stiff!! But anyways, here she is, she had a pen mark on her nose, so she has a little swirl there, and had pen marks on her symbol but the rest of her was pretty clean, so here she is.
Hope you all like her, she makes me feel abit tropical!!
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Customs / Glittery Fluer
« on: February 29, 2012, 07:03:59 PM »
I started this one before I attempted to rehair ponies. so she has her original hair, and my pins are so cheap they bend so I failed at the bun attempts! She has been a WIP for a couple of months now, and my kids keep pestering me to finish all my WIPS before starting more lol! So heres this one, they named her Princessa Glittery Fluer.
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Customs / Flowerswirl, my first rehair.
« on: February 27, 2012, 06:53:20 PM »
So I decided it was about time I tried rehairing! After a few scares, Am finally done with my first, and here she is, Flowerswirl rehaired in dolly hair midnight magick! Cant wait to do my next one! Just have to work out now if i wanna try some curls, or straighten it!
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Customs / Ring Tailed Lemur & Squirrel Glider
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:05:06 PM »
So ive finished my monkey family now! First was cotton top tamarin in previous thread, but he is also in the group pic. Then its Ring tailed Lemur, and then Squirrel Glider.
they started out as Maccas G3.5's, Hope you like.
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Customs / Cotton top Tamarin (monkey)
« on: February 21, 2012, 04:05:38 PM »
So I had a dream that I made monkey ponies of my kids! My kids are all monkeys, since birth have been my little monkeys, and each is a different species, this here is my eldest he is a cotton top tamarin, (this is my pony version of that species!) and im still working on my other 2, a ring tailed lemur, and a squirrel glider.,
He started out life as a g3 maccas pony! and now he is a monkey, My son is rapt with how he turned out!!
hope you like.
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Customs / Private animal themed swap?
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:42:17 PM »
Hi All, Im too new to join the animal swap currently going, as ive only been a member coming upto 4 months, SO decided there are probally others out there that would LOVE to join that animal swap, that cant either. Or even just someone that really wants to do an animal themed swap with me aswell! Animal themed, G3, Im in Australia. And here are some of my customs so far,
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Pm me if your interested!!

Customs / Lavadraga!
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:40:22 AM »
Here is Lavadraga, Named and owned by my very excited 6yr old son. He ordered it for his birthday last year, so is abit late, but he didnt mind. He wanted a red and black dragon with spikes and chains. This is what we came up with. Its abit bubbly as I sealed it without watering it down first.  :blush:  Then scraped and soaked the bubbly mod podge off,  :cry:  then re painted and then resealed with watered down sealer. So ive learnt the hard way, but atleast its not entirely ruined. This is my first attemt at wings too. Theyre alot harder than they look in the tutorials!! But im happy learning this way, and 6yr olds arent very critical so thats good!
He has added some new ideas to his growing list for me to do next lol! I said its my turn next!
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I hope you like him!  :)

Customs / Bubbled mod podge
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:38:51 PM »
Ok so I stuffed up here an didnt water down the mod podge, got abit carried away without reading here that you have to water it down. So now i have bubbles. is there any way to remove the bubbles or do something to it so its not completely ruined? I tried a little acetone on a cotton tip, which did alittle good, but some of the tip is now stuck in the paint, an some of the paint is coming off. So what do I do?
this learning the hard way sucks. You guys are so awesome for all your help and understanding for people that are starting out, so thanks in advance for any input.

Post Merge: February 17, 2012, 08:04:55 PM

Update, So ive done the acetone thing to remove the large bubbles, and have now repainted it all. Am fairly happy its not completely ruined. However wanna make certain not to get bubbles again.
so any input would be great, to seal with mod podge, how watery do you make it? do you still apply with brush or sponge best? and are there bubbles on it before it dries when its watered down?
Bit scared now.. how many layers does it need to be sealed?
thanks for any advice

Customs / Full body repaint questions
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:47:20 PM »
Just wondering, Im doing a couple full body repaints, and want to add some sculpting to it,
so wondering, once ive painted to my liking do I seal the whole body? if so how many coats? then sculpt and once finished seal again? Just wanted to make sure I get it right first time!
thanks for your advice, ;)

Customs / Butch
« on: February 13, 2012, 07:45:08 PM »
I decided to have a try at colorscapesart's pose changing tutorial! Which rocks! But looks alot easier than it was for me anyhow, I had been quite happy with how he was turning out, I even had him balanced on his tail at one stage, then it all went down hill from there, one leg snapped off, then the other, then the other. At one stage I had to stop myself from smashing him into the wall. lol. Anyhow lots of time and lots of patience later, and a whole load of clay, and here he is. Named him Butch, coz he is just that! He was supposed to be alot finer built than he turned out, but with all the snapped off limbs, I had to keep adding clay! So here he is, Im just sooo glad I can just move on now!
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Customs / Alpaca family
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:53:59 PM »
Finally my clay arrived, so have finally finished my friends Alpaca family.
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and the happy family!
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Customs / Flocking to sculpture?
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:30:06 PM »
Just curious to know, can you add flocking to a pony with sculpted parts? Not sure if it would work thats all, so wondering if its been done, or not. And if so, how did it turn out?

Pony Corral / How do you store your ponies?
« on: February 05, 2012, 06:59:59 PM »
Just wondering, how the best way to store ponies is? In seperate bags? with tissue paper?
Id like to re organise my display cabinet, and need to put some ponies in storage for awhile, so wanna know the best method!

Customs / If you loose interest, what do you do?
« on: February 02, 2012, 05:18:40 PM »
Just wondering, as I have quite a few WIP's on the go, but tend to loose interest at a point, an just cant get back into it. What do others do? How do you get them finished BEFORE starting the millions of ideas you have racing round your head? or is that just me. lol. I get another idea, start it and either it just doesnt go right, or I get another better idea, and then get started on another.
Need a bit more discipline I think, or something? Would love to hear how others battle there brains thru this dilemma!

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