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Topics - Glacia471

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MLP Nirvana / PC (Curiosity, not selling) blue Greek Glory
« on: January 01, 2013, 03:47:53 PM »
I bought this girl with a BIN a while back, but I hadn't seen one sell in an auction-style setting before (since I've been aware of Nirvanas anyway), so I'm not really sure what her actual value is. Does anyone know?
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Her previous owner is the one who decarded her, so she's basically mint. I have her brush and ribbon too :good:

Pony Brag Arena / ~My Pony-filled 2012~ (pic heavy)
« on: January 01, 2013, 03:37:27 PM »
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a brag thread, so this is gonna be a little long, and pic-heavy of course~ :silly:

I’ve had quite a good pony year, especially in the Nirvana aspect :accomplished: I’ve gotten plenty of my grails crossed off my wantlist, and even some I didn’t think I’d ever get my hands on :frolic: I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few, but hopefully I didn’t space on too many of them... Either way, onto the pics~~

First up, I got very close to completing my Jewelry Baby set by getting Sapphire’s accessories, and Ruby’s necklace. Now I just need to find Diamond’s necklace~
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I added 2 new Venezuelans to my collection, one of which had a very, very, very long journey to even make it to my house :drunk: (that story is long, but here it is if you want to read it ;),303617.msg316568.html )
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I added a couple ponies to my growing Lickety-Split family~ I got a custom white Venny Baby Lickety-Split from the amazing Pinkkittywinks, and a custom G4 white Venny Lickety-Split from the also-amazing Ice_gypsy :lovey:
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This was more of an impulse buy, but I added a custom family of Sugarberries to my collection too :lovey: The adult is in one of my favorite G3 poses, so I couldn’t pass them up ;)
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My Salty collection was joined by a Baby Salty too, made by mlp4me, who did a fantastic job :lovey:  :lovey:
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My G2 collection grew quite a bit last year, as I added a slew of them, especially MOCs. :accomplished:  :accomplished:
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This next girl was a gift from a friend of mine, and certainly is one I never expected to get my hands on, especially as a gift! :faint:  :drunk: Brazilian sitting Bowtie! :drunk:  :faint:
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I got my very first Peruvian last year too! :frolic: She’s one of my favorite Peruvians, and she really does smell like crayons :silly: Her hair is still bright pink too :cheer:
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My Spanish collection made significant progress as well :accomplished: I had been after this one in particular for quite some time~ She’s a little rough around the edges, but I’m just happy to have her :good:
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I got closer to completing my Spanish TAFs too (just need Up Up & Away and Milky Way). Dancing Butterflies is fresh off of her card and Love Melody looks so much better in the trotting pose :good:  Sugarberry took quite a few tries to get my hands on. I had missed out on her at least 3 other times last year before I finally was able to bring her home :drunk:
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These next ones are some of my favorite new ponies of last year :lovey: Next up, my completely mint blue Greek Glory~~ :lovey: She came with her brush and ribbon too, those just escaped the picture ;) She’s not one I ever expected to have, but I’m thrilled to have her :lovey:
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I couldn’t buy this girl fast enough :silly: I had missed out on her ebay auction by just minutes, so I was elated to be the first in line to get her when she showed up for sale again :squee: She’s one of the nicest Greek Sunbeams I’ve ever seen :lovey:
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This girl was my Christmas present to myself :accomplished: She had been a grail of mine for years, but I had always missed out on her. She beat my wallet into a pulp, but she was so worth it :lovey:  :lovey:  :lovey: She’s just adorable!
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I added a few Argies to my herd last year, including another grail of mine. In addition to the fact that I adore the trotting pose, Heart Throb is a pony I always associated with my mom when I was little, so I had been really hunting for this pony. I missed out on a nice one before because of  an issue with a seller’s messed up paypal account, but it all worked out because not too long afterwards I ended up winning her... MOC! :faint:  :squee:  :faint:
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Speaking of the trotting pose, I fell for this girl and had to add her to my collection ;) She looks like she’s fresh out of her box! :lovey:
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And finally, the last pony to arrive at my house in 2012, courtesy of the very awesome Shelti ;) Argie Sweet Tooth! :cheer: She was another one of my grails, and she was the perfect way to close out the year :good:
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Here’s a cookie for making it through all of that :silly:
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:cheer:  :cheer:  Thanks for looking, and I hope you had a good 2012! :cheer:  :cheer:

[stickied 2/1/12 - kiwimlp :) ]
unstickied 3/1/12

Trader & Shipping Support / Delete please~
« on: December 25, 2012, 11:58:05 AM »
Thanks :)

MLP Nirvana / The Nirvana appreciation thread!
« on: December 08, 2012, 11:53:49 AM »
While browsing through my photobucket, I found some pics of some Nirvanas in my collection that I don't think I've paid much attention to in a while and so I wanted to show some appreciation for them :lovey:

Blue Italian Lickety-Split~
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Italian Heart Throb~
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Alternate Birthflower Poppy~
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Dutch Star~
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What Nirvanas do you have that you haven't shown off in a while? Let's see some pics! :frolic:

Trader & Shipping Support / Quick help from someone in the UK please?
« on: December 01, 2012, 08:43:05 PM »
There's an auction I want to bid on, but the seller won't ship to the US. The item ends in less than 12 hours, so I am in need of someone relatively quickly :yikes: It's a high-priced item too, so lots of feedback or prior dealings with me would be great for my peace of mind :drunk: Thanks for looking! :lovey:

Trader & Shipping Support / Help? Ebay + unclaimed payment question
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:24:08 PM »
I bought a pony recently (last night, so the 13th), and paid right after winning it, but ebay told me it was still processing the payment after I completed the checkout. I found that to be strange and checked my paypal account, and it said the seller's paypal was unregistered and my payment to them was unclaimed. I messaged them about it, and they replied pretty quickly saying that their paypal address was different than the one ebay had routed my payment to. I messaged them back asking if they could check their ebay settings to make sure ebay had the correct paypal address, but they haven't responded again.

Earlier tonight I sent them another message essentially repeating that they should check their ebay settings and make sure their paypal address is correct so that my payment can be sent through, but didn't get a reply. I realize it's been only been a little over a day since my last contact from them, but I wanted to ask- can they open a NPB case against me when my payment is still in processing? With all the crazies out on ebay lately I want to make sure I protect myself (though it's entirely possible my seller is completely rational and just busy, I just don't want to take chances).

MLP Nirvana / Show me... MIB/MOC Nirvanas!
« on: October 22, 2012, 10:24:41 PM »
I need some eyecandy! :silly:

MLP Nirvana / PC- Various Nirvanas (WTB)
« on: September 22, 2012, 11:38:24 AM »
Well, mostly WTB ;) The majority of these I'm looking for but haven't really paid much attention to lately. The last one is just for curiosity's sake.

Italian Hopscotch
Italian Lickety-Split (pink)
Spain (or NC) Lickety-Split
Peruvian Lickety-Split
Peruvian Lickety-Split with green hair
Peruvian Confetti (both versions)
Greek Moondancer (white body, proud pose)
French Glory
French shy Cotton Candy with blue hair

Any help is appreciated :lovey:

MLP Nirvana / How many do you have from...
« on: September 14, 2012, 04:46:37 PM »
It's been nearly a year since I posted the original topic ( ), and so I felt like asking again :silly: How many ponies do you have from what countries? Again, I'm counting German princesses under German, and the other princess variants under oddballs ;)

Here's the break-down of my collection:

1- Alt. Birthflowers
6- Argentinean
22- Brazilian
0- Colombian
3- Dutch
3- French
7- German
10- Greek
0- Indian
13- Italian
0- Japanese (Takaras)
1- Macau
2- Mexican
3- Oddballs (happy tails, misc, etc)
1- Peru
0- Scandinavian
0- South African
14- Spanish
0- Thai (Mountain Boys)
3- Venezuelan

Total: 89  (Provided I didn't miss any :drunk: )

I added 35 to my collection this past year, mostly Spanish, Greeks and Argies :) I got my first Peruvian too.

So, how about you? :awake: If you posted in the original one, how has your collection changed? Have you focused on only a few countries? :good:

Trader & Shipping Support / Glacia471's out of town 8/15-8-20~
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:03:35 AM »
I almost forgot to post this :silly: I'll be out of town August 15th through at least August 19th, perhaps the 20th. I should still have -some- internet access (provided the hotel I'm staying at still has free internet in the lobby), but I'll be unable to give shipping quotes, mail out ponies, take additional pics, etc as my ponies won't be coming with me ;)

I don't have too many transactions going on at the moment, one of which is going to be shipped out shortly, the other is waiting on a shipping quote that I plan to get together today. :awake:

Story time~~ Grab a chair and let me start at the beginning ;) Waaaaay back in March, a pony I had been wanting appeared on ebay. She was a white Venezuelan Cherries Jubilee with light pink hair still in her box. She was an auction-style listing that started cheap, and the seller was friendly. The day she ended, I even timed my break at work so that I could watch the end of the auction, and I won! :cheer: I was so excited that I’d actually be getting one of my favorite Venezuelan ponies! I sent payment right away and went off back to work completely thrilled.

Cherries was marked as shipped not too long afterwards, and the seller gave me a tracking number to follow. I was told that once Cherries entered the US, information would appear on it.

Days ticked by, then weeks. Nothing had appeared on the tracking number and no pony at my door. As my 45 day window with paypal was coming to a close, I messaged the seller saying that I still had not received Cherries, and that shortly I would have to open up a claim to protect myself if she didn’t arrive (she wasn’t exactly cheap!). If the pony did end up arriving after I opened the claim, I would close it and resend any refunded payment. The seller was very understanding, and explained that they did not send Cherries by FedEx, as they had a habit of opening up the ponies, and opted for the slower EMS instead because the packages were sealed right in front of the post office workers.

The paypal deadline passed, and still no Cherries. The seller graciously refunded my money, and kept checking at their post office for any news. They told me that there had been some delays in Colombia, and that things should be moving along shortly since there had been many complaints. I was still hopeful that Cherries would show up at my door, and kept checking the tracking number.

More days passed. Then weeks.

Finally, on May 23rd, my Cherries was in the US! :frolic: She had arrived in Miami, Florida and was finally going to be home soon! :frolic: I anxiously stalked the tracking number.

On May 24th she cleared customs, but was ‘undeliverable as addressed’! :whoa:  :faint:  :drunk: The next day she was declared ‘dead mail’ and ‘Disposed by Post Office’.  :cry: I wanted to cry. Had the post office really thrown away my pony?  :cry: It made me sick to think she could be just sitting in some garbage can or dumpster. I looked up the phrase that the tracking number had given me, and learned that this did not necessarily mean that she was thrown away... yet. There’s a place in the US called the Mail Recovery Center, where all ‘undeliverable’ mail is sent and sorted through. If something is under $25 in value, it’s tossed. If it’s over $25, they keep it around for 3 months, and if it’s unclaimed, it’s auctioned off. I didn’t know if they would deem a plastic toy horse as being worth over $25 (I didn’t know if the label was even still on the box!), so I was still freaked out.

After a trip to my local post office, they put me in touch with the International Mail Center. The rep was friendly, and sent me some forms to fill out (basically what was in the package, the seller’s contact info and my contact info). The seller told me the information I needed for the forms, including pictures of what Cherries looked like, and I got them send off to the Mail Recovery Center with a hint of renewed hope.

More days passed. Then weeks again. No calls from the MRC. No calls from my post office. No Cherries.

My mom ended up calling and requesting more of those same forms. At this point I was beginning to give up entirely but decided we might as well send them more. My mom warned me that the rep she talked to ‘didn’t sound very optimistic’. It was mid-July at this point.

Today, July 25th, exactly 2 months since my poor Cherries was declared ‘dead mail’, I got a call from a restricted number while at work. I had no idea who would be calling, and couldn’t listen to my voice mail until later. I easily forgot about it until I got home about an hour later. It turns out that it was my local post office! They had an EMS package for me! :faint:  :drunk:  :shocked: Could it really be true? Could my Cherries have finally made her way home?? I called them back immediately and said I’d be in to pick it up in a few minutes. I freaked out my cats by how hyper I was, and likely confused my neighbor who saw me literally run outside to my car. I managed not to get a speeding ticket on short drive to my post office. I could see a large battered box behind the counter with foreign labels on it, and could barely wait my turn in line to get my hands on it. After expressing how happy I was to the clerk and hugging that box all the way back to my car, I raced back home.

Of course, I took pictures :silly: Here’s the box~ It’s definitely seen better days :yikes:
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But inside...
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Under all that shredded paper...








:squee: :squee: :squee: :squee: :squee: Was CHERRIES!!! :squee: :squee: :squee: :squee: :squee:
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:squee: :squee: :squee: :squee: :squee:  I nearly cried. She’s still in her box!! Her box is a bit smushed, but it’s there, and intact, and even more importantly, she’s inside!! :squee: :squee: :squee: :squee: :squee:
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:squee: :squee: :lovey:  :lovey:  My beautiful Cherries!! :lovey:  :lovey: :squee: :squee:
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And thus concludes the long, roller-coaster story of how my Cherries Jubilee came home :silly:

Oh and since it’s way past the date on when I can leave feedback for the seller, Mitchell-mugno, I figured I’d say something here :) They have been completely amazing during this whole mess and they deserve praise. Friendly, professional, informative and patient, definitely one of the best sellers I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

MLP Nirvana / Is it just me? (Venny Observation)
« on: July 20, 2012, 08:43:00 AM »
Is it just me or do all Vennies we've seen so far seem to have blue eyes? :what:

And now that I'm looking through the gallery, it seems like the same may be true for Colombians as well :blink:


MLP Nirvana / MIP Unfinished Venezuelans sighted on ebay~
« on: May 31, 2012, 12:14:03 PM »
There's an AJ and a Blossom in colors we haven't seen them in before! :frolic: They have those squeakers in their butts and no hair, but are MIP!

Auction titles:

Thoughts? :awake:

MLP Nirvana / PC- Dutch Dolphin and Italian Powder
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:46:17 PM »
Planning to sell, so I need some prices~ :good:

Dutch Dolphin is really nice overall, but does have a tiny smudge to her NDS eye and NDS symbol. Her hair is a tiny bit frizzy, but not too bad. She's still pretty white :)
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Italian Powder has some issues. The red streak in her mane is thinning and has some broken strands. She's got some small ink marks, mostly on her NDS and her horn. She has a tiny eye rub on her NDS eye. Overall she still displays well :lovey:
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Thanks in advance! :frolic:

Trader & Shipping Support / Warning- Stolen pic (NBBE Baby Gusty)
« on: May 19, 2012, 05:33:40 PM »
Ok, the rules said it's ok to post links to misrepresented items, so I think this counts :yikes:

If the link has to be removed, here's the item #: 110882715012
Seller's ID: specialneedsangelsuk

They stole angelponies' auction pic (here's her ended auction: ).

I've given angelponies the heads up about this, but wanted to send out a warning if you're eyeing it that the pony in the pic is NOT the one they are selling and angelponies did NOT give them permission to use the picture :throw:

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