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Topics - Psivampyr

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Pony Corral / G1 has cancer and so does a G3...
« on: August 12, 2013, 01:02:38 PM »
I hate tossing them in the trash, but I just don't know what to do with them. I don't have the resources to fix them, nor the time. If anyone has any ideas what I can do with them please pass it on.
The G1 is Skydancer the pegasus
G3 is the baby that came with her mommy and wore ballerina clothes

Wanted! / Looking for These ponies plz
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:05:52 AM »
G1 Quackers, and Baby Quackers- prefer nice condition. Can have some marks on non-display side. Let me know what your looking for. I would prefer something reasonable for price or trade.

Off Topic / I am trying to crochet
« on: August 02, 2013, 11:25:25 PM »
With the help of YouTube, I have learned the basic stitch.
So I've tried to crochet before, but I gave up. This time I really want to learn to do it! I got the basics down, I can make a straight line of a base stitch thing. But I don't know how to turn and go the other way. I figured a wash cloth shape or something small would be a good start to try to make so it's simple.
If anyone here has some good videos or something to show me how to do more then what I can do, let me know please. I really want to make a scarf or something fun by Christmas.
Thanks in advance!

The Dollhouse / My auction on Evilbay
« on: May 18, 2013, 11:56:38 AM »
I need to get money for a medical procedure, so I put half of my collection on ebay. Here is the link-

Thank you for looking if you do.

The Dollhouse / Thrift store find!!
« on: April 11, 2013, 10:30:53 AM »
I found Frankie and Clawdeen Dawn of The Dance on card at the thrift today for 14.00!! Cleo wasn't on there, but I was SO excited to see these two in a baggy. They have their shoes and everything. It really looks like someone bought the set cut Cleo off and just donated the rest. Clawdeen has her I-Coffin in her hand. I also found a bag of ponies, most were fakies but there was a G1 SHS with her earring and a G2 pony in the bag as well. I am gonna give my daughter the fakies and dunno about the others.

Off Topic / Anyone collect Pound Puppies?
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:52:41 AM »
As some of you know I have been looking for a specific pound puppy, I haven't found him yet. So I am asking here to see if there are collectors who might have a spare of this particular one or if they know of a site that sells PP other then ebay and etsy. I know there are collector sites for dolls and other things, so there might be one for PP.
For people who might go to thrift stores and flea markets, I am looking for a normal sized pound puppy that is a cinnamon color. He's got cropped ears and No markings or spots. I've found pictures of ones that look like the one I am looking for online, so I know he exists. Maybe he's a harder to find one, I don't know. Thank you for looking and maybe someone will find him. He looks like this- normal sized, not the giant size.
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The Dollhouse / Want to trade Original Versions for...
« on: March 25, 2013, 09:19:18 PM »
I really like the idea of a long haired Tor, I am willing to trade my original Tor with her pet, clothes and journal for a long haired rerooted (soft bouncy hair like MLP hair) Tor. I'd like the hair to be waist length and in her original colors. I know she's supposed to have stripes, but I'd be happy with a lighter orange or a black streak in the side swept bangs in place of the stripes.
I am also looking to trade original Spectra for one that has MLP type hair (yanno that soft bouncy and kinda curly at ends hair) rerooted in her head, I'd also like the rerooted one to have the PD outfit or the original outfit.

I also have the Bratz World House Shell for trade, I am looking for either ponies or MH clothes - PD Lala outfit/shoes, PD Spectra outfit/shoes or the following dolls- Scaris Ghoulia, Swim Draculaura.
I bought the house thinking it would be really neat for a project to work on, but it's been sitting around for months... kinda makes me thinking I won't get around to it. It would be great for a diorama or setting for dolls who are always on display.
Here is a image of the house, furniture is NOT with it, just shell of bathroom, kitchen and main house part.

Pony Corral / Are there See through ponies other then G1?
« on: March 23, 2013, 02:52:15 PM »
My daughter likes the glittery see through ponies like G1 Sparkle ponies, but I was wondering, Did they make G3/G4s that were like that?

Pony Corral / What's your favorite playset?
« on: March 23, 2013, 02:32:40 PM »
I wish I knew how to make it a poll, but I don't. If someone wants to take over and arrange it as a poll please do!
My favorite playset is the Lullaby Nursery. My mom had told me if I did really good in school I could earn money for each C, B and A. I worked really hard and when my report card came in she was like wow. She took me to Children's Palace and said I could have anything I wanted in the store. I ran to the pony aisle and grabbed a nursery and ran back to her with excitement. I even have a scar on my wrist from the exacto knife I used from cutting out the pony points off the box.

Pony Corral / Where do I buy these shirts?
« on: March 21, 2013, 03:57:28 PM »
I was doing a search for MLP shirts on ebay and there seems to be a few classic G1 pony shirts that have a printed tag on the neck with a pony and it says My Little Pony. I did a search but didn't see anything that was any use. I am hoping I can find the source of these shirts because they are super cute! Also where does a person get pony shirts in 3x anyway? I know they exist. I don't want the new ponies I want G1. Thank you.
Also if this is a repeated thread, I am sorry.

Off Topic / What's good to play on a nook?
« on: March 18, 2013, 03:32:12 PM »
I got a nook and we've discovered games like "Where's my water" and Angry Birds, but what else is out there that's fun? Sadly Sims Free Play doesn't work on a Nook, but I'd be open for similar type games. Just want to have options for when I have time to kill.

The Dollhouse / Kinda funny- Anti Scalper
« on: March 02, 2013, 11:11:17 AM »
I was looking at CL for MH and I found this posting- I found it kinda funny and refreshing to see people stand up.

***DO NOT BUY Monster High Fearleaders: VERY RARE - $75 (Norfolk) - $40 (hampton roads)
Do not pay this person $75 for something that is in fact popping up in Toys R US for $40. I picked one of these up on Valentines day at the Lynnhaven Toys R US and there were 3 remaining on the shelf. DO NOT PAY A SCALPER. This will encourage them to continue to hit every store and buy up hard to find toys, and then inflate them for a profit. You can ask the Toys R US clerks and they can give you an idea when new shipments are coming in. This is what the scalpers do.

You don't have to pay double what it should cost you. Toys R US online frequently puts it up for sale online as well. It has been up 3 or 4 times this week. Don't pay double to get it a few days or week early. Patience pays off. The sooner we stop paying scalpers double the retail value, the sooner they will stop pulling these from shelves. There are enough at the stores for everyone if we stop paying over market to these scalpers.

***I AM NOT SELLING ONE. I'm just passing the word out that you can pick this up at Toys R US in Hampton Roads. They ARE shipping to our locations. Make the scalpers resort to EBAY, cutting into their profit margin and their desire to gouge us.

Off Topic / Looking for a program
« on: February 28, 2013, 09:46:12 AM »
I am having issues with my Windows 7, is there a reliable program that can scan my system and fix it? Like a "tune up" program.  I don't want to do a hard install due to my computer is one of the few that didn't come with a system restore option. I just want to fix the issues. My husband is having problems with his too, but they are different. We have scanned for viruses, nothing came up.
I came here because I am sure some of you are really computer smart and know more then me or my husband and could point us in the right direction. I really hate googling for such a thing because you can be mislead so many times and it just screws the computer worst.

The Dollhouse / Where is the shoe guide?
« on: February 28, 2013, 09:24:16 AM »
I went through 20 pages of this forum and cannot find the shoe guide. I have a pair of shoes I have no idea where I got them or who they belong to. Could the shoe guide be stickied for easy reference capability for everyone? Just curious since other reference pages are stickied.

Off Topic / Smoke free for three!!!!!
« on: February 27, 2013, 10:04:33 AM »
My husband and I took the big step in quitting smoking. We got Chantix to help us and we can proudly say we been smoke free for THREE days so far!! The Chantix is really helping with the attitude people tend to get from withdrawls so that's a major bonus to taking the medicine. We still got a ways to go, but 3 days is a big step forward!
I wanted to share with all of you because I love you guys and needed to share this great news!

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