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Topics - FarDreamer

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Pony Corral / Hydrogen Peroxide Soaks versus Sun Fading
« on: July 04, 2016, 11:07:51 AM »
I'm doing some sun fading this weekend which got me thinking about this.  I still see a lot of questions and concerns about peroxide soaks and the erroneous belief that nothing can be done for pony cancer.  I thought I'd post what I've observed over the years, in case anyone finds it useful.

Hydrogen Peroxide Soaks

Works well when the pony's pores need to be cleaned out
Often safe on ponies who burn during regular sun fading

Use for:
 - discoloring from scents (works great on discolored perfume puffs, but once their hair fades it's difficult to dye)
 - discoloring from smoke
 - pony cancer
 - large blotchy stains
 - mildew stains
 - sometimes helps with head/body discoloring
 - usually safe for glitter symbols
 - can be used for overall whitening

- dries out hair and the hair won't hold a curl as easily after exposure
- may remove pearlized paint (TE eyes, pearly bodies, etc.)
- reports that it hardens the pony's body, but I've never had this happen, my thoughts is that maybe it cleans out the platisizer, which would have leached out on its own anyway
- will damage mechanical parts
- destroys magic message pony symbols
- makes chartreuse hair bleed color onto anything nearby
- you can't cover the pony, so if you decide to expose to sun as well, fading can happen, I've only had problems with pink and red hair fading, not other colors

Does the pony need to be exposed to the sun while soaking?  It seems to me that it works faster when used together, but I'm currently experimenting with this to see if it makes any difference.  In theory, if the peroxide works by cleaning out the dirt that has caused the stains, then the sun wouldn't be needed.

Sun Fading

Works well for staining that has soaked into the pony's vinyl
- pen and ink stains, even sharpie
- highlighter stains, saddle sores, those bright pink marks ponies are so prone to getting
- can be used for overall whitening

- fading of hair, eyes, and symbols can happen if not covered, red and pink hair fade especially quickly when exposed to the sun
- if you cover the pony in aluminum foil, this can stain the body yellow

The main reason I wanted to post this, is that I have absolutely cured pony cancer with peroxide soaks and I want people to know that it can be done.  I think restoration is all about doing what makes you enjoy your collection more.  For me, I would rather have slightly dry hair than brown blotches on my pony's face.  Others may prefer something different.

Any restoration technique can cause damage, so whatever you try do it carefully.  I hope this is helpful.

Price Check Archives / Price Check on G1 and G3 Hasbro Mold Fakies
« on: May 23, 2016, 09:32:29 AM »
Anyone have any idea what Hasbro mold fakies go for?  I have a bunch of the Munchy pose ones, and tons of the newborn pose ones.

Is there any interest in the G3 mold ones?  I thought I'd check before I give them away to neighbor kids.


[merging duplicate PC threads since both had replies ~ Kiwi]

Price Check Archives / Prices for Pony Restorations?
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:25:46 AM »
I get requests to do restorations for other collectors A LOT.  I've always worked more than 40 hours a week on top of the usual housework and family stuff, so I never do it as I haven't had time.  Currently I'm off work for 4 more weeks after a surgery and will be going back to work part time after that.  I figure I will finally have the time and the extra income would be nice.  How are prices for this sort of thing determined?  I have a good feel for what I'm good at and what I'm only so-so with, and I can fix up lots of other toys besides ponies.  Is there a market for this sort of thing?

Pony Corral / Reproduction Accessories
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:21:46 AM »
Who is still making and selling reproduction accessories?  And who is not?  I need to update this information on my website.  Any photos of accessories currently available will be greatly appreciated!

Price Check Archives / Big Price Check Please
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:03:41 PM »
If I could get any help with this, I would really appreciate it.  And yes, I may be posting these for sale, but please don't contact me about it yet as it will be a couple of weeks before I'll be in a position to do anything about it.

Excellent Condition:

Lavender Dream Castle with Spike and most accessories
UK Dragons - green, blue, yellow, pink
NBBE Baby Ribbon
NSS Buttons lg symbols
Ice Crystal
all 3 bedtime newborns
Surprise Twins bed and crip set complete with box
Kitchen complete
Blue and pink fancy mermaid ponies
Baby Cupcake and Baby Sweetcake
Red Roses
Sandcastle & Shovels
Merry go round Sparkler
All baby ponies and pretty pals (lucky leaf and leafy have all accessories)
Baby Hopscotch
Baby Lemon Drop both poses
TAF Baby Love Melody

With Flaws

Nightlight with regrind on her face
Sunburst - frizzy hair
Thundercloud - discolored head
Surprise Twins Pony - broken mechanism
purple fancy mermaid pony - rubbed tail paint
Diamond Dreams - re-haired forelock (original hair)
Baby Cherries Jubilee - several cancer spots, slight smoke smell
Baby Buttons - one small cancer spot
TAF Baby Dancing Butterflies - frizzy, possibly trimmed hair
TAF Baby Sugarberry - head possibly discolored (not very noticeable)

Rapunzel custom in all purple, great condition, no symbols

Pony Corral / G3 Minty
« on: April 10, 2016, 04:51:39 AM »
Which variations of her are popular enough to be worth posting for sale?  And which ones of her tend to go ignored like so many other G3's?  I can't help but pick up G3's when I find them at the flea market,  I think I have 3 boxes of them now and am trying to decide what to do with them.


The Dollhouse / Mihu Dolls
« on: April 09, 2016, 07:44:43 PM »
Does anyone know anything about them?  I found some at a flea market (I think anyway) and I'd like to eventually sell them, but I know next to nothing about them.  I can't find any on Ebay.  I'll try to post pictures tomorrow.


Trader & Shipping Support / Ebay Feedback Question
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:35:10 PM »
I just received a Baby Cherries Jubilee I won on Ebay.  The seller was very careful in pointing out her flaws and has excellent feedback, very reasonable shipping charges, and shipped quickly.  The only thing is, the pony was advertised as being from a smoke free home, but smells of cigarette smoke.  It's not terrible and I think I can get rid of it.  My husband thinks I should mention it when I leave feedback, but I don't think the seller was being dishonest, I think she probably just never noticed.

Should I say something or just let it go?  And how weird am I that I sniff my ponies the instant they arrive, lol.

Thanks all!

The Dollhouse / Could this be my doll? (Maiden Curly Crown)
« on: February 25, 2016, 07:11:58 PM »
I don't usually post over here because I don't really collect dolls, but this seemed like the right place to post this.

Several years ago, my husband convinced me to sell off my non-MLP items from my childhood, as all I actively collect is MLP and FSF.  I sold my Maiden Curly Crown at a pony meet.  The girl was buying her for a friend, and payed me more than what I was asking as she thought my price was too low.

I've regretted selling her ever since (she was Megan's friend and Megan has been lonely).  So I decided to replace her with one off of Ebay.  I bought one that had the fabric thingys the pixie tails attach to cut off, because I had cut these off of my doll's dress as a child.  When she got here, she also had the tips of the ribbons melted.  I did this to my dress as an adult, to prevent them from fraying.

The doll herself feels familiar, with her wobbly head and discoloration on her legs.  But this is probably common in a lot of these dolls.

I asked the seller where she got her and she said a doll collector in CA, she doesn't know beyond that.  I live in VA and sold my doll in MD.

I know I can't be the only person to ever do these things to their doll's dress, but isn't it a neat thought that she could be mine?

Pony Corral / Perfume Puff Re-Hairs
« on: February 25, 2016, 02:54:27 PM »
I've seen some photos of these that look really pretty.  What are folks using for the poofy hair?

Pony Corral / Re-Hairing a Dream Beauty
« on: May 02, 2015, 03:30:17 PM »
I thought I'd post this in case anyone finds it useful, as I thought she turned out really nice.  I know I'm not the first one to do it, and I'm not claiming to have invented the technique.  The basis for what I did was taken from the nice tutorial WingsofMasquerade provided for my website;

Start with a sad Dream Beauty (I also touched up her symbols):

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Cut her hair as short as you can get it:

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Then use something pointy to push the hair into her body (I used surgical scissors):

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I had some fun with her hair color, so it doesn't exactly match the original:

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The tail is easy enough.  Estimate the size you need (not too big or it won't fit though), fold it over and tie it off with something that will fit into the tail hole (for some reason I didn't photograph this, but it's the same as making a tail for a regular pony).  I used a twisty tie.  It fit easily into the hole and was just large enough to keep the tail in place, as long as it's combed gently.

I've only ever used Dolly Hair.  It splits easily into strands that make nice plugs.  I wanted her to have a nice thick mane so I used three of these strands for each plug.  I tied them off with thread them folded them over and wrapped Scotch tape around the end.  Then cut off the extra tape and thread.  This makes the "plug".

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Then using your pointy tool, push each plug between her neck beads.

Here she is!

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The plugs hold well enough for curling and gentle combing.

Pony Corral / Storage Wars Episode Tonight
« on: January 25, 2015, 07:24:48 PM »
Brandy and Jarod found a bunch of ponies!  They took a tub of G3's to a brony for info.  I doubted a brony would know much about G3's, but it looked like he had some for sale in his store.  Anyway, nice to catch some ponies unexpectedly on the tv!

Pony Corral / What Makes You Lose Interest In Ponies? . . .
« on: January 17, 2015, 10:10:08 PM »
 . . . for awhile.


So I haven't been on the boards in forever, I haven't updated my website in months and months and months, I haven't hardly entered my pony room, and all work on turning it into a giant diorama has halted.

What happened?

I want to move SO BAD!!!

My husband and I have wanted to move back to Michigan, closer to our families, forever.  We've tried several times but have always had a hard time finding jobs there.  That's not unusual, nearly everyone we went to college with moved to the east coast for jobs after.  Now he has a phone interview for a REALLY good position in Ann Arbor this Tuesday.  All I can think about is moving.  I'm already collecting packing materials and such as it's the only thing I'm motivated to do.  I think the anticipation is going to be the end of me.  It's 1:00 am and here I am still awake because I can't stop thinking about it.

I can't be the only one.  Anyone else have things that makes you totally a pony zombie at times?

Pony Corral / Apparently Ponies Made in Hong Kong are "the Vintage Ones"
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:56:38 AM »
So twice now, at two separate flea markets, I've run into vendors with G1 ponies who charge more for the ones made in Hong Kong.  I killed at the flea market today with G1's and G3's.  The vendor with the G1's wanted $5 for her ponies made in Hong Kong because "those are the vintage ones".  She charged $1 for the ones made in China.  I got merry go round Sparkler for $1 and big brother Chief for $5, just as an example, she had quite a few.  She wanted $5 each for Cotton Candy and 2 Peachy's with yarn for tails.  I left those.

Anyway, what's the deal with this?  Where are vendors getting the idea that the the ponies made in Hong Kong are especially rare?

I'm not complaining about her prices, I would have paid her $5 for nearly all the ones she had.  It just seems like a nutty idea.

The other vendor I've had this happen with had a bunch of fakies made in Hong Kong and G1 and G3 Hasbro ponies.  He wanted more for the fakies because the ones made in Hong Kong are especailly rare, according to him.


Pony Corral / I'm a True MLP Fan Because . . .
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:08:59 PM »
This is a game, so don't anyone take it too seriously.

What's something about MLP you like, that no one else seems to?  To get it started:

I'm a true MLP Fan Because . . . I LIKE the BBE babies!  In fact, I think Baby Frosting is gorgeous!   ;)

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