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Topics - Tilas

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Arts & Crafts Corral / (non pony) Chao Plushie!
« on: March 08, 2013, 02:42:29 PM »
Been getting into sewing a lot now, and I recently finished this little guy! For those that don't know, he's a Chao from the Sonic Adventure games. :D

It took awhile, the pattern was a little confusing with no real instructions.. and trying to figure out how the hell to sew the body parts together was a pain, but I figured it out thanks to dad. I definitely want to make more chao, but I'm working on tweaking the pattern. The artist who made it was amazing and I'm super thankful they shared it, but I can see ways to tweak it to suit my own sewing style. I'm going to make my chao with jointed limbs so they'll be fully poseable. Still, I love this little bugger, and I was trying to think of a mouth, but in the end, I liked him better neutral. He's made of Minky and felt for eyes.

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Non pony - Puppy plushie
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:54:43 PM »
I bought a sewing machine bout two weeks ago, and am learning how to sew. My dads an upholsterer by trade so he's been teaching me all sorts of things. I've done a few simple and basic plushies, but this one is my best to date, it's a pattern I bought off etsy called Funky Friends Puppy Dog Pete. I'm so happy with it I wanted to share! Eventually I want to make some MLP plush, once I'm more comfortable with using the machine.

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Off Topic / Where can you order fleece in Canada?
« on: January 05, 2013, 06:05:36 PM »
I really want to make some plushies but I've had a hell of a time finding anywhere to order fabric like fleece that will ship to Canada! Most places either have horrible reviews, or are seriously expensive... So people who make plushies/sew, where do you get yours? And how much do you generally pay per yard?

I looked at J Ennis where dad gets his material, but it's all upholstery grade so WAY too thick for what I need, and they can't get the "kid colors"...

Off Topic / Need cell phone advice!
« on: December 20, 2012, 03:53:34 PM »
I'm looking to upgrade my phone to a smart phone because FINALLY they're available in my community. But I don't know what to do, so I have a few not so quick questions.

iPhone 5 VS Galazy S III? Which is better? I have an ipod touch (8GB) already, (it's totally full), so while an iphone would be nice cause I could transfer everything to it, I've ready a lot of reviews saying the Galaxy is superior. ....I also like the huge screen on the Galaxy.

The plans kinda suck (no surprise up here), but I was looking at the $65/month for 1GB data transfer, unlimited text and 300 minutes. Would 1GB be enough? I don't plan to ever download video or music on it (what for, I can do that on my PC at home). I mainly want it for email, text, phone calls, and occasionally when I want to look something up, or check the forums I go to. 

I use my ipod touch quite heavily for my banking, contacts, and games like draw something that requires a net connection. I love it, but not being able to access things like my bank when I'm away from wi-fi it really annoying, which is why I'm leaning towards a smartphone.

I'm so leery about contracts because my last one sucked (the plan was ok for the price, but the phone I had was AWFUL and they wouldn't let me ditch it).  But there's a big special promotion going on right now cause 3G is new to town so they're doing all this free hookup, 3 months free, plus $100 off the purchase price of any smartphone... IF you get a 3 year contract.  So.... the iphone ($900 retail) and galaxy would be ($800 retail) would only be $80 instead of $180 (for the smallest 16gb phone) each on a 3 year contract. ....That is awfully tempting. Plus the rep said that if I decide to cancel contract early, it's a $250 disconnect fee and $250 data fee. Still, that's $580 total cost on a $900 phone. ....worth the risk?

I dunno. I want to take advantage of the promotions but I'm so leery about getting myself into something that might cost a fortune. All I've ever had is a basic CDMA phone that barely does text, I've never had a smart phone before.  Help? ^^;

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / LPS iOS Game
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:21:00 AM »
Sorry if a report, but I couldn't find the topic so.... who else is playing this? Even though it's simpler, I kinda like it more then the MLP game because it's a bit easier to earn gems and things to advance. You can just watch videos and stuff, so that's kinda nice. Plus there's a few more games, which are fast and easy.  I Definitely like how the game isn't overrun with things you *have* to spend money on to clear (like the rocks and parasprites on the MLP game). So you can just well, PLAY the silly thing.  Very simple and easy to waste a few minutes on.

....Shame the Raccoons are like $70 though >.>; No way in hell am I spending money on this game, it's not *that* good.

Off Topic / Does anyone have a sewing machine?
« on: December 14, 2012, 12:17:37 PM »
If you do, could you tell me about it? Like the brand, price, and size of the machine?

I've been talking with dad about getting a sewing machine, and maybe trying my hand at plushie making. He's thrilled at the idea I want to sew, as he is an Upholsterer by trade, so wanting to learn part of his business makes him happy lol. However, (as in his nature as a tradesman) he's looking into industrial sized into the thousands of dollars type machines.  I... don't know if I want to go quite that far just yet. ^^; I don't want to spend a ton of money if it's something I find I just can't get into or do.  He's not bought a machine in uh.... I think before I was born... (he hasn't needed to, his Phaff machine is still working as well today as the day he bought it- which is why he's sort of insistent ON a Pfaff), so he doesn't know much about the "new" machines with "all their computerized nonsense" ^^; 

But then, I don't want to get a cheap trinket either, because that would probably just frustrate me and turn me off of wanting to use it.  I don't need to worry about material or stuffing, as since dad has been a buyer form J. Ennis Fabrics for as long as he's been in business, I can get access to any material wholesale.  I'd try and learn on his machine, but, being an industrial, it would eat any thinner material, since it's made for things like furniture, boats, and heavy equipment. ^^;  I could make a pony in Naugahyde, but dang, that's be one crazy looking pony LOL.

So... yah. Here I go again, jack of all trades, master of none. XD I just have to try any art project at least once! But I think sewing might be fun, I've made plushies before by hand stitching, but that is just horrendously long. X_x And... it would be nice to have dad teach me the basics, I know he's always wanted me to learn. I just don't think I could ever really do things like couches or winter fronts, such objects bore me LOL. But plushies.... yah, now THAT I could get into! Or maybe even doll clothing...

Arts & Crafts Corral / Death By Pink! Updates at the bottom!
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:15:26 PM »
EDIT: I'll be updating here with the DBP as I post them, though, occasionally I will skip one due to keeping it much more kid friendly at the arena. ^^; to see ALL of them though, be sure to follow the tumblr!

So as it says in my sig, I've restarted Death By Pink, my old comic series about a not so nice Pinkie Pie and her sidekick Valenshy, set in the G3 universe (so you can bet she has a few opinions on the G4!). It's on a tumblr now so people can ask the ponies questions, and they'll answer! I'm going to post the first post of the "reboot" here,  so be sure to click the tumblr link: for the newest comics, or, if you're totally new (which the majority of you are I imagine, the old series ran years ago- but some fo the veteran Arena members might remember!), click here: to read from the beginning! I would give DBP a rating of PG to PG-13....barely. I tried to keep it pretty tame in terms or foul language, naughtiness, etc!

The reboot starts off after the last original DBP, where Pinkie and Val ere *gasp* anthromorphisized!

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The Dollhouse / Looking for Melize Stock
« on: December 09, 2012, 07:19:11 PM »
EDIT- Found! Thanks!

I'm looking to buy Melize' full stock and wig if anyone wants to sell it! Or even just the bear suit at the very least. I bought a Melize head ages ago and now I kinda wanna complete her. :) Will buy, or trade it for some of my pins & magnets in my sig. Thanks!

Pony Corral / MLP:Fim iPad App
« on: November 10, 2012, 06:30:46 PM »
Sorry if this is a repeat post, I couldn't find it. Who has the game? I'm looking for friends to add so share your username and I'll add you! Mine is TilasTrinity . :)

I like it so far, yah, it's a rewrite of the original story, but it's cute. I love watching the ponies interact. And the games are simple, but enough to keep you clicking lol. Still working on getting Applejack back, it's taking awhile cause I blew all my bits at the start not knowing how to play.  ^^;

Off Topic / Questions about small businesses
« on: October 24, 2012, 09:25:35 AM »
So I recently ordered my button maker (so excited!), and I want to make buttons for people/companies/non profits in the community (since we're so small and northern, little businesses here can't get promotional items in small bulk- a little niche I think I could fill), but I was told "oh you should get a business license!" But... is something where I may only make like $1000 a YEAR really worth the investment to a business license and everything that entails? I honestly was thinking just working in cash... I mean it's a very small thing, more of a basement hobby, not a "business" per say. My dad says not to bother, my mom says I should, and I'm just horribly confused. I want to talk to Town Hall about it and see what their requirements are, but dad warned me they "probably wouldn't even know aside from selling you the license". Which only confuses me more.

So my question is to anyone who has a small business (in any form) what did you have to go through, and how small is your business? I know rules are different in different countries, but I'm curious to know how things work for you. I mean, does artwork even classify as "a business"? Is there a certain "earning range" where you can earn and not qualify as one? Any info anyone can offer would be appreciated!

Off Topic / Share Pony Tumblrs
« on: October 23, 2012, 11:01:07 AM »
OKay everyone, share your MLP Tumblrs, I need a bunch to follow!  Asks, pics, anything MLP related! :lol: (just...try n keep em SFW, please LOL)

Here's mine, I brought back my comic series Death by Pink!

I am so blown away by how many ask-a-pony tumblrs there are now, so if you follow some, share those too! I love reading them! Here's a few I really like right now:

Reminder:  keep links within the Arena content standards of language and other objectional material.  If you have to question it, it's probably not kosher.  - Eviecorn, OT Mod]

Off Topic / Why do you sell?
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:56:33 PM »
To those of you that have online shops, what do you sell, and why do you sell online? Do you really think you'll pulling a good profit, or is it to just get your name out, or just to have fun?  This goes for crafts (like Etsy) or even ebay.

I sell keychains and things, and my family bothers me about it sometimes, questioning why I do it if I don't make a lot of money. I know I don't rack in the cash, that's not the point. I pay for my costs, and make a little bit extra to keep going, and I enjoy crafting, so why shouldn't I sell a bit of it? I feel I'[m a crafter, and as such, you just can't make money of the "time" you put into something (then a keychain would be like $20 and no one's going to pay that!) I figure as long as I'm not going into debt doing  this, I should be able to have fun and sell what I want.

I saw a button making machine online today that totally caught my attention. Buttons look so much FUN to make! But when I showed my hubby and mom I got the 3rd degree over it, because the kit (machine, punch, +1000 buttons) was about $300 and they said that's insane. I don't see it that way. At $2 a button, I'd only need to sell 150 to break even, and that doesn't seem like an impossible task in my eyes. The rest after that is profit.  So I'm gonna wait until after my annual Xmas fair. If I sell enough this year I want to use the profits to buy that machine for next year. Does that sound "insane" to you? :\  I mean, gotta spend money to make it right?

That's why I want to hear about what others sell, and why they sell it.  Have you bought a lot of supplies? Did you break even? Or make profit? Do you think investing in supplies is a waste?

Pony Corral / Fakie weird... Breezie Ponies...
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:54:20 AM »
Saw these at the store yesterday. They remind me of the G3 Breezies. Weird little things, only saw the blue one though. That skinny bald head just looks...odd.

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Pony Corral / In the garbage, on the ground, in the woods...
« on: October 02, 2012, 09:26:25 AM »
Where have YOU found ponies?

I was at our local Share Shed on the weekend (it's exactly as it sounds. A 20X20 foot unmanned shed where people dump anything they don't want for someone else to come take- it works wonders for the community!) and I was just snooping at the stuff, and I found 2 McDonalds ponies! A G4 Rarity and a G3 Minty. Score! XD My hubby laughed. "You just CAN'T resist, can you?"  :P

A few years back in the winter, mom and I were taking our garbage to the dump and mom say a little piece of pink sticking out of the snow. So she dug it up, and found a G3 Pinkie Pie! Dirty with gungy hair, but nothing some love couldn't fix.

Oh, and once, my brother was biking him from work through a trail, and found a G3 pony in the leaves there too!

It's always nice finding ponies and giving them second chances.  :cool:

Off Topic / Rough tough police cream puff
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:37:45 PM »
Just thought this was amusing. Had an RCMP Officer come into work today to ask a few questions (nothing serious), and while we're talking he is of course maintaining "the look". Yknow, the stand tall, speak with authority, "I'm a cop" type posture.

Then he sees my candy bowl, and suddenly I have a big 6 foot tall KID in my office.

"OHH! Lollipops! Can I have one? Please?!"

So of course I say yes, and he just started digging through the bowl to find the flavor he wants and instantly pops it into his mouth with a big smile on his face. Then he's all "Ahh!! These are AMAZING! Where did you GET them!?" so I told him, and he pretty much wraps up the conversation, so he can go buy a box for himself. I think I just made his day.

Oh, and for the record, they were Jolly Rancher Lollipops.  :lmao:

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