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Topics - Shaiyeh

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Pony Corral / MOVED: My sculpted G1 baby brother unicorn prototype
« on: September 01, 2018, 09:03:23 AM »
This topic has been moved to Arts & Crafts Corral.,392984.msg1736307.html#msg1736307

Pony Corral / Anybody seen these? G1 print clothes!
« on: July 21, 2018, 05:18:48 AM »

Just saw these linked in a Swedish MLP Facebook group.

ETA: This appears to be stolen art! Such a shame :/

Pony Corral / Gameloft FiM game - moving devices?
« on: February 15, 2018, 12:26:26 PM »
Hi peeps :lovey:

I got a new phone today, and I wanted to move my gameloft game to the new device. I've been playing it on my old iPad - which is still working & I'm currently using it to play - but I'd like to move it to my new iPhone. I have quite a bit of progress, and I've spent money on the game, too, so I'd hate to have to start over. I'm using the same game center and apple ID, but when I started the game it started with the tutorial, from the start  :huh:

How do I move it? :S or is it impossible?

Thanks :lovey:

Arts & Crafts Corral / New Ponysona, finally! + commissions? + more art!
« on: February 10, 2018, 05:11:33 AM »
Will be writing about commission stuff at the bottom of this post!

I've been working on a new ponysona for a loooong time, but I think I've found a design I like finally!
I'll be working on her some more, sort her symbol out etc, I do know what I want it to be, I just need to design it proper, but for now I'm happy to just have found a colour scheme. That's been difficult enough.
Now, as much as I love Neko, my old 'sona, I felt like it was time for an updated one. I've evolved as a person, and Neko felt... dated? And not really like she reflects who I am. xD
Been trying to work out a new ponysona for months, actually, so I'm pleased to have come this far. I've named her Shailatte (because Shai is mah name, and I like tea/coffee way too much... plus it's cute xD)
promarkers, sakura pigma FB & MB, FC polychromos, white gelly roll.

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Neko in spoiler just for comparison
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My next piece of art is my friend's new fursona Minigris (swedish for mini pig) although she is in face a bear! I'm absolutely obsessed with bears, so I was thrilled to get to draw her in an art trade (ATC sized - anyone still do ATC trades/swaps on here?) !
Watercolours, sakura pigma FB & MB, promarker and white gelly roll.
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Third piece is this picture of Quarterback that I don't know if I ever posted here ^^
Marker, FC polychromos, white gelly roll and microns + FC pitt brush pen.
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Now I wanted to bring up the subject of commissions!
I wanted to throw it out there that I am open for commissions, and check if anyone would be interested :)
I need to raise some money to be able to upgrade my art situation, as my trusty old tablet is finally giving up (so for now, I'm only open to traditional art commissions!). I'm also always open to trade art for ponies!

Pricing ideas:

$10 headshot picture.
-quick commissions like the two pieces above, with a simple (1-2 colours, simple patterns etc) background or no background (transparent + version with white bg)

+$5 Add another pony/character to above tier pic, or two separate headshot pictures if you buy them at the same time. $5 per extra character, up to 3.

Headshot portraits for a pony is face and neck, for an anthro/furry down to just below shoulders/can add hands/paws. (refer to minigris)

$20 full body picture
-quick commissions, with a simple (1-2 colours, simple patterns etc) background or no background (transparent +white version)

+$8 Add another pony/character to your full body pic, or two separate pictures if you buy them at the same time. $8 per extra character, up to 3.

Full body pictures are great for con badges, or just portraits in general of your character!

$30 and up:
If you want elaborate backgrounds, more than three characters, me to help you design a pony/character and/or make a ref sheet,  realistic art or something in the style of my ink drawings (images in spoiler below) message me and we'll work out a price for your personal piece!

Trade for ponies
I have a wishlist HERE! I'm also looking for the new collector's pose 35th ponies.

What I will draw:
-ponies, pony or anthro form
-furry characters, feral or anthro form
-realistic animals & plants
-game characters

What won't I draw?
-pornographic content
-explicit nudity
only writing this out because I've been asked in the past on here.

Art examples!

 NOTE: there's art of an insect in this spoiler! If bugs freak you out, go to the next spoiler!
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Bug-free spoiler, ink & pencil drawings:

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Pony art: (some of these are digital, I can't do that atm, but they're style examples)

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And a link to my dA if you'd liek to browse around!

If you're interested or got any input, please write below or PM me here on the Arena or on dA!
Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed the art ^^ Thanks for looking :3

Arts & Crafts Corral / New Ponysona Creation help?
« on: November 18, 2017, 01:40:33 PM »
Hi peeps!

Inspired by Witch's thread, I'd like to ask you guys for input when it comes to personas!

For a looong time, Neko's been my persona, and I think a lot of you guys might recognise her :)
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She's been my persona since probably my first year here, though she's gone through some changes xD
Well. Point is, we don't click. I don't click with her design at all anymore, sadly. I'll always keep her, as she's been *my* pony for the past 10 years or so, but I'm sad to say I've outgrown? her. I don't feel the design, or the name.
So a while back, I did a ponysona creation meme someone posted here, and ended up with this pony, whom I temporarily named "Rosie" (although that is a name I don't want to use, either):
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She's better, IMO, but still not *me*. I don't want her to be all extra and be a unipeg, I'd rather have her an unicorn or an earth pony. I like her colour scheme in this one, however. Her symbol is... meh:/ just something I threw together fast to finish the meme.

In Witch's thread we discussed aesthetics vs representation, which I feel is a very good point. But both my aesthetics and my personality/interests are sooo scattered.
Gonna quote myself from Witch's thread (+ add a few lines):
Thing is I'm a bit of an all-over-the-place-person.
I LOVE pastels, kawaii stuff and lolita clothes (especially sweet. but I don't wear them >_>). I dress very goth/metal and do my makeup like that, and I love everything dark and spoopy, piercings, tattoos, corsets etc as well xD (and I definitely don't want a white pony with black-and-purple mane and heavy eye makeup. :V). I'm also a huge geek and play WoW for example (Taured druid tank!). I do art (obviously), mostly traditional and when I'm at home I just artsy fart about in totally boho clothes like harem pants and huge knitted jumpers and drink lots of tea (and some wine if it's a weekend), messy (well, for me. I'm particular about keeping my hair as healthy and long as possible XD ) hair, no makeup etc. I'm a witch (think wiccan) and love crystals, tarot, all the tumblr-witchy stuff basically (before it was cool >A< !!1!!11 )
Aaaand then animals. I'd have all the pets if I could fit them, but currently just cats and a reef tank (in progress), but we want to get rattos, more tanks, snake etc.
I'm also super into historically recreating and dressing in medieval clothes, and we go to the Medieval Week event in Gotland, sweden each summer. I'm also somewhere between rockabilly/gothabilly sometimes, and just looove the rockabilly, gothabilly and psychobilly styles.
So yeah, what's my ideal ponysona? XD Something that screams me, even if not everything above is represented. I think you can see why I have a problem ^^'

Ideally, I'd like to have some level of representation, obviously. but I just... have no idea where to start. Or, well. I do know I want her to have the nose ring/septum piercing. That's my own most favourite and the one piercing I'd NEVER get rid of :) apart from that...? No idea, so any ideas or help would be much appreciated.

Arts & Crafts Corral / (NPA) Inktober week 1 & 2 !
« on: October 15, 2017, 03:27:52 PM »
Ok, so, I promised to mkae a thread with my Inktober pieces :) I figured I'd make one for w1+2, and then one for w 3+4 (or just update this one - we'll see) :)

It's all non pony art, and some of them are animal skeletons, and one is tasteful nude (do tell me if I need to take that one down) so I'll put them in spoilers just in case you don't want to see that :) I also started a few days late, so it's not 15 images in total, but here's what I've done so far in Inktober! (and yes some of them have dA water mark - super sorry about that)

All my art can also be found on and on Instagram :)

Day 5 (my starting day, VERY productive haha) :

Lavender Spells
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Bush viper
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Flapper Cyclops
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(tasteful nude) Mermaid
[Link removed by Griffin -- thanks]

Day 6:

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ugly-sleeping cats
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Day 8 (my fish died and I missed day 7 because sad):

(sheep skull) Pimpernerls
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Day 9:

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Day 10:
(mouse skeleton) Woodmouse
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day 11:
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Day 12:
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Day 13:
WoW Fanart! (werewolf)
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Day 14:
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Day 15:
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I'll be working more with birds the coming 2 weeks, I think. I never did practice drawing them. Hope you enjoyed!

Pony Corral / Where do you host images of your ponies??
« on: September 27, 2017, 06:22:55 AM »
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I've been choosing between OT adn here, but it does have to do with ponies, so I chose here.

I have a site on ( - and no, my sig doesn't go there atm it goes to my flickr. gonna sort that :) ) , where I keep my wishlists, art commission info, plan on keeping a gallery of my ponies, but maybe most importantly keep a blog, where I post my pony art & photography.
Now, I'm quite bad at updating, but when inspiration strikes, I love doing it.
I've been hosting my pictures on Photobucket in the past, but thanks to that site being a complete behind, my blog now looks very ugly, full of the "upgrade to share pics" thing. So I switched over to Flickr for my photos.
And I've been working my way through a few posts just now on my blog, trying to insert pics from there instead. If I use embed, they show up in the editor, but there's just a blank space when the post has been published.
Webs only offer like 500 mb of image hosting, so I can't go with that.
I *could* move the whole blog over to tumblr, would make it a lot easier for people to find, I suppose, but it's not really the format I'm after. I like to be able to post pictures in the text and stuff like that, and keep the other tabs I have on my site for wishlist and stuff. (and keeping webs for that while keeping a blog on tumblr doesn't sound very compelling)
is wordpress still a thing? :S

Where do you guys host your images these days? Would I have better luck with my blog/page somewhere else? What do you think?

Pony Brag Arena / g1 Ponies in the wild!
« on: September 25, 2017, 07:13:27 AM »
Yesterday hubby and I went to the mall, and they just opened a 2nd hand shop right next to it, so we thought we'd go check it out.
The first thing I see is a tub of ponies on the top of a shelf, so I quickly dashed over and grabbed the tub. It had more ponies than I could buy, sadly, (they were a tad pricey) but luckily iPonyland on IG (I can't remember the username here on the arena, but I'm pretty sure she's here too!) managed to snatch the rest up today (there were a couple valuable pieces in the tub, so I'm really happy another collector got them). :frolic:

(keep in mind tho I haven't cleaned or styled any of the ponies yet in the pictures :)  )

I had a VERY hard time choosing what ponies I was going to pick up, but I ended up getting Mommy & Baby Brother Sweet Celebrations, Clover and a very nice upgrade to my baby Cotton Candy.
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Pony Haul by shai b, on Flickr

I'm really happy with the ponies I chose, Clover is about as near mint as they come - she even smells like new pony! There's a tiny speck of regrind on her NDS shoulder, but that's all, except a small mark on her DS which will come off with a surface wash. No eye scuffs, cheek rubs or anything. She's a stunner!
I'm really happy, because I used to own Clover, but in quite poor condition, with chopped off hair (that I rehaired in just the off shade >-< the joys of early collecting, eh. this was back in '07 xD ) and major eye rubs. MAJOR upgrade, in other words (if it's an upgrade when you don't own the first one still?)
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Clover by shai b, on Flickr

Baby Cotton Candy is amazing, too. I admit I've edited these pictures quite heavily, but that's only because my lighting is bad (yay fish tank lighting xD ) and my camera didn't pick up the colours very well in the blue light xD It really is PINK IRL. And has some original curl to it. And as far as I can she, not cut. (my old one has white, dry and cut hair) She also has a faint new pony smell :3
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Baby CC2 by shai b, on Flickr
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Baby CC1 by shai b, on Flickr

And last but not least, 2 ponies I didn't have in my collection at all before. I now have parts of every family >-< I did a dumb thing at the shop, because Daddy SC was in the tub, too, but I was convinced - as was hubby - I had him on my shelf at home, so I didn't pick him up (they were quite expensive. If I could have afforded all the ponies, I would've bought EVERYTHING, but I had to limit myself to 4 ponies). I had a feeling in my gut I should go over budget just a tad to get daddy pony as well, but I didn't... and who do I find on my shelf at home? Daddy Bright Boquet >-< So, in other words I'm ISO daddy SC! but still, I'm very happy with mum&boy. They're a bit dirtier and with messier hair, and name tagged under the hoof, but other than that in really amazing condition, too!
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Mommy and Baby Brother SC by shai b, on Flickr

Pony Brag Arena / Completed 1st set of Sea Ponies! (+ 2 other ponies)
« on: June 01, 2017, 06:34:50 AM »


I got pony mail! it's been soooo long since I last got a pony in the mail, I'm so excited :D and happy that she's here xD

I bought a pony like... 1½ weeks ago? She's a set completer, and she's precious, and in really nice condition. With a little spa treatment I think she'll look NM. (The only thing really is that her hair is all over the place xD but that's so easily fixed with a bit of conditioner. )

Without further ado, I present to you...


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Like I said, she's a set completer :D Suuuper excited to complete my first set of Sea Ponies. I never thought I'd complete a set of adult ones... I have quite the bunch of baby sea ponies now, but no complete sets. But I stumbled on this one, and had to buy her. I'm so happy I did x)

Here they are all 3 together :)
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As you can tell, I'm missing two shells tho... and their brushes and 2/3 ribbons. But that, I will complete later. For now, I'm just going to enjoy my beautiful trio of sea ponies, and give them all a bit of a spa treatment. They all need their hair washed x)

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Thank you bluerose9978 for selling me this great pony :lovey:

I'm also adding these 2 to the brag. I bought these in winter? I can't remember but it's the last time I bought ponies before Sealight. These will need more than just some spa. Overall, Heart Throb is looking nice, but she's got text on her stomach. I'm planning to frankenpony her, as I have a Heart Throb with a good body but a chopped off ear and tail. EZ head- and tail switch and she'll look lovely. Frosting is missing one iris, which I am going to try to fix in some way. (I knew about these issues and bought them anyway, I just didn't get around to fixing them yet as I've been in a bit of a down period with my pony interest. pony bug is back big time now tho)
They're super cute tho, so enjoy a pic x)
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Adoptables / Shai's Adoptable Shoppe - Jan '17 - Sweetie Babies - Closed!
« on: January 07, 2017, 04:10:35 AM »
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Welcome to Shai's Adoptie Shoppe!  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It's been a long while since I last made an adoptable, but I doodled a cute baby pony the other day, and felt like turning it into an adoptie ^-^

She's available as Unicorn, Pegasus, Alicorn, Flutter and of course Earth Pony.
(the templates are slightly bigger than the adoptables, which are 150x140p)
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All of them (except flutter) are available with feathered hooves!
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☆.。.:* Rules! .。.:*☆

。One request per person per batch.
。I'll be taking 8 requests per batch, but if you've requested one after the slots are full, you'll automatically get a slot for the next batch.
。Credit me, please!
。Please don't use off-site, unless you have PMed me to get links to go with credit!
。Please do not alter the adoptables.
。Hasbro Ponies are for everyone to adopt, but personas and OCs are only for the person who requested! Please do not use someone's OC.
。Please include the following to confirm you've read through the rules and agree to them: Strawberry macarons.

To request please fill in the form below!

Which template:
Pony, please post Ref Picture:
Binkie colour:
Feathered hooves, y/n?:


☆.。.:* Hasbro Ponies .。.:*☆
(will be filled up as we go along)
Pretty Pop                     Sweet Pop                       Appplejack                              Gusty
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Lemon Drop                   Tuneful                        Firefly                          Twilight Sparkle
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Minty                              Twilight                             Island Delight                                4-Speed
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Rosedust                                   Wigwam                                       Pinkie Pie                                  Tropical Breeze
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Starsong                                      Baby Fifi                                       Medley                                 Lily
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Abra-ca-Dabra                               (flutter) Clover
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☆.。.:* OCs/Personas   .。.:*☆
Maddie                                    Neko                                 Daf                                    SkyCakes
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Bekuno                                  Stormness_1
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BabyBlueDuckie                        Ziraous
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Thank you!  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Pony Corral / g3 Pinkie Pie Webcomic?
« on: November 24, 2016, 03:13:40 AM »
Hello ponies!

Does anyone remember the webcomic with the evil g3 ponyville Pinkie Pie? I remember something about her wanting to take over the world with all her pinkie 'clones'/army, and the world on a stick (basically the Earth on a pencil? I can't quite remember).
I've been looking EVERYWHERE for this comic because I found it hilarious at the time, and my desire to find it was spurred on by reading all of Kimono's Town House in one day last week as well xD
I think the person who made it had a red-and-white persona pony? But I might have mixed people up. This must have been around '09.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I'm sure I didn't make this up x'D (even tho I did make a short fancomic of it.)
All I get when I'm googling for it is spinoffs/fanart/the original of the g4 fanfic-that-must-not-be-named about a certain kind of baked goods, and that's absolutely not what I'm looking for.

Please tell me I'm not crazy xD

Pony Corral / Knockoff/Fakie Pony Wear? (resolved, thanks!)
« on: November 16, 2016, 03:42:12 AM »
For the longest time, I thought I had 3x the robe for Ready for Rainbows + one rain hat.
But today, as I was sorting through my pony wear, double-checking what goes with what on MLW, I discovered mt RfR set looks completely different from the one on there.
I tried it on a pony, and the coat itself is way too long, and the hat is wonky. I do believe it is for ponies through because it has a tail hole.
It's very very stiff, and ties in the front instead of velcro, and there's no red lining around the tail hole.
There are also no shoes, and it has pleats around the back.
(there's also no baby coat)

I thought this was a quite interesting find, and thought I'd share in case someone knows where it's from, if it's Hasbro or not (no tags so I'm guessing not!) etc.

The hat though. That's what I noticed first, because the cloak looks nice enough. It looks like a galon sombrero almost, haha.
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and here's a clearer one of the whole coat.
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I feel a bit bummed, tbh. I was happy thinking I had one of the cutest sets x3, even though I had never taken it out to actually try on a pony before (I acquired it during the time I wasn't that interested anymore, and it's just been in storage since).

What are your thoughts?

Wanted! / TAF Winter Minty! (g3 Minties wanted!)
« on: November 16, 2016, 01:58:44 AM »
Hello peeps! Right now I'm kind of sort of craving the g3 TAF Winter Minty (again). I used to own her MOC But she got sold in the great Pony Purge of 2013/14  :cry:

I am looking for her both loose and MOC atm, as I would love to re-add her to my collection.
If anyone's confused, it's this pony:
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(from MLW)

I'm also looking for the Minty Xmas Minty (the one that came with the DvD, she also went, but for a different reason.) I don't need her boxed, but I'd love if she still has her santa hat.
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(from Strawberryreef)

3D symbol Minty, and the Ponyville Xmas tree playset are also interesting.

(The rest of my wantlist is in my sig, just click the banner and it'll take you to my blog/wantlist :) Always interested in buying/trading for the ponies on there, too. )

I have Paypal, and I can also trade commission work for ponies (Both customs and art).
Please message me if you can help!

Pony Corral / Pony Wear! What's your favourite set? (pic thread!)
« on: November 15, 2016, 06:56:00 AM »
I just got my MOC pony wear out of storage yesterday, so now I'm in the mood for some pretty ponywear pictures!

What's your favourite set? Mine is without a doubt My Valentine :) It's just such a cute set :lovey:
I have a bunch of other pony wear sets to take pictures of, but the sun's gone for today so I'll have to come back with those later, but for now, here are a couple pictures of this set ^^

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sooo cuuute ;w;

Now please show me yours! :heart:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Rosedust (draw this again) + Wavy - UPDATE Streaky!
« on: November 10, 2016, 11:15:41 AM »
Hello ponies!

I started working on some pony art today, because I desperately want to update my blog banner and siggie here on the Arena, as I never was quite satisfied with the Rosedust  I made for it... I don't know what happened, but 2015 was not a good art year for me. I barely touched my pencils, I guess, and gosh... she's quite horrendous IMO.  :shocked: Like, far from my regular art standard xD

While googling Rosedust for a good closeup of her symbol (because I'm too lazy to stretch over and grab mine who's on the desk >_>) I stumbled on this realllly old picture I drew of Rosedust back in '09 xD
So I thought I'd show you my new one I finished today (going to make another pony or two it use in the banner/sig as well, probably a sea pony and possibly a third one.) and then the 3 rosedusts next to each other in comparison xD

I hope you like her :)
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and the comparison. What happened, 2015?  :blink:
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**** UPDATE!! ****

I finished the banner/sig today. I was going to take longer to do it but I felt inspired, so I made a sea pony!
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I then combined both pictures and stuck it in my sig (which is hopefully not too heavy! it should be within pixels tho xD)
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same image in my blog header which you can see if you click the picture in my siggie :) (not the one above, that's just photobucket, lol) :frolic:

excited to have art that's a bit fresher xD


Streaky for this month's Draw Together :)

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Anyway, hope you like them! :lovey:

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