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Topics - cuddlebuggy

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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Anyone WTB my SDCC LPS cat?
« on: February 02, 2014, 07:46:14 AM »
So I saw the eBay prices on these guys and figured I'd offer them here first. I have two of them, loose but mint (display only) and I'll part with them for $100 each plus shipping. PM me if interested and I can send pics through email. Thanks!

Off Topic / I did it! Girl scout cookies, life, etc...
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:27:30 AM »
My husband had an ongoing medical issue in late Sept/ October and I had to register my Girl Scout troop late. Now, while council doesn't like that, I can register girls anytime of year so better late than never. But I missed the deadline to order cookies for the girls. Cookie sales help to raise money for the troop but it's not the only reason we do it. It helps with goal setting, money management, people skills and the like. This would also be the first time any of these girls would have a chance to sell as their Daisy leader opted not to sell during their two years with her (I probably wouldn't have either, kids that age have the attention span of a gnat so standing at a booth for 30 minutes would be tortuous!)

I contacted our brand spanking new, council appointed Service Unit director (cookie coordinator, booth coordinator) and she tells me it's no problem to get in on the first re order and asks me to meet with her so she can help me get set up. We have our meeting and I am so impressed with her! Our service unit was so badly run by people who didn't want to be in those positions anymore but had no one to step up and fill them. We didn't even know how many troops were in our SU!
Next thing I know, I'm the Cookie booth co coordinator. Now, I've stayed home for years with my kids and know nothing of office /computer business as I was a barista before the birth of my first. She has patiently shown me how to use spreadsheets, file sharing as well as sending me out to call businesses to get the name of their manager, then print an official booth request letter and have them sign a booth agreement. I feel very professional all of a sudden.
This week I placed my order after getting my bank account pushed through faster than expected (they said it may be 5 days, I had it in 12 hours, all thanks to my SU director!)

I freaking did it! I had dropped the ball but I couldn't fail the girls. I have worked harder than I have in years but gained marketable skills, feel happier and more satisfied with myself and have continued to lose weight (35 pounds since last year!)

Off Topic / Teachers and Time Lords... how did I miss this??
« on: January 08, 2014, 01:43:49 AM »
My dear British friends, why did you not share this? It has all my UK favorites, Brit com, Dr. Who and Shakespeare! It was Hulalei (11) who shared this with me so for all you who haven't seen this:

Love the Lauren Cooper character! Oh and if anyone cares, it's Sonnet 130 she recites at the end.

Off Topic / Squee! Floor getting finished, now! Clutter busted!
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:32:18 AM »
Last Christmas my garage was storage for all kinds of crap. When we bought the house 8 years ago, the previous owners left some large cabinets in there with a bunch of crap on them like motor oil, paint etc... I thought it would be useful so we kept that. Then my ex SIL and my BIL asked to store stuff in there.
I got sick of it and my husband was wanting to look for a new house but there was no way to move without fixing everything wrong with our house anyway!
So, I decided to clear out all the crap and turn it into a office/ game room for our family. I am the child of hoarders and have tendencies toward it but I am not a victim and it's my house! I wanted to make it mine!
Almost a year later, I have cleared out all the clutter had the ceiling and walls done. We then found out the previous owners had had a leak which caused structural damage but they put new shingles over the hole and hid the water damage with oil based primer. Got that all fixed and painted, finally.
Today I have two guys diamond grinding, acid staining and then sealing the floor in there. By Saturday I can move furniture back in there.
It won't be complete by Christmas, but the bookshelves and desk that are going out there can be pulled out of my house, giving us more room everywhere for the 17 people coming over for Christmas lunch!
Extra bonus? I've lost 25 pounds from all the manual labor!
I'll post pics when it's done.

Pony Corral / Is Sea Winkle's pink shell the same as UK Surf Dancer?
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:20:29 AM »
Got an extra pink clam shell on Ebay the other day thinking I'd upgrade mine and maybe trade my extra pink shell for Sea Light's green shell.
It came in and is so much better than the one I had! I check to make sure I have the right sea ponies in their shells and sure enough I had one wrong. When I went to look for Seawinkle and found I've picked up Surf Dancer at some point in time!
So if the shell is the same color, I'll just use it for Surf Dancer, right?
Also, how much might I expect to spend on UK Sea Spray and her shell?

It was the Glow and shows that helped me realize that I was not giving the Sparkle ponies a chance. Then I saw them in a new light so I decided to collect them.
 Well, I got a good few of them in this lot!
They're pretty much awesome! I have Starglow already but this one is almost blue and her hearts are lavender looking, my other one is more green so I have to keep both. I will have one of my Brightglow's for sale, once I figure out which one is best!

Off Topic / Product review needed! Wacom tablets?
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:31:51 AM »
I am so glad I am part of this community where I know we have so much talent! I've heard talk of a Bamboo Wacom tablet here before so when my daughter Hulalei asked for a tablet I spooked her out by knowing exactly what she wanted.
I see on their site 2 different Bamboo tablets for art, Splash and Create. Obviously, the Create is twice the price but how worth it is it?

Off Topic / Evil Furby, finky kid!
« on: May 24, 2013, 10:57:02 AM »
Two nights ago, I awoke to the sound of growling and then hysterical laughter. I finally recognized it as being my daughter Gennybean's Furby. I figured it would go to sleep soon and went back to sleep, only it didn't and I finally had to get up and search for the darned thing at 3 in the morning where I found it under the bed. First I moved it to the garage, but it kept making a racket and eventually around 4 it went out the cat door into the side yard!
Gennybean was delighted with herself as it was her idea of a prank, she's only 7.
So, how should I get the little fink back?

Off Topic / It's my birthday! I'm old!
« on: January 18, 2013, 07:52:44 AM »
Hey all! I am a whopping 36 today! Got both my girls set up for sleepovers tonight and my husband is taking me out! I think we may go see "Mama."
Getting my hair cut in an hour and then off to the mall to pick up some free Godiva!

[Sticky Jan 18, MA]

Off Topic / Mustache fad, can anyone explain?
« on: October 11, 2012, 07:31:37 AM »
Love them or hate them, mustaches are popping up everywhere. Hulalei is 10 and has a mustache mood necklace and glow in the dark mustaches on her walls.
I don't mind it much as she's just a kid but where the heck did this fad come from? Google is no help for once!

[Topics merged - Eviecorn :heart:]

Wanted! / My wanted list~ G1, 80's toys and merch and MH dolls!
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:07:46 PM »
Let's start with G1 wants:
Lickety Split, Pillow talk, SSN Pink Dreams with accessories, SSN Sweet dreams with accessories, TAF Merriweather, TAF Yum Yum, TA Buttons,
Buzzer, Glow, Lady Flutter, Sky Dancer, Cranberry Muffins, Blueberry baskets, Boysenberry pie, Cherrt Treats, Raspberry Jam, Strawberry Surprise, Sand digger, Seaflower, Shoreline, Beachball, All MO sparkle ponies~ Sunspot, Starhopper, Napper, Stardancer, Sky Rocket, Twinkler, Baby Brothers must come with bandanas~ Baby Countdown, Baby Drummer, Baby Leaper, Baby Racer, All WW ponies~ Whirly, Cool Breeze, Moon Jumper, Sun Glider, Starry Wings, Flurry, Tootie Tails, Baby Palm tree, baby Pineapple, Snowflake, Gypsy, Honeycomb, Baby Hopsi, Baby Lickety split nbbe, Working Princess Sparkle!

Will add more later!

Pony Brag Arena / So I got me a Munchy.
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:36:35 PM »
May have overpaid but with free shipping and her being in great shape I'm still happy.

Off Topic / Any cake decorators? Fondant advice?
« on: April 11, 2012, 06:42:31 PM »
My little Gennybean is turning 6 next month and wants a Lorax cake like we saw on Cake wrecks "Sunday Sweets" section. Basically a three tiered cake with smooth buttercream and fondant accents. Cool right?

I have seen this amazing bakery near my school which does some of the best decorating in town so I went in to get an estimate. $275 to feed 26. :cry: [size=78%] I understand why it is priced the way it is and really appreciate them telling me there was no way to replicate it with buttercream (they are right, it would not be nearly as nice.)[/size]

So I called my Mom who took every Wilton cake decorating class available when I was little and made amazing cakes for my every birthday and asked how hard it was to work with Fondant and she said it it similar to making shapes with clay. I'm going to give it a try. Should I make my own? Buy premade?

Off Topic / Isn't it funny how things work out? Warning/ illness!
« on: March 23, 2012, 09:45:36 AM »
Last week was Spring Break and I watched my hyper niece so we didn't get to sleep in or relax too much. Gennybean (my youngest) is 5 and was worn out from keeping up with her cousin who woke her at 5:30 every morning and kept her up late a few nights.
I considered letting her play hooky from kindergarten one day this week but decided it would set up a bad example for her so I didn't. She's had allergies lately so I've been giving her Benedryl at night but didn't last night. This morning she ate breakfast, walked into class and promptly threw up on the floor. She asked to go to the school nurse who thinks that her allergies caused a post nasal drip which upset her stomach. She didn't really think she was really sick so she could have stayed in school but as Gennybean said she'd rather go home the nurse excused the absence. So she gets to spend the day home with me, resting and watching TV.   

MLP Nirvana / PC for Italian Brown Butterscotch, pics
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:17:20 AM »
Hey all I have decided to part with my Italian Brown Butterscotch. She has a few issues. Her mane and tail are dry and the tail is frizzy on the end. One eye has the eyelashes rubbed and there are scratches/ rubs to her symbols. But she has no marks that I've found. She is beautiful on display. Here are pics to show her in detail:
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Sorry there are so many but I wanted to show her from every side. Any idea on a price? I suspect I paid a bit too much when I bought her so I'm willing to take less than I got her for.
If you are interested on making an offer, PM me. Otherwise she'll go to Ebay. Thanks!

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