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Topics - Shenanigans

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Customs / Granny Smith and Pink Sugar :)
« on: September 02, 2014, 08:07:12 PM »
These are my customs of Granny Smith as a young adult and Pink Sugar (who is Sugar Sweet's cousin :happy: )

I've decided to cut the heads off of G4s now instead of trying to save the neck plug. While trying to get Granny's head back on, I cracked the paint on her chest and around several other places and had to do some major touch ups >_< So I think I'll try to avoid that with future G4 customs :P

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And here's Pink Sugar :happy: I have a love affair with all things cotton candy so she was fun to do :yummy:

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Customs / Any good tutorials for sculpted wings?
« on: August 26, 2014, 03:44:30 AM »
I've never sculpted anything for my customs so this might be a bit to take on for the first time :lol: But is there a good tutorial for scuplted feather wings? I mean like really detailed to let me know what materials to buy, how to attach the wings, what kind of clay to use, how to make the feather, and how to get it to stay on the pony. I'm a newbie to sculpting so any help would be appreciated :lol: I love tutorials :biggrin:

Off Topic / Does anyone need any Panini Tangled stickers?
« on: August 24, 2014, 03:05:07 AM »
I have a bunch of extras and if you need them I just ask you cover cost of shipping :)

Customs / Disney Tinker Bell Custom :)
« on: August 23, 2014, 06:27:31 PM »
Here's my Tinker Bell custom! :) Fully painted and I made the wings from wire, cellophane, and hot glue XD First time making wings lol. Damaged them a bit trying to jam them into her back >_< She has a bottle of pixie dust around her neck and I wanted to give her bangs and a bun like Disney's Tink and all in all not to bad I think :) Miles from perfect, but not too bad :lol: Her hair is Dollyhair Golden Delicious and Spring Meadow. I just love the green and yellow together :)

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Rapunzel Custom
This is my first time customizing a G3 and I have to say I'm really proud of how she turned out ^.^ She has the magic golden flower painted as her symbol and her eyes have been repainted. I kept her body color the same since it was the color I wanted it :) Her hair is Dollyhair Butter Pecan and Amethyst. I had fun decorating her hair with the flowers :biggrin:

I love Disney princesses so I plan on doing more :happy:

G3s have two rows of plugs but I added 3 extra to make her hair super thick and I also widened her tail hole to make her tail super thick. I went through 5 bags of hair! :shocked: I'm pleased with the thickness though :satisfied:

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Looks like I went a little crazy spending and spent most of the money I was saving for my LE Aurora doll :doh: Right now I'm only selling to the US, but if she doesn't sell then that may change :lol:

*Note: Her stand is cracked at the bottom. She's never been taken out of the box, she arrived to me like that unfortunately >_< I took a pic of it so you can see.

I'm asking $240 $215 $195 for her plus shipping :)

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Pony Brag Arena / Amazing Birthday and a surprise GRAIL!!!!
« on: August 15, 2014, 04:57:06 PM »
A couple people here know that I've been under some major stress and dealing with my depression so when my birthday rolled around on June 30th, it was the first year I had no plans for a party! My sisters and friend managed to surprise me with dinner and a night of board games and some awesome gifts and I couldn't have asked for more ^.^ Since it was a surprise party I didn't know to bring my camera, but they gave me a MLP themed birthday cake :D

So what did I get? Well from my sisters, friends and relatives~

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Rainbow Rocks Rarity and Jasmine from Aladdin on broadway :yippee:

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Jasmine is so beautiful :)

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Build a Bear Sweetie Belle and a Pinkie Pie pillow! I love Sweetie's curls ^.^

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My friend's 7 year old picked out Apple White for me :D My friend said she looks up to me and soaks up every word I say so she remembered when I told her how much I love Apple White, aw! ^.^ So her daughter picked that doll out for me, so sweet :) And my grandparents sent me some money so I bought Cupid and Cedar Wood for my ever growing Ever After High doll collection :biggrin:

If all that isn't awesome enough, guess what the sweet, sweet Marigold sent me? Way too much! I'm just spoiled rotten :blush:

First off~

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:whoa: :faint: I got a huge box in the mail with all these presents! All my favorite treats and gifts wrapped up in the perfect kind of paper for me! I didn't know whether to stare or rip them open... but I chose to rip them open :lol: :P

And she's so talented!

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This is the beautiful card she made me, awww ^.^ Look at the Sea Ponies swimming in the letters on the front! And a beautiful drawing of Paradise and rainbows on the inside, she knows EXACTLY what I like :D Isn't she a wonderful artist? :heart:

Marigold and I share a love of tiaras (especially the Disney Princess ones!)
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She got me this gorgeous Ariel tiara/necklace set! :hearts: It's so beautiful, I love it! And the treasure chest box is so pretty too!

Speaking of Ariel~

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Ariel and Rapunzel mugs! I have the tin that matches the Ariel mug and now it's complete with the mug! :frolic: And the Rapunzel mug matches my Tangled dolls and is just goooorgeous! I love the fairy tale couples art work and dolls :inlove:

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We also share a love for carousels and Rapunzel (Disney or classic!) The carousel ornament is so perfectly me. A unicorn with pink and yellow saddle which is my favorite color combo! She knows me too well :biggrin: And the music box... I wish everyone could see it in person. It's SO beautiful! I just tear up when I see it because I love it so much :blush: I didn't even get photos of the sides, but it has pictures of the Rapunzel story all around each side! I-LOVE-IT! :squee:

And this lovely little girl~

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Is a baby version of my persona, Pink Lemonade! Marigold commissioned Tiella and I was like, "OMG, I own a custom sparkly resin Tiella custom! And of my persona!" :lol: Needless to say I was stoked! :D

Her she is with her mommy that I made earlier this year :heart:

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And now....

it's time...



Funko glittery Lyra!!!!!! :frolic: :yippee: :happy: :squee:

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She's been my G4 grail ever since I laid eyes on her but I'm a cheapo and never caved in to the ebay prices :lol: Though I had recently told Marigold I was gonna bite the bullet and go ahead and buy one despite the price. She'd be the one Funko I'd splurge on! Then what happens? Marigold sends her to me for my birthday! :dropjaw: :faint: Marigold has this wonderful habbit of sending me my grails :tackleglomp: Some of you might remember Whitecap she sent me last year for my birthday :faint:

So I would say I had a FANTASTIC birthday and it was kinda hard to be depressed after all that :lol: :happy: I really do have some wonderful friend and family and Marigold is a jewel :lovey:

Customs / How do you make tail holes bigger?
« on: August 12, 2014, 06:40:54 AM »
This will be a custom made from a G3 bait. How do I get the tail hole bigger without splitting it? I want to braid the tail so I want her tail to be super thick so the braid won't look scrawny :P

Off Topic / How long will Build a Bear be Toothless-less?
« on: August 10, 2014, 10:34:44 PM »
I've been waiting forever for Build a Bear to restock their Toothless plush and have been on the email contact list. I reeeeally don't want to spend $100 for him on ebay :drunk:

This is a must have for my sister for Christmas! XD

How long does it usually take for BAB to restock sold out plushes?

Pony Corral / Which Build a Bear Ponies do you have?
« on: July 13, 2014, 08:08:11 AM »
I adore the BAB ponies :D They're so big and well made. I love how their hair comes twisted in ponytails so that when you take them out they have the same hair styles in the show :) All except my Dashy. Her hair was a complete mess when I got her :P

I got Rarity and the CMC for my birthday and I have all of them except AJ, Trixie and Zecora. I plan on gettng AJ and Trixie, but Zecora doesn't appeal to me much :P

So which ones do you own?

Pony Corral / Who is the most beautiful G3? (FINALS!!!)
« on: April 30, 2014, 05:02:44 PM »
Round One Winner: Wish-a-Whirl
Round Two Winner: Kiwi Tart
Round Three Winner: March Daffodil
Round Four Winner: Seaspray
Round Five Winner: Underwater Art Pony
Round Six Winner: Whistle Wishes
Round Seven Winner: Brights Brightly
Round Eight Winner: Always and Forever
Round Nine Winner: December Poinsettia
Round Ten Winner: Aurora Mist
Round Eleven Winner: Port-O-Bella
Round Twelve Winner: Morning Glory
Round Thirteen Winner: Rainbowberry
Round Fourteen Winner: Fair Peacock Pony
Round Fifteen Winner: Silver Rain
Round Sixteen Winner: Pretty Pop
Round Seventeen Winner: Art Pony (black/blue)
Round Eighteen Winner: Periwinkle
Round Nineteen Winner: Silver Glow

We say goodbye to Whistle Wishes, Brights Brightly, Always and Forever, Art Pony, Fair Peacock, and Rainbowberry in the semifinals. Now we're on to the finals!

Who do you think is the most beautiful?

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(pictures from Strawberry Reef)

It was a really, really tough choice between December Poinsettia, Silver Rain, and Aurora Mist for me. In the end I chose Aurora Mist, she's just a gorgeous gal :biggrin:

I had fun with these polls and I did plan on doing G2s, but I was informed the Arena Derby will be coming up soon. So I decided not to proceed with a G2 poll since these polls are similar to the Derby. Don't want any confusion ;) Can't wait for the Derby! :gallop:

Pony Corral / Who is the most beautiful G3? (ROUND 19.5)
« on: April 28, 2014, 04:02:26 PM »
Round One Winner: Wish-a-Whirl
Round Two Winner: Kiwi Tart
Round Three Winner: March Daffodil
Round Four Winner: Seaspray
Round Five Winner: Underwater Art Pony
Round Six Winner: Whistle Wishes
Round Seven Winner: Brights Brightly
Round Eight Winner: Always and Forever
Round Nine Winner: December Poinsettia
Round Ten Winner: Aurora Mist
Round Eleven Winner: Port-O-Bella
Round Twelve Winner: Morning Glory
Round Thirteen Winner: Rainbowberry
Round Fourteen Winner: Fair Peacock Pony
Round Fifteen Winner: Silver Rain
Round Sixteen Winner: Pretty Pop
Round Seventeen Winner: Art Pony (black/blue)
Round Eighteen Winner: Periwinkle
Round Nineteen Winner: Silver Glow

This round will knock off the three ponies with the least amount of votes and then we'll be on to the finals! :)

Who do you think is the most beautiful?

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(pictures from Strawberry Reef)

It's nearly a tie for me between Silver Rain and Rainbowberry. But I'm going to surprise myself and vote for Silver Rain and not Rainbowberry :shocked: I always thought Rainbowberry was the most beautiful G3, but with Silver Rain up against her, SR is just a tad more beautiful!

Pony Brag Arena / RAOPK and Deflocks from Sunshine!! :D
« on: April 25, 2014, 09:02:30 AM »
I commissioned some deflocks from Sunshine and as usual she did an AMAZING job! ^.^ You should have seen Angel before. Dirty, stained, yellow flocking, frizzy hair. A complete mess :shocked: I knew she looked bad in the auction, but she was even worse in person! I really didn't think she would look so fantastic after she was deflocked, but she's gorgeous!!!

I've been wanting a deflocked Cupcake for ages now and I finally have her now :inlove: Twilight is one that I recently wanted after seeing so many gorgeous deflock pics of her!

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Aren't they amazing? :)

And I also bought these lovelies from Sunshine ~

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Golidlocks with beautiful curls and Happy Glow with hair of silk! Seriously, so shiny and smoooooooth :lovey: Super lovely!

And that's not all! Sunshine is so thoughtful and sweet, she sent along some extras!!

Baby Goody Gumdrop and Baby Noddins! :D Too adorbs! I think Baby Noddins will be one of my favorite G1 babies :nod:

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And some fun extras! A MLP video (The Golden Horseshoes!!) A jar of strawberry honey that didn't make it in the pic.... It has been eaten! XD And some cute random items :D Who doesn't like stickers?? Sunshine is just the sweetest and I'm glad I've gotten to know her! :tackleglomp:

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Speaking of RAOK, my grandparents came to visit and while they're not into ponies, they really liked my pony room and customs :) They went shopping with my mom (while I was home, stuck in bed ill :P ) and my grandparents surprised me with a Funrise Trixie plush!! I hadn't even seen her in stores yet and I had been on the lookout for her. I was like, "How did you know??" :lol: I thought that was very sweet and touching, none of my relatives (other than immediate family) have ever bought me anything pony before and it was very special :)

And joining Trixie is the rainbowfied Rarity and the AJ and Rarity keychains I've been looking forever for :drunk: They were the last two at Toys R Us and I was about ready to jump for joy when seeing them :lol:

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Pony Corral / Who is the most beautiful G3? (ROUND NINETEEN)
« on: April 25, 2014, 08:26:11 AM »
Round One Winner: Wish-a-Whirl
Round Two Winner: Kiwi Tart
Round Three Winner: March Daffodil
Round Four Winner: Seaspray
Round Five Winner: Underwater Art Pony
Round Six Winner: Whistle Wishes
Round Seven Winner: Brights Brightly
Round Eight Winner: Always and Forever
Round Nine Winner: December Poinsettia
Round Ten Winner: Aurora Mist
Round Eleven Winner: Port-O-Bella
Round Twelve Winner: Morning Glory
Round Thirteen Winner: Rainbowberry
Round Fourteen Winner: Fair Peacock Pony
Round Fifteen Winner: Silver Rain
Round Sixteen Winner: Pretty Pop
Round Seventeen Winner: Art Pony (black/blue)
Round Eighteen Winner: Periwinkle

Short round this time!

Who do you think is the most beautiful?

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(pictures from Strawberry Reef)

Even though there's fewer ponies in this round it's still a tough one! XD Silver Glow, Crystal Crown, and Lavender Lake are so gorgeous and three of my all time favorite G3s. Sweet Song and Twilight Pink are beautiful as well! I'm going to go with Silver Glow though it was very hard to choose :shocked:

Pony Corral / Who is the most beautiful G3? (ROUND EIGHTEEN)
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:40:07 AM »
Tomorrow is the last round before semifinals and then finals! ;)

Round One Winner: Wish-a-Whirl
Round Two Winner: Kiwi Tart
Round Three Winner: March Daffodil
Round Four Winner: Seaspray
Round Five Winner: Underwater Art Pony
Round Six Winner: Whistle Wishes
Round Seven Winner: Brights Brightly
Round Eight Winner: Always and Forever
Round Nine Winner: December Poinsettia
Round Ten Winner: Aurora Mist
Round Eleven Winner: Port-O-Bella
Round Twelve Winner: Morning Glory
Round Thirteen Winner: Rainbowberry
Round Fourteen Winner: Fair Peacock Pony
Round Fifteen Winner: Silver Rain
Round Sixteen Winner: Pretty Pop
Round Seventeen Winner: Art Pony (black/blue)

Who do you think is the most beautiful?

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(pictures from Strawberry Reef)

Morning Dawn Delight, Sunrise Song, and Twinkle hope are all so beautiful, but hands down Snowflake wins this round for me! :inlove:

Pony Corral / Who is the most beautiful G3? (ROUND SEVENTEEN)
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:41:35 AM »
I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend :D Back to the voting now :biggrin:

Round One Winner: Wish-a-Whirl
Round Two Winner: Kiwi Tart
Round Three Winner: March Daffodil
Round Four Winner: Seaspray
Round Five Winner: Underwater Art Pony
Round Six Winner: Whistle Wishes
Round Seven Winner: Brights Brightly
Round Eight Winner: Always and Forever
Round Nine Winner: December Poinsettia
Round Ten Winner: Aurora Mist
Round Eleven Winner: Port-O-Bella
Round Twelve Winner: Morning Glory
Round Thirteen Winner: Rainbowberry
Round Fourteen Winner: Fair Peacock Pony
Round Fifteen Winner: Silver Rain
Round Sixteen Winner: Pretty Pop

Who do you think is the most beautiful?

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(pictures from Strawberry Reef)

Definitely Snow 'El! One of the most gorgeous G3s :inlove:

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