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Topics - Pierlala

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Pony Corral / Share your best Pony luck ever.
« on: November 21, 2016, 12:35:05 PM »
What is the luckiest thing that ever happened to you Pony wise. And I aim at obtaining a rare/HTF Pony for a very low price or maybe even for free. And I am talking about real luck. Not trying to get a Pony for years and eventually pay loads of money for it and feel lucky you finally got it.

I myself was in luck when I was a child. A girl lived next to my grand folks and she was only 1 year older then me but much more "mature" then me so she got rid of her toys early. She gave me and my sister a whole bunch of Barbies but mostly Ponies. I can't tell you how lucky I feel for my grandma to be paying attention. It seems she was in the garden just about to throw away her Ponies and Barbies in the trashcan before my grandma interrupted her and told her she gladly takes the toys from her to give them to me and my sister.

I was so happy. The Ponies that I can still remember were: Ringlest (rainbow pegasus, not the Brush 'n Grow), Both Nurse Love Heart and Nurse Sweetheart + both nurse hats/working magic cutiemarks, Dance 'n Prance blue one with yellow hair (forgot her name), Waverunner, Bowtie and a few others but can't remember. Me and my sister both devided them equally and we had the most Pony fun for years after.

Another Pony luck I can think of was when I found Night Glider in this "give away" closet in the city. It basicaly a closet in the middle of the city where people put stuff, (mostly junk sadly) So that others may find some use for it. Like old toys, blankets, books, shoes etc. I walked by to pick up my son from kindergarden and I just saw poor Night Glider standing there. She was soooo dirsty. Hair all messed up, her tail was cut short, she had tail rust and she had some grey-ish spots on her body. I washed her up when I came home. I felt so lucky. I did ended up selling her on Ebay almost 2 years later. Because I was in the process of upgrading her. I do kinda regret selling her now, as she was my lucky Pony. But it's still nice to find a Pony in the wild like that.

Same goes for when I was a child and went with my dad to this huge thrift market to stand there with his own stand to sell stuff. I wandered around the stands myself and found a woman who had 8 G1's for sale. Not fully sure which ones they were, but I do remeber Kiss Curl and Posey were in the lot. She asked 8 euro. I went to my dad asking for 8 euros and he gave me the money but he did tell me to haggle a little. I was shy as a child so I didn't want to try and go too low. So I ended up asking nicely if she was ok with 7 euro instead. And the old lady smiled and gave them to me for 7 euro. I felt so happy. I remember playing with them when we were in the car on our way back home. So funny I didn't consider it luck back then because it was common to see G1's at thrift stores/markets nack then. But I was still happy.

And last one is recently when I got Ice Crystal for 40 euro. It's still quite a sum of money, but I know what he can go for on Ebay so I do consider myself very lucky to have gotten him for this price. It's one of those Ponies that you know is rare and wanted. It's on your list but you're like "Nah, I'll never get it but I just keep him on my list for the future". So it was such a surprise and great feeling for getting him so "cheap".

Phew...that was quite a lot to type.

I like to hear your guy's stories.

Pony Corral / Was Skippity Doo meant to be a pegasus?
« on: November 18, 2016, 09:56:01 AM »
I was just looking around as she's one of my grails. And I found this backcard:


Was she actually meant to be a Pegasus?

Pony Corral / Strainghten clear tinsel. Is it possible?
« on: November 12, 2016, 08:02:40 AM »

After obtaining a set of 2 beautiful Pony Brides, (Bridal Beauty and Bride Pony). I decided to straighten their tinsel. It wasn't super messy to begin with. So after taking a hair straighter, even on the lowest setting. I tries straightning it and I was soooooo upset. It got all curly and very messy/jumpy. I sold them for a small price on a local website. But I now once again opbtained a Bride. Her tinsel is quite messy but not ruined. I really want to try and straighten it. But don't know how and I am affraid to ruin it again. I never had issues with normal tinsel. It always turns out beautiful. But clear tinsel is a pain.

Does anyone have any tips or pictures?

Thank you!

Wanted! / Looking for some (core) G3 Ponies!
« on: November 10, 2016, 11:02:59 AM »

I have tried over and over again, selling my small G3 collection. But it didn't work. I did trade/sell a few of them, but now that I can't most of them. I am planning to buy the ones that I sold already back. I started to miss them, as I am planning to keep my G3 collection.

I am loking for the following Ponies in mint condition with accesiores + charms. Brushes is not really needed.

G3 Minty 2003 - Donkey pose + charm
G3 Velvet Bow + hat and scarf
G3 Wondermint
G3 Aurora Mist
G3 Sunrise Song

I believe those were the ones I sold and thus need again!

Hope you have them somewhere and willing to sell/trade.

Pony Corral / I want the original mane 6.
« on: October 31, 2016, 02:32:14 AM »

I never felt much for G4. But since I do watch the show, I would like to have all 6 of them. But the original version of how they look like in the show. No special designs/sparkly or shiny hair/buttons/glitter/special editions and all that.

Just the mane 6 as they appear in the show. Is that possible? And what do I look for and where?

My guess is that it's impossible to find them in stores since it's been ages since G4 first came out.

Who can help me with names and where to look?

Pony Corral / Who decides the value of a Pony?
« on: October 29, 2016, 03:42:58 AM »
Is it mainly based upon Ebay sales?

Because it's not very clear to me. The same Pony can have a huge difference in price. For example. I have seen Red Roses go for over 80 dollar before. But the same Pony goes for around 35 dollar in a lot of 4! Pretty sure if she was sold seperatly, the seller would have gotten double for just her alone.

So, what is the value based on?

Also, selling on Ebay, is there a trick behind it or is it mainly luck? I have put Ponies on Ebay before, Ponies which I considered highly wanted. But it doesn't seem to draw much attention at all. Selling Ponies is hard. But at the same time I see the same Ponies I put on Ebay in very high price ranges with tons of watchers or (sold).

This is probably 2 questions in 1 topic. Sorry about that.

What do you guys think?

Trader & Shipping Support / Refund shipping cost as well?
« on: October 27, 2016, 07:46:43 AM »

I was contacted several times by a very patient buyer on Ebay. She bought a Night Glider from me but sadly it never arrived. It's been over a month since I sent her so she should have been there ages ago. She has been patient and waited several weeks before asking for a refund through Ebay.

However, today I refunded the buyer the full amount she paid incluiding shipping.

My question is. Is it normal to refund shipping as well? I mean, the shipping price is pretty high so I wasn't overly thrilled by it. But I did it without hesitation as I want the customer to be happy.

But now ofcourse I paid the shipping cost myself (as the shipping cost was paid when I sent the Pony to Australia) So now I had to pay the refund the shipping cost myself and Night Glider is lost somewhere :(

I was just wondering if it's normal to also refund the shipping cost? Or do people usually only refund the item price?

Sorry if the story is a bit confusing and long.


Price Check Archives / Price check on this G1 lot. (Pictures incl.)
« on: October 12, 2016, 12:46:56 PM »
I have a lot with G1 Ponies and I was wondering what it's worth.

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Price in dollar or euro.

Post Merge: October 12, 2016, 05:11:10 PM


Pony Brag Arena / Lucky - Cheap Ice Crystal win!
« on: September 06, 2016, 10:50:58 AM »

I won an "auction" not really an auction with a timer like Ebay, but from a local website in the Netherlands. I was so lucky to get him so cheap! He came without glue in his neck, but that was discribed in the auction. His head came off easily and I looked inside him. He still has his original tail clip and washer so he wasn't a re-hair either! He does have somt tiny spots here and there, but nothing big!

I love him and look at him all everytime. He keeps me company on top of my computer. I have put a few drops of super glue in his neck seam before I put his head back on and let him dry. He's all good now and his head doesn't turn anymore. I conditioned and washed his hair. I let him dry upside down to bring the bounce in his hair back after conditioning and you can see the result. I haven't been styling him or anything. Cause he's a boy afterall and he looks good in his natural beauty!

Ice Crystal:
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He was a little shy for such a close up picture.
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I just love him so much!

Post Merge: September 06, 2016, 10:52:04 AM

Btw he was posing on my son's garbage truck for the pictures haha.

Post Merge: September 06, 2016, 11:12:54 AM

He was just introduced to the other boys.

Steamer, Daddy Apple Delight and Daddy Bright Bouquet were watching carefully how Salty approached the stranger. "Not sure what to think of this new fellow with crystals on his bum." ~ Steamer
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Pony Corral / How to sell a large lot of Ponies on Ebay?
« on: August 31, 2016, 09:25:13 AM »

I was wondering if there are any tips on how to sell a large lot of Ponies.

Do you discribe every Pony in the lot? Or do you just make a global picture and discribe the overall condition of the Ponies? I want to sell a rather large lot of Ponies, but I was wondering on how you guys do it. Also, how do you calculate the starting price? Or shouldn't there be one at all? I have never sold a huge lot before, but I thinking about it. I just want to do it right.

Thank you in advance!


At the very beginning of this month before all my Paypal drama started I won a few cheap auctions on Ebay. I was looking for 3 Ponies which I wanted to upgrade. Mommy Bright Bouquet, Baby Shaggy and Lickity Split. All the auctions were discribed as (no haircuts, no missing plugs etc)I just got them a few days ago. But upon receiving them I noticed several flaws right away except for Baby Shaggy. Mommy Bright Bouquet was all good except that she was missing 1 hairplug at the lowest part of the mane. But Lickity Split (which I was very excited about cause her hair was still pink) She ended up having a trimmed fore lock, her tail is uneven and she has a cut lowest hairplug as well as a missing one.

I contacted the seller, but she/he hasn't responded back. It's been several days now. I paid 11 dollar just for Lickity as winning auction. (She was the most expensive one from all the 3 that I won).

What should I do in this case? I have no experience when it comes to this with Ebay.

Off Topic / Help me find this scary music video!
« on: August 24, 2016, 04:37:23 PM »
I remember this music video from when I was little. I only saw it once but it scared me for many years. I saw it around 1998 I think? I am not fully sure about the year.

It's about a woman is running through the woods. She's surrounded by trees but inside the trees are these black holes where (in cartoons) owl usually live. And inside those holes you can see disembodied eyes looking around but also mouths snapping their teeth. It just scared me to death. I never saw the video again. It aired on a music channel such as MTV or something. Here in the Netherlands we used to have TMF and The Box as well as MTV.

I have been looking for it. Just to be creeped out again lol. But I can't find it anywhere and I have no idea which langauge it was or if there was even lyrics in it.

Can anyone help me find it?


Post Merge: August 24, 2016, 04:47:49 PM

I think this topic should have been in Off Topic section!

Moving this over to Off Topic for you. Snork Maiden, WYP mod

For Sale - For Auction / Pierlala's sales thread - G1s for sale!
« on: August 17, 2016, 03:42:23 PM »

I put some G1s up for sale. Most of them have minor flaws. I will do my best to discribe them :)

Combined shipping in the Netherlands is cheap. I can send up to 2 KG of Pony goodness to the US for 18 Euro!
Other countries please ask for shipping in a PM :)

I accept bank transfer within the Netherlands. Outside NL Paypal only!

Pretty Vision - 20 Euro
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Flawless. Long uncut silky soft hair. Mechanism still works!

Parasol - 8 Euro
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Soft, silky uncut hair. Very nice glitter symbols. Head was loose and has been glued stuck again.

Tuneful - 8 Euro
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Hair has been flat ironed once, it's a bit dry. Seems uncut.

Skylark - 20 Euro
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Beautiful hair and tinsel. Her tail has been trimmed a cm or 1.5 or 2. Mechanism still works. She has a scratch through her non-display side cutiemark.

Seashell Italy - 10 Euro
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Beautiful, shiny and uncut hair. Her head was loose and has been glued stuck again.

Bluebell - 6 Euro
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Flawless body, but sadly her hair has been badly trimmed.

Bridal Beauty - 11 Euro
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Hair has been flat ironed but uncut. Tinsel is a bit curly.

Pony Bride - 11 Euro
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Hair has been flat ironed but uncut. Tinsel is a bit curly.

Waverunner - 8 Euro
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Hair has been flat ironed and is a bit dry. Still changes colour in the sun! Her head was loose but has been glued again but not with very strong glue so it can be redone. But I leave that up to her new owner.

Sand Digger - 12 Euro
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Has a burn mark on non display side. Hair is nice and shiny and still changes colour in the sun. It's a bit dry though.

Sundance - 6 Euro
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Super soft, silky and uncut tail. Her mane has had a partial trim on the lower part of her mane close to her neck, but nothing really obvious.

Lemon Drop - 5 Euro
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Mane has had a few plugs of hair trimmed in the front, but not completely short.

Night Glider - 25 Euro
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Tail has had a bad trim and is frizzy. She also has tail rust. Her mane is uncut but frizzy. Her body has some discoloration (darker spots).

Skydancer - 7 Euro
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Body and hair are gorgeous but she's missing her cutiemark :(

Dutch Love Pony - 15 Euro
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Has had an evil mane trim. Tail and body are perfect.

Mommy Bright Bouquet - 8 Euro
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Few strands of mane have been trimmed. Same goes for the tail. Hair is super soft though. Has a yellow-ish spot on her display side.

Sportstime - 8 Euro
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His hair is a bit dry but uncut.

Tickle - 9 Euro
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Her head was loose but has been glued stuck again. Very nice glitter cutiemarks. Hair is soft and uncut.

Beachball - 8 Euro
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Hair has been flat ironed once but still colours purple in the sun! No haircuts but she does have some standing issues. It depends on where she stands. Also has a tiny pen number under her hoof. But it's super small and easily removable with nail polish remover.

Pretty Vision (Blue hair version) - 6 Euro
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Mane and tail have had a slight trim. She was super smelly and moldy when I got her. I have cleaned her on the inside. Metal washer and tailclip are still original (no ziptie). But her head has been glued with repair gel. It has to be properly redone.

Mommy Apple Delight - 6 Euro
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Mane and tail uncut, body slightly discoloured overall. Hair is a little bit dry.

Talk-a-Lot - 8 Euro
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Does not longer talk, I have tried with new batteries as well :( She is missing a few hairplugs near her neck. Hair is uncut.

Skippity Doo - 25 Euro
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The first plug of her mane has a few hairs cut short (so not the whole first plug). She has very little flocking loss, Only minor at the tip of her ear and at her foot. Head was loose and has been glued stuck again.

Nurse Loveheart - 20 Euro
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Had had a slight tail trim. Mane not sure. Cutiemarks still work partially.

Sugarberry - 9 Euro
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Body is slightly discoloured (head is whiter). First plug of her mane has been trimmed. Tail is uncut.

Bowtie - 5 Euro
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Mising first mane plug and might have had a slight mane trim. Hair is a bit dry.

Majesty - 5 Euro
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Has been beheaded once to fix a rattle. Still has original metal washer and clip in her tail. Has a tear in her tailhole. Head is glued stuck again.

Cherry Jubilee - 5 Euro
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Hair has been flat irones once and lost factory curl. Mane might have had a slight trim. Tail is uncut.

Hula Hula - 8 Euro
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Uncut hair, has a mall pen number under her foot. Easily removable with nail polish remover.

Lickity Split - 3 Euro
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Uncut hair, but has several discolouration spots on her face and legs. I don't know what this is. Might be regrind.

This thread will be updated with more Ponies tomorrow!

More added:

Baby Tappy - 2 Euro
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Trimmed tail and mane.

Baby Shaggy - 2 Euro
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Missing tail and trimmed mane.

Baby Paws - 3 Euro
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Trimmed mane and tail.

Baby Cuddles - 4 Euro
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No noticable flaws, just dry tail.

Baby Lofty - 4 Euro
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Hair has been flat ironed cause it was super frizzy.

Baby Fancy Pants - 4 Euro
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I think her mane has been trimmed.

Lily - 9 Euro
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No haircuts, her tail only has been pulled so one end is longer then the other. She has a slight body/head mismatch.

Forget-Me-Not - 8 Euro
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Hair has been flat ironed cause ti was super frizzy. She has a slight body/head mismatch.

G3 Ponies (don't know names)
None of them have haircuts :)

3 Euro - Lights don't work anymore.
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4 Euro
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3 Euro
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4 Euro
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3 Euro
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7 Euro
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3 Euro
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Price Check Archives / Price Check on Dutch Star Pony
« on: August 17, 2016, 01:10:21 PM »
I have a Dutch Star Pony which I consider selling. She's from my childhood so I am actually quite attached to her. However, she had a tail trim. Her tail now touches the floor. She might have had a slight mane trim as well, but I am not 100% certain of this anymore. Her head is slightly discolored (darker white). Her body is still bright white. Symbols/eyes are perfect.

I am in need of some money now so I will put up some Ponies for sale. I will make a sales thread later today.

Pony Corral / Flutter Pony original hair style?
« on: August 14, 2016, 05:02:47 AM »

I was wondering if anyone knows how the hairstyles of the Flutter Ponies looked like. Which one had curls, which one had straight/silky hair and which ones had waves. I don't know, but I would like to give mine some different hairstyles. But match the original ones.

Thank you.

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