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Off Topic / What's for dinner?
« on: June 12, 2015, 04:25:56 PM »
(Or lunch or breakfast or whatever the next meal is where you are!)

Tonight is the first time since my surgery on Monday that I feel up to cooking anything, and even this is pretty low key- just some vegetable penne with chunks of chicken cooked in olive oil with garlic and herbs.

So, just for funsies... Just wondered what others are dining on today! :yummy:

Off Topic / Having surgery tomorrow
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:52:04 PM »
I'm having a stapedectomy, an operation on the weeeeee little bone inside your ear that vibrates and carries sound into your inner ear. Mine isn't working so they're going to replace it with a little metal piece.

It's a simple operation but I'm still pretty nervous, mainly because I don't like being put to sleep.  I'm curious to know if anyone here has had it done. Obviously everyone is different, I'm just curious to know how the recovery went for others.

Pony Brag Arena / A mini-brag and a BBE question.
« on: June 07, 2015, 06:58:08 AM »
Yesterday we journeyed rather far to go to a big antique mall (over an hour's drive) since a coworker had let me know that she'd seen some MLPs there. (For those of you in the Kansas City Area, The Brass Armadillo).  I was happy to find a lot of ponies, mostly G4 and G3, but there were a handful of G1.  I kept my selection to three due to budget constraints (the prices were not outrageous but they were not bargain bin prices either).
(And I also got a super cute ornament, I fear kitty-themed Hallmark ornaments may become my secondary thing to try to collect..)

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But anyway! The question. One of my finds was a BBE Baby Gusty. Her eyes look rust-free and I see no signs of tail rust, but her neck.... ew. Is it OK to boil BBEs? Will it hurt her eyes? I haven't cleaned one yet (my childhood BBEs are in the "I'm putting this off as much as I can" part of the To-Do Pile).

For Trade / Anyone want some fakies? :)
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:52:36 PM »
I got these in a mixed bag with McD's ponies at Goodwill... while I haven't the heart to pitch them, I have no real use for fakies myself (they are pretty cute, though, in their own way!)

I just wondered if anyone would like to trade something for them. I'm pretty open to offers- I just want them to get to someone who will enjoy them, and maybe get something interesting in return. Here's some pics.. if anyone is interested let me know what you might offer in trade. (Cat not included  ;) )  Or if you have questions or want to see more/better pics, let me know that too!

I am new to the arena, so I don't have any feedback here yet, but you can look me up on ebay (saranime82) where I have 100% positive feedback, if that helps.

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Off Topic / Discworld, anyone?
« on: June 06, 2015, 05:45:42 AM »
I went back a couple pages and didn't see any existing thread sooooo.... Just wondering if there are any Discworld fans here? I'm still pretty mopey over Sir Terry's passing so... Just wondering. Fave books, fave characters/groups, quotes, etc?

Pony Corral / The To Do Pile
« on: June 03, 2015, 12:00:21 PM »
I've seen some nice collection pics so on this forum-- it inspires me to keep working on my own!  Unfortunately my To Do pile is still pretty big compared to the ones I've cleaned!  :lol:

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Miss Gizmo likes to help, as many cats do.
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A couple of these are "new" acquisitions (thrift store/ebay) but the majority is childhood stuff... and of course the mix includes some Fashion Star Fillies, a Fairy Tail bird with a broken claw (not sure what I'm going to do about her claw), a couple Mattel Pretty Kitties, and of course some fakies... I'm not sure what I'm going to do with some of those non-MLP items but I've held onto them this long that getting rid of them seems wrong.. even the fakies. ^^*

So how about you guys? Surely I'm not the only one with pictures of a massive To Do pile.  :biggrin:

Introductions / Hello everyone, I'm Buttons(o)!
« on: June 02, 2015, 05:30:21 PM »
I'll try not to be too long winded...

I'm a lady in my early 30s, living in the Midwest USA. I'm married, no kids yet but I do have two spoiled cats, and I work in graphic design. As a child I loved MLP, but I kind of outgrew it and left it behind for many years, until a few years ago, I discovered the Friendship is Magic mobile app game.  Although I currently no longer play, it did make me fall in love with MLP all over again and I started watching Friendship is Magic, and was delighted to discover that it can entertain an adult as well as a child, though it still wasn't enough to get me into collecting (yet).

Fast forward to April of this year. On a whim, I decided to search for My Little Pony on eBay and found a cute pink unicorn I couldn't resist- Tabby. A pink unicorn with kittens on her rump, how could I not want her?  So I bought her, and found myself looking for more ponies. It eventually occurred to me that I could very well be restoring my OWN childhood ponies in addition to hunting for affordable ponies on eBay.  I found the MLP Preservation Project website and started scrubbing ponies and washing/styling hair (I'm still not the best curler in the world), starting with my very favorites from my childhood- the Twinkle Eyed ponies (Fizzy, Bright Eyes and especially Quackers) and the Twice as Fancy ponies Dancing Butterflies and Sugarberry.

I told myself I would only try to collect the rest of the Twinkle Eyeds and Twice as Fancies, but I have found myself buying all kinds of random ponies on eBay, while continuing to work on cleaning up my own ponies. Luckily for me none of my ponies are in super bad shape so it's been easy so far, but I am putting off the ones that are going to be more of a challenge for now.  :blush:

I'm mainly concentrating on G1 ponies, but if I stumble across a G2 or G3 pony at an antique store or something I'm still pretty likely to snap her up.  They're too cute not to!

Until I can find a better place for them my ponies are currently sharing a case with my action figures. They're just shoved in there willy nilly for now, but I have plans for a better display eventually. I have cleaned several more since this photo was taken:

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My kitty Ginger likes to help me with my pony work. (Don't worry about Tuneful, she's just fine! as you can see below)  :lol:
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My husband (a big Transformers guy, so he appreciates the love of an 80s toy) is willing to indulge me in pony talk but it's mainly just me chattering and him listening, so here I am, looking for other pony people to talk to. :)

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