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Topics - zombienixon

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Off Topic / Your Strangest Impulse Buy?
« on: May 31, 2015, 05:44:26 PM »
So, on Monday, I bought a carburetor.

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I didn't need it (my car's a 2002, well after the last carbureted US market cars were made), but I decided I wanted one while I was out in the junkyard looking for stuff for my car. And since they had everything half off that day (apparently junkyards have sales. How did I miss that?), I figured it was a good a time as ever.

And now that I have it, I kind of don't know what exactly to do with it.  I've taken it apart and fiddled with it a little (they're a lot simpler than I thought) and put it back together, but not much beyond that.  I was thinking of cleaning it up, and making a cutaway of it so you can see how parts of it work (which is easier said than done), or just putting it on my desk as a large pencil holder.

So what's the strangest thing you've bought on a whim? Was it something you've gotten and then thought, "Now what?"

Off Topic / Graphics Card Recommendations?
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:01:56 PM »
I've had my desktop for about 3 years now, and I really don't want to put off getting a new graphics card much longer.  I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions for a good graphics card.  If you work with any kind of 3D software, that would be a huge plus, since the biggest reason I want to upgrade is that the drafting software I'm using is very sluggish when I'm making something more complex.  If you play a lot of video games, you can help too, since if it can handle some of the more detailed games out there, it can definitely handle my more complicated models.  I'm also not looking to spend more than $200 on it, but if what I need is more than that, I can be a little flexible.

After about a year or so of saving up and looking around, I finally found an apartment and I moved out of my Mom's place two weeks ago. She moved in with my stepdad when they married, and when my sister got a job in Greenville, she moved back in with her husband.  Long story short, for the last few years, I wasn't entirely happy with my living situation as we just had different ways. They were very lazy and messy, and I was less so.  Not to mention, I barely had any room for my own things outside of my room.  I love my sister, like her friend who moved in with them, and am okay with her husband, but I did not like living with them.

But now, I'm finally on my own and have plenty of space, almost 800 sq ft!  It's taken a little while to get everything unpacked and organized, and to put up curtains and all that.  I also had to wait a while to get the cable and internet set up (which is why I'm posting this now instead of last week).

I've reached a milestone in life that I've been waiting for years to get to, and it makes me feel grown-up, like I'm finally my own man.  So, I decided to celebrate this accomplishment in my own way.  By buying lots of extremely cutesy girly things.

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Here they are after an eternity of unboxing

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And I didn't stop with the toys.  Once I started moving things into my bedroom, I felt the need to spruce it up a little bit.  When I was back at my mom's old house, I had to show some restraint with the decor since there were other people who went in there on occasion, and I didn't want to go overboard.  But since I have my own place now, I can go nuts. 

So, on the one hand, I have a living room that's minimally decorated (and well-coordinated if I do say so myself), nothing out of the ordinary.

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...and on the other, a bedroom like this.

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Have I ever mentioned that I have poor impulse control when it comes to cute things? Because I totally do. Honestly, I'm not sure whether or not I did a little too much.

In any case, I was able to get most of my collection onto this shelf, and the risers I made definitely do the job (albeit not as well as I'd hoped).  But I'm probably going to end up putting this in the living room and using it for my model cars and planes, since I'm planning to get a couple of Billy bookcases soon to hold my collection as it keeps getting bigger.

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And in the case of the living room, I'm almost done, I just need to get a newer TV to replace the big CRT that Mom got about 12 years ago, but the people I'm contacting on Craigslist don't have the best communication.

Pony Corral / Question about Billy shelves
« on: April 23, 2015, 08:53:26 PM »
I know a number of you have Billy shelves to display your collection, and I was thinking of getting a couple myself. But I have a couple of specific questions relating to some of the dimensions.  Specifically, I need to know how far apart vertically the peg holes are. I'm going to be modifying the shelves so they can fit more stuff by getting some narrow boards, drilling new peg holes and placing them above each shelf, sort of like shelf risers, but attached to the sides. Getting some rough dimensions on how far apart the pegs are, I can get a better idea of a starting point for where to place the extra shelves I'll be putting on and how to lay it all out.

I want to get started on that before I actually get the shelves so I can see if two will be enough for now.

Pony Corral / Question about moving collection
« on: March 29, 2015, 11:07:59 AM »
I'll be moving out the Saturday after next, and I had some questions about how to move a certain few ponies my collection.  Now, I have almost all of it boxed up already, and cleverly disguised as well.

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(After I got the duct tape off, I found the adhesive stuck where I pressed it down to write on it, so you could see what I wrote on there :lol:. I had to rub it off with a damp cloth.)

Anyway, this is more about six brushables I have that have had their hair styled as close to show-accurate as I could get.  I've moved around one brushable that's been styled before and when I took her out, her hair came undone and I had to redo it. In that case it wasn't too bad since it was Pinkie.  But I have some that were a lot more difficult to figure out, and I'd hate to have to re-style them (Sunset Shimmer in particular). Do any of you know the best way to move these ponies?

Off Topic / Advice on buying Makeup (a Gift for my Sister)
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:21:40 PM »
I overheard that my sister got a raise at work, and I wanted to surprise her tomorrow with a gift from Sephora. She likes their makeup, and I also get a discount there (the company I work for is owned by a big industrial conglomerate and we get discounts at various places). I also want to do something nice for her before I move out in two weeks.

There's only one problem- I know absolutely nothing about makeup.  I think I do pretty well in buying gifts for women, but I'm clueless when it comes to this.

Besides the ladies at the store, I don't really know anyone who would be able to help me, unless my sister's friend who lives with us can tell me, but that all depends on if she is up when I leave for work (and I needed to go to bed about... 20 minutes ago.)

I figured this would be a good place to ask since there are so many women here, and some of you might be able to help me out.

I have a Plan B, though. If I can't find a makeup that I think she'll like, I'll just buy her something cute like a plushie.  That's way more up my alley.

Pony Brag Arena / New Build a Bear Ponies
« on: March 22, 2015, 12:26:44 AM »
I decided to treat myself on Thursday after getting through part of a high priority project at work (the worst of it is over, but we're still not totally finished), and take advantage of the 25% off sale at Build a Bear as well as use the $10 gift card I got when I got Celestia.  I finally got Pinkie, to fill the ranks of my ever-growing army of Pinkies.  After that, I went back the next day and got Cadance and Luna plus I was able to get 3 $10 gift cards for $5 each, which will come in handy for the next release (although I would've liked to use it online to get Shining Armor). 

On another note, I've noticed Build a Bear is the only place I've bought pony merch from where they ask who it's for.  First time I went there, the lady asked me that and it was kind of a deer in the headlights moment. I get that they're trying to be friendly and chit chat, but it's an awkward moment when you're buying it for yourself, but don't want them to know it. Fortunately, I've gotten better at making a cover story since then.  Even 'It's for my sister' can work if you sell it right.   Although since I came two days in a row, if the same lady who stuffed Pinkie on Thursday was there Friday, I probably would have had to admit they were all for me.

Anyway, in addition to the ponies, I picked up something to drink as well since I got through part of the project on time, had a productive week overall (I'm close to figuring out something that's been eluding me for months), and my employee review went fairly well, to boot.

The ponies got in on the celebration, as well.

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I had a good time, but the Applejack was kind of disappointing.  Only the first drink I took even tasted like apples at all.  At least it went down pretty well when chased with some Dr Pepper.

Anyway, tonight I was able to fix their hair and get them all prepped for display. I think Luna turned out nicely, but Cadance was a lot more difficult and I just did the best I could with it.

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I think both her and Celestia's coronation outfits look better on the plushes than they looked on the show. It wasn't well liked there, but I think it's really cute on her now.

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Wow, this picture sucks. I really should have paid more attention before uploading it...

I'd say of the two, I like Luna more than Cadance. I can't say for sure why since I love Cadance's design, maybe it has to do with the fact that they actually have a dark blue Luna out.

In any case, both of these lovely ladies have to go back into the closet since I've run out of space to put them, and also because I'm moving in a couple of weeks and have to start packing up my collection.

Pony Brag Arena / Giant Pinkie Plush
« on: February 07, 2015, 10:30:41 PM »
I got one of those huge 26" plushes from Nordstrom when they were on sale. I knew I had to have it for my army of Pinkies.  It came in Monday and got around to unboxing it Friday.  I was quite pleased with it.

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This thing is adorable, but one of the downsides of a huge plush is that you have to have somewhere to put it.  Right now it's on the floor below my pony shelf, which is pretty much the only place I can put it without getting in the way. I probably still would have bought it even if I didn't.

Pony Corral / Anyone seen any of the new Sitting Pinkie Ornaments?
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:48:41 PM »
We've finally gotten around to putting the tree up at my Mom and Stepdad's, and I was hoping to find a sitting Pinkie ornament like this one.

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I wasn't able to find it at either of the TRUs around my area, nor Target or Walmart (though I may not have been looking in the right places.)

Has anyone seen these around?

Pony Brag Arena / Christmas came early this year
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:46:38 PM »
I've been grabbing stuff I've wanted while it was on sale for over the past week or so, and I finally got the time to open it all on Friday.  This week's been kind of a mixed bag, honestly, but nothing perks you up like opening up a crap-ton of pony toys.  :newpony:

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(Chrysalis is still in her box because I've once again run out of room on my shelves.)

Out of all of them, my favorites would have to be the winter gear plushes. I don't know why putting them in clothes makes them so much cuter, but it just does.

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As you can see I was quite happy...and also quite drunk.

Pony Brag Arena / Princess Twilight Porkle
« on: November 20, 2014, 06:52:37 PM »
This is a lot smaller than the other brags I've had, but it's definitely something to feel good about.

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I saw this on sale at Target and picked it up on a whim.  When I first saw pictures of these I thought they didn't look right, but in person they're adorable, especially Twilight's.

I've been looking forward to November for a while now, since the Black Friday deals make it an opportune time to once again binge on buying brightly colored horses.  However, real life decided to throw a curveball at me, a curveball that hit me square in the groin. 

In the middle of last month, my car started getting these annoying vibrations at idle (worn motor mounts) and at speed (bent wheel).  After getting the wheel fixed, I went to have the front end aligned as the guy who repaired my wheel recommended.  I go over to a shop near work the next to have them find the passenger side ball joint is worn and needs to be replaced, and that one of my tires was close to worn out. To top it all off, that was also in the week that I rear ended a truck. Fortunately, his truck was undamaged and I didn't get a ticket.

Needless to say, over the past month I've had to spend a lot of time and money trying to fix it all, so the huge haul I was hoping for wasn't really going to happen. But this week, I've just gotten in the last parts I need (with the exception of one bolt), so now I can finally start spending money on things I want rather than things I need.  If I can finish up the repairs myself (the repairs for the things that aren't my fault, at least), I can say I've earned the right to treat myself.

Off Topic / Most Wasteful Packaging you've seen?
« on: November 16, 2014, 07:20:59 AM »
So, yesterday, a part I ordered came in the mail.  At first I thought it was for my sister, since they get a lot of packages, but then I saw that it was for me.  I was a little worried at first that I had either been shipped the wrong part or ordered the wrong part, since the box was way bigger than I was expecting.  Turns out there was a reason for this.

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For I while, I was wondering why they'd use such a large box for such a small part, but then I realized it was so they could fit their catalog in with my order. I guess it makes sense, but that sure is a lot of empty space.

This actually reminded me of one that was even worse than that.  Last year, I had to go online to order replacement blades and foils for my shaver, since they don't carry them in store.  This is something that could've fit into a tiny padded mailer.  This is the box it came in.

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You could probably fit over 100 of those in that box.

So I'm wondering, have any of you ordered things that came packaged like this?

Pony Corral / CMC dolls found in stores
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:52:38 PM »
Good things come to those who wait. In this case, it means that the CMC dolls are now no longer an online exclusive and are now available in stores! *Manly squee*

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Apologies for the godawful photo, but I snapped the picture without looking at it afterward. 

Pony Brag Arena / Another clearance sale haul
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:21:35 PM »
This has been a pretty eventful week, to say the least.  For one, I've made my wallet beg for mercy like never before.  First off, there were the sales at Toys R Us and Target, and with those I've almost doubled the number of EqG dolls I have (up to a full dozen now), and would have gone past that if I had gotten the CMC ones.

I also finally gave in and bought my first G3s (I've been wanting some for a while now). I got them from someone here, along with a talking Cadance. In person, they're even cuter (and man, they are big compared to G4s!), so now it looks like I've started to get hooked on G3s as well.

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I also got a portable Pinkie speaker since the CD changer in my car went kaput and it was the cheapest way for me to listen to my music until I can get an aftermarket radio put in.

Finally, yesterday I went up to see my friends in Charlotte to go see Rainbow Rocks which also coincided with our annual meetup at Scarowinds.

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(You can spot me facepalming in the third row from the front at the left end)

And after so much running around and trying to get things fixed this week, it was nice to relax and hang out with them again.

Arts & Crafts Corral / My First Real Drawing
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:45:41 PM »
Here's a little something I've been putting on the backburner for a while, and was able to finish up recently.  There are a few pony-related things I've been wanting to draw for a while, and this is one of them. It's the first pony drawing (or any kind of drawing) that I've put some real effort and attention to detail into.

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I don't think it turned out half-bad, especially considering I admittedly don't have much in the way of drawing talent. (Ironically, as a drafter, I make drawings for a living, albeit a different sort of drawing.)

Interesting tidbit about this one: This actually started out as a ponified heavy metal album cover (something I'd like to do more of), but I ended up removing the text, thus the large amount of relatively empty space at the top.  I figured I'd make a version without it since the text was Cyrillic (the album cover this is based off of is from a Russian band), and most people don't know how to read it (I also may have made a spelling error).

In any case, I know a number of you here are quite good artists, and I was wondering if any of you had any kind of advice to give me to get this looking good.

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