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Topics - aluke

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Pony Corral / What's Your Pony Number?
« on: August 21, 2016, 09:50:42 PM »
I asked this like a year or two back, but that's a long time ago and I'm sure most people's herds have grown or thinned out since. For you guys with huge collections you don't want to count, a ballpark works.

Anything 3D pony counts: Brushables, vinyls, ceramics, dollymix, ornaments, blindbags/ponyville, plushies, fakies, customs, etc.
Do not count flat 2D things such as art prints, trading cards, flat ornaments, stickers, notebooks, mugs, etc. For the sake of this, EQG doesn't count because they are not pony shaped, but you can share how many of them you have as an aside. Also, keep it to horsey figures that are MLP-esc/inspired; realistic horse figures like Breyers don't count (unless one is customized to represent a pony), but other cute colourful ponies, like Lalaloopsies, do.

If I counted right, mine is a humble 26 after downsizing. And 1 lone EQG mini AJ.

So what's your number?  :what:

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While this unicorn may not be of royalty like her name suggests, one special day out of the year, Halloqueen uses her magic to project a form more fitting to her regal nature.

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Older pony art under here:
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Thanks for looking.:heart:

Off Topic / Kirby: Planet Robobot!
« on: July 06, 2016, 09:11:33 PM »
It slipped under my radar that it's been released already! Has anyone played it yet? What do you think of it so far? I have such a backlog of games I need to play/buy, but it feels like forever since I played a Kirby game, and from what I saw when the game was first teased, it looks fun.  :lol:

Off Topic / Show off your other collections!
« on: June 04, 2016, 06:11:02 PM »
I know almost everyone here collects things other than ponies. What do you collect?

I'll start off with a few of mine:

Black and white cats, in honour of my two fluffballs. Not included is a mug and shirt that aren't in my display cube.
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Pigs, I (unfortunately) don't have a pet pig, I don't know why or how it started. I also have a mini collection of those Joie pig kitchen supplies.
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Yoshi! Those rainbow dinos have been a favourite all my life. The collection is obscured with that giant 1UP shroom, I should fix that. One day I do need to get a plush of every coloured yoshi.
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Back to the Future/DeLoreans, I'm not a car person but I love the trilogy. I don't know why the movies aren't here, and I also have a poster on my wall.
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Vintage books, or at least leather bound. Two of them are technically bound in the 90's/00's, but they are still too pretty to not sneak in. One day, I dream of having a room where the wall paper is literally shelves full of vintage books.
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That's about it from me, aside from my leftover beanie babies and Nintendo consoles/games, may add them in later.

Your turn!  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Let's Talk the Fair/SDCC Exclusive!
« on: May 08, 2016, 09:21:27 PM »
I haven't noticed a thread pop up about this years exclusive yet (forgive me if I'm just not observant) and it's only two months away, so let's start speculating already!

Who do you think it will be this year? What do you want it to be? Are you excited or nah?

I personally...have no idea.  :wonder: Every year has been so different with the G4s, and I  haven't been keeping a close enough eye on the show lately to make an educated guess. I'd love to see a G4 style art pony though.

Off Topic / Instagram?
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:28:17 PM »
Hey everyone.

I recently set up an instagram to easily transfer traditional sketches from my phone to my computer (I can't figure out how to make my phone connect to my computer and emailing in bulk is a hassle  :lookround: :blush:). Besides the fact I'm completely confused with the app/site in general, I have questions for all you arena members who use instagram.

1)Can you edit a photo after uploading it or would I have to resubmit if I want to fix/change the image? When I click edit, it just let's me change the initial comment or tag people, I'm not sure if I'm missing something there.

2)Is it possible to save pictures to your hard drive from your own account and/or copy pictures and post them elsewhere (ie: here on the arena)? And, if yes, how?

3)Google is telling me if I want to upload things from my computer I need to install a program to for my computer, which isn't associated with instagram. Anyone upload things this way? Is it recommended?

4)In general, what is the instagram community like? Is it like a Tumblr 2.0 or is it...less obnoxious?

Haha, I'm so useless when it comes to joining new sites. Thank you for the help.  :)

Off Topic / Seattle dwellers, what are some must see places?
« on: February 09, 2016, 02:48:54 PM »
My current plan is to go to Seattle in 3-5 weeks for roughly a week long visit. Since I'll be on my own most of the time while my brother is at work, I need some suggestions on the fun things to see! As a side, I'm also looking to spend a day or two in Vancouver, so any advice on what to check out there would be great too.

I'm mostly looking for cheaper/free things to do considering the current exchange rate. ^^; I like nature, so parks, trails, areas with water are places I'd like to end up. On the flip side, I have been living in a tiny little town for five months now (sans the two weeks I had to fly back home), so I'm eager to see a city again, any neat little streets that I need to walk through? Any must try restaurants/bakeries, keeping in mind I'm a vegetarian? And, of course, any niche toy/game/novelty stores around?

Looking to make the most of my time there so any and all suggestions would be awesome.

Adoptables / 'Everyone's a Princess' Alicorn Adopts - Closed
« on: January 06, 2016, 10:07:16 PM »
I thought this would be a silly theme for my first adoptable. Ever wonder what your favourite pony would look like as a shiny new alicorn princess???

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I don't know how frequent I will be with churning these out. I will mostly be working on them when I need a break from other art projects.

First, the good ol' rule list:

1) I will not edit the line art in anyway. If you want your pony as their actual species, or want an accessory that is like a fifth limb, this is not the adoptable for you, sorry.
2) Do not copy/edit/alter the images, and do not remove my signature!
3) This is a personal request, but please insert the reference image to your post (spoiler tags are okay). I will not follow links or snoop around to find the pony in question. It's much more convenient for me to find what I need in one place.
4) The usual, Hasbro ponies can be used by anyone but OCs are restricted to their creators only.

Hasbro ponies:

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Pony Corral / G3 Ponies and Magnet Shenanigans
« on: December 31, 2015, 07:13:22 PM »
I just received my first ever G3 pony (Thanks again Griffin! :lovey:)! It took me a while to remember that some of them have magnets, and I HAD to see if my girl had one, right? Right? (spoilered for suspense, and the image may be a tad large)

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I'm tempted to keep her like this, but I don't know if I can trust my roommate to not disturb her.

I know I can't be the only one who is mentally a five year old, and I'm sure this sort of thread popped up on the arena before, but come share some of the silly ways your magnetic ponies like to hang out.

Off Topic / Seeking Music Composition Software Recommendations
« on: November 15, 2015, 08:38:30 PM »
As the title asks, anyone here musically inclined that can recommend some beginner friendly, preferably free, music making programs? I don't know the first thing about the field so google is overwhelming me.  :blush:

I'm trying to seek out a new hobby, and music has always been the talent I wish I had. Thanks to my job, I get to sit in on a handful of concerts/performances, which has been inspiring me to take a shot at composing something. Of course, I don't have access to any real instruments at the moment, nor a quiet place to practice, so a computer program seems the way to go.

Thanks for any help.

For Sale - For Auction / Closed
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:18:26 AM »
Closed for now. Thanks.

Pony Corral / Anyone seen a variant/factory error like this before (G4)?
« on: October 29, 2015, 05:18:39 PM »
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This cropped up at The Dollar Store. At first I thought it was a fakie, but normal AJ was right next to her and the packaging seemed identical. My phone didn't quite capture it, but she looked practically yellow and her CM and eyebrows look a lot darker.

They had a couple Fluttershy that looked off too, I didn't see a 'regular Flutters to compare, but her plastic is a faded yellow and her CM looks much darker too. I didn't manage to get a good enough look at the rest of the ponies to see if they were off-colour too.

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Anyone seen ones like this before? I'm curious what went on to make them so discoloured.

Pony Corral / Solved. :)
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:19:41 PM »
Mods, I posted this in Pony Corral since I figure most anyone here would be after buying the ponies. If you still feel it should be in Off Topic, sorry for the hassle.

I was sent a $12 off coupon that expires on the third. I checked the online store, and it does stack on top of the 2 for $35 deal. Of course, I live in a tiny town now that doesn't have a Walmart let alone a build-a-bear. Shipping from the site is over $30, busing to the nearest major city/BaB is just under $30 (plus I'm busy tomorrow and Sat), AKA not much savings for me.

Anyway, my point is I want to give it to someone here if they are interested. I guess I'll just offer it to the first person who posts they want it??? It says it's valid within Canada/U.S/Puerto Rico so I do believe I am free to share the code, you just need to be from one of those countries. Also, since I'm giving away the checkout code, this would be restricted to an online purchase only.

TL;DR: I have a $12 coupon/code, it stacks with the 2 for $35 deal. I want to share it with someone who wants to make an online purchase. First come first serve.  :)

Off Topic / Super Mario Maker!
« on: September 22, 2015, 03:31:30 PM »
We have lots of gamers/Nintendo fans here, has anyone picked it up?

I was so hyped when I heard about this game and was dead set on getting it. Of course, I moved the day before release, without my Wii U, so I won't be able to actually play it myself for like a year. :( I've been watching way too many youtube videos of people making/playing levels and it looks like so much fun. Building levels, playing unlimited numbers of levels (especially in SMB mode), the little nods to Mario Paint, it's like Nintendo made this game for me...

Anyone else super crazy about the concept of this game? Anyone addicted? Share your experiences and let me live vicariously through you!

For Sale - For Auction / All done
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:23:35 AM »

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