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Topics - dashesndots

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I had a lot of fun working on my first customs, and learned a lot (mostly what not to do next time LOL). 

First up is "Galaxia" the unicorn.  I sculpted her hooves, feathers, horn, beard and "collar" and did a full body repaint with acrylics and Pearl-Ex.  I rehaired her in Dollyhair Raspberry Nymph and Deadly Nightshade.  I wanted to cover up her neck seam so I rehaired her before I painted her - and what a pain in the tush that was!  Now that I've seen most of the customs on here still have neck seams, I'm not going to worry about covering it up next time.

She's far from perfect but I really like how she turned out.
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Next is "Carousel Princess", who has yet to get hair (my needle broke, even after I used the "puncher", sigh, so I'm waiting on new ones).  Same deal, sculpted all her extra bits and did a FBR with acrylics, including some glitter paint.  Going to be rehairing her in pastel pink, bright yellow and light orange.  Again, far from perfect, but I had fun with her!

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Update - she's got hair.  I'm happy with how she turned out  :satisfied:

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Constructive criticism and tips are always appreciated!
Thanks for looking!  :lol:

Pony Brag Arena / (Late) Brags and my little collection! :)
« on: August 10, 2013, 12:21:43 PM »
So first, big thanks to UnicornPops and Jupiter for doing private swaps with me so I could get some feedback on here :)  They both sent me bunches of goodies, but since the candy is long gone and the other stuff (stickers! Breyer Stablemates! accessories!) is put away I figured I'd just do pictures of the ponies.

UnicornPops sent me Dancing Butterflies and SS Lofty, which were two of my childhood ponies that I had gotten rid of back in the day.  Dancing Butterflies in particular is so awesome!  Just as beautiful as I remembered.  And I had totally forgotten what a so-soft pony was like so Lofty is awesome too.  Plus she sent me my first G4 brushable, Rarity :)  I blame her for making me actually interested in G4 and the subsequent trips to Wal-mart looking for ponies, haha!
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Jupiter spoiled me rotten!  I love the G3 Diva pose, and and she sent me SEVEN Divas!  Plus she sent me Star Dancer and made me remember how cool the Twinkle ponies are.  Here's a shot of all the ponies she sent me.  Thanks to her my Diva want list has been cut in half! :)
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So sorry ladies for being so late with the brags...thank you both so much!

BAB Twilight Sparkle and Spike came in the mail on Thursday!  Twilight is HUGE!  I had no idea they were that big.  My one complaint is I wish Spike were designed so he would sit flat on his tush or stood up...right now he kinda just has to lay there unless I prop him up.  They are both adorable though!
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And here are a couple photos of my collection (thus far!).  Buying lots on eBay got me lots of baits plus some that I just decided to keep.  At some point I'm going to have to focus my collection a bit more if I want to display all of them, but so far I'm enjoying all the new ponies!  Missing from the photos is the gradient leg Toola-Roola I have keeping me company at my desk :)
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Thanks for looking!

Wanted! / dashesndots' Swap Wishlists (Baby Swap, CM Army Swap)
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:05:50 PM »
Baby Swap
Baby Swap Wishlist:

1. Baby Sparkle North Star
2. Baby Sparkle Firefly
3. Baby Sparkle Gusty
4. Baby Starflower
5. Baby Sunribbon
6. Baby Brightbow
7. Baby Rainribbon
8. Baby Starbow
9. Baby Firefly
10. Baby Suprise
11. Baby Glory
12. Baby Moondancer
13. NBBE Baby Cuddles
14. NBBE Baby Tiddlywinks
15. Charm Bracelet
16. Flower Flash
17. Goodie Gumdrop
18. Hokey Pokey
19. Hula-Lula
20. Northern Lights

Condition Preferences: Haircuts and small marks/scratches okay.

What is Unacceptable to You: Head/body mismatch

Likes/Dislikes: I like small knickknacks, anything related to horses, stickers, dragons and fantasy stuff in general, I like customizing ponies and drawing/colored pencil.  No real avid dislikes.

Allergies: Cats and seasonal (not that they would affect this swap but just in case)

Other Collections: Breyer Model Horses, starting to possibly collect Monster High (have Catty Noir), Tokidoki Unicornos

How do you feel about having a custom made of your Grail/HTF Expensive baby?
Sure!  My grails would be any of the Twice as Fancy babies - particularly Dancing Butterflies, but they are all cool :)

What if I find your baby, but their hair is truly in a really bad way, would you mind if the baby was rehaired?
Nope, don't mind at all.

Would you like a custom baby version of a previously existing baby-less adult pony (ex. Baby Windy, Baby Princess Tiffany, etc)? If so, which pony(ies) would you like?
I would love a baby Toola Roola (the second version with the paint brush)(G3 or G1 baby, doesn't matter).
Or any Twinkle Eye babies :)

Customs question again: - What about a MOMMY pony for one of the babies on your list that did not have a mommy? (Of course this would be an EXTRA as it's an adult pony...)

Sure :D

Decorated box?
Sure :D

Favorite colors?
Blues, purples, blacks, greys, hot pink (haha) :)  Really any colors are cool in the right combos :)

Partner, I may want to draw you some pony art. Would you prefer a drawing of your pony persona, or would you rather have a drawing of your favorite Hasbro pony?
I'd love pony art!  Any ponies would be cool, but I'd also love to see my persona (my avatar) as a baby or something fun like that.
Persona description: Her name is Snuggleberry and her cutie mark would be a group of berries (probably a strawberry, a blueberry and a raspberry) with smiley faces.

I'm not interested in accessories.

One big gift or lots of small gifts?
Up to you partner!  I'm really not sure of the value of the babies I put on my list  :blush:  So hopefully they are not all budget breakers.

What kind of candy (the more specific the better) do you like?
No candy for me, please.  On a major diet.  :(

If I am not a pony customizer or artist(drawing/painting) what other handmade items do you like? (examples...shirts-pls list size, totes, jewelry, candy etc...)
Oh anything handmade you come up with would be cool :)  Shirts I'd have to wear an XL or XXL.

What smells do you like/hate?
Like: I love fruity scents (especially apple, citrus and banana!)
Dislike: Musky/masculine scents

Kind of odd ball you prefer the Sun/Day or Moon/Night?
I like both for different reasons.  :)  I love twilight especially.

Do you like pony merchandise? If so, which generation(s) and what type(s)?
I don't actively collect it but wouldn't say no to G4 merch.

Do you have pets, and would you like treats or toys for them?
We have a pit bull named Ripley.  Up to you if you want to include anything for her.  She's a toy destroyer so probably no toys, but she likes small chewy treats. 

Do you have a spouse, partner or roommate that might like to receive some goodies? If so, what do they like?
My husband loves peanuts and other nuts.

Do you have tiny humans (children), would they like any goodies and if so, what kind?
No tiny humans here!

Partner: What animals do you enjoy/ have collections of and would love to have more of?
Primarily horses (all types), but I also like dogs (especially stuffed animals), wolves, foxes, chinchillas, cheetahs, dolphins, deer, peacocks, owls, songbirds :)

I know your wishlist said you didn't care much for BBEs but would you want one thrown in as an extra?
No BBEs please.  They creep me out, LOL.

Do you have any hobbies, such as painting, building model rockets, etc.?
Customizing, and I draw/use colored pencils.

How do you feel about head-body mismatch?
Would really like to avoid it unless it is barely noticeable.

Would it be ok if your partner finds a white pony that is not so white, but great in every other aspect?
Sure that's probably fine as long as it is not too severe.

Hockey is HUGE in Canada...are you into any sports?
No, no sports for me.

Would you like/enjoy lotions, makeup, body sprays or body washes as part of your extras?
No thanks, I have pretty sensitive skin.

What is your favorite Holiday and would you like holiday items added to your box for fun?
I love Christmas :D  So if you feel like including something Christmas-y that would be cool with me :)

I have been trying to sunfade a pony. It appears on my partner's want list. I have had it in the window for probably 4-5 months... and seen no progress... The pony originally came with a bib, if you put her bib on you cannot see the flaws- it has also been cleaned from RUST (to the best of my ability- which I will admit isn't the greatest)-  It is RARE/HTF .....would you like this pony?
Sure. :)

Partner: are you ok with a pony that smells musty due to mildew ect on the inside of the body that is 100% removeable but still leaves a smell behind even though the body on the outside is flawless?
Sure :)

Do you like stationery? What's your favourite kind? Stickers/journals/pens/sticky notes?
Like stickers/pens.  Also like sticky notes but prefer the kind that have a large area to write on (vs some that are 75% image haha, even though those are cute) :)

Dot under mane? Blush rub? Chewed ear of overseas pony?
All fine with me :)

Are you a customizer or artist? Would you like custom supplies or art supplies as an extra?
Yes and sure!  Any hair or other customizing supplies, also can always use Fineliners, colored pencils (and colorless blenders) and those really awesome gummy erasers (that you can break apart and mold how you want).

Who are your favorite baby ponies?
I love the TAF babies and the Rainbow Babies :)  Also really like the newborn babies!

Minor rust?
Fine with me.

Partner, do you ever melt wax tarts instead of using candles?
Yes! I have a tart burner and I use that instead of candles.

How would you feel about getting an alternate rehair included in your box, if it was a baby, but not necessarily one on your want list?
Sure - not a fan of BBEs so none of those, though, please.

Do you like baby Fakies, such as the DG's sitting Lanard type fakies, that sort of thing?
No thanks!

There are a lot of people who like the G1, 2, 3 and 4 babies, but there's the 3.5 Newborns, you like them even though you may not like the rest of he 3.5 line? Would you like one?
No thank you :)

Partner: are you ok with a pony that has repinked hair especially if she is one whose hair color normally fades to white after time such as Posey, Lickety Split and Princess Serena to name a few?

Partner: If I find a pony that goes well with something you said you like on your wishlist( type of animal, flower, treat ect) even if that pony is not listed would you still be interested in this pony as EXTRA even though you may get a duplicate?

Partner: I know you mentioned you are not a fan of eye rubs. If I am able to fix an eye rub to match the other eye perfectly so that you would never be able to tell the rub was there in the first place are you ok with this?
Sure :)

Most any blue, purple and grey/blacks  (cooler colors) are good for me.  I do inexplicably like hot pink too haha.  I'm not a big fan of warmer colors unless done "right" and honestly I don't know how to define what "right" is LOL except I know what I like when I see it.

Hot chocolate or tea?
I like hot chocolate (milk or dark is good, or flavored, but no white please.)   No tea.

I love stickers - pretty much any kinds I will be happy with :D

Fun Question: What TV shows do you like to watch that are currently on air or will be returning for another season ect....
Game of Thrones
Big Bang Theory
The Middle
South Park
2 Broke Girls

Jury's still out on the new S.H.I.E.L.D. show - first couple episodes didn't blow me away but neither did the first couple episodes of Buffy, and that's one of my favorite shows ever.  (My husband and I are big Joss Whedon fans).

Reading! Do you like bookmarks?
I like them but hardly ever use them, so it's your call.  I'd probably be more likely to hang up a pretty bookmark on my bulletin board than use it :)

Stuffed animals?
Yep, like them pretty well...I don't have a lot of regular stuffed animals but I do have a large collection of Beanie Babies.

Ideas for extras?
Anything I've already mentioned in my answers would be cool, really, except candy.  I'm pretty easy to please!

Hamtaro/Hello Kitty, etc.
Don't really know anything about Hamtaro, Hello Kitty is cute but I don't collect it; I do, however, LOVE Spirited Away and most of the other Miyazaki films I've seen :)

Marks under hooves
Definitely fine!

Tooth Touch Ups
Fine with me.

CM Army Swap

What are your favorite colors?
Blues, purples, blacks, greys, hot pink (haha) :)  Really any colors are cool in the right combos :)

Do you like getting jewelry as extras?

Sure - not a big fan of earrings or rings, but I do have a charm bracelet and I like necklaces.

Favorite animals?
Primarily horses (all types), but I also like dogs, wolves, foxes, chinchillas, cheetahs, dolphins, deer, peacocks, owls, songbirds :)

Favorite candies/treats?
I'm on a major diet so would prefer no candy/treats (or if you did insist, just something small, like a PB cup, haha)

If your army pony was in the PERFECT color combo for you, what would it be?
Not sure I understand this question...

Tell me something random about yourself!
My High School was so small that my graduating class had 9 people...only one of which was a guy.

What's something that makes you happy through the day?
Being able to jump on forums for micro-breaks :)

If you had to describe yourself in a few words, what would they be?
Hmm, quiet, artistic, odd :D

What would your style (home or otherwise) say about you?
Eclectic LOL :)  Says it all.

What's your favorite technique to use on a custom?
I like doing sculpting and I like using Pearl-Ex - shiny ponehs FTW! :)

What's a technique you love to see, but can't/don't like to do yourself?
Airbrushing & gradients!

I customize breyer model horses, would my partner like a 'life like' version of their army pony?
Sure! (I collect Breyers!)

Art/atcs/funko pop or vinyl repaints are all okay with me :D

Pony phone case?
All I have is a tracfone that I hardly use, so a phone case would not be appreciated as it should be, haha.  I do have an iPod Touch though (2nd gen I think)...

For my partner - how do you feel about a baby version of your army ponies?  or an alternate gender?
Either would be awesome!

Fave army pony?
Any of them would  be awesome.  I do really love Dancing Butterflies though...

Alt Species?
All good with me! :D

Perfume Puffs?
I think they are awesome :)

SS custom?
Sure :)

So what's your opinion on tinsel, awesome or awful?
Cool - less is more though, definitely :)

What is your custom grail? A styling or a reverse one? Or do you want another pose...
Don't really have a grail.

Would you like a mix between your armies?
Sure, go for it!

would you like any of the g4 merchandise as extras, like the new plushes, funko, pop or the pony books they have out(blindbag guide book) etc. if yes which?
No blindbags please, but otherwise any merch would be cool.

Busy book My little Pony repaints? either as an extra or actual custom for paint only.
No thanks.

Pony Corral / Got my first G3 MLPs :)
« on: May 27, 2013, 04:12:00 PM »
...and I'm thrilled with them, except now I'm not sure I'll be able to go through with the whole "use them as bait" thing, LOL. :blush: None of them are mint, but I tried my best to clean them up and condition/wash their hair.  Some still have a few marks that I'm going to try the Magic Eraser on, but otherwise I think I did pretty well  :frolic:

I think I correctly identified any case, are there any that are worth a bit more that I should definitely not use for bait?  I'm guessing (based on Strawberry Reef price guide) maybe I should keep Velvet Bow and Chilly Breezes as is?  Or does it not matter because they are not MIB?  :think:

Yesterdaisy, Crystal Lace and Merriweather
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Cotton Candy, Chilly Breezes, Party Cake and Round N Round
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Scootaloo, Scooter Sprite, Skywishes, Secret Wish and Velvet Bow
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I appreciate any advice :)  Thanks!

Now I'm browsing other lots on eBay, LOL  :blush:

Introductions / Hello! :)
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:49:20 PM »
Hello all! 

I'm a 28-year-old graphic designer from New Hampshire.  I'm married to a great guy and we have a pit bull named Ripley (after Ellen Ripley ala Alien). 

I'm not a MLP collector (well I do have the Mane 6 from the Blind Bags, so I guess they count!) but I watch FIM, and still fondly remember the old series (including the Tales series) from when I was a kid.  I do collect model horses (mostly OF). 

Lately I have been admiring a lot of MLP customs I've seen, and thinking if I were going to collect I'd start there :D  I'd also like to try customizing myself at some point.  I figured this forum was a great place to see more customs and techniques on customizing, as well as chat about FIM, etc.

:) Looking forward to exploring the Arena!

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