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Topics - kaelynn

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Customs / Shower pony for baby Destiny
« on: March 11, 2014, 06:47:15 AM »
Done for a coworker for her baby girl expected Mar 20.  The nursery is done in pink/purple/white and the baby's name will be Destiny, hence the design.  My fastest pony ever...done in only two nights!   :faint:

White base pony, rehaired with pink/purple/white pony, painted with acrylic paints and Swarovski crystal accents.  Her necklace is Swarovski crystal and silver plated pewter and the angel's skirt is Aquamarine, the birthstone for March.

Apologies for crappy, super fast iphone pics.   :blush:

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More images on my DA if you're interested.  :)

Customs / Great Fairies of Magic - Nintendo swap for LadySatine
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:07:59 PM »
So LadySatine's list included my own Nintendo favorite...Zelda!!   :frolic:  I went through so many ideas but in looking at her DA I realized that she had done most of them already!

Finally, I came up with the idea of doing the three Goddesses of Magic in the style of Great Fairies from Ocarina of Time.  May I present Din, Farore and Nayru:

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Thank you so much to LadySatine for the gorgeous pictures!!  Not overly happy with Farore's eyes, but otherwise I'm happy with how they turned out.  I'm especially happy with Nayru!  :)

Um...not sure why the one pictures is so much smaller than the others.   :huh:

Customs / Sally and Jack - Christmas commission
« on: January 16, 2014, 07:39:03 AM »
One of my coworkers commissioned custom ponies of both Sally and Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas for her daughter as Christmas gifts.   :shocked:

Some of the things I learned from doing this commission:
- apoxie sculpt sets faster than you think if you're used to working with polymer clay!
- apoxie sets even faster when it's old
- it's really hard to fill in hair plugs smoothly with apoxie
- yellow is a very transparent color and will take a bajillion coats to become opaque - especially when painting over blue  :facepalm:
- it takes a reeeeaaallllly long time to paint stitches all over a pony's body or white pinstripes all over a pony's suit
- take the amount of time you think it will take to complete a sculpted and painted custom...then multiply by 10
- charge more for the finished custom

Ok, enough talk...on to pictures!   :yippee:

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They were finished JUST in time...on Dec 23!  :faint:

Customs / Advice on a sculpted custom for a youngster
« on: November 08, 2013, 05:01:24 AM »
One of my coworkers has commissioned 3 (!!) custom ponies from me as Christmas gifts for her kids.  One of the ponies that she wants, however, is a custom of Spyro the dragon from Skylanders for her 4 year old son.

Normally I would use apoxie sculpt on sculpted customs just for the durability factor and the self curing factor so I don't have to worry about melting ponies.  In this case though I'm wondering if I might not be better off using one of the tougher polymer clays such as Kato to allow for a bit of flexibility to maybe stand up better to playtime.  I'm also rather stumped on how to make wings that won't snap right off.

Anyone have any advice on the best way to do this?   :huh:

Post Merge: November 08, 2013, 05:03:29 AM

As an addendum to this, the bait that she has chosen for Spyro is a G3.5 so I'm not even sure if they're bakeable.  Guess I should try that first, eh?   :shocked:

Customs / Soft Kitty custom and two G1-G4s
« on: October 09, 2013, 08:37:18 PM »
Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted any customs!  Life has been so crazy that I just haven't had time, but things seemed to finally be back to normal and I've been able to do some more customizing.

"Soft Kitty" was created as a cheer up gift for a coworker friend who has had a very rough few weeks. She is a huge fan of Hello Kitty, and the name comes from the "Soft Kitty" song in the show The Big Bang Theory which is a bit of a private joke. I sing it to her sometimes at work when things are really tough just to make her laugh. :)

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G3 base (can't remember which one!) painted with acrylics and rehaired with Pussycat, Starlight and Bougainvillea from Dollyhair. My very first boil perm and while I certainly cursed a lot while rolling the hair in those darn straws, I'm quite happy with how it turned out. She had several purple marker stains on her non-display side that I covered up with those pink hearts.  I'm not entirely sure that the hearts work with the rest of the design, but oh well. 

Nightlight is one of the G1-G4 ponies that I did for the GCPCCC Rainbow Ponies.  She started as a Pinkie Pie and got an FBR.  Eyes and symbol are (shakily!) painted with acrylics and she was rehaired with Lucky Clover, Mermaid, Electric Banana and Peaches and Cream.

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Starshine is the other G1-G4 pony that I did for the Rainbow Ponies collage.  She started as a Blossomforth base, eyes are painted with acrylics, symbol with FolkArt Extreme Glitter and she was rehaired with Hearthrob, Golden Delicious, Atomic Turquoise and Lucky Clover.

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Unfortunately, I had a LOT of trouble gluing the heads back on the G4s and as a result Starshine's head is somewhat crooked.  I'm really happy with how they both turned out though and they are sitting in places of honor on my shelf now.  :)

Customs / Kirin WIP update - Sculpting DONE! 6/25
« on: June 21, 2013, 07:26:46 PM »
Started a new sculpted custom as an anniversary gift for my hubby.  Our anniversary was actually last week (June 18th), but we both dropped the ball this year and didn't have anything ready for each other on time so I decided to take the time to make something nice.  His gift to me is in the mail (a portable airbrushing station!   :yippee:) so I still have a couple of days leeway.  The hard part was deciding what to make and then working out the design!   :blink:  I have a dragon planned for his birthday in August, so I wanted something slightly less labor intensive.  So I decided on a kirin!   :lmao:  Yes, I am insane.

So here is the first pic! 

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Bait is all prepped, anchors for the three horns and the tail are set and the head is glued back on.  Sculpting will include scales and belly plates, cloven hooves and possibly some changes to the structure of the face.  I couldn't decide on color, so I asked him his favorite color and he said that he really likes black and red together.  So I am going with mainly red, then black and some touches of gold.  Whew!

Pony Corral / Can I please see Nightlight and Bow Tie together?
« on: June 21, 2013, 05:58:40 PM »
Hey all!  I'm working on a G4 custom of Nightlight for the G1-G4 Rainbow pony picture collage over in the Customs forum and having never actually seen a Nightlight in person, I'm having a hard time figuring out if I've matched her color correctly.

I do have a Bow Tie on hand and I'm hoping that someone who has both Bow Tie and Nightlight might possibly post a pic of the two of them together for me so I can see the difference in color.  Nightlight looks a fair bit darker blue to me in the pictures I've seen, but I can't find one of the two of them together so it's hard to tell.

Pretty please?  With ponies on top? :good:

Customs / A few more Apoxie Sculpt and painting questions
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:29:03 AM »
Okay custom gurus, I have a couple more questions!   :lol:

Do you let all sculpted bits cure the full 24 hours before painting?  or just until hard enough that you won't damage anything while painting?  I read (I think on the Aves website) that apoxie sculpt can be painted wet or dry so that's what got me wondering.

How long do you wait in between coats of paint?  I'll be airbrushing the FBR and major areas and then using a paint brush on smaller areas and dry brushed highlights.  I'm on a bit of a time crunch (long story - custom is for a birthday on Monday that the original gift fell through for) and trying to get all the steps done as quickly as possible without sacrificing durability.  I usually let dry a full day in between coats of paint, but I don't have that option in this case.   :huh:

Customs / WIP - Moose custom - DONE!!
« on: June 13, 2013, 03:03:36 PM »
So I'm working on my first sculpted Moose custom and thought I'd take some pics as I go along and share.  :)

I chose a fakie for this one simply because the body and face contours are closer to that of a moose than any gen of MLP so it would reduce the sculpting somewhat.  Here is the bait pre-sculpting with hair removed and eyes popped out.  I forgot to remove the symbols and eyeshadow until after taking the pic though!   :lol:

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And here we are after the first sculpting session.  So far, the antler armatures are in and secured in and out with apoxie sculpt, the hooves are sculpted, the tail is on (it's back there somewhere), the moose has new eyeballs, and the leftover apoxie was used to make the base of the beard.  I've also glued the head back on and will sculpt the neck and "mane" in the next session.

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This was my first time working with Apoxie Sculpt and I'm quite liking it.  I'm used to polymer clay, so the apoxie is definitely stickier, but I'm dipping my tools and fingers in water and that is working quite well.  :)

Customs / Show me G3.5 customs?
« on: June 07, 2013, 03:30:20 AM »
So Saja just showed her awesome triceratops and I'd love to see some more G3.5 customs!  I've had a couple of G3.5s hanging around here and had no idea what to do with them.

Customs / Please show me your Breezies?
« on: May 29, 2013, 01:36:01 PM »
I've got two Breezie baits on the way to me and while I already have plans for one, I'm still brainstorming on the other.  So I'd love to see what others have done with Breezies!   :frolic:

Customs / Painting over smooze/cancer?
« on: May 28, 2013, 06:18:45 PM »
So I've got a few very baity G1s that I'd like to do FBRs on and I'm just wondering if smooze/cancer are known to cause any issues with the paint.

One of the smooze victims is a purple Ember that is so badly affected that she is brown (she's still purple inside, that's the only way I know that purple is the original color!) and I have a Chief with so many cancer spots that he looks almost polka dotted.

I would hate to put the time in and send them off to new homes if there may be issues down the road with the paint jobs so I figured I'd check in first. :)


Customs / Big Macintosh - recommend a hair color?
« on: May 21, 2013, 11:03:34 AM »
Trying to figure out the best hair color for a Big Mac custom.  At first I thought Golden Delicious, but I'm thinking that his hair looks a bit more orangey than Applejack's.   :huh:


Customs / Best way to patch holes with apoxie sculpt?
« on: May 15, 2013, 01:33:59 PM »
Yes, it's another apoxie sculpt question!   :blush:

I have a G3 that had one ear chewed completely off and the other ear fairly well mangled so I cut off both and would like to patch the holes with apoxie and sculpt new ears.  Can I just mush some apoxie into the holes and smooth it over the edges on the inside for a solid hold?  Or would it be better to include some wire mesh over the inside of the holes and then fill the hole?  Not sure if I'm adequately explaining what I mean.   :huh:

I'm thinking that small holes such as ear holes might be fine with just a patch that fills the hole and covers the inside of the head somewhat for an anchor, but as I could possibly be mailing this pony off to someone else, I'd like to make sure that the patch is secure.

Thanks!   :biggrin:

Post Merge: May 16, 2013, 07:21:32 AM

No one?

Guess I'll just experiment and see what happens then!   :biggrin:

Customs / Airbrushing and sculpting question
« on: May 14, 2013, 04:35:06 PM »
I have a question for those of you who do airbrushed FBRs and also add sculpted bits to your customs - do you do your FBR first, then sculpt over the paint?  Or do you sculpt first, do the FBR, then paint over the overspray on the sculpted bits?

I did FBRs on three baits this weekend but want to add sculpting to at least one of them and now I'm questioning if I did the steps in the right order or if I'm setting myself up for problems.

Also, does it make a difference in the order of steps if you are using colored polymer clay or Apoxie Sculpt?  I would think that in the case of colored polymer clay, you would want to avoid having overspray from the airbrush, so you would do the FBR first and then the sculpt, then the bake, then the detail painting.


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