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Topics - Valerie

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Pony Corral / "MLP Trick or Treat Friends are Sweet" Book
« on: October 24, 2015, 06:00:57 PM »
Hi all!

Halloween is coming and I love the G3 art, so I really would love to read the book "My Little Pony Trick or Treat Friends are Sweet"

The thing is that I´m from Argentina, I can´t buy things from another countries and here the G3 books are difficult to find.

So I wanted to ask if someone has scans of the book. I know about a tumblr that makes scans of MLP books, but I couldn´t find this one in that blog, I also searched in google but nothing  :huh:

If anyone can help me I will be very happy   ^.^

Here the book cover, is the only thing I found  :lol:

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Edited October 31:   :freak: :dance2: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! :freak: :dance2:

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Halloween is coming!!  :frolic: :yippee:

And my ponies already made their costumes and decorations  :lol:

I used some things I made the past year, but now I added some witch hats  ^.^

If you want to see the pics I took the past year CLICK HERE  ;)

And now, my new pics  ^.^ I would love to see more Pony-Halloween pictures, so if you want you can share your pics here  ;)

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Baby Penny Candy: Trick or Treat? I want my candies!!

Witches: Hahahahahaha Do you want candies? We will throw you in our cauldron and you will be our candy!

Baby Penny Candy: Come on Citrus and Port-O! I know you aren’t real witches. Who made the costumes? They look great!! :D

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Bowtie: Hurry up!! We are late! The Halloween party is starting now!

Puzzlemint: Wait! Don´t leave me alone! Here there are ghosts!!!!

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And here the Halloween scene I made on my bedroom´s TV :lol:

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Hi all!

I love My Little Pony, and I also love The Sims games, I played before TS 2 and now I'm trying the new one, and all my households are inspired in ponies, also their houses, I made some, and also I reformed others that are in the game ;)

I made videos showing the Blue & Catcher families and their houses, the Catcher household also has a retail shop ;)

EDIT: And also I made a video about Star Flight & Heart Bright. This time instead of showing their house I show their adventure trying to find the Aliens and their planet  :biggrin:

If you want to see the videos just click on the pictures   ^.^

Pony Brag Arena / ♥ ♥ My MLP Collection & Pony Room!! ♥ ♥
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:36:48 AM »
Here an update of my pony shelves (I have them in my bedroom), I added two more weeks ago (the lilac ones). Now I have the Pony castle (house), the gardens (green shelves), clouds (blue light shelves) and sky (purple shelves) lol  :lol:

Since the last time I posted my collection I found some ponies, the Frilly Frocks Boutique and a hot air balloon  ^.^

I also made a video showing all, if you want to see it just click on this picture: =>


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And here with the ceiling lamp turned off. The lights that I put on the shelves make me thing in the movie Come Back Lily Lightly, when the ponies are planning to cover all Unicornia with lights for the Lights Party :lol:

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Pony Corral / Could you help me to clean this pony?
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:43:01 PM »

Hi all!

I´m wishing to wash my NewBorn Cutie Sweetie Belle plushie. I have her since 3 years ago, I really love her, so I want to clean her because the white fabric is already grey  :huh:

The thing is that, obvious, I don't want to ruin her sounds system with water...  :cry:

So here my questions: Do you have cleaned her or other similar plushie? Do you know how to take out the system and then put it again? Dou you have any tip to clean her, especially the plush fabric?

Any advice will be super appreciated, because this little baby means a lot to me :heart:

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Pony Corral / My New MLP Youtube Channel ;)
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:39:39 PM »

Hi all!

I already have shared some of my MLP videos, but now I made a youtube channel only for my MLP vids, I want to make some new ones and I will upload them to the new account, so I wanted to let you know about it  ^.^

I know that they are very unprofessional, but well, maybe they serve to entertain you for a couple of minutes lol  :lol:

And also if you have a MLP youtube account I would love to know its name/link so I can follow it  ^.^

Well, here the link and name of the channel, or if you click on the pic you will be redirected to my youtube  :biggrin:


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:flow: :hearts:

Pony Corral / ♥ ♥ Happy Valentines Day!! ♥ ♥
« on: February 13, 2015, 08:03:07 PM »
   :hearts: :heart:  Happy Valentines Day!!  :hearts: :heart:

I wish you all a nice day, even if, like me, you haven´t a couple, it is good a day to celebrate the love in its various forms, including the love we felt for our little ponies  ^.^

I made a little video with my pony couples, because I love to make families with my ponies lol  :lol:

Do you have pony couples? Please share a pic!!!  :biggrin:

If you want to see my video just click on the picture ;)

[topic merge ~ thanks, Mirn]


The Valentine´s Day is coming, and the pony sweethearts are starting to celebrate, so, feel the love in the air!!

For now I will take only 4 requests per batch, and I will open a Wait List if I have more requests, so you can post a form even if all the slots are full :)
You can ask for all the adops that you want, but please only one per person in each batch  ;)
And excuse me if sometime they take a little time to be done  :blush:


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» FORM «

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* NOTE: This time I will make only Earth or Unicorns ponies, since the head is the only part visible of the body we will presume that the wings are also non visible lol

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Earth or Unicorn:
Description and/or Reference Picture:

Earth or Unicorn:
Description and/or Reference Picture:

Pink or Red Heart?:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

** NOTE: The forms will be ignored if they haven´t a good reference picture and description of the pony, even if you want a Hasbro pony I need the reference.
This adop takes time to be made, and if I make something wrong for the lacke of a good reference I have to make all the signature animation again....


4 -

Wait List

.... and more! :)


- heathersmoo
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- MikeysGrrrl
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- Nence
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- ChocolateStarfire
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- Twilight Pink Navarro
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- Melodia
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- Skelletonimp
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- achab1984
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Pony Corral / Merry Christmas!!! - Pony-Christmas Carols = VIDEO THREAD!
« on: December 25, 2014, 08:22:46 PM »

:party: :hearts: :green: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! :party: :hearts: :green:

Maybe it is a little late, but  I wanted to wish a Merry Christmas for all!!!

And I want to share some videos that I made using the songs of the "A Very Minty Christmas" CD.
They are very simple and unprofessional, but if you like xmas carols maybe you will enjoy them lol  :lol:  :lol:

Just click on the pictures to see them on youtube  ^.^


Only one week for Halloween!  :happy: :relaxed:

Yesterday my ponies had a photo session with their new dresses, pumpkins and sweets (I made them with cold porcelain).

So I thought that could be a nice idea make a countdown thread posting one of those pics per day until Halloween.  :nod:

I will add one each day here in the first post, and I would love to see also other pics, so if you have Pony-Halloween pics you can share them here  :D :iconclap:

And here we go!  :cheer:

0 days until Halloween!!!

Sew-and-So and Butterscotch prepare the sweets while the countdowns ends...

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And then the Ponies say...

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1 day until Halloween!!!
The Breezie ponies love sweets also, they ask to Fairy Dust: Can you give us some more?  :lol:  :biggrin:

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3 days until Halloween!!!
The kids already started the candy-hunt... Trick or Treat? they say  :lol:  ^.^

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4 days until Halloween!!!
It seems like the Tree Family will share their sweets with the ghosts of Ponyville  :shocked:  :lol:

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5 days until Halloween!!!
The D'Orange Family is harvesting the pumkins for Halloween :D

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6 days until Halloween!!!
(Shhhh.... The boys are hidden behind the house because they want to scare the girls to steal their candies)  :P

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7 days until Halloween!!!

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Pony Brag Arena / My new Ponies, this was my month of luck!! :)
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:51:56 PM »

I shared days ago a video with my updated collection, but I wanted to share pics of each of my new ponies because this was my month of pony luck   :happy: :drunk: :frolic: :newpony:

Like I said many times I only buy ponies from mercadolibre (argentinian virtual shop) and there aren´t many ponies there  >_<

But this month I met a seller that is a mom of two girls, they were living in other country years ago and they had a lot of ponies. They were in bad shape but very very cheap because the girls are now more into EG dolls (we have some of them in the toyshops), so they decided to sell the old ponies and I bought some (not all, they had 100 ponies aprox  :shocked:)

I enjoyed cleaning them and restoring they hair, and like you will see I had a lot of luck to find them  :satisfied:

Here they are:

* Lily Lightly
She didn´t work and for that she was super cheap, but my dad fixed the contacts and now she has her pretty lights  ^.^

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* Heart Bright

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* Star Flight

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* Port-o-Bella

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* Brights Brightly

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* Twilight Pink

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* Silver Glow

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* Baby Mochanut

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* Silver Rain

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* Puzzlemint
I made a puzzle for her hoof  ^.^

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* Butter Pop

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* Newborn Cutie Sweetie Belle
I was always in love with her because I love my Sweetie plushie, she was one of my super dream ponies, even I have an adoptables theread here inspired in the newborns cuties :heart:

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* Newborn Cutie Rainbow Dash

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* Breezie Tumbletop

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* Breezie Zipzee

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* Breezie Azalia Bloom

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* Breezie Honeydew Hum

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Pony Brag Arena / ♥ ♥ My Little Pony Collection ♥ ♥ Video!!!! :)
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:09:10 PM »
I made a video to show my collection and pony room  ^.^

I painted all the shelfs and furnitures because I wanted a pony theme bedroom  :)

Click the pic to go to the video on Youtube  ;)

Pony Corral / My new MLP bureau * * *
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:50:49 PM »
The last week I were painting and decorating a new furniture for my bedroom.

Really that thing was a new vanity that my mom bought for the bathroom. But the months went away without changing the old one for the new, so I decided to transform it in a bureau for my bedroom  ^.^

Here is the original vanity:

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And this is the final result, I painted and decorated it, and also my dad add some wooden planks to close it  ^.^

And I made a MLP poster to hang behind it, and its image continue on the bureau  ;)

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Pony Corral / Help! I need to find a pony pic to make a poster :)
« on: August 09, 2014, 11:54:37 PM »

I´m making a new decoration for my bedroom.

I want to have a poster of the G3s ponyville, the thing is that I need to make a big picture to have a good quality poster (I want it 49*32 cm aprox)

I´m using this scene, I love it! :heart:

And I found the following pic, it is other version of the same landscape, I would love to merge it with the one that I have, but the pic is to small and low quality, an it has that frame....  :cry:

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So I want to ask if somebody have it in better quality, or if you know where I could find it (I tried in google but nothing  :huh:)

Thanks in advance! :flow:

Days ago I received a prize for the Design a Pony Contest.  :happy:

I just want to say a big THANK YOU! to MLP Arena, particularly to hathorcat :heart:

I got a beautiful card, 2 tiny ponies and.......... PRECIOUS GEM!! :lovey:

I love G3 ponies, specially the white ones. Precious Gem was one of my super dreams, I had lost the hope to find her in the argentinian virtual shop, but hathorcat tracked her for me, and with her accesories!!!!  :newpony: , thanks again hun! :flow:

So, I wanted to share pictures, I´m in love with all and for now I have Precious Gem on the PC desktop with me because I want to see her all the time  :lol:  :-*

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