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Topics - cacopony

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Customs / to all plushie makers: how do you make the eyes?
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:01:51 PM »
that's my question.
how do you make them?  do you stamp them?
I need information about how can the eyes be stamped, like, what machine you use and stuff like that.
I friend learned how to make ponies but is having problems with the eyes, I'd be very grateful if somebody gives me any information.

Trader & Shipping Support / Can some European people help me please?
« on: February 15, 2013, 10:17:38 PM »
hello, I'm sorry is this is in the wrong topic   U-U

so I want to get some FIM starpak stuff but they only ship to Europe so I were wondering of somebody could help me with this. I'd be really grateful.
or if somebody has some of these items and is willing to sell me some.
the items I'm looking for are:

-the file A4
-exercise books, notepads
-the ball point pens with a jewel on top

or any other stationery merch, thanks for reading! C:

[moving to Trader Support ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Wanted! / looking for g4 bait ponies
« on: February 07, 2013, 10:06:40 PM »
hello, thanks for taking your time to read this:
I'm looking for g4 ponies in bait condition, I want to make customs for my self and give a try to customizing with lay hair. but all the ponies here are pretty expensive, we have no playful ponies at all, only glimmering wings and the cmc set, which is sold at 30 dollars.
so I want bait ponies, because I wouldn't actually want to custom one in perfect condition.
as in bait condition I mean: discolored, mismatching color, cutted hair, dents, etc...
I also need a few fillies, as I want to do babs seed (if no one has bait condition ponies I guess I'll have to buy some loose ones)

any help is appreciated C: thanks.

MLP Nirvana / I want to see osharena/takara ponies
« on: January 16, 2013, 08:52:22 PM »
the title says all, I want to see some osharena pics, even fakies X3
I think that they are really cute

[moving to Nirvana ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Pony Corral / what are some international ponies?
« on: January 15, 2013, 08:51:18 AM »
what ponies are international ponies?
in which playsets they come?
are they exclusive of one country? or they are exclusive to an area or territory?

Pony Corral / shall I buy moondancer clock?
« on: January 14, 2013, 04:57:09 AM »
I found somebody selling in my country a moondancer clock, it's really cute, but I think is big...I don't know.
the back side of the clock is in some parts yellow because of the sun
(I guess)  but the front side is white and nice. I really want it but if I buy it my parents may get mad. It's being sold at 40 dollars but I don't know the shipping price, so...

shall I buy it?

Pony Corral / any childhood memories involving ponies?
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:50:11 PM »
I can remember one.

when I where like 4 years old, my auntie gave me one of her daughter's pony, because she was already grown up. It was my first pony, galaxy.
Galaxy was MY pony, my special pony that I carried along everywhere, she was the pony that I slept with every night, and she was the pony I loved with all my heart, my mother knew that wherever I went I had to go with galaxy, I loved all of her, her decals, her eyes, her hair and the pose that she held, I remember that a year after I got it we went to the center of the city, where most of the shops are, and when we crossed the street a person bumped with me and my galaxy fell to the ground.
I got desperated and scared, I feared that at the moment a car hits my galaxy she would be destroyed and I told my mother about my pony, she wanted to get my pony but a taxi ran fast and...
and the taxi ran over my galaxy!  I stared in horror and silently I stood there.
one! two! three! three cars ran over my galaxy! I felt that the world had no meaning
I felt that I was a bad person for not going after galaxy.
then my mother quickly, before any other cars ran over galaxy, grabbed her and gave her to me.
I swear, my hopes where restored I felt that my raison d'etre came back to me.
as my mother approached, I said "mom..." as I hugged my galaxy.
then we walked of, I first checked my galaxy, only dirty from all the wheels. very lucky for her
and then I stared at my mom, she was my hero...

Pony Corral / problem with pinkie pie's bubble gun
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:29:40 PM »
so I bought the bubble gun but the bubble liquid drains to the holes where are the batteries, which lowers the battery's power, and spills the bubble liquid.
I'd like to know if this is a common issue or not, aside that I can't get my money back, nor I can exchange it since I bought it from some peole here that import random merch and toys
but it's ok if I can't make anything about it, I just want it for my collection.

Wanted! / cacopony's wanted list
« on: January 12, 2013, 01:55:10 PM »
I accept trades if you want me to give you this items:
-FS celestia (need to check if there are more)
-blindbag rainbow set (need to check if in stock)
-SA and cadence canterlot set
-or items from this post:,319513.0.html
-baby spike
I can also pay

this is what I want:
-wallets, pencilcases and the likes
-the m&h metal hairclips
-random merch
-loose ponies (CMC or mane 6 etc)
-stationery things, notepads, notebooks,pencils etc
-MLP FIM magazines (I'd pay monthly for them) from any country
-g4 minty

-LPS totally talented giraffe
-LPS llama
-hamtaro merch (specially cappy)
-rody horse stuff (like cellphone charms etc)

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / lps prototypes??
« on: January 11, 2013, 03:03:36 PM »
I went to taobao, because I love searching for unreleased stuff and the likes, so I found 2 lps figures,
if anyone wants to see them search littlest pet shop on taobao and it will appear in the 4th and 5th pages some lps that look like prototypes that maybe will appear in mcdonald
has anyone found any other lps prototype?

Pony Corral / minty for g4?
« on: January 11, 2013, 09:43:48 AM »
I've wondered many times about the minty that was being sold on taobao, and later in ebay
I wonder what happened? I mean was just a prototype? or maybe the person that used to sell her made her like when they do that factory error ponies?
If it was a prototype, then why she was never in the stores?
well if she is ever sold again in taobao I will not think 2 times about it.

I'd like to know more about it :S

Pony Corral / g4 merch from your country!
« on: January 09, 2013, 05:18:10 PM »
hello everyone!
without counting the introduction topic, this one is my first!
I've been wondering what merchandise is sold at each country, that is not sold anywhere, or that is hard to find anywhere else, for example here in chile ANSALDO sells this stuff:


STATIONERY AND EETY BEETY BACKPACK (seriously, its too small)






they also "offer"(they offer them, but they can't be bought anywhere :/) different pencilcases, backpacks (bigger than the stationery set one)

If someone is interested I can search for prices, or I can show reference pics.

I would like to see what other people have found at their cities too.

Introductions / um...hello?
« on: January 04, 2013, 04:15:19 PM »
Hi, I'm cacopony, or greyscale can call me either way.
I live in chile, a country in latinoamerica.
I have loved my little pony ever since I was small, the first pony I ever had was a twinkle eyed galaxy, which I saadly lost a few years later, I remember watching the g1 movies, but when g2 and 3 came I stopped watching ponies. now that g4 started I have started once again my pony collection :3
I currently own 11 g1 ponies, and I'm trying to expand it, I also like g4 merch.
I have a Deviantart account :

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