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Topics - Ivaness

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Off Topic / A Huge Brag On Someone VERY Dear To My Heart! (The Pale Waters)
« on: November 18, 2013, 05:28:46 AM »
I'm going to use this person's pseudonym, Jean 8. Aeglothecca, as her identity. Jean is someone I've known my entire life, she's known me even before I was born! We lost touch a little bit there, but for 6 years now, we've been emailing back in forth, I lived with her for a little while. I love her so much. This is why this brag means a lot to me.

You see, Jean 8. is an author. She's written small stuff, and now she's on her way to writing her first novel to hopefully hit it big time. I'm one of her beta readers, I enjoy everything she's written.  I like to think I've had a small impact with her about the books. She wanted me opinion on the book cover, the layover of the words, the font, the pictures. I think I even helped with the titles!

The book, I loved, through and through. I've read it, reread it. And mayhaps I am just biased, because of the author. But, I would have told her to if the book really wasn't any good. This is book 1 of 4, I've read all four. I was left hanging by cliff hangers, I've emailed her upset over them. I've been shocked, I cried, I laughed... It's amazing.

I think these books mean almost as much to me as they do to her.  The first link is to her editor's website, to give you an insight into the book. It really does put me in the mind of a scifi futuristic post-apocalyptic world, Beauty and the Beast, where Beauty is seriously kick butt. The second link is to the Amazon store. If you like to read, I'd definitely pick this up! I mean, you pick it up, you won't be putting it down until it's done.

West of Mars: The Pale Waters
Amazon Store: The Pale Waters

I'm so proud of her and so happy to support her in any way I can. I want to share this accomplishment with the world, so... what better world than the pony world? :happy:  Please, help me support Jean 8. as well! Give the story a try, it isn't that long, isn't expensive, and definitely worth it!

:accomplished:  Thanks everyone for reading my brag! -Iva

Customs / 1 New Custom (Fakie) and 1 New Rehair!!
« on: October 06, 2013, 04:49:42 AM »
I'm back! Remember my DnW Baby Rainfeather?  Well, Baby Snookums finally got a new hairdo!  INTRODUCING, THE NEW AND IMPROVED BABY SNOOKUMS!
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Her hair is actually REALLY vibrant!

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(And for sale! Message me!)

I made this little thing for my mom, after we had just lost my grandmother, then my grandfather shortly after. She's going through a really hard time. I'm still not done with her, but I plan on giving her to her on Thanksgiving (when my Memi passed.)
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She has super long dark green hair, a flower gem on her cheek and purple twinkle eyes. :)
And she looks kinda tye dye in real life, which is nifty!

Pony Corral / Twilight Sparkle - Minecraft Style *pics*
« on: September 04, 2013, 04:23:06 PM »
My 9 year old son told me today that he's building a surprise for me in Minecraft. I NEVER would have imagined that he would build Twilight Sparkle out of colored wool. <3 <3 <3  :lovey:

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Also, she's filled with PINK AND PURPLE SHEEP!!
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For the record, he did this all free hand, from his memory. <3

Customs / Re-Haired DnW Baby Rainfeather
« on: August 28, 2013, 05:45:05 AM »
I just love embroidery thread. The colors, it's easy to work with... and takes considerably less time to rehair a pony with it. :) Up for your consideration is Drink n Wet Baby Rainfeather. I have no idea the colors, I know they're a little too strong for him, but overall, I like it. :)

Hopefully the picture came out not too dark!

Before a haircut:
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Pony Corral / APA - We Need Some Help!
« on: August 19, 2013, 04:33:26 PM »
APA: Alcoholic Ponies Anonymous

Over the course of my collecting, I've picked up a few "drunk ponies." You know the ponies, can't stand on their own four hooves, always leaning on somepony or something.

What are your best tips for getting these girls to stand on their own again??

Pony Brag Arena / G1 Ponies at Goodwill? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!
« on: August 16, 2013, 09:15:17 AM »
I just seriously found 5 G1s that I do not have... at Goodwill. GOODWILL! My last find of G1s was about 2 years ago. My friend works in the back and she told me she had completely forgotten to message me about them, she had just put them out yesterday. I had people laughing at me because I was so ecstatic over this bag of what looked like hair. Haha.  Pictures! They all need a bath, big time.
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Whizzer - shows her with light blue eyes, but this Whizzer has very dark blue eyes. She also can't stand very well. -.-  None of them can. My luck. I get all the drunk ponies.
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Very poor, very baity Melody.  Missing her tail, forelock buzz, brown syrup on her eye... I don't have her, so I may restore her.
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Bow Tie! She has an eye scratch, but overall, not bad.
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Paradise is in really good shape, very little flocking loss. Just dirty!

And last, but not least... I tried winning this lady on eBay and didn't win.
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Although, on she looks pink, not purple like mine. Haha.


Off Topic / Renn Faire experts, what do I do!! (Costume help)
« on: August 16, 2013, 06:51:40 AM »
This Sunday my boyfriend and I are dressing up, going to the Renn Faire and having a wonderful time at it! I LOVE the Renn Faire. I tried on my costume last night and fiddled with my hair this morning. Here's pictures of my costume:
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I don't know if I'm wearing those nets, or my nets with flowers on it. (Most likely flowers.)
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Decided I'm going to flip my skirt inside out, so the yellow just peeks out when I walk. (Ignore the mess and the pup, hehe.)
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This is my corset (not tightened in the back because I did it myself, and only half the eyes done, lol.) The white shirt is new! I really like how it looks.

Here is what I'm thinking for my hair.
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Possibly going to do green ribbons to match my boyfriend's kilt or a green flower or something. I really don't know.

What else can I do? XD
Help me out here!

Off Topic / A Small Brag <3
« on: August 03, 2013, 04:47:27 PM »
As some of you know, my grandmother passed away in November.  My mother went down about a month ago to help her sisters and brother clean out her house. She found me this beauty and I'm so proud to have it. Knowing that, at one point in time, my grandmother picked this out, touched it, held it... makes it all the more special to me.
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I found this small unicorn at Goodwill.
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And today, at the local flea market, I ran across a 1977 Thumkey/Monchhichi! The guy just let me have it, but it made my day! (I had two MIB Monchhichis from the 70s but donated them back when I was told I had too much stuff.)  This little guy is SUPER dirty. I'm going to scrub his face really good with a baby wipe, but not sure how to clean his fur. I was thinking putting him inside of a pillow case and then put on delicate cycle. But... my washer's delicate cycle isn't all that delicate.  And that IS his original bib! (He has one hand that has a thumb to go in his mouth and the other is a banana, hehe.)
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Post Merge: August 03, 2013, 04:50:11 PM

OH! And these are my new gauges!  They're 00s, so I have to stretch my ears again. -.-
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(I tapered them to 00s... my earlobes hurt so much. T_T )

[giving this a nudge over to Off Topic for you - Kiwimlp :) ]

Pony Corral / Another Disappointing Hunt T_T
« on: July 27, 2013, 01:40:13 PM »
Back before my parents bought their house, I had a small collection of G1s and vintage Rainbow Brite toys. By small, I mean maybe 5 RB toys and 8 or 9 G1s.  When we moved house, I told my brother and brother in law to put my boxes in my new bedroom. They assured me they would.

Needless to say, they didn't. Several boxes ended up in their garage. It's been about 3 years now, I've made several excursions out there, to no avail. My last excursion was today. I had a friend with me, and between the mice, the mice droppings and spiders/webs EVERYWHERE, we didn't get very far. (We ran across two live mice, omg. I screamed like a little girl.)

My mom won't let us go out there and clean it up, because we would throw a lot of stuff away and she has kind of a hoarding mentality. She won't throw things away, though she keeps a "tidy" house.

I don't know how well I packed up that box, it may have been a tub with a nice fitted lid. I don't remember. But, it's been 3 years in a garage, how well do you think my collection has fared??

I once got ponies that were sitting in an attic for over 20 years, they came out with brown spots on them that won't go away.  I'm a little disappointed because they were in near mint shape when they went into the garage, I'm betting they won't be now. :(

Pony Brag Arena / Giant-Belated-Collective Brag! (Super Pic heavy!)
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:56:27 AM »
Let's start with the ones I should have bragged about some time ago. This brag is about invaderhorizongreen.  She had a pony that I remember (one of the few I remember) distinctly from my childhood. I loved my Cabbage Patch Crimp n Curl pony. :D
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She also sent me a super cute fish from a crane machine AND Starsong! (Who I do have MIB in my parent's garage!)
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 (You can see Cherries Jubilee being a creeper. Trying to get in on Starsong's photo.)

Next on my the brag list is, SpottedSlug. <3  She sent me the beautiful babies, Jabber and Jebber. (Now Snookums and Sniffles have play friends!)
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I went to Goodwill the other day, and I just HAD to buy this giant Gizmo and Barrel from Nightmare Before Christmas!
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My mom went to a flea market last weekend, and since I had just lost my job, the allmighty Pony Luck was with her and she found me Glory and Blossom. They cleaned up so nicely!
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Here are some pictures of my current collection, and some ponies in spa!
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 And these two princesses are TOTAL party ponies. They can't even STAND without each other's help!!
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 I just LOVE the color my camera flash turned her hair.
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 Buzzer with all her beautiful curls. <3

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Last but not least... Here's my 3 year old Yorkie, Heidi. All up in my face, wondering why am I not paying attention to her and what's so special about those dang plastic chew toys!
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PS: Here's a cute little Rainbow Brite hair barrette I found! (She has weird eyes!)
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Pony Corral / Oxy Clean Resident question
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:09:46 PM »
Welp, I finally got around to cleaning up some ponies. They had tons of brown marks all over them. And no, after several soaks in oxy clean, they didn't go away. Lightened up, yes. I can deal with it until I decide to try my hand at sun fading.

My issue is the residue on the Oxy Clean is a b*&^h and won't come off of my ponies, no matter how hard I scrub. T_T  I've done lots of elbow grease and Dawn detergent.

Will the residue ever come off?!
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Not sure if y'all can see it, but it's there.

Off Topic / I Thought I'd Never Like...
« on: June 20, 2013, 04:01:20 PM »
I want to know, has there ever been a food or drink or anything that you swore up and down, left and right, backwards and forwards that you would never ever EVER like? You'd never try it, smell it, look at it.

For me, I thought I'd never like ... cream cheese.
I LOVE cheesecake, but it never occurred to me that... hey, it's actually flavored cream cheese.

I love cream cheese now. I have regular cream cheese, strawberry cream cheese and caramel cream cheese in my fridge right now. I'm going to make cheesecake with the regular cream cheese. ^_^ Some day soon. Haha.

Off Topic / Picture of My Boyfriend and his Brother... And the Pony.
« on: June 15, 2013, 11:38:39 AM »
My mother in law posted this picture to my boyfriend's Facebook for Father's Day.  My boyfriend is the one on the left, his younger brother on the right.

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What a poor, poor pony. Being sat on in a closet! (See it there, under Little Brother's leg? Haha.)  Apparently, she was my sister in laws... and she did not appreciate her toys being sat on. Haha.  :silly:

Off Topic / Calling All Horde Players! (World of Warcraft)
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:23:26 AM »
So, my 86 Orc hunter is on a mission. Her mission is to have every spirit beast in the game. So far, she has all Wrath beasts and Ghostcrawler from Vash'jir.

Ban'thalos (the owl in Hyjal) is giving me the run around. (And several other players on my realm I've been in touch with.)  Do'nt even get me started on the kitties in Hyjal. They're realllly sought after on Stormreaver.

Would any Horde players on different realms be willing to help me capture this awesome bird?
The way it would work, you'd add me onto Battletag (jealeen#1563) if the bird is up, you'd invite me to group and I'd be transported to your realm. From there, I'd tag the bird, tame him and cry with happiness.

I'll return the favor for any other hunters. :)


Pony Corral / Cleaning Questions!
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:51:29 PM »
I've reading that some people have used oxy clean, bleach, even denture whitening tabs to clean their ponies.

My question is, how? What do you do with their hair?  I started cleaning some ponies that came from an almost 20 year stint in an attic, so they're a little grungy.  I'd like to get the white ponies as close to white as I can, before I try my hand at sunfading.

Also: have a picture of Cherries Jubilee drying!
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