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Pony Corral / De-tinseling? (Just a quick question!)
« on: September 29, 2012, 07:25:14 PM »
I found a lovely Waterfire, but the tinsel in his mane and tail drives me crazy! When people talk about de-tinseling a pony, is anything more involved than just plucking the tinsel out with tweezers? If I do that, will I somehow be ruining the pony?

Pony Corral / Show me Baby Frosting please?
« on: September 21, 2012, 11:40:05 PM »
  I have no idea how this happen. I'm kind of falling for Baby Frosting. I swore I would never have a Beddy-Bye Eye ponies in my herd...but he's so sweet and grass green. I just can't decide if I should put him on the want list or not, and it's starting to eat at me!
  I'm not sure if I could handle the eyes. If anyone has any pictures of Baby Frosting they wouldn't mind sharing, I'd like to see them, and see if I can get used to the eyes or not.
  Thanks for the help if you share!

Pony Brag Arena / So it begins! (kinda pic heavy, very babble heavy)
« on: September 05, 2012, 07:43:46 PM »
  I am babbling A LOT in this brag, so feel free to skim! My apologies! :blush: Well, it's hard not to babble when you're talking about ponies, am I right?
  A few years ago, while we were cleaning out our attic, we found old toys, including my little ponies. They weren't my very favorite toys as a child, but I did play with them a lot, and usually my brother would, too. (Good memories of bonding, there!) We had gotten them second-hand. Two sets of kids had played with them, and they showed it. Their condition and our desire to clean out led to us selling them along with many other old toys to a store that sells antique or vintage toys. The only one I kept was Baby Glory, who was my favorite. I felt a little hesitant getting rid of them, but I was a big girl, and it was time to get rid of some things. Besides, it wasn't like I was going to get into ponies again, right?
  About a year and a half later, Friendship is Magic came out. *facepalm* Getting into the show naturally led to looking up the older ponies, and well, I missed them, you know the drill. Not only that, I kept thinking about my other favorite, a Jaru fakie that was purchased just for me by a relative. I loved her so much, and I never saw one quite like her even on the fakie sites. Where would I ever find another one like her? How could I get rid of her! I had to rescue her!
  Now, the man we sold the toys to rarely moves his products. I have a feeling he's just as happy hording his toys as he is with selling them. So I decided to go to the store and just look and see if he had my old ponies. It was a bit embarrassing, the thought of paying for ponies I had sold. But I had to. You all know how it is.

But you don't want to read about this, you want to get to the brag!

Only a few of them were left, so I snagged them up!

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We never played much with Cupcake, but Wind Whistler was one of our favorites! You can see how well-loved she is. She's getting a deflock as of now, because she was feeling quite old, the poor girl. Cupcake has become the resident male in my herd!

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Garden Glow was still there! Man, talk about frizz! Good thing I like how it looks, because I don't think that hair's ever getting back to its former glory. (It's a bit better after a conditioning. Softer, at least!)

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Here she is, my favorite fakie! Don't you just love her hooves! It never occurred to me that the other one was a donkey. I just thought she was an ugly pony. Sadly, the poor things got their manes trimmed after we donated them: Mellow Yellow had a(n almost) forelock of flourescent pink, and Donkey had a stripe of rust red. I feel bad for them, maybe I'll rehair them someday.

Now for the epic find: she had fallen out of the box and was hidden between it and something else:

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After finding out we had a rare one, I had not expected Hollywood would still be there! But there she was!! I couldn't believe it! She's always had a fair rub to her symbols, but I was still thrilled!

In addition to the old ponies, I also found some cute Pony Tales figures to hang out with my Ponyville figures, and some petites, which just made my day, even if they were the kind with ridiculously long tails.

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I was surprised to see Topper. Didn't see the merry-go-round playset, though. But that's okay, he can play on my Littlest Pet Shop one. :)

So I gather them all up, and he starts ringing me up.
"Lets see, that's ten bucks for the ponies."
10 dollars??
First of all, my childhood ones were priceless, but I had just recently payed about 15 bucks for a set of petites - not even a full set of petites! I can't tell you how happy I was to hear that! I feel kind of bad though, like I had somehow ripped off the poor guy.
That's how I began rebuilding my collection: with the genuine article, the ones that had truly been a part of it.  :) Glory was thrilled to have some old friends back with her again.

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Thanks for enduring all that! I was just so happy!!

Customs / A question about Jasco and deflocking
« on: September 05, 2012, 02:50:52 PM »
  I'm working on a deflocking project, and am at the stage where I need to get the glue off of the pony. Everyone says to use acetone on the majority of the pony, then Jasco on the symbols, blush, etc. My question is, why not use Jasco on the entire pony? Is it more expensive, or sold in smaller quantities or something?
  Oh, one more question: my dad says we have some paint thinner in the garage I can try. Is that a good idea? Obviously I couldn't use it on the painted parts, but could it work on the rest of the pony?
  Thanks for reading! I'll post pics when I'm totally done (but that might be a while!)

Pony Corral / Nice translation, Fakie makers!
« on: August 27, 2012, 04:34:59 PM »
A friend of mine found this on Tumblr.

In case the link doesn't work, it's a package containing two Dollar Store (or similar) fakies, Gen 3 style molds. They are labeled with the following:
Fun Neddy Lovely
Demon Donkey

It's nice that they're finally admitting that fakies are so horrifying! (JK, Fakies of the world, I love you guys!) Honestly, these ones don't look too bad.

Pony Corral / Show me:ponies with braids
« on: August 23, 2012, 06:17:34 PM »
I'm thinking of braiding Valenshy's hair, and if you guys don't mind, I'd like to see some braided ponies to give me some ideas. Do I go with bigger braids? Thin and tight? Loose? Please, show me all kinds of braids on your ponies!

Pony Corral / Yet more denting issues: blind bag sized
« on: August 18, 2012, 08:19:38 PM »
  I got my hands on the Friendship Celebration Collection from TRU (the gift set that contains several ponies that were released in blind bags) and just want to give a small warning:

  If you're the kind of collector who requires your ponies to be pristine, then for goodness' sakes DO NOT let the ponies "hold" the clip-on accessories! They WILL leave dents on your tiny ponies! (Very tiny dents, but still.) (I also found a slightly larger dent on Blossomforth that I have no idea where it came from, when all I did was put her in a pile with the others?)
  Also, the plate with a slice of cake on it was completely warped from the plastic packaging, if you're the kind who cares about cake plates.  :P
  I'm grateful I just buy these to play with and customize! Seriously, what's the deal with the plastic Hasbro is using these days?
Not really a big deal, but I know some of us are quite picky. :)

Introductions / Hello! I'm new, you see.
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:19:58 PM »
  Hello there!  I've been a lurker on this site for a while, and have finally decided to join in!

  I'm a 22 year old, female Brony - yes, FiM is what got me into ponies in the first place. We had a nice basket of Gen 1 ponies when we were small, but I foolishly decided to sell them (mostly due to their poor condition) just a year prior to discovering FiM (although I could not part with Baby Glory  ^.^ ).  Watching the show and exploring the Brony community caused me to regain interest in the 80s ponies: I could see echos of the older generations in the show, and frequently become impatient with Brony friends who gave no respect to the older eras of My Little Pony.  I wandered onto Ponyland Press one day, and was hooked; I had no hope of limiting myself to Friendship is Magic.  As a collector, my main interest is in expanding my collection of the smallest ponies (blind bags, Ponyville figures, etc) but I now also have the goal of recreating my childhood collection.

  I look forward to being a part of the community of The MLP Arena. This place has the most polite forum community I've ever seen, and it great to come to a pony community that retains a feel of innocence, because as fun as it is to make kids' shows raunchy just for the laughs, a place that treats childhood innocence and security with reverence is quite refreshing. :)  I admit I don't speak up too much, but when I do, I make sure to say something worth saying. Although, it seems I have gone on a bit too long here, so: Hello everyone, glad to meet you all!

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