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Topics - StrawberryMeadow

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Customs / lazy lady requesting sand paper assistance please?
« on: February 10, 2013, 09:09:56 AM »
Hello lovelies.  Could someone please direct me to whatever online site they use to purchase fine grade sandpaper for fine-tuning Apoxie sculpting? needs to ship to the UK though.  I have given up looking - I keep buying stuff which is far too rough. If said site happens to also sell wire mesh to support wings and fins,  well all the better!  Thanks in advance!  x

Pony Corral / Pony Graffiti
« on: January 14, 2013, 07:45:36 AM »

Man Argentina is awesome. They use amazing artists to make amazing graffiti.

Check out this artist's other graffitis. Bloody awesome!

 :lovey: :art: :drunk: :whoa: :jealous:

The Dollhouse / Dear Monster High Ladies and gents:
« on: January 01, 2013, 09:44:30 AM »
In an attempt to stop my 4 year-old daughter from watching MLP non-stop (because even I can only take so much) I started her on MH. I happen now to LOVE the show and so does she (she got an Abbey and a Draculaura for Xmas and she can't stop playing with them!) . However, I cannot seem to find anywhere where I can watch the episodes IN ORDER. It's driving me mad. I just want to be able to put on a playlist for her of an entire season, press play, and carry on with whatever I'm doing.

Can anyone help me? I know it must be out there and I'm just being a total noob but OMG It's making me really frustrated!

~El  :blush:

Trader & Shipping Support / Ebay Failure to send item won
« on: September 11, 2012, 05:38:13 AM »
hey folks. I totally forgot to post this up here but I bought 2 ponies a few months back which I never received. It was so odd because it's never happened to me before, then it happened twice in a month and both sellers ignored my communications. I left it too long (I'm new to people failing to deliver - too trusting!) thinking they may have been held up in customs, and Ebay said I can't make a complaint as it had been too long.

Anyway the names were

tomstuffforyou (who did actually ask me to wait longer in case customs had it held up - how gullible am I?!)


ajkayser (who lliterally vanished off the face of the earth with my money and pony!)


Customs / Structure for Making Wings - help needed
« on: September 11, 2012, 02:29:25 AM »
hey pony peeps! I'm getting more confident with my pony sculpting and have started trying out different types of wings. I'd like to attempt some sculpted ones but I'm really struggling to find the wire mesh suggested by most tutorials. Does anyone who uses it know what kind of thing I'm looking for? I tried Hobbycraft (our UK hobby and crafting superstore chain) and they've never stocked anything like it. I could go to B&Q (DIY superstore chain) but I think their chicken wire will be too big for what I need. I can order online if it's not too expensive, I was just hoping I was misunderstanding and could walk into a shop tomorrow and pick a bit up?

Any help appreciated, as always.

El x

Off Topic / WoW MLP FiM addon
« on: September 10, 2012, 03:02:46 AM »

My friend sent me this. Makes an animated pony prance about on your screen apparently.

 :lovey: :frolic:

Customs / Buttons alt re-hair & 2 TE Masquerades. Three finished ladies!
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:35:04 PM »
I posted WIP pics of my 2 Masquerades before styling, so here's them finished. One has Pinky-pie style crazy straw curls, and one has lovely sleek hairs!

Buttons was a minor restore and alternate re-hair. If anyone has any idea how to stop the saran looking so stringy I'd love to hear it! (Though it looks beautiful if I keep it all together!) I've washed and conditioned and dried it in rollers but noooooooo  :silly:. Anyway, PICS!  :biggrin: :P

Buttons restore/sexy re-hair (small symbol)
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G4 Masquerade
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Baby Masquerade
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 :frolic: :frolic: :lovey: :lovey:

Customs / Drippy paint - Pearlising Mistake - Advice welcome
« on: September 03, 2012, 04:42:18 AM »
Hi everypony!

So I decided to take one of the 2 Gingerbread restores I've been working on and make her pearlised. I spent quite a long time touching up her symbols, cleaning her, touching up her eyeliner etc. She's Bald. Then I took her outside and used my crappy airbrush to all-over spray her with a coat of watered-down iridescent paint. This did, as I hoped, give her a lovely pearly coat, but it also dripped and formed big thick pearly blobs. :(

I tried to remove the blobs and fade out the removed sections so I could re-spray them, but of course it's really difficult to not overlap the new bits - which then causes some sections to have 3 layers of paint and some only 1 or 2, which means they look silly.

I literally can't remove the paint to start again without removing her symbols and I'm totally stuck as how to fix her.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

*bangs head on desk*  :yikes: :yikes: :cloud:

Customs / Plastikote as a sealer?
« on: September 02, 2012, 07:49:32 AM »
Has anyone tried Plastikote as a sealer? I have a big can of it in Matt and am intrigued to know if I can use it on ponies?

Just so hard to get Testors here and last time I sealed with Mod Podge (3 watered down coats), when I styled my pony's hair it melted all the paint and left hair-dents all over her face and neck.

 :work: :what:

Any advice greatly appreciated, as always.


Pony Brag Arena / G3 Parasol GET! (From PoD - I'm SO happy!)
« on: August 31, 2012, 08:46:06 AM »
So Today I got the most amazing surprise in the mail! A STUNNING g3 Parasol by the wonderful PrincessOfDarkness! She's *so* gorgeous! I was in the newbie swap and some stuff happened and somehow I ended up pony-less  :yikes:, but the kind and wonderful PoD stepped in and made me this beautiful Parasol so I wasn't left out!  :frolic: :lovey:

It's like, the nicest thing ever, and she came all the way from Australia! What a journey! Her hair is beyond gorgeous and I've brushed it for ages already!

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I'm sorry the miserable English weather washes out some of her stunning vibrancy, but perhaps PoD has some more pics to do her justice!

I feel really lucky, and as I'm currently off work recovering from a minor operation yesterday, she really brightened up my day (and probably my whole month!).

Thank you Jupi for arranging it, and PoD for being so kind! Pony people are the best people!!
 :frolic: :frolic: :frolic: :good: :good: :good: :frolic: :frolic: :frolic:

Customs / Stuff I've been working on! (Masquerades and a rehair)
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:25:51 AM »
I'm just going to post this thread now because I'm so terrible at taking photo's and the weather has taken a turn for the worse so I'm guessing it won;t be sunny any time soon!

A Re-haired FLower Bouquet, rather Rapunzel-esque at the moment, because I'm failing at styling hair!! Rehaired in Sunlight and Golden Sun from MLC
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G4 Masquerade, done in spanish Masquerade style, with yellowy eyes!
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and G1 baby Boun-squerade!
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As you can see. I'm really struggling with the hair styles. Sigh. Oh well.

Ponies, YEY!  :frolic: :silly: :frolic:

Customs / Season 1 Princess Luna G3 Custom for Kitkumi (Newbie Swap)
« on: July 19, 2012, 04:29:21 PM »
So, My partner picked so many ponies for the Newbie swap that were awesome I originally started 4 (yeah, talk about too confident for my own horseshoes!) ponies! Well, there were several disasters, and only 2 made it through, and one only just!

G2 --> G3 Magic Diamond Glow has already made her Debut in the newbie swap thread (and now the MLP Arena DA group!) so may I present G3 Princess Luna "As seen in season one episode 2" before Hasbro made Luna Celestia 2!

Her hair took some hard styling, and I wish I was more talented to make it look better but still, it's pretty!

Mane is water Nixie and tail is water nixie and forget me not. Both from Scuplting in Milliput and paints are acrylics. Bait was an old Silver Glow from my personal collection.

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with my reference:
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pre-disaster (her horn fell off and her paint melted!!!):
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Customs / Deviant Art group for the Arena?
« on: July 17, 2012, 11:55:50 PM »
Does one exist? A current one? If not I think it would be nice to have one where Arena members can put albums from swaps and showcase customs. Then outside people (on DA) will know what an amazing community of pony customisers we have!

If we already do, can someone point me in its direction?

 :art: :art: :art: :art:

Customs / Quick TE restoration question
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:50:13 AM »
Does anypony know where I can get suitable replacement eye gems? For an adult G1 TE. I have a very very sad Locket and an even sadder (read: kinda grosse) Sweet Stuff I'm going to try and restore and I was wondering where I can get new eye gems for them?

Both have really bad scratching to their eyes, to the point where they have basically been ground along something hard and gone all white and grainy.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


El x

Customs / Spring/Easter swap for Whoa1234
« on: May 09, 2012, 02:20:49 PM »
So I got Whoa1234 for my swap partner. Her colours were all along the lines of chocolate brown and dark purples. Being a simple happyface, they were pretty much the opposite to my favourite colours and it totally threw me for about a month. So I did some stalking and found out how much she loves G1's, eyed up her tastes and found out it seems she's quite traditionalist in her tastes for ponies.

So, after tonnes of consideration I decided against my personal need for extravagance, decided no sculpting and no wings, and went with a basic twice as fancy design with Hasbro-style eyes. Took me another 2 weeks to decide on hair colours. At the last minute I decided to respect her wishes for no neon colours, and therefore no sugarberry (CRY!) and went with a plug-by-plug blend of Moonlight, Blizzard and Deadly Nightshade. (I did around 6 hours' research into hair blending techniques and ended up falling in love with Coin Operated Customs' "Star" mane blending technique. The Random beauty... <3!  : my "mane" inspiration) oh God the puns!

So: the boring bit: She's a grossly baity Tootsie who was bleached and scrubbed, soaked, dried, de-haired etc. Fully airbrushed in a custom colour somewhere in between plum and chocolate brown.

She has a TAF style pattern drawn freehand and painted in citadel paints in pale blue and lilac highlights. At this point I decided I still hadn't captured quite what I was looking for in a spring pony, so in my mind I pictured her, walking through a firest at twilight, new life springing from her feet. (Anyone seen Princess Mononoke? Think Forest Spirit, without the death!) So to try and represent this, I gave her a fuschia splatter gradient on her hooves, muzzle and a bit of blush. Then I glued tiny spring green diamantes coming from the floor level up her legs with a couple of accents on her body, to represent the 'magic' of spring growth.

I sealed her eyes in a full gloss seal (3 coats) and her body was sealed in an artist's matte sealant. However, much to my annoyance, she ended up super shiny. Stupid sealant. Time to invest in some Mod Podge!!

She was re-haired in nylon hairs from which were plugged in and blended at random.After I split her scalp along 6 plugs or so, I made around 4 new holes in between the rows to fill in the gaps. When I forced her lush tail in I totally trashed her paint job, and seeing as I'd binned the remnants of the custom paint blend I had to hide the mess with a glued on tail ribbon! (useless!)

So then I decided to make her look like a forest-nymph type, and gently waved her hair by twisting it, wrapping it round her neck and boiling it, then setting. then I finger-combed it out and put a tiny braid in to pull it back. This way Whoa can style it however she likes when she got her.

OMG I talk too much.!!!!


On to the pics. Which, are totally awful. We had days and days of gloom, rain and more gloom. So The pics were taken on my piano, with a crappy lamp pointed at her. Been watching Lost a lot lately. She totally looks like Kate.

Oh, and I crocheted a little Easter chick which pops out of a little egg on a pretty spring green ribbon. Forgot to photograph it though! FAIL!

Love Ella (Strawberry Meadow) x

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Pseudo-Kate with her Swag
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