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Topics - Maniah

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Off Topic / Cold Days - SPOILERS - For those who have finished the book
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:09:34 AM »
Im wondering if there is anyone around here who has finished reading this book already? Im dying to have someone to trade thoughts with about the book! The ending left me growling in frustration, swearing, and punching the wall (lightly!).

I would love for this thread to be a discussion on the book without the use of spoiler boxes (personal preference), hence the warning in the subject, but Im wanting to see if I even have anyone to talk to first before I go rambling.

Customs / Sylaera and Faye ~~ For Moonhawke
« on: November 24, 2012, 06:19:08 AM »
These girls were part trade, part commission, and I am pleased to finally say they are finished, and to ship them to their new home.

First up is Sylaera. She has a fairly straightforward, simple design. I am not sure how I managed it, but I didn't get any pictures of her from her display side!

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She can be found in more detail over on my Tumblr.

Next up is Faye. Her body is made of soft, squishy plastic. The vines are both sculpted and painted. Those two combinations made for a lot of annoying repairs! Still, given the chance to redo it, the only change I would make would be to glue the vines down before letting them dry :)

Wings are fantasy film and wire.

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More pictures of her can also be found on my tumblr.

I welcome any and all constructive feedback. Advice on how to do something better is always welcome! This helps me grow as an artist, so please speak your mind :)

Off Topic / Google+ Secret Santa
« on: November 17, 2012, 12:13:23 AM »
I was just wondering if anyone here plans to take part in the G+ Secret Santa this year. I participated in it last year, and I had a great experience. I almost missed the signup deadline this year, but there are a couple days left to get in on it if you are interested in this sort of thing. The list of wishlists goes live on the 19th.

Was anyone here in on it last year too? How did it go for you?

Customs / Sailor Moon!
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:43:34 AM »
Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon!

She will never turn her back on her friends
She is always there to defend
She is the one on whom you can depend
She is the one named Sailor...

Sailor Venus!
Sailor Mercury!
Sailor Mars!
Sailor Jupiter!

With secret powers all so new to her,
She is the one named Sailor Moon.

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A wider variety of photos can be found on my tumblr:

Customs / Eir - A NET Cancer Awareness Pony
« on: November 03, 2012, 07:53:16 AM »
Eir is a recent commission that I just could not say no to. A gentleman sent me a message on October 22 or 23, and asked me if I could please make a custom based on the following image for his wife.

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She had found out recently that she had NET Cancer, in the lung I think.. And she as scheduled to go in to surgery on November 5th. It was short notice, but he wanted to put it in her hands before she went in for surgery, as a good luck charm. My commission status was closed, but how can anyone say no to that? :) I paused my current projects and put her together swiftly, and got her mailed by the following monday. I was worried that with Hurricane  Sandy, she wouldn't make it to Virgina on time, but she did arrive safely!

So I would like to take just a moment to suggest that if you don't know what NET Cancer is, check out and educate yourself. If you catch it early, they say it is almost always curable, but if it's left alone for too long, there isn't much they can do.

She is named after Eir, Norse goddess of health, mercy, and medical skill.

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Customs / Bump it :)
« on: November 02, 2012, 06:00:55 AM »
I wanted to bump the 10 ponies in 30 days challenge, but currently the OP is wanting only participants to reply so they can reserve a spot in the first set of posts in which to maintain and update. If I bump the thread, it will mess up that planning.,313840.msg487753.html#msg487753

So if you had planned on doing the 10 ponies in 30 days challenge, go reply to that thread :)

Sigs & Site Support / Ignoring people?
« on: October 29, 2012, 04:39:06 AM »
Is there a way to put someone on ignore so you no longer see any posts or PMs by them?

Customs / The side effects of custom ponies
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:04:34 AM »
I was wondering if anyone has experienced carpal tunnel syndrome as a direct result of making custom ponies. Or, have you continued to work on ponies despite having carpal tunnel?

My wrist got bad last week and I am unsure why. I'm mot certain if it is job or hobby related. I mean, I knew it was going to happen some day. I got the warning signs about 10 years ago but I have managed the condition with exercises. Last week, on my three days off work my hand went tingly and numb-ish and my grip weakened. Same thing this week on my three days off. :(

I did change jobs recently. I went from being a cake decorator to a baker. I type far less than I used to a year ago. But now I do custom ponies at the average rate of two per month.

So I just don't know if its work or hobby related. I would love to hear about your experiences with custom ponies and health side effects. 

Customs / Flat Back Gems
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:31:31 AM »
Out of curiosity.. Where do you like to shop for your flat back gems for your ponies?

If you're like me, you want to spend as little money as possible on supplies! I have been buying swarovski flat backs from an online shop but the smallest they carry is 3mm. They have great prices though!  .79 - .99 for 10packs of the gems. I just wish I could get them smaller than 3mm.

Do you have a source you would be willing to share that has flat back gems, possibly swarovski, for similar prices but in a smaller size gem?

Thank you so much!

Customs / Hair needed from the USA
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:08:09 AM »
I'm putting this in it's own thread rather than the dollyhair trade thread since I don't specifically need only dollyhair.

I am in need of a good yellow for a Sailor Moon MLP that I have been commissioned for. I currently have a packet of Lemon Drop Dollyhair on hand, but I would like either one more, or two hanks of a lighter yellow that is more blond in color.

I am willing to trade hair, baits, fakies or flat out buy.

The hair does not have to be Dollyhair. In fact, Lemon Ice or Jonquil from Retrodolls looks like it would be great, but I just don't want to wait to order it from the UK, since Enchantress currently doesn't have it in stock. :(

My only rules are that the hank needs to be unused, uncut, and able to take a boil perm :)

I'll likely go with the first offer made that fits what I need, so please send me a PM :)

Customs / Blushing
« on: October 23, 2012, 04:26:25 AM »
Hmm.. I can manage a somewhat decent blush straight on pony skin by using some paint.. But adding blush on top of a FBR.. I'm lost.

What do you use to do it?
What brands do you use?
How do it?

This is the pony I am working on that I want to add blush to, but I just keep smearing paint around. She has a FBR that has been sealed with mod podge already.

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Artist Wanted for T-Shirt Design in Vector Art
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:44:26 PM »
Hello! I am looking for an artist to take an image I already have, and redo it in vector art. I need the original style of the image to remain the same. The image is going to be used on a T-Shirt for a convention in May, but currently, the only way it can be printed is a digital print onto a white shirt.

I have a lot of people who want to get this image on a black shirt, but in order to do so, the shirt maker will need all shading removed and the image done as vector art. Each color would need to be on a separate vector, or layer. He specifically said that photoshop won't cut it because photoshop is a bitmap program based on pixels. He said something like Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator will be needed.

The original artist does not have the time to make these changes, or the access to these programs. She has given me permission to hand the image off to another artist to have them make the changes.

Again, this is for a T-Shirt, and images for shirts have to be designed in a pretty specific way, so I would love if I could find someone with experience. If you have no experience, that's ok. There are programs out there that can take the image and make a vector file, so that is an option too.

Please let me know how much you would charge for this service, and please show me some samples of your work. Thank you! Here is a link to the image located on Deviant Art. I have other files in hand that are at a much larger file size for actually working with. The artist gave me two, one is transparent, and one is not.

Customs / Thank you!
« on: October 11, 2012, 01:49:23 PM »
I just wanted to quickly say thank you to the folks in the monster swap who are kindly tagging their posts with blood/gore warnings. I really dislike gore, especially on ponies. So thank you for your thoughtfulness!

Off Topic / Happy Things Go Here!
« on: October 08, 2012, 04:50:23 AM »
For all the random little happy things that you just cant quite seem to justify starting a new thread for!

Today I call the loan company for my car to request a final payout total. This MIGHT be the week that I pay off my car payment! This is for a car that I bought brand new off the lot, so I am super excited!

What are you happy about?

Customs / Bugle Attending the Masquerade Ball as a Magpie! For Bugle
« on: September 25, 2012, 05:24:21 PM »
My partner for the masquerade swap was Bugle, and in her list of likes for costume ideas, she listed wanting one based off of her OC Bugle, which was a MLP with a real fox tail. Another idea was a magpie theme using real magpie feathers. So I bombined the two. I was unable to use as many feathers as I would have liked. They were bigger than I had thought they would be, and this is my first time working with them. I accented the feathers with bits from a peacock feather.

This is expiramental, but I am going to provide a link to a photostream I made. Later, I will edit photos, make a proper post of her to my tumblr and to DA, and share those links as well. Im rushing off to work and wanted to try and get SOMETHING posted. Hopefully it works!;907C9650-7829-4861-9A22-3BC1C9D1956E

Also on Tumblr,
some edited pics.

In the photos her hair is in two braids, but that is just to keep it wavy so I didn't have to rebraid it and let it dry all over again. Originally I planned on curls, which is why it is so long. But when I saw how pretty it looked just out of a braid, I decided to go with that. I left the length long so that Bugle would have the option of restyling her if she desired.

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If I didn't mention it before, I will say that I am disappointed in myself that I didn't come up with some awesome design for the dress. Patterns are a weak spot for me and I vow to put more work into them in the future! At the same time, I was really proud of the sculpting and I wanted it to stand out on it's own merit.

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