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Topics - Saja

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Customs / New look for Medley, Moondancer and Glory.
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:51:54 PM »
Here are a couple pretty girls I gave a new look.
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These 2 glory and moondancer are being auctioned on my facebook page, if your interested bidding starts at $1 and ends in 24 hours. I have a time conversion link also on my page.

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Customs / Any Robin Hood and Maid Marion customs out there?
« on: October 01, 2014, 08:15:38 PM »
Would love to see please!!  :biggrin:

Customs / Twisted fairytale swap for Brighteyes, Catskin
« on: August 31, 2014, 07:11:26 PM »
So all of Bright eyes fairytales, threw me for awhile, i was un sure of all of them, they were all pretty twisty to start with lol, so thanks soo much to Roogna, what a blessin she is, she helped me massively on this one, so the one I chose was Catskin. And in the fairy tale she is human under the skin, and wears beautiuful gold and silver dresses, so the twist is she is an appaloosa filly underneath the coat, with silver an gold and starlight hair. Glad she is loved at her new home, as she was so much fun to make.
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This swap is for anything with horns, and or skulls, can be as simple as a unicorn or as full on as a skull, Let your imagination run wild, some previous thoughts and inspiration posted in my previous thread here,357977.0.html
Feel free to add in inspirational pics to this thread.
Sign ups: open now for 2 weeks or until we fill up
Partners assigned before or on: Sept 15th
First check in: Oct 15th
Progress pictures required: Nov 3rd
Final check in: Nov 25th and then shipping. in order to beat the Christmas rush
Please remember to always check your organizer's feedback before joining a swap.
Sajas Feedback

1. You must have atleast 3 positive Arena feedback and no negative Arena feedback.
2. You must have been an Arena member for at least 3 months before sign ups are over.
3. You must have pictures of at least 3 of your most recent customs to show the quality of your work. This is a skill based swap and I need to know where to put you.
4. Ship on time! I realize real life issues come up sometimes. If this happens, I want to know about it as soon as you realize you will be late.
5. No shipping early! I will be withholding addresses until shipping time to prevent this. The exception will be after final check in and your partner is ready to ship as well. I don't want anyone disappointed in this swap and with so many people going MIA lately, it's best for everyone to hold off until we are sure their partners haven't disappeared.
6. Be prepared with progress pics at progress date.
7. Send me pictures of your completed custom before you ship. I want to know your custom is complete before it goes out.
8. Let me know right away when you ship your pony and when you receive one.
9. Do not let anyone know who your partner is. It is secret.
10. Extras are not required, But everyone loves receiving extras in there package. However, do not go overboard with these. This is about the customs. A small treat/gift or 2 is fine and good but not too much. After all, you worked hard on the custom, it should be the most exciting part!
11. This swap includes all generations of ponies (G1, G2, G3, G3.5, and G4), if there are any of these you do not like, include that in your form. Do not use any fakies unless your partner requests it.
12. You must be in no more than 2 other custom swaps (total of 3).
13. The title of your PM should be " Where's my skull", so I know you read the rules. If the title of your pm is not right, you will not be added to the sign up list.
14. PM the sign up form to me Saja by the sign up deadline. I will do my very best to get partners out ASAP.
15. You must check in with pictures for the final check in. If you do not check in, you will not be receiving a Pony.
16. KEEP YOUR SHIPPING RECEIPTS! You need to be able to produce proof of shipping when asked. You need to hold onto your receipt until your partner confirms that they have received their pony. I also highly recommend delivery confirmation for those not shipping internationally.
17. IF AT ANYTIME YOU DO NOT ABIDE BY ANY OF THESE RULES, YOU WILL BE PULLED FROM THE SWAP. This includes, but is not limited to, missing check ins and sharing partners. Make sure you are familiar with the rules before you sign up. You are expected to follow them.
18. Please be willing to Post Internationally. It makes it alot easier to pair people by skill when everyone is willing to post anywhere.
If your not willing to post internationally which I understand, please don't be offended if your paired with someone not based entirely on skill.
19. Customs MUST be posted in a BOX. a well packed padded, bubble wrap, peanuts, foam something, but MUST be posted in a box. and must include a card or note from you to say who its from.

Arena Name:
Real name and shipping address:
Email address (for contacting you off forum if we need to):
Link to feedback:
Links to pictures of at least 3 of your most recent customs (more than one image if each is welcome) {Please send pictures that show off the qualities you intend to possibly use on your custom. Sending me a bunch of ponies that are heavily sculpted but don't show off your painting skills when you only plan to paint or showing off ponies with no sculpting when you plan to sculpt is not very useful for pairing you up. Please choose what you feel are the best of your recent ponies displaying the qualities that would be useful for this swap.}:
Will you ship internationally?
Which generation(s) would you like to recieve?
Which generation(s) do you prefer to customize?
Is there any generation you do not want to recieve?
Is there anything you do not want on your custom?
Is there anything you favor on your custom?
Do you have any allergies?
Do you smoke, have pets, or any other things we should be aware of in case your partner has allergies?
What other swaps are you in?
Please choose and list 3 color combos or options for your pony:

Please list upto 5 Things you would like with horns or skulls, please add in any pics for referendces too, for your partner to choose from,
Please include any pics that would help your partner with your ideas and choices.
Some inspiration, feel free to post more!!

Approved ~ CSA 8/28/14
Experienced swappers
1# Saja checked in lol Finished SHIPPED,

2# Uninu checked in 2nd checked in tick FINISHED SHIPPED
3# WaePonies checked in 2nd check in tick! SHIPPED
4# Archidraca checked in 2nd check in tick! SHIPPED,363668.msg1320556.html#msg1320
5# BarbedDragon Checked infinished
5# Salli checked in 2nd check in tick!n SHIPPED
6# Griffin checked in 2nd check in tick FINISHED SHIPPED
7# Cloverofmist checked in 2nd check in tick SHIPPED,363525.0.html
8# Sunshine29102 Checked in 2nd check in tick!SHIPPED,363449.0.html
9# Mikeysgrrrl checked in 2nd check in tick! Finished SHIPPED Received

10# Wiccanpony1 Checked in 2nd check in tick FINISHED SHIPPED,363579.0.html
11# KCherry checked in 2nd check in tick! FINISHED SHipped Received!,
12# Urocyonfox checked in 2nd check in tick Finished,
13# Stormpony Checked in, 2nd check in tick SHIPPED
14# POD checked in 2nd check in tick SHIPPED,363641.0.html
1#BethMcBeth Checked in 2nd check in tick FINISHED SHIPPED RECEIVED,363349.0.html
2# Iris Patch Checked in 2nd check in tick! FINISHED SHIPPED RECEIVED,
3# Aintnobuffalo checked in 2nd check in tick! SHIPPED

Customs / Please, show me your FIM customs!
« on: August 27, 2014, 07:54:42 PM »
As the title states, id love to see your creations from the show, specially would love to see your queen chrysalis, muffin pony, Zecora, Dr whooves etc customs.

Customs / HP Swap pony for Mana_Mihara
« on: August 24, 2014, 07:33:54 PM »
One of the themes on her list was Expecto Patronum
so this is what i came up with

ok, photo bucket is NOT working, photos will come when it changes its mind an behaves

Off Topic / Happy 8000th post to me!!
« on: August 06, 2014, 09:59:51 PM »
I was shocked when I just saw 7999, lol so figured I would make my 8000th post a special one!!! Yay me! :lol:

Pony Brag Arena / Happy Birthday MLP Make a wish swap brag thread!
« on: August 02, 2014, 02:33:13 PM »
wooohooo its August the 3rd!! And im the first to be up, it seems, lol. I got the most incredible box from Cassstorm, I am trying to get photo bucket to behave, pics are coming
What I discovered as I was going thru, is that ALL the wrapping was beautiful silk scarves, and little silk bags!!!!  How friggen epic is that!!
Ok onto the pics
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the box was amazingly decorated all the way around
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beautiful stickers
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doll hair, fave colours there too
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a g1 cup, so cute, and a gorgeous peacock bag!!!
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a stunning custom, rory just wanted to be in the pic
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beautiful crafty things to do
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a better pic of the gorgeous peacock handbag
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a frozen bracelet
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teeny tiny sniffles or snookums, and 2 gorgeous frozen cups!!!
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my 2 FAVE g4s ever, Trixie and Lyra
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this amazing custom by Kalavista, she is GORGEOUS just gorgeous
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SQUEEEE all my fave blind bags together
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the super cute, tickles and giggles newborns
and these teeny tiny super cute twins bootsie and tootsie
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and OMG MY FAVE twin set ever, Sandcastles and shovels, there sooooooooo adorable
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some stickers, a pretty peacock bangle and some glow sticks
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my fave handsome daddy appledelight
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NIbbles and dibbles twins, and some frozen stickers!!!!!!
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happy birthday pony!! woohoo, and a gorgeous peacock card
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better pic of the bracelet, and some pretty earings
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beautiful peacock necklace
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and another pic of the epic custom.
thanks so much Hun, you totally spoilt me, I still cant believe your wrapping paper was all silk scarves and bags, soooooo beautiful and clever, and love em all. love everything!@!! thanks so much. :biggrin:

Customs / Any interest for a "Horns and Skulls" swap?
« on: July 22, 2014, 10:04:03 PM »
So my idea, is very open ended, so can be interpreted in any way shape or form. the pony MUST have either a horn of some form, or a skull of some form on it.
So My list could say a peacock pony with horns,
a kirin
a moose
an elephant skull
etc etc
so you can go for eerily creepy, with skulls and so forth, or a simple unicorn will suffice,.
or get your parnters creativity flowing, an ask for a Hasbro skulled out design,.
Tux n tails, skulled out.
or Mimic skulled out
or mimic with devil horns and outfit
your persona with horns?
or simply something that already has horns,

let me know your thoughts,
sign ups will be end of Aug.
with working time Sept to early Nov, posting and all done by Christmas.

Customs / How often do you make a custom just for you?
« on: June 22, 2014, 09:39:32 PM »
Just wondering, as its been ages since I made something for myself. how often do others make themselves a custom? I often am flooded with ideas I want to try, when doing research for swaps, and commissions, but never get around to doing it.
Also would love to see the last custom you made just for yourself. Here is mine,
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what I do know, is I have HEAPS of ideas. and not enough time. lol

Pony Brag Arena / Stork swap babies from Wyndeboo!
« on: May 30, 2014, 02:49:44 PM »
We did a private stork swap, and this is what I got!! Baby Cool Fizz is daughter of fizzy and cool breeze, and ice angel daughter of ice crystal and angel. an this cool sombrero!! and a lovely peacock necklage, SOOOOO inlove with it all,thanks again hun!!
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Pony Corral / FINALLY there here in Australia
« on: May 28, 2014, 07:14:31 PM »
ToysRus in Adelaide $19.99 finally
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Pony Brag Arena / Most Amazing swap box from BUFFY
« on: May 22, 2014, 09:28:11 PM »
Thanks so much there all soooo beautiful, I smiled for a hole day, love all my new zecoras, and the baby rehairs, an the peacock plush,a nd well EVERTYTHING your awesome, thanks so much for swapping with me, onto the stack load of pics!!
stupid photobucket mucked up the order, oh well
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Post Merge: May 22, 2014, 09:30:02 PM

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Post Merge: May 22, 2014, 09:33:32 PM

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