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Topics - Rhini

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Off Topic / Help identifying this Japanese sheep plush/muff/thing?
« on: September 23, 2013, 08:34:45 PM »
UPDATE: So apparently they're called toot sheep? This yields results on google, but still nothing on ebay :S only aliexpress etc. Also apparently called "dudu sheep" lol!!!

PS. Do NOT search toot sheep on taobao, bad not cute plush things come up instead XD

I saw these at the japanese fair a few weeks ago and have never seen them before. I tried looking it up on ebay to no avail  :huh: This one was falsely labeled as an alpacasso which I know it's not. They're really cute and I wish I knew what they were called. Apparently they double as hand warmers? lol They had all kinds at the festival, should've gotten one then  >_<

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Pony Corral / Hasbros gone out of control!
« on: September 19, 2013, 10:00:12 AM »

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Courtesy of the lovely STLGusty

Pony Corral / Ohhh no they didnt!...oh yes they did
« on: September 18, 2013, 05:58:08 PM »
Watching Toddlers and Tiaras (I know I know lol) and there is a little girl named....Rainbow Dash!  XD.....

Wanted! / Baby Swap Wishlist :) Yay babies! <3!
« on: September 16, 2013, 08:39:15 PM »
Babies are my FAVORITE!  :biggrin:

PLEASE NOTE! Dear partner, I am in a color swap as well at the moment, please check which ponies I receive when I get my box as I do have babies on that list (hopefully in the next week) so you dont have to worry about doubles :)

Pleeease don't be intimidated by my wishlist! I know it's huge and there are lots of nirvanas and UK ponies, I just listed literally every baby pony I don't have lol. I've starred the things I'm looking for most, but that is totally just what I'm currently looking for, feel free to disregard! I will be happy no matter what you get me  ^.^


Baby Bow Tie buggy
Baby Boy Bandanas
Baby Princess Sparkle Buggy

Any Nirvana babies :)*
Baby Alphabet
Baby Applejack*
Baby Beachcomber
Baby Berrytown*
Baby Billie
Baby Bowtie
Baby Bridesmaid
Baby Bunkie
Baby Buttons
Baby Candy
Baby Cherries Jubilee
Baby Count-a-Lot
Baby Dancing Butterflies
Baby Diamond
Baby Exploror
Baby Fleecy
Baby Fun n' Games
Baby Gametime
Baby Honeycomb
Baby Hoppy
Baby Hopscotch
Baby Jebber*
Baby Katie
Baby Leaper
Baby Lemon Drop
Baby Licorice
Baby Lollipop
Baby Love Melody
Baby Meadowsweet
Baby Milky Way
Baby Mischief
Baby Nectar
Baby Nightcap
Baby Nightsong
Baby Pictures
Baby Pockets
Baby Racer
Baby Ribbons n' Hearts
Baby Sandcastle*
Baby Sapphire
Baby Schoolbag
Baby Seapony Misty
Baby Seapony Sea Breeze
Baby Seapony Sea Shimmer
Baby Seapony Sea Spray
Baby Seapony Sea Star
Baby Seapony Surf Rider
Baby Seapony Surfy
Baby Seapony Wavy
Baby Shovels*
Baby Slosh
Baby Sparkler
Baby Speckles
Baby Splash
Baby Splish
Baby Stargaze
Baby Stella
Baby Stripes
Baby Sugarcake
Baby Sunbright
Baby Sunset
Baby Susie
Baby Wurfelchen
Brazil Baby Cuddles
Dutch Baby Dolphin
Dutch Baby Satchel
Mesican Baby Blossom*
Mexican Baby Cotton Candy*
Mexican Baby Dibbles*
Mexican Baby Nibbles*
Mexican Baby Surprise
NBBE Baby Gusty*
NBBE Baby Half Note
NBBE Baby Ribbons*
Pearlized Baby Glory
TAF Baby Milky Way
UK Activity Club  Baby (all white)*
Winger Starry Wings*
Winger Whirly
Zig Zag


Any G2 baby sets/ accesories :)

Baby Click
Baby Coral
Baby Dot
Baby Fire 
Baby Flame
Baby Flitter
Baby Jewel 
Baby Lily
Baby Nosy
Baby Ocean
Baby Polka
Baby Petal
Baby Rose
Baby Sparkle
Baby Sunny
Baby Sunshine 
Baby Sweet Snowflake
Baby Sweetheart 
Baby Swirly
Baby Trueheart
Baby Wiggles

Condition Preferences:

I'm not generally a very picky collector :) Basically if the pony displays wel lform a distance, it's cool with me!

What is Unacceptable to You:

Huge ink/un-removable stains, basically i dont want bait


Babies!!  :biggrin: I also love animals, pastel colors, candy. Girly stuff :) I dislike BBEs, thats about it


Just pollen, no flowers please! :P

Other Collections:

Whoo boy...too much stuff >_>

Kitty Kitty Kittens is my big other collection

Here's my current collection so you can see which ones I have  :)
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Vintage littlest pet shop, LOVE the babies, would super duper love either mini bunnies or mini puppies set (in their respective hutch/carrier...thingies?  :blink: )

Vintage puppy in my pocket

Hello Kitty

Stuffed Animals


Here's all the questions I've answered for other swaps :)
I do like them, but Ive got most of them already. Only need Dr. whooves (reg and sparkly), sparkly FS, and POP DJ

Variations of ponies?
Heck yeah!  :biggrin: I collect taobao oddities and the like, if pretty much die of happiness if I got a blue haired rarity

No thankems, I hate wearing socks, rip em off as soon as I can :P

Are your colors related to a school/university/sports team you like?
Nup. No sports for me.

Favorite season?

Are you okay with a custom Stand In of your Grail Nirvana Pony?
Sure! Like I said earlier, no fbr please :)

What about spouses/significant others/roommates? Would they want goodies?
I have a roommate, but she's not a huge gift person. She's really into needlepoint latley though, she might like something like that.

Favorite ponies or set(s)?
I really like wingers, twinkle eyes, g1 and g2 babies. My favorite pony overall is G4 Diamond Rose :)

How do you feel about duplicates of things you already have on the off chance that your partner has to shop outside your wish/want list?
That's fine! Its the thought that counts, and that pony will still be extra special to me.

Do you collect the G4 trading cards/standees/tattoos/stickers?
Lazily yes

Do you have an army of ponies (sorry if we answered this somehow before? :blush:) If so, who is it/are they?
Diamond Rose! I'm up to....10? of her now. Something liek thta, must take proper picture.

Is it okay for your partner to decorate the OUTSIDE of the box they're shipping to you?
heck yeah! Everyone thinks i'm weird already it's okay XD

Fakies? (Did we cover this? Sorry!)
I really like pearlized G3 fakies and G4 mold fakies  ^.^

Who's your favorite pony out of the Original Six?
Probably Cotton Candy, but i'm not really a fan of the collectors pose overall

Where are a few places you'd LOVE to be able to visit?
Germany (for the third time, can't get enough of that country) Italy, France, Japan, china

Do you collect any merchandise for g1 or other line?
G1 and G2 merch :)

I'll chuck one in, do you have an OC/ponysona? Would you like artwork of them?

Mine is my proto DR  ^.^ If I get artwork/customs done, its of her

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Would you like hair for customizing as an extra?
Totally! My swap colors would be cool, I prefer light blue to dark  ^.^  i also like pink!

Do you like handmade things?(Jewelry, Hair Pieces, crochet, knit, drawings, etc)
Love em!! I do a lot of crafty stuff so I really appreciate these kind of things.

For those with children, what would they like as an extra?
My only children have paws :P But they will chew on just about anything, they love to chew on G3s for some reason XD Something about the plastic

What kind of Candy does everyone like?
I love candy xe Chocolattte! German chocolate especially, anything Kinder

No-no conditions:
Large Non-removable marks, chews, pieces missing, otherwise im not too picky!

What are some of your favorite animals?
:kitty: <---- :biggrin: I LOVE my kitties, I have two and they are my babbbiiiess. Otherwise I like horses, bunnies, dogs, and tigers.

What scents do you like? Dislike?
I like raspberry and fruity scents, but I am not too big into candles or sprays

Are you vegetarian or vegan? Are there items you are morally opposed to (such as things that are not organic or free-trade, like tea and coffee)?
I don't care for tea, but anything else is fair game!  :P I don't know how much meat product you could send anyways, but me and the kitties love beef jerky!

Is there anything you don't want your partner to do?
Don't...not send the box? lol

Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? Or neither or all?
Coffee :heart: Don't care for tea

Some of us have wishlists that include things that are NonMLP (myself included here) - If your partner gets those items, would you consider them towards the "pony" dollar value or would you consider them as "extras"?
I really don't care this is all just fun for me :P I'll be happy no matter what

If you got something way whacked out and not on your wishlist, but something you may have indicated you wanted in a past post, would you be cool with that?
I like surprises!

Plushie of any kind?
I looove plushies. Especially cute cats or dogs. I collect kitty kitty kittens

What styles of official pony art do you like best?
G1, then G2

Are your ears pierced?
Yes, but they're gauged and I don't change them

What tone do you prefer your jewelry? (white gold/silver yellow gold brass like tone etc)

Bracelet or necklace which do you prefer?
Necklaces, especially really long ones

What are your shape preferences? (ex heart, star, ect)

Do you like glitter or lace?
Glitter, oooh glitter.

How long is your hair?
Really long atm, trying to grow it out

If you have a pony on your list who's hair is prone to fading like for example Posey, and you want Posey with pink hair would you accept a re-hair if your partner can't get the original?
That's fine, not a worry

If you wear jewelry do you find yourself liking certain themes?
I like vintage or odd pieces

Old factory curls or new re-curls?
Don't care! I actually find them to look a little better when they've been re-curled or at least had the factory curls touched up

Do you like memoribilia from other countries?

Are you a fan of a certain sports team, college, university, etc etc etc?
No I dont really care for sports

One of the ponies has some quite visible ink stains that I'm going to try and sunfade out. But if I fail, would you still want her, partner?
I'd rather not have anything with huuge blemishes

If a pony comes that needs a bit of a wash should the giver or the receiver do the washing (some collectors can be very finnicky about taking care of their own ponies).
I like to clean them up, so either way

Is it okay if your partner decorates the OUTSIDE of the box?
Heck yes! My mailman already thinks im weird

Would you prefer another pony to sweets?
Probably yes, I buy enough sweets as is

Do you like puzzles?
Theyre ok

Would Mlp coloring books interest you (or any type of coloring book)?
Not in particular

Do you have an Army Pony?

Yes! I am slowly collecting an army of Diamond Roses, she is my all time favorite!

What is your favorite Season/Holiday?

I love fall  :) and halloween, I'm not big on holidays in general.

Are you in school or work or both or neither? What is your field (when applicable)?

I graduated college 2 years ago with a Bachelors in art and design, I'm currently unemployed as of 3 weeks ago :/

Do you have a favorite vacation destination/country/place to visit?

Germany! I speak german fairly well and I have been twice and I would love to go back again. ^.^

Do you have any random fears?

Mmm I don't like birds :< But i do like fairy tale birds! weirdly enough

Do you collect pony accessories?

Not really, though I have managed to acquire a small horde of them somehow

Do you collect playsets?

Also not really, too big for my small apartment :[ My dream playset was the Paradise estate and I managed to acquire a nearly complete one ^^

Are you a MIB/MOC collector (mostly aimed for newer gens who's MOC/MIB cost might fit the budget, obviously almost every MOC G1 is more than $15, so ignore this question - DOES NOT APPLY TO G1s) or do you prefer newer ponies loose?

I only collect G2 babies MIB

Do you collect artwork made by other users?

Yes!! As an artist, there's nothing I love more than looking at other artists work!

Do you like merchandise? What types? What generations?

Meh, not too much. G1 if anything

What is your favourite species of pony (unicorn, pegasus, earth, alicorn, etc) and/or "type" (wingers, boys, babies, etc.)?

Sooo hard to decide...probably unicorns and wingers. I am in the minority who really like glimmer wings.

Is there any pony that you really DON'T like? I mean if you see this pony one more time, you're gonna scream kind of dislike.

BBE's I don't care for, and G3.5. pretty typical.

Do you live with a partner, room mate, pets? Do you have kids? Is there anything small your partner could include for them?

I live with a roommate, but she's not really into gifts. No kids.

Your favourite kind of music/favourite bands or artists?

This one is always so impossible to answer because I am so all over the place. I literally like stuff from slipknot to regina spektor. It's easier to list my dislikes, which are country and rap.

Who's your celebrity idol?

I love Drew  Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Lawrence is also growing on me

Name your top 5 favorite Movies of all time

In no particular order: Anatasia, Moulin Rouge, All the Harry Potter and LOTR movies,

Name your top 5 favorite TV Shows

Right now I'm watching Grimm, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Dr Who

Who's your all time favorite pony or MLP character?

G4 Diamond Rose  ^.^ Specifically my special taobao prototype of her

Would you take this pony/character with you to make the groceries?

Uhh sure?

How would you feel about a getting handmade plushie in your swap box?

That would be super awesome!

Pony Brag Arena / Probably overpaid but....oh well :P
« on: September 13, 2013, 08:10:57 PM »
Won this lot at an auction thursday!  ^.^ It has a lot of harder to find accessories, stuff from megans place, stickers, ribbons, and pamphlets. All the ponies are in really nice shape too.

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And the crowing glory!









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Pony Brag Arena / My Diamond Rose Army! <3 Pic heavy
« on: September 08, 2013, 06:53:09 PM »
Since I just finished two customs of her and received a new prototype in the mail, thought now would be a good idea to show off my army  ^.^ I love how much variety there is, believe it or not I don't have all her prototypes.

BEHOLD!  :biggrin:

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Customs by myself, Sunshine and Tiella  ^.^

Customs / Sea Rose, a G4 seapony! And a friend.
« on: September 08, 2013, 06:31:33 PM »
I've had this idea in my head forever and finally had the time to finish her up  ^.^ I also had a spare head so she got a reposed friend with all her leftover body parts XD. First fbr, first repose, they both definitely need some improvement but not bad for my first time I think. I sculpted them with sculpey that was then hand painted in acrylics and sealed.

Meet Sea Rose!

She has a donor Diamond Rose head and a modified la la loopsy seapony body. I also sculpted a coral base for her so she would stand upright  :)

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And here's her friend! Sitting pose Diamond Rose

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...who thinks she is also a seapony lol
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Thanks for looking!  ^.^ :heart:

Pony Corral / Sooo...which one is it?
« on: September 07, 2013, 08:43:27 PM »
So I went to target the other day...

See anything wrong here?
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How about now? Make up your mind!
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Customs / Paint help?
« on: September 06, 2013, 11:25:47 PM »
I am in the process of two fbrs, except I'm using donor heads that I have not painted. The heads are from white G4 ponies, and after finishing I notced the colors are way off :/ the heads seem to be a blue/gray white, while the body is definitely more of an eggshell white.

Does anyone know a brand/color with a cooler white or have you mixed your own paint to match? Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)

Off Topic / Share your imitation recipes!
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:37:23 PM »
I sort of accidentally made an imitation of one of my favorite dishes tonight for dinner and it got me thinking that we should share!

I made imitation Cheesecake Factory Four Cheese Pasta.

Reference  :yummy: :dribble:
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You need

-tomato sauce
-shdredded cheese.

I used a local tomato alfredo sauce, local sauces in my experience almost ALWAYS taste better than the other canned sauces imo. I cooked the pasta, dumped the sauce and cheese on top, and a dollop of ricotta and voila! Bellisimo!  :biggrin:

Here are some other recipes I have that are also super close to the original and delicious!

PF Changs Lettuce wraps
This one is super delicious, a winner every time! I also always make extra 'special sauce' and save it, its really great to sautee chicken in, it caramelizes at the end in a great way.


Units: US | Metric

3 tablespoons oil
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup water chestnut
2/3 cup mushroom
3 tablespoons chopped onions
1 teaspoon minced garlic
4 -5 leaves iceberg lettuce

Special Sauce
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon hot mustard
2 teaspoons water
1 -2 teaspoon garlic and red chile paste

Stir Fry Sauce
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon rice wine vinegar

Make the special sauce by dissolving the sugar in water in a small bowl.
Add soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, ketchup, lemon juice and sesame oil.
Mix well and refrigerate this sauce until you're ready to serve.
Combine the hot water with the hot mustard and set this aside as well.
Eventually add your desired measurement of mustard and garlic chili sauce to the special sauce mixture to pour over the wraps.
Bring oil to high heat in a wok or large frying pan.
Saute chicken breasts for 4 to 5 minutes per side or done.
Remove chicken from the pan and cool.
Keep oil in the pan, keep hot.
As chicken cools mince water chestnuts and mushrooms to about the size of small peas.
Prepare the stir fry sauce by mixing the soy sauce, brown sugar, and rice vinegar together in a small bowl.
When chicken is cool, mince it as the mushrooms and water chestnuts are.
With the pan still on high heat, add another Tbsp of vegetable oil.
Add chicken, garlic, onions, water chestnuts and mushrooms to the pan.
Add the stir fry sauce to the pan and saute the mixture for a couple minutes then serve it in the lettuce"cups".
Top with"Special Sauce".

Read more:

PF Changs Green Bean Dipping Sauce
Really fresh and spicy, great for dipping any veggies into
1 cup japanese mayonnaise, we used Kewpie brand (regular mayo will do the trick)
2 1/2 tablespoons sirachi hot chili sauce
6 green onions, whites only, coarsely chopped
4 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
1/2 teaspoon prepared horseradish

Stir all together well, or put in food processor.

Read more:

Pony Corral / Wow! What an awesome piece of merch!
« on: August 26, 2013, 06:05:08 PM »
I totally need one of these!  :lol:

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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Woo lots of stuff at goodwill!
« on: August 21, 2013, 08:19:30 PM »
Look at this haul I made today!!  :biggrin: I had the seaworld set as a child, the water kitties, and some of the mice.gerbils. I still have them all too  ^.^

I had a TERRRIIBLE day so it was nice to have karma throw me a bone.

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Anyone know how to launch the frogs? Can;t figure it out.
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And this!! I found them a while ago and forgot to brag about these, I was ECSTATIC to find them!
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Pony Brag Arena / A very special brag :)
« on: August 20, 2013, 09:09:23 PM »
I'm so happy I get to brag about this, not only about the 3 amazing ponies I got over the weekend, but about the awesome time I had at the STL Pony Meet. I was pretty nervous about how it would go leading up to it, but wow, we had such a wonderful day. I had such a fun time trading, playing games and talking with everyone. That's the real brag here, the experience I get to remember  :)

But I did also manage to snag these lovelies! Soooo prettttyy :faint: Diamond Dreams is from Sunshine, as well as her lovely Ruby Lips rehair who has like the most luscious hair ever! Cool Breeze is from STLGusty  ^.^, I think she's my new fav winger!

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My other really special brag is my grail Kitty Kitty Kitten. I really doubted I'd ever own him, and I'm sooo ecstatic to have him come home!

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 :biggrin: :heart:

Pony Corral / Metallic Funko Pop Figures?
« on: August 15, 2013, 08:36:18 AM »
Just spotted these gals on ebay, apparently they're a toywiz exclusive?

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The Dollhouse / NEW! Feeler Hello Kitty~Now with pictures!
« on: August 11, 2013, 05:08:09 PM »
First batch all sold! Thanks! ^_^

Next up, feeler on Hello Kittty. I love her stock so I will be keeping that, but i'm not totally head over heels about her.

She will be sold NUDE, but with her wig. As with pretty much every hello kitty, unfortunately her wrists are broken. Everything else about her is mint, I am her first owner. Offers please! I do reserve the right not to sell her.

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