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Topics - spottedslug

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Pony Corral / This can't be random!
« on: September 17, 2013, 06:04:13 PM »
Okay, so which one of you works for the workbook publisher? ;)

This is my daughter's work from today...

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ETA: I know it's not Thursday. But we homeschool and do a shorter school day for 7 days a week, so it mostly doesn't match the actual day. ;)

Pony Corral / "Name your price"
« on: September 10, 2013, 09:15:38 PM »
So, at Target today we ran across an Octavia plushie. Nothing special, just the one we've all seen before. My girls love her so I picked her up to put her away for a future surprise. When I take her to the register, she doesn't scan, isn't even in the system.  The manager asks me if I saw her price and I told her I did not. I truly did not know her price.

So, they say, "What do you want to pay for her?"

What would YOU have said? For real... I know most people aren't going to say 1 cent or whatever.

Name your price.

Pony Corral / MOVED: Custom Pony Eyeshadow/Makeup
« on: September 05, 2013, 11:03:28 AM »
This topic has been moved to customs.

Off Topic / Pics of our weather
« on: August 11, 2013, 07:54:26 AM »
So weird weather this week. I got some decent pics though.

On the 9th we had a sandstorm, smokestorm. 65 mph winds, but not much damage, just some downed trees and branches.

pic of my backyard:

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Normally we can see a ridge and mountains in the background, but can't see due to smoke/sand.

Then last night we had the craziest lightning storm I've ever seen. Lightning in all directions every couple seconds but no thunder at all- and no rain, but that's normal. Doesn't really rain here. ;)

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There was so much I got 35 pics of lightning!

and just for comparison sake, the sky without lightning.
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Just had to share. It's been interesting.

Pony Corral / Zulily has ponies today!
« on: August 01, 2013, 06:28:29 AM »

Wow! So much pony stuff!

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Mask? lol!
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G1 goodies:
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It's free to sign up. :)

I've gotten a couple PMs so I'll put this here. ;) :blush: If you do want to sign up and feel like saying I referred you, you can. It's [email protected]. No pressure though or anything. You get $5 off your order and I get a nice credit to my account, too. If you have other friends you know use zulily you can use their email too. Free $$, hehe. :hug: :slug:

[topics merged ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Pony Brag Arena / Member kindness plus DJ PON3
« on: July 31, 2013, 12:59:15 PM »
I've had a couple members surprise me with gifts recently! I just wanted to share, because both of them have some talent. Anyone can send a pony, but two fabulous ladies here made me and the girls gifts! :hug:

Check this out. My very own Spotted. She looks amazing in the window here. She sparkles and glows in the sunlight.

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She came to be with a thoughtful handwritten letter with adorable illustrations, from Blondponytail. :heart:

And check out her wonderful artwork!
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Then, unicorn_pops, sent me these super cute Pinkie Pie hair bows for my girls. They've been worn a ton already and the girls get compliments on them every time they wear them! So super sweet of her to gift my girls that way. :heart: They came with an adorable drawing of Sluggy. :slug:

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Also, DJ PON3 is here. I will admit I'm kind of smitten and she is currently with *my* ponies. :blush: I keep telling myself the kids can't play with her anyway because she's screwed in... :lookround:

Here's Ember asking me why I can't open her.
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And Briar wanted me to take her pic too... so:
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Off Topic / Cat costume- help!
« on: July 26, 2013, 08:01:18 AM »
Okay, so this shouldn't be so hard to find. But I figure on a collector's board someone can help me out. Briar wants to be a cat for halloween. Sounds easy, right? The thing is she was to be a CAT. Not a ballerina cat, or just the ears and tail from a cat. She wants a full body SOFT furry cat costume, with hood, tail and paws. Why is this so hard to find?? I would be thrilled to commission someone, but don't know how to go about finding someone I would trust to do it. I'm not on DA. She's size 4 or 4t. I don't think she care too much what color but blue (yes, blue) would be her preference.  :|

Can you wonderful pony people help a slug with a cat?? :slug: :kitty:

Pony Corral / MOVED: Price Check For Krystal Princess'
« on: July 18, 2013, 09:11:22 PM »

Pony Corral / MOVED: Sun Damage Advice?
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:39:33 AM »

Pony Brag Arena / My girls have too many ponies!
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:44:40 PM »
Actually, lol, I don't really think so. They do have a LOT of ponies though.  :blush:

They set up their ponies so I could show you collection pictures. Lyra is apparently MIA, but they tell me everyone else is here. The fact that they know that kind of boggles my mind.  :lol: Or not... they are my kids...

Anyway- a group shot!
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And- left side
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And they wanted to show their favorites. Ember's favorites are uh, that one pony and Luna. She loves social awkwardness, heh. Briar loves Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie (she's between RD's wings, so you can't see her).
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And secondary brag... I came home to a boxed 3ft Frilly Frocks on my doorstep... RAOK, much???  :shocked: :lookround:

Off Topic / GAME: Photo Uno
« on: July 10, 2013, 07:33:20 AM »
I have a great game here for you!  :cool:

It's just like Uno, the card game only you use photos. The first person posts a photo, the next posts a photo that has something in common, and the next posts one that has something in common with the second photo. But they also need to say what the photos have in common. No posting a pic and not telling what it has in common with the one above it! Also, the idea is to use your own pictures, rather than googling pics. ;)


First person posts this:
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NEXT person has to find a photo that has something in common and also say what they have in common. So they would post:
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Then the NEXT person has to find something in common with that photo and post it. Third person posts:
Yellow pony!
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Get it? ;)

So now let me grab an actual starting photo.... So next person, find a photo that has something in common with:

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Wanted! / NM (or better) Twilight (pink G1 unicorn)
« on: July 08, 2013, 07:04:44 AM »
Looking for Twilight in wonderful condition. Particularly her symbols and hair. The closer to mint, the better.

I can trade.

* I have 5 bushwoolies in good/great condition with minor marks and paint rubs. Purple one is missing.

* I have Big Brother hats. Missing QB's, Slugger's and Chief's.

Or... I'll pay for her. :)

Pony Corral / Have you ever...
« on: July 03, 2013, 09:18:02 PM »
had someone randomly strike up a pony conversation out of the blue? Like someone who is either a stranger or an acquaintance.

I almost wonder if I was talking to an arena member earlier today.  :blink:

No really. I'm not going crazier... actually maybe I am.  :| Ember (my daughter) witnessed it though. So if I was imagining stuff so was she.

A lady walked up to me and asked me if I figured out the codes on the MLP blind bags, in the restroom- at my place of employment. I told her I had not and I tend to just wait for WalMart to restock and buy the box.  :blush: We then discussed when they restock. Because I was in ultra-polite work mode, it didn't even occur to me until way later how odd this was!

She knew I knew something about ponies because ??? And especially blind bags ??? (the only thing my kids both actively collect)  :what:

I'm racking my brain to think if there was a previous conversation but I don't talk ponies IRL... like, I DON'T. I mean I've seen her around, and she's taken my class before but I'm pretty sure the only pony reference I've ever made was I once royally messed up my choreography and said, "I just don't know what went wrong!" laughed and moved on.

Ever had anything like that happen? This was a first for me!

Pony Corral / I love purple! Show me Purple!
« on: July 03, 2013, 07:42:30 PM »
I want to see your PURPLE g1s. Here and now! This thread! Show the purple pony LOVE.

 Like this one: :enthralled:
 And this one: :zzz:

These are not purple ponies: :slug: :slug: :slug: :slug: :slug: :slug: :slug: :slug:

And if you are missing a pony I have here I may send you a message asking if you want a free pony.

Off Topic / Randomness!! Lets discuss highlighters!
« on: July 01, 2013, 09:00:12 PM »
No really. I want to know.  :cool:

 :lol: Did you have a highlighter as a kid? Or even multiple highlighters? Access to a highlighter?  :biggrin:

I totally did! I was a kid in the 80s and I had yellow, pink, orange and blue highlighters. All about the neon.


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