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Topics - PrincessStarlily

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Customs / Name of pony paint remover?
« on: December 13, 2012, 08:06:33 AM »
A quick question...

On Minty's Custom Persuasion, I remember seeing a tutorial on how to remove pony symbols, eyes, and other marks with a certain product. Since then, the website has been taken down, and I can't remember what the name of the remover was! I think it began with a "G", but it wasn't Goo-Gone. It was described as after being sprinkled on, and dissolving the paint. Does anypony know what it is?

Your answers are greatly appreciated. :)

God bless,

[moving to Customs ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Arts & Crafts Corral / Newest ponysona/first vector!
« on: December 11, 2012, 03:16:30 PM »
So I decided I wanted to create a new face for myself--and here she is! My first vector, too...there are still a few discrepancies I need to fix, so I deem the following image ALMOST unfit for revealing to the pony public. ;)

And here's the gorgeous girl, dubbed Painted Lace (Lacey for short) for my being an artist and for my love of vintage/lace things.

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I had SO much fun, even though the it took me quite a while to finish (EDIT: almost finish). I hope you like her! ^.^

I sketched her first in my school book (yeah...), scanned her in, and finally traced and colored her in Inkscape. If you have any questions, please ask!

God bless,

Pony Brag Arena / Super-duper birthday brag!
« on: December 10, 2012, 09:16:14 AM »
A very long story is about to commence... (please forgive me, I am a very wordy person  :blush:)

Okay, let me start off with
(so far, anyway)

So, last week, on my birthday, my dad took me out to this monthly antique fair that's a few minutes away from our house. I'd found ponies there before, three or four G3s, but that was more than a year ago and I was beginning to have doubts about my pony scavenging luck. (I'll have you know, over 75% of my collection are G3s, and as much as I love those girls, I practically live on the dream of finding G1s or G2s without purchasing them off eBay)

I visited the man I had bought ponies from before, and, not to my surprise, I had no luck. :(

Then I went on to the green-covered tent (this is all outdoors in the noonday sun) I visited a couple months ago, owned, ironically, by a woman who moved from a state I used to live in! :lol: Anyway, the first time I met her (September, I think) she was displaying an impressive bin full of Littlest Pet Shop pets (which I have a number of, but don't collect anymore). Because of this, I asked her if she knew of or had a hold of any MLPs. She said she would keep an eye out for me. (Isn't she wonderful?)

So I came back in October, saw she had found a G4 Celestia I already had, and passed. Somehow I missed November. :(

Back to the present...I came back this December, on my birthday. I had already received a G4 Sunny Rays from my brother the night before (early presents, heehee :biggrin:) and couldn't help but feeling giddy at the fair about my so far dormant pony luck.

Then I saw it. She (darnit, I need to ask her name!) had a G3 pony bin out with four G3s and the Celestia in it! :satisfied: The ponies were labeled as a buck each, and I decided, what the heck, to buy them all, even though it included two doubles.

I did some negotiating, and managed to get her down to $4 for the lot. I was feeling incredibly pleased with myself, and was about to pull out my wallet, when--

"I also have this vintage one--"

At the word "vintage", I'm positive my heart skipped a beat.

And she pulled out a G1 PLUSH BLOSSOM from underneath the table!!! :shocked:

"I had it here last time, but I didn't see you, so I didn't put it out." (See? Just wonderful.)

I was bouncing up and down and the words "Oh, I will definitely take her" escaped my mouth before I could think them through. She was marked for $6 (heck, what did I care her price was at the time?) and I couldn't believe I ended up purchasing her for $5--I had just bought SIX PONIES (including a G1 PLUSH BLOSSOM) for 9 BUCKS! (Aaand I just managed to take the plastic G3 Spring bucket off her hands as well ;))

After profusely admitting how indebted I was to her many times, she said she would continue looking out for ponies, old and new, for me, as long as I was around.


I turned around in complete ecstacy, bouncing and squealing and...everything a truly happy pony lover would do after such an amazing find (my dad smiled and said he was very glad I found what I was looking for--I could tell he wasn't very thrilled that MORE ponies would be entering the house :lookround:).

And just when I thought everything couldn't go any more my way...

Across the aisle.
G3.5 building.

I don't think I have to go into much more detail (golly, I'm so sorry I've kept you this long), but it will suffice, I think, to say that at the end of the day I ended up owning--

  • A gorgeous Blossom plush
  • G4 Celestia (all plastic from Target exclusive with Luna)
  • G3 Toola Roola #1 (donkey pose)
  • G3 Wishawhirl (double)
  • G3 Bubblecup
  • G3 Garden Glade
  • and G3.5 Ponyville Sweetie Belle (with the Gumball House and what I believe to be all or most of the accessories)
For a grand total of $20 (I saved $2 at the green tent, and $4 on the rest).

What a wonderful birthday. :newpony:

God bless you for reading my lengthy tale,

P.S. My collection post is here; click on the first link if you want to see my new birthday cubbies with the new girls. :)

[moving to Brag Arena ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Pony Corral / *NEW* G3 mold fakies at Dollar Tree
« on: December 10, 2012, 09:16:06 AM »
Before Thanksgiving I was at a Dollar Tree with my mom looking at autumn crafts, when I took a peek at some lovely looking G3 mold fakies in the toy isle, and decided on an impulse to buy three (my excuse was to use them as guinea pigs for my amateur customizing skills).

They've probably already been sighted, but here's a photo all the same:

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So I opened them up and discovered, to my delight, that they were of much better quality than the last G3 fakies I bought at the DT (which had misprinted eyes, blotchy plastic, and dreadfully unaligned hair plugs).

Another small plus I found was that none of them had symbols, which takes care of a checkpoint on my list for customizing. ;)

I hope you find these girls interesting; although they are a bit smaller than actual G3s, they are really quite cute, pastel colors and all. :) I'm sure these fakies will stay in my drawer for a while longer (I'm already looking at the blue one becoming a Wind Whistler, and the lavender a Snuzzle).

God bless,

[nudging this over to the Corral for you - kiwimlp :) ]

Pony Brag Arena / My herd *huge update!*
« on: November 13, 2012, 01:19:23 PM »
December update: my collection after amazing birthday finds! :biggrin:

Just bragging about my 20% cooler herd. ;) I thought some of you would be interested in seeing my girls eventually...

I'm at a total of 168 175; can't wait to reach an even 200! ^.^

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Your pony pal,

Sigs & Site Support / New sig pic :)
« on: November 11, 2012, 04:00:04 PM »
Just a quick question--how come my sig picture is squished? I'm pretty sure it's within the size and weight limits...anyway, I'd like to know how to fix it.  :satisfied:

Thanks so much!


Pony Brag Arena / Savers G3 brag!
« on: October 14, 2012, 01:57:00 PM »
A little more than a week ago (Oct 6), my mom and I were at Savers, and I found five G3s that I didn't have! I practically squealed out loud with happiness :P

I don't have a picture now (I'll see what I can do), but the lucky girls are Peri Winkle (I remember wanting her when I was little), Twilight Twinkle, Magic Marigold, Bumbleberry, and Pinkie Pie VI, with her sparkly blue cape!

Now my collection total is 168!

I bought them all for $10, which is higher than I would have liked to pay, but I know they're each worth at LEAST $2.

I'd like to get a price check on them all, so I'll describe their flaws (I know G3s are generally around the $2-5 mark, depending on their condition, but if somepony could please give a fairly solid number for each one, I would greatly appreciate it):

Peri Winkle is in the worst condition, I'm afraid, and although after I cleaned her she is nearly toothpaste-white, she has a few plastic nicks and minuscule marks. Bumbleberry has a SLIGHT haircut (1/2 inch to an inch), but otherwise is flawless. All of the others are near-mint.

Thank you! :lovey:


Pony Brag Arena / A thrift rescue!
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:47:02 PM »
See new post below for further pony description!

The amazing Starlily strikes again--she has just rescued two G3s from the eternal doom of Goodwill! :D

Don't have pics yet, and probably won't be able to put any up for a while (I'll be out of town and semi-absent from the Arena August 9-19)...

The two lovely girls are Star Flower and Bumblesweet I! Amazingly, I didn't have either of them! Unfortunately, Star is in sad condition (haircut, slight symbol rub, yellow crayon/paint marks), but she had such lovely colors, I just couldn't resist her--you know what I mean? There's always some joy and excitement in saving ponies, right?

But luckily (no offense, Star--I still love you to pieces!), Bumblesweet's plastic and paint are perfectly flawless! All she has is a bit grungy hair. :)

They cost a whole dollar a piece, which isn't that bad...I still would've liked to have gotten them cheaper, though, considering their condition. Ah well, but who's to argue with Goodwill's store policy? :/

Anyway, if anypony can help, I'd love to have a price estimate on my Star Flower in her current condition. I know I don't have a picture for you to scrutinize, but I gave a bit of description above, and am thinking of putting her on the poor-to-fair scale.

I don't suppose she'll be worth much, but I'd also (just for the heck of it) like to know how much she'd be worth if she were mint. :)

Now the grand total is up to 162! ^.^ Many thanks to all your support and help during my collecting. :hug:

God bless (and farewell for the time being!),

Pony Corral / G1 sticker identification...
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:46:37 PM »
Nevermind, kaoskat just solved this problem for me in the ShoutBox! The sticker is from the "Something Old/Something New" ponywear set. Thanks a million, kat! ^.^

I need a bit of help identifying a G1 sticker. :) I'd love to know what pony it came with...

It has a picture of a pink pony with blue hair in a bridal gown, and the text reads "Something Old/Something New". I received it in a lot of petites I purchased off eBay, much to my surprise and delight! I had heard of people receiving bonus ponies with their purchases unknowingly, and even though this is a much smaller deal, I'm proud and pleased to have it.  ^.^

Thanks to any help!


Pony Corral / MLP Collector's Inventory discount or sale?
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:11:14 PM »
Hi everypony!  ^.^

I have some cash I haven't yet spent on an Amazon gift card, and was planning on purchasing the G3 Collector's Inventory...but I'm not so sure I want to spend so much on that one book.

Is there any place or resource I can buy this book at for a lower price? It doesn't have to be Amazon.

Many thanks,

Pony Corral / G2 McD's Sundance/Sun Sparkle?
« on: July 24, 2012, 12:02:18 PM »
Is there a way to identify the difference between the US G2 McD's Sundance and the UK Sun Sparkle?

Many thanks to any answers. :)

Pony Corral / Klect?
« on: July 20, 2012, 12:55:40 PM »
Hi everypony! ^.^ I just discovered Klect, and wanted to know a couple things from those who use it before I make an account. :)

All I know about it is that it's a place where you can track and manage your MLP collection, as well as purchase and sell ponies. What I'm curious about is what YOUR opinion is on how it runs, and what in YOUR opinion are its pros and cons.

A couple things in particular I'd like to know about Klect:

  • Are ponies categorized correctly and understandably? By gen? Are McD's ponies and petites included?
  • Are ponies for sale priced reasonably? Is the selling process quick and clean? What are the means of purchasing a pony?
  • Has it been helpful to you in managing your collection?

I think that's it for now. :) It's okay if you can't answer all of these questions, just a couple. ^.^ Thanks so much for the help! I'll add more questions as they come...if I get enough positive feedback from you ponies, I think I'll give it a shot. It looks really cool!


Pony Corral / My 10th anniversary!
« on: July 20, 2012, 11:58:49 AM »
Just realized today...I'm in my 10th year of collecting!!!  :faint: Time flies when you're having fun, huh?

So, I thought I'd take a moment to thank you guys, for helping me in my little pony problems these past couple years, and for being so kind when I made mistakes. :blush: I especially want to thank you all for sharing the pony love! I don't know where my collection would be without you all. :) This community has urged me on to keep collecting. Just a few years ago I had no idea such a huge fandom existed of MLP!

Who's in the mood for a pizza party? Free pizza and cake!! :P

:pizza: :tort:

Pony Brag Arena / Gift from a friend :)
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:44:28 AM »
One of my sweetest friends came up to me this Monday and told me she had a surprise for me.

The surprise turned out to be five near-mint G3s from the Core 7 Anniversary Inspirational Words Set she had found at a garage sale!!!  :shocked:

Rainbow Dash, Toola Roola, Cheerilee, Starsong, and Sweetie Belle! I don't have pics just now (I have yet to clean some of them), but I'll try to remember to post them later. :)

Besides a couple of minor (probably cleanable) scuff marks, their hair is silky and symbols barely rubbed.

The funny thing is, just a couple months ago, this was my dream set. I can't say these girls are my grails (I'm just dying for more G1s), but I am certainly thrilled to have them in my herd! I am especially thankful to have Toola Roola (because I'm an artist), and Sweetie Belle and Starsong.

For a few years now I've had a story brewing (set in my imaginary Ponyland my cousin and I invented) about a legendary pony (the black Art Pony; I call her Mysteria) who lives on the peak of Mount Unicorn, and who had two daughters (Belle and Starsong). In my and my cousin's stories, the two royal lines of ponies (the pegasi and unicorns) were always a certain color (pegasi white and unicorns in the range of pinks and purples). The funny thing was, once Belle and Starsong were released, my cousin and I were surprised to see they were opposite of the colors we originally had set. So I built a story around them. :)

The reason I was so glad to have these two girls is that I hadn't had any full-size versions of them before, and now I have the whole legendary family!  ^.^

I just love all these ponies' extravagant designs--they're so beautiful! Now I'm on a mission to hunt down Pinkie and Scootaloo...I can't wait to own the full set!

My herd total now comes to 158...if I purchase the two girls mentioned above, I'll have an even 160!


Pony Corral / G1 experts, I need your help!
« on: June 02, 2012, 09:14:53 AM »
Hi everypony!

Okay, so I need your help.

This topic has been discussed a bit before. My friend lent me her G1 Bright Bouquet family to clean. They were originally her older sister’s, and although they’re something special of the family’s, she’s curious about how much they’re worth.

Here are descriptions in detail. I would like some solid numbers for them as individuals, as well as all together. :) Thank you so much!

Please note: I went into great detail with these descriptions. Although the ponies might sound as horrible as bait condition, they’re really not. They might be considered play condition, though I’m not sure. They display beautifully, although I want you to be aware of their flaws so you can better estimate their worth. :)

Mommy Bright Bouquet:
    ·  Easily in the best condition of the three. Symbol, eyes, and blush perfect.
    ·  Hair silky, curled, and uncut.
    ·  This is completely my fault, unfortunately...I attempted to take a look on her insides, and mauled her neck plastic a bit. Not really noticeable from the outside; there is some dirty glue on her NDS, though.
    ·  Teeny bit of brown playwear (smooth, not grainy) on the bottom of her hooves and ears.
    ·  Small pink highlighter mark above left eye (when you look at her). Really small. I mean a tiny little dash. Unfortunately, it’s still noticeable.
    ·  Teeny bit of orange rust visible at base of tail. NOT NOTICABLE UPON QUICK INSPECTION. I’m not going to try to decapitate her after my previous attempt.

Daddy Bright Bouquet:
    ·  Symbol (purple teardrops surrounding hearts) noticeably faded on DS as compared to NDS; eyes and blush perfect.
    ·  Hair silky, curled, full, and uncut.
    ·  Spot of plastic near belly on NDS that is shinier and smoother than the rest of his matte coat. A bit trails up near his neck line, as well. Explanations? Not noticeable upon quick inspection.
    ·  Teeny bit of brown playwear on hooves and ears. Ears more so; more grainy than hooves.
    ·  Two very faint orange (highlighter?) marks on DS forehoof; odd dark brownish mark on inside side of NDS back hoof. Not sure if internal or external. Visible from DS.
    ·  I see the teeniest beginnings of something at the base of his tail. Can’t tell if rust or mold; color indescribable. NOT NOTICABLE. I decided not to attempt disassembling him after my fiasco with Mommy. :(
    ·  Legs squished together a bit. Can still stand perfectly; I will attempt to fix this.

Baby Bright Bouquet (girl):
    ·  Symbol slightly faded/rubbed on DS. Not noticeable at all. Eyes and blush perfect.
    ·  Hair silky, curled, and uncut.
    ·  Head/body discoloration. Head browner. I tried to mask it by covering her neck line with her mane, but I’m not quite sure if it’ll do the trick.
    ·  Teeny bit of brown playwear on the bottom of her hooves and ears.

That about does it! I know it looks like a lot...but, that’s the way it is. :) They are all really very handsome.

Thank you so much your time and for helping me and my friend out. ^.^


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